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2. Identity

2. Identity

A Chapter by Pancae

Finally, the nameless girl's questions get answered yet even more questions rise to the surface.

'' Mackenzie, stop it ! It's not funny ! '' 
I couldn't see the tears that stroked the girls face, but her tone made it quite clear that she was crying. I tried pulling myself up again to somehow go to comfort the girl, but my muscles screamed in protest. Without giving in this time, I awkwardly sat up with my eyes locked on the little girl again. 
'' I'm so sorry... '' 
Was all that I was able to make myself sayAfter a few minutes that seemed to turn into hours, the little girl spoke up again but was cut off by a different, deeper voice. 
'' Rose ? Are you in there ? '' 
'' Y-Yea. Sh-She's in h-here too-o. '' 
Before I could react in any way another person walked into the small, tight space. It was clear that he was a teenager, around 16-17. His skin looked rather tan in the dim light, which made his eyes and short hair look dark brown and his face was too, covered in dirt just like the girl's. I pushed myself as far as I could away from the two when sudden fear rushed through me.  
'' She d-doesn't remember anything. A-Alex please help her... '' 
The little girl - Rose said. Her voice was a lot steadier now and I guessed that she stopped crying. My eyes met the boys for a split second before he turned to look at Rose again. His expression was just like Rose's, pain covered everything. Although once it met the girls, it softened.
'' It's s'kay. You go, I'll take care of her. '' 
'' Really ? '' 
'' Yea. '' 
The boy even managed to pull a small smile, but Rose didn't return it. Instead she just nodded and went out, then the pain returned to the boy's face. I felt myself fill with worry. She was a young girl. Was it really safe for her to be out there on her own while all of humanity was beginning to dissolve ? Something could catch her, someone human or non human...
'' Will she be okay ? '' I mumbled without meeting the boy's eyes. Instead, my eyes focused on my hands. 
I could feel his eyes on me, yet I couldn't make myself look up. Something in my gut refused to let me do so.
'' Yea, she'll be fine. '' 
He said, his tone a lot softer and whisper-like than before. We sat in silence without looking at each-other for what seemed like a long time, but the boy broke it after a while.
'' Is it true ? Can you really not remember anything ? '' 
When answering I made sure to force myself to look at him, just in case he'd misunderstood my lack of eye-contact.
'' Yes. ''
This time it was he who dropped his gaze. The silence continued for another short while until he let out a sigh. 
'' Alright... 
Your name is Mackenzie Elizabeth Hale, but you always insist on being called Kenzie. You're 16 years old. The other girl is your 13 year old sister, Rose Isabella Hale. My name is Alex Price and I'm 17. ''
He stopped to meet my eyes before dropping them again. It was perfectly clear that saying all this hurt him, somehow, but Alex went on anyway. 
'' We... I mean, when you forgot everything, that was because of me. There is an apocalypse goi- ''
'' I know about the apocalypse and how it was caused... I know that much.. '' 
I tried to make my voice soft, but all that I managed was a whisper. He didn't reply to that, instead he ignored it and skipped that part. 
'' The three of us were out looking for food and we stumbled upon a small camp. I went around it to go see if there was anybody near it, but a couple of guys spotted you two and... I don't know what the guys there thought, because we didn't steal anything but... They went after you and Rose anyway. I don't think they knew that I was there... While you were running away you told Rose to run back and meet up with me, you told her that you'd keep the guys with you until we'd get the others. But y- '' 
'' The others ? '' 
I interrupted. Were our parents here too ? I attempted to force my brain into telling me any answers, anything at all but everything was blank. As if I was stripped off any memories that I once had. 
My eyes continued to rest on Alex to hear his answer, but he either didn't hear me or ignored my question again.
'' But the guys only followed you for a short time before one of them turned around and went after Rose. I don't know what happened then because you were on your own, but for some reason you climbed a tree and ended up falling off and hitting your head hard. By the time Rose had already caught up with me, we were both running to catch up with you but another group of guys went after us. From then on it was just luck that we reached you. Rose was the one the spotted you first and she tried to get you up but you weren't responding... Then the others caught up with us and the guys that chased us ran off. We brought you here,  but... But nobody thought that you'd end up like this. '' 
'' I... '' 
I mumbled.. No... No this couldn't be. Falling off a tree made me forget everything ? No, that was just stupid. Surely people fall from trees and are alright after it... That couldn't be the cause of it all.. It was crazy to think that it was and.. How could I not remember my own sister ? That was just pure cruelty... No, Rose must've mistaken me for another person... What if there was another girl out there who is looking for them right now ? It couldn't be me... 
'' No, no, no... '' 
I continued to mumble. No no no... This, this can't be... It just can't ! My head refused to believe any of this. 
'' How could I not remember my own sister ?! That's cruel ! Its not me, It can't be... Please, please go look for the right girl.. The gir- Rose's sister. '' 
'' It's you, Kenzie. You'd think that Rose wouldn't remember your face ? '' 
I shuddered. Was I really that cruel ? Did I honestly loose all of the memories I had with her, with them ? 
'' Please.. Please go lo- '' 
'' Its you ! Just stop with all of this already ! Your Mackenzie, the Kenzie that is related to the girl out there ! '' 
I shuddered and refused to meet his glare again. No.. It couldn't be.. Or... Was I a a cruel person before all of this ?  Was this was my punishment ? Even if I was cruel... I couldn't keep up with the Mackenzie that they're looking for... The Kenzie that is blood related to Rose.
'' Don't. Just don't call me Kenzie... I'm not her. Call me Elizabeth... Liz, Beth I don't care.. But not Kenzie.. Not, not unti- '' 
'' Ha, so it is true. '' 
I was interrupted by another deep voice. I looked up to see an older man, around 50 years old. He had a short whitening beard along with a cowboy's hat that covered his hair. He met my gaze with hard eyes and a grin. I cowered back again into a hard surface, yet my eyes didn't drop from his.
'' Just make sure that she doesn't go off running and ruin what we've got. '' 
The man said while glaring at Alex. 
'' She can do what she wants old man, you can't ord- ! '' 
'' Watch who you're talking to, kid. '' 
With that the old man's grin disappeared along with he himself. I tried to thank Alex for sticking up for me, but something stopped me from doing so, instead a different sentence rushed out of my mouth.
'' Who.. Who was that ? ''
'' Liz, meet the ol' man Joe. The second in command of this place. '' 

© 2013 Pancae

Author's Note

Any comments/reviews/tips would be greatly appreciated c: .

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Okay I wanted to review the first chapter but I had to keep reading :) I love how you drag out the exposition of the nature of the apocalypse, but if it is what I think it is, there is little I like more setting-wise. I'm looking forward to continue reading this!

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

thank you ! ^^ i hope that you'll continue liking it !

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1 Review
Added on August 29, 2013
Last Updated on December 25, 2013
Tags: amnesia, zombies, apocalypse, apocalyptic universe, end of the world.



Hogwarts , House : Slytherin

I'm a -insert age here- year old that has many novel/story ideas but doesn't know where to share them. I don't know what to do with my life yet, but know that I enjoy creating different plot lines. more..

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