14. Fight

14. Fight

A Chapter by Pancae

The chase didn't last very long. Gareth pointed his bow at Joe before any of us could
make another step in any direction. 
'' Now, it doesn't have to be hard. '' He spoke with a small smirk on his face.
For a second I itched by  hand towards the small gun that was safely tucked away in my back pocket. 
'' You're better off not doing that, pu- '' 
The sound of a gun going off cut Gareth off, the bullet burying itself in his shoulder.
'' Fu- '' 
'' Drop the bow !! '' I turned to look at Alex, he had his gun pointed at Gareth who was lying on the ground desperately holding his shoulder. 
The noise of the gun echoed like an invite for the infected. 
'' Drop it ! '' Alex shouted again, moving the gun towards the blonde boy's leg. 
'' Fine ! '' 
Gareth cursed under his breath before throwing the arrows and the bow under Alex's feet. 
Alex kicked them away, his eyes didn't move from Gareth.
'' What the hell ?! '' I said, my eyes widened, taking in the situation. 
Gareth laughed, apparently amused.
'' You don't get it, do you ? '' His smile was still there.
'' Simon and Clover, '' Joe whispered while taking a step forward, '' why didn't they come ? '' 
'' Ah, see ? Even the old man's got it. They took over the camp, they weren't alone either. Haha, your little group thought they had it all figured out, didn't they ? '' 
I took a step back, my hand reaching for the gun. '' Rose... '' 
'' Yup. Your little Rose too, you sho- ''
'' What happened to her ?! Is she alive ?! '' 
I was on my knees with the gun and his head before I could think twice.
'' You should not have done that. '' Gareth whispered before digging something sharp into my stomach.
I looked down at my hand, taking it away from my stomach. It was covered in blood. 
I could feel the rush of my blood but before i let myself freak out, i shot the gun at Gareth wherever I could, no longer seeing what was before me. I could only feel the heat and somebody screaming.
Before I blacked I realized 2 things; I was the that caused the screaming noise and there were some non-human noises near.


'' Get up, Kenzie get up ! '' A voice commanded through an echo of guns going off and thuds that followed them. '' Oh my God, Kenzie !! '' 
'' There's no time ! '' Another voice spoke.
'' We can't just leave her here ! Kenzie ! '' 
I blinked. Then everything came running back - Rose, the fights, the blood. 
My eyes widened at the thought, but I urged myself to not look down. If I looked down, I would lose it, again. 
As I attempted to get up, I tried to ignore the ripping pain in my side.
'' Thank God ! '' 
I was still clutching the gun in my hand, but as I tried to rise it I saw the blood on my hand and dropped it again. 
It was there, on my hand. I tried to rub it off on my trousers, but as I did I looked down and saw even more blood. I tried wiping that away with my hand, but it only got worse and the pain increased. My breathing sped up and with it came the blind spots in my vision. 
'' Kenzie, no ! '' It was Alex again.
Then, just as I was ready for the darkness to swallow me up, Rose's face showed itself before me. As if she was right there, as if I could stroke her face.
That's all that it took to get me to my feet. I took the gun from the ground and took another step back, realizing how many walking corpses were surrounding us. 
I tried to ignore the red on my hands as I shot at them.
The three of us; Alex, Joe and I were all in a line with our backs towards the woods that we came through. 
Somehow we had enough bullets to take down the small herd, not allowing the walkers to get too close.
'' They've got Rose. '' I whispered, not letting myself to cave in. Not yet.
'' We've got to go. We've got to go and save her, we have to. '' I rushed through my words, getting ready to run. The pain began to numb - probably from the adrenaline rush. I could live with it stinging. I could cry, stomp my feet and throw a hissy fit later. 
'' We've got to put a band-aid on that first... or something. '' Alex said. He lowered his hands - the gun in his left - and was about to take a step towards me before one of the dead buried its teeth into his shoulder. 

© 2015 Pancae

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Added on March 17, 2015
Last Updated on June 7, 2015



Hogwarts , House : Slytherin

I'm a -insert age here- year old that has many novel/story ideas but doesn't know where to share them. I don't know what to do with my life yet, but know that I enjoy creating different plot lines. more..

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A Chapter by Pancae

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