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A Chapter by Pancae


attempted at thinking about somebody called Nick, to maybe be enlightened by my faded memories, but nothing came to mind. All that I could do
was feel sorry for Kalenah, it was quite obvious that the man called Nick meant a lot to her as hard as she tried to make her face as hard as stone. Once she began cleaning her wound again, I found my voice and decided to speak.
'' I'm so sorry.. '' 
The second I spoke her eyes shot up at me with clear confusion, before they were wiped from any emotion as they turned to Alex. 
He, in turn, took a deep breath before giving a brief explanation of everything. 
'' The day you left, we obeyed the order of checking out the surroundings. We found a camp. Didn't take anything but the guys that found us there assumed something and began chasing us, or her and Rose anyway. They spotted them first, that's why I think. The two of them split and Rose managed to escape and meet me. Anyway, the point is that once Mackenzie was on her own, something happened and she lost her memories. '' 
Kalenah sighed before cursing under her breath.
'' What does she remember ? '' 
The beginning of Alex's response came almost instantly, but I got tiered of being treated as if I wasn't there and spoke for myself.
'' I'm not a complete loony. I know about the apocalypse, Rose and this place.  '' 
Although it wasn't a great bit of information, my tone remained sharp and confident, which made the hint of a smile appear on Kalenah's face.
''  So you haven't completely lost it, eh ? '' 
I smiled at her before she could  flick her eyes away from me. 
'' Anyway, any idea's of how she lost her memories ? You know about th- '' 
'' She fell from a tree. That's my theory, and a very likely one. '' 
Kalenah's hard expression returned, her voice no different. 
'' Calm it, kid. 
Anyway. As I said, we need a new raid leader. We didn't get much, but it should be enough to last us another few days; week tops. '' 

Week tops ? If she left the day I forgot everything, and I've been here a few weeks, shouldn't they have gathered enough food to last a bit longer ? 
The questions began forming inside of my head, each one without an answer before I reached the obvious conclusion. 
You're in the middle of an apocalypse. 
'' Can't we hunt ? '' 
My question seemed to have interrupted some conversation between Alex and Kalenah, but the leader frowned and answered my question anyway, no longer cleaning her arm wound. 
'' It'd make too much noise and attract those walkers. Besides, by the time we'd set up snares somebody would decide to call the food theirs. The effort and materials would be wasted. '' 
The answer seemed obvious now, yet the question still stayed with me... 
'' What if we didn't use guns though ? '' 
Now that brought a spark inside of Kalenah. She smirked at me before saying. 
'' You keep thinking, brain. I'll have Joe make a few bows and arrows, see who can shoot them afterwards. Ha, I can't believe I didn't think of that. And now with Summer here there'll be plenty of food. '' 
With that she walked off with a '' Later. '' towards us. Pleased with myself, I turned to look at Alex to have him glaring at me. 
'' With that attitude you'll get assigned to be the raid leader. '' 


 Afterwards, without saying anything, Alex led me back to my prison, leaving me to wonder about
his words. 
Was he jealous ? No.. Why would he be ? Worried ? .. It didn't seem like it..
I continued wondering about this, without any answers coming to mind. When I decided to give up, Kalenah appeared out of nowhere. 

© 2014 Pancae

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Added on January 3, 2014
Last Updated on January 19, 2014



Hogwarts , House : Slytherin

I'm a -insert age here- year old that has many novel/story ideas but doesn't know where to share them. I don't know what to do with my life yet, but know that I enjoy creating different plot lines. more..

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