2. Callum

2. Callum

A Chapter by Pancae

there'll be cursing in this so; WARNING.

A few days passed since my death and the weird connection to Callum started.

Things were... weird. Wherever Callum went, my '  spirit ' - no, conscience, went. I could hear some of Callum's thoughts; the ones that involved me. He had a decent life. Seemed to be the most popular kid at school- no doubt due to his sand-blonde hair and ocean-blue eyes, had a few girls obviously crushing on him - perhaps because he was the reason the school won so many football matches and his parents seemed happy together. 
At first I thought that God, or whoever the mystical ' higher power ' is was punishing me for my suicide. I once heard that those who commit suicide go to hell, which never really made sense to me. But, at first, I began thinking that this was my hell. Following my best friend around his perfect life - a life that I was very jealous of.
As I mentioned before, I could hear the thoughts that Callum had that included me. At his football training, he often thought about the times we played together as kids. He would think about that one day that in a defeated manner, I took the position of the goal-keeper as he switched into the role of the player. 
As he swung his foot back and with the full strength of a 4-year-old-kid the ball glided towards me. Me, being the determined goal-keeper that wouldn't dare to let the ball into the net, stood there as the ball came towards me full-force.
It buried itself into my stomach and knocked me off my feet. As I rolled over grunting, I could hear Callum shouting '' Michael!! Are you okay?! '' 
'' Death by a ball. '' I replied back, rolling over onto my back. '' Its still a save, though. '' I added, giggling. Then with Callum's laughter in the background, the memory faded.

Once the news of my suicide came around to him, Callum's life shifted in a way that I wouldn't have guessed.
At first he seemed numb and for an entire day the science of his thoughts scared me. For that entire day I pushed the idea of him dying, away from me. But I would have taken that first day over the second day anytime. 
All of Callum's rage, questions, anger and sadness hit me full-force, just the way that ball had when we were young. 
Michael you b*****d! You could've phoned me, you know I would've picked up!! Do you hear me?! You weren't alone in this s**t! You never were!
If I could stare, I would've. I would have never guessed that Callum, my friend since forever would still care about me. We hadn't spoken since we were 12 - that was 4 years ago. 
'' Can you hear me?! Huh?! '' He shouted, standing up from his bed and looking up at the ceiling. 
'' Well I'm right here! Still! Do you know how many f*****g e-mails I've sent you since you wen't full hiatus on me?! Too many! And you didn't reply to any one of them! Not one! '' 
No. No. He couldn't have. No... I checked my emails daily. Unless... My old school email? 
Im so sorry. Im so sorry.
'' What is wrong with you?! I'm still here! Right f*****g here! '' He continued yelling, throwing anything smash-able onto the ground where it mostly shattered.
'' Callum? Callum! '' 
I could hear Mrs Bennett's, Callum's mother, gentle voice call as footsteps followed. 
'' Right here! '' He continued shouting. 
'' Callu- Oh my.. '' Her voice trailed off as she entered the room, staring at the state it was in. But her shock grew bigger when her eyes reached her one and only child; her little boy. 
'' He's gone mum. '' Callum said, turning around to face her. His face was red and wet.
'' I know sweetie, I know. I'm so sorry... '' It didn't take her long to cross the room and wrap her arms around her child. '' I'm so sorry... '' She continued whispering for a while longer. 
'' But I was right here... Why didn't he call, mum? Why did he just leave? '' Callum asked through silent sobs as his face was pressed against his mother's shoulder.
'' I don't know.. I really don't know, honey. '' Mrs Bennett whispered back. 
Watching that I felt speechless. 
Callum's mind returned to silence.

© 2015 Pancae

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Added on August 26, 2015
Last Updated on August 26, 2015
Tags: ghost, suicide, tw



Hogwarts , House : Slytherin

I'm a -insert age here- year old that has many novel/story ideas but doesn't know where to share them. I don't know what to do with my life yet, but know that I enjoy creating different plot lines. more..

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A Chapter by Pancae

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