6. Silence

6. Silence

A Chapter by Pancae


As soon as the two entered the huge room filled with, what seemed like, never ending tables, a humming of
words broke out throughout the entire room. Some people bothered to keep their voice down, while others spoke out loud.
Is she the chosen one ? 
No one could compare with Raven.
What is the boss thinking ? 
I hope that she'll be alright. 
Things like that echoed around the room and Delilah tried to ignore them all. The girl's brown eyes looked at a few people that were speaking out loud and all immediately turned around, as if they didn't do or say anything. 
The chosen one ? What were they talking about ? Was Jared something special ? No.. Somebody said that the chosen one was a she. But..  Where they talking about her ? And why would she find the need to become like the man called Raven ? She looked up at Jared just to see his eyes flick away from her. 
'' So, whats the deal with them ? '' 
She whispered just to have him look at her with eyes full of understanding and sorrow. 
'' I'm sorry... '' 
Was all that he said before taking Delilah's hand. Then something cool flooded through her body, as if she stood under a cool stream of water. Before she knew what was happening, everybody around them let out a groan and continued on with their previous conversations whilst Jared and Delilah walked out of the huge room, as if invisible. 

When the two were outside and the hum of the voices no longer existed, Delilah asked '' What just happened ? '' 
'' I had to get you out of there. All of those hypocrites, I don't know why the boss would think that they would change their mind... I'm so sorry. We'll go eat somewhere else. '' 
The girls confusion didn't budge. Why did Jared just call them all hypocrites ? Change their mind about what ? Why should they change their mind , why would they need to change their mind ? 
'' Jared... '' She said, her eyes locked on the face that didn't dare meet her eyes. 
'' I... '' He said before looking at her. '' I wish that I could explain, but I can't it's just.. I really wish I could. '' 
Her brown eyes dropped their gaze while walking through the hallway. Questions kept rising, why wasn't she getting any answers ? It's not like she would go off and expose their world. A world that is now a part of her. Is that why Jared won't explain anything ? 
'' You know.. '' She began. '' Your world is now my world. I won't tell anybody about all of this power secret stuff. '' 
This time it was Delilah that didn't look up at Jared. 
'' Its not that. I'm sure that you won't, its just that... '' He stopped there, before continuing to walk again. '' Delilah, can you answer my question ? '' 
Sure. Let me answer all of yours while I stand here being clueless. 
'' Sure. '' 
'' Lets say that there was a superhero. A superhero that had superpowers so superior to everybody elses and was the most powerful person that ever lived. Now lets say that that superhero shared his powers among the people he trusted to protect the world, yet when it was his turn to face death, he chose a complete stranger to hold the orgin of every-bodies abilities. Now lets say that you were one of the trusted ones. How would you feel ? '' 
Jared stopped walking again and his eyes remained on Delilah. It was clear that he was eager to hear her reply yet there was something else on his face too... Something that wasn't quite regret or sorrow but a mix of the two. 
'' I .. '' 
The blue haired girl began. The reply was almost obvious to her. 

© 2014 Pancae

Author's Note

Once again, sorry to anybody that was waiting for another chapter ^^''

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Added on August 27, 2013
Last Updated on January 3, 2014



Hogwarts , House : Slytherin

I'm a -insert age here- year old that has many novel/story ideas but doesn't know where to share them. I don't know what to do with my life yet, but know that I enjoy creating different plot lines. more..

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