6. Blood

6. Blood

A Chapter by Pancae

Although Kalenah's appearance startled me a bit, I attempted to hide it. Once her gaze met mine, a 
small smile appeared on her face.
'' You really don't remember much, do you ? '' 
I frowned a little, my guard suddenly up. 
'' Why ? '' 
After letting out a small sigh, she leaned back against a wall and folded her arms, her gaze on the floor. 
'' Do you remember anything, from your past, parents, fears ? '' 
Confusion washed over me, and with that my guard dropped. I searched her face for any hints that would tell me where the question came from, but nothing did help out. 
'' No.. but, why ? '' 
'' They want to re-do everything, your memories I mean. Back when you remembered everything you... You tortured yourself with your past. I'm not here to tell you everything, they don't want me to, but I don't agree with what Alex is talking Rose into. But.. '' 
At first, her words didn't make any sense.. 
Re-do my memories ? 
Why ? 
I tortured myself with them ? 
It all.. It didn't make sense. 
Then everything happened in a blur, a dragging, painful blur. 
With a small pocket knife that I haven't seen before, Kalenah opened up the wound on her shoulder.
The red liquid that was now oozing from the wound made me widen my eyes and back away instantly, screaming as if I've seen a monster from my nightmares come to life.
But, that is what I saw. 
While being certain that I was going to pass out, I backed off into a corner in the room and clutched my head with my hands while curling myself into a small thing that might cease to exist, screaming and trying to push reality away from me all the while. 
The red thing scared me, petrified me as if it endangered my very existence.
But that is what it was doing. 
It was slowly torturing me, pushing me into insanity. 
Then, like a waking up from a nightmare, everything went black and I only heard one thing before dying away. 

I'm so sorry. 

© 2014 Pancae

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Added on January 19, 2014
Last Updated on January 19, 2014



Hogwarts , House : Slytherin

I'm a -insert age here- year old that has many novel/story ideas but doesn't know where to share them. I don't know what to do with my life yet, but know that I enjoy creating different plot lines. more..

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