17. Boosters

17. Boosters

A Chapter by Pancae

Although Sindy was laughing just a second ago, all signs of laughter were 
now gone from her face.
She stared at the orange raven as it flew around the room, her eyes wide. '' No.. Wha- ... '' Her voice trailed off. Soon enough, the orange raven landed on the ground and shifted in shape, turning itself into a tiger. The large cat give off a low growl before the orange substance dissolved completely. 
All the while Sindy was lost in a shock-like state, Delilah was the complete opposite. With a grin plastered on her face, the girl's brown gaze followed the raven as it turned into a tiger. She was completely mesmerized by it up until  it was gone. '' What was that ?! '' Delilah exclaimed, turning around to look at Sindy.
The girl was still in some state of shock, but soon enough she managed to focus her eyes on Delilah. It took the orange-haired girl a few seconds of silence before she replied.
'' How did you manage all 3 ?! It took me an entire month to do 1 ! '' 
'' 1 what ? '' Delilah asked.
'' A shiftee !! '' Sindy exclaimed, throwing her hands up at the other girls confused gaze. 
'' Alright. These. '' She said, lifting up one of the sweets. Not that Delilah looked at them, they were all different colors. '' These are Boosters. Literally. They're supposed to enhance your trugier power for a few moments to take the shape of 3 things. But it all depends on your original trugier's power and development. For example, I don't think it would work for somebody who just activated their power. But for somebody.. For somebody like Raven or Gaelanda, I think, it wouldn't do anything since they're already so powerful, you know ! They could probably form 3 shiftees all at once without blinking. '' 
Delilah tried to keep her face neutral as the other girl mentioned her parent's names. Although she didn't see Sindy as a threat, both Rose and Madison kept her heritage a secret for a reason.
She tried to push the thought to the back of her head and focus on the sweets instead. 
'' So, do the shiftees do something or ? '' 
Sindy chuckled a little. '' It feels so weird, explaining this to someone. I'm used to being the one asking questions. '' 
With a happy sigh,  the girl was quick to follow her sentence up with an explanation. '' Yup ! Depending on your trugier power and how hard you focus on the shiftee, you're able to sense whatever it is sensing. But it does have one drawback. You cannot change the shape of your shiftee. They kind of take shape to your likings at the time that they are set off for the first time - then its all set in stone. '' 
Sindy giggled a little before clutching the sweets to her chest, getting ready to leave. 
'' So, I guess you're stuck with a horse, tiger and ... raven. '' 
Delilah took it all in, trying to ignore Sindy's weird tone while pronouncing the type of the bird.
'' What are yours ? '' She quickly asked.
'' Oh, I've only activated 2. One is a shark and the other a butterfly. How lame ? '' 
Sindy rolled her eyes, but was quick to grin again. '' But hey, I've hope for the last one. '' 
And with that, the girl said her goodbyes before running off. 

'' So, you done having a little chat ? '' A cool voice asked.

© 2015 Pancae

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Added on July 2, 2015
Last Updated on July 2, 2015
Tags: powers, mystery



Hogwarts , House : Slytherin

I'm a -insert age here- year old that has many novel/story ideas but doesn't know where to share them. I don't know what to do with my life yet, but know that I enjoy creating different plot lines. more..

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