8. Diary

8. Diary

A Chapter by Pancae


Only after a few minutes after Mike's disappearance did Delilah notice
that her eyes returned to the spot where Mike once stood.
'' So, did you shake it off yet ? '' Jared's concern was quite clear in his voice. 
All that Delilah had to do was look at him to make Jared explain what he meant. After taking in a deep breath that could only represent boredom, Jared began to explain.
'' Mike's power is quite obvious, the name that he labels himself with gives it away. Mike of the ICE . Well, he is around 16 now and his power has been activated whilst he was really young. 7, I think. Anyway, it did have some side effects but it also increased his training time. Never-less, it became illegal to activate any power to anybody that is under 13 years old and even then its risky. 
But that doesn't matter. Mike got more time to train, not to mention that he was pretty good at it too, I'll give him that. His name is actually Mike Froid, but it's not like he'll respond to that.His 
power is a lot more advanced than some and.. Well, you felt what his presence does. His power is that strong that it might as fell freeze the air around us. It also lures people in. Not that he doesn't like it or anything. ' He can't control it. ' Of course the Boss knows its not true, but there's nothing we could do. Kicking him out would only make more cleaning up for us, not to mention that his bloody parents wouldn't let it happen. ''


The lunch was a rather quiet event. After Jared finished explaining Mike to Delilah, somebody
came for Jared, calling it  an ' urgent situation ' and Delilah was left in the big hospital-like room all on her own. At first it was rather odd. Usually in school she'd have her friends to sit with and the usual buzz of everybody else around her. Oh God, her friends. What on earth would they think ?! Would they assume that she ditched them ? Did they get some sort of explanation ?  If so, from who ?  When will she ever get to see them ? 
Just the questions give her a sore head, never mind the answers to those questions, so to occupy herself she sat down and took out the diary that Jared give her. She had mixed emotions about it, but forced herself to open the diary. The first few pages were ripped out, so Delilah thought that she would be better off reading the back, just to see if Raven did write down which foods effected his powers. The first few pages were also ripped out from the back, but one page was filled with inky writing.

Without thinking too much, Delilah opened up the box that her cheese and ham sandwiches
were put in. She didn't know where Jared got them, but they didn't look off. In fact, they looked far better than any sort of food she'd be forced to have at her school. He probably got them from some store here or something. She thought before biting into it. 
With one hand holding the sandwich and the other flicking through the pages, the next one that was filled with writing grabbed Delilah's attention.

Never in her entire life had Delilah felt so confused. 
Rose ? Surely, not her mother ? There were hundreds of women called Rose that Raven must've known.. Right ? Girls ? No.. Raven couldn't have been writing about her. 
' But never would I have guessed that it would happen so soon. ' 
What would happen so soon ? Why did he know that something would happen ? 
With those thoughts running through her head, Delilah was eager to read on, so eager that when Jared's voice echoed around the room she remembered to swallow the rest of her sandwich. 
'' Hey there, blue hair. I'm sorry, it was an emergency.  The boss had us all lo- '' 
His voice cut off as soon as Delilah shoved the diary in her pocket and looked up at Jared, ready to ask yet another question. His eyes just looked at the girl, awaiting for her question.
'' Did Raven have any children ? '' 
Clearly the question took Jared aback. His eyes widened a bit and it didn't take long for Jared to sigh... 
'' Well... I, you know... I guess not... I mean, non of us did got involved in his personal life... At least, not all of us... '' 
It was quite obvious that Jared was either clueless yet eager to give an answer, embarrassed or both.

© 2014 Pancae

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Added on November 15, 2013
Last Updated on January 3, 2014
Tags: superpowers, twins, chapter



Hogwarts , House : Slytherin

I'm a -insert age here- year old that has many novel/story ideas but doesn't know where to share them. I don't know what to do with my life yet, but know that I enjoy creating different plot lines. more..

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