5. Powers

5. Powers

A Chapter by Pancae


As the warm feeling spread by the tiniest inch, Delilah felt somewhat 
proud of herself that she even got it to move. But moving and focusing were two different things so the girl had to try even harder to focus the thing onto her left palm, with the warm sensation not co-operating. Instead of the liquid-y form it was in before, the warmth was suddenly solid and didn't move at all. In fact, Delilah was even more aware of it now due to the burning she felt inside of her. She tried to turn it back to the thing it was before, just to fail over and over again. It got to a point where she was ready to scream at Jared to do something about the burning pain, but as soon as her eyes flung open in panic the burning dissolved altogether. She searched for an explanation on her mentor's face, but his now solid expression give nothing away. Delilah closed her eyes again and focused on the liquid-y sensation that was coming back. This time instead of trying to move it she tried to teleport it.
Delilah was sure that it took her more than half an hour to get the smallest part of the liquid to her palm, but she did it and kept repeating it until all of the liquid-y warmth was on her left palm. Thinking that that was it, Delilah peeked at her left hand but it looked the same. She concentrated harder on the warmth but the burning feeling was back, this time it was on her left hand and even though it stung a bit, Delilah was able to open her eyes just to have them widen in shock. 

There it was. A fire ball the size of a golf ball was now floating a few
inches above her palm. Even though a fire ball was floating a few inches above her palm, Delilah felt no burning apart from the stinging that the solid thing was doing. She tried flicking her gaze at Jared, but as soon as she did the solid turned into a liquid and with that the small fireball disappeared and the liquid went back to its original place at the center of her tummy. 
'' That was awesome. '' She mumbled, still in shock. 
Within few seconds her shock was broken by Jared's clapping. 
'' With practice the stinging will go away. I'm surprised that you even created that thing... It took Ra- '' He stopped mid-sentence but began speaking another just as fast. '' The stinging won't last long. I recon it'll go away in a day or two.  ''  A small smirk played on his lips once his words were spoken.
Delilah tried to ignore his earlier sentence and asked him the first thing that was on her mind. 
'' Well, you saw how I did. Why don't you show me how your invisibility works ? ''  Delilah wondered about that a bit. In fact, she was curious how Jared's power works. Could he make himself half invisible ? But when would he ever need that anyway ? Being half-invisible doesn't have its good sides, does it ? 
Delilah let her mind wonder a bit before Jared snapped her back into reality with his voice. 
'' Sure. It's nothing exiting really. Having a fireball levitating. Now, that's a thrill. '' He grinned at her before disappearing. It didn't even look like he concentrated that much about it, but then again Jared did have some experience while Delilah was below zero in that. 
'' See, nothin' exiting. '' 
His voice came from behind Delilah, she spun around just to have him closer than expected. Jared laughed a little before stepping back a few steps. 
'' Now, you must be hungry. We've spend a few hours here. '' 
Delilah thought about that a bit. She didn't feel starving, but then it might just be the shock and adrenaline that was still buzzing through her veins.  She nodded  at him before rising her voice. 
'' Sure.  '' 

The walk out of the training room was rather quiet. Jared made
walls split in two as they walked out before they clicked together again, giving no sign that a few seconds ago they were separated. Her eyes flicked over to the screen as they were crossing the big hospital-like room, wondering if Madison is still there. 
'' You know that she's a person, right ? It's not like she is some digital woman. '' Jared suddenly said, taking the girl by surprise.
'' Of course I know. '' She snapped at him, feeling a little let down that he'd think that she was that stupid. 
Jared just laughed. 
'' All right, all right. Some people don't know that and assume that we're all cyborgs. ''
As the two crossed the room her eyes fell on an entrance that she was sure wasn't there before. It didn't split in two, it just looked like a square was cut out to make a hallway. The little hallway was a little duller than the room it was connected to, having the walls on either side covered in green tiles with a dull light on the ceiling every few centimeters. 
'' So... '' She mumbled. '' Do we eat some special food ? Are there any no-no's that would dissolve our powers ? '' 
Delilah didn't bother to look at Jared and she didn't feel his eyes on her when he was giving her the reply. 
'' Gosh, you ask so many questions. Should'a asked the boss about all that. '' 
After he complained a little, Jared got to the point. 
'' Well I know that I can't eat certain things. I haven't stumbled upon anything that I can't drink. I can't eat certain breads, they have a weird backfire on my strength. I dunno why, some ingredients or something. '' 
Jared came to a halt when they reached a splitting of the hallway. Left,Right or straight ahead. After a little thinking Jared turned Right. 
'' Anyway, I'm sure that you'll find something in that diary. Last page maybe. '' 
'' Right, Thanks. ''
'' No probs' blue hair. '' 
After a few minutes of a quiet walk, the buzz of voices began to echo in the dim hallway that they were walking through. She tried to make out the separate voices, but it was all a chaos.  Then when they walked into a bright room, everything went quiet and all the eyes were on her. 

© 2014 Pancae

Author's Note

Sorry that it took forever to whoever might be reading this >.< .

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Added on July 18, 2013
Last Updated on January 3, 2014
Tags: Fire, powers, chapter, sci-fi, teenager



Hogwarts , House : Slytherin

I'm a -insert age here- year old that has many novel/story ideas but doesn't know where to share them. I don't know what to do with my life yet, but know that I enjoy creating different plot lines. more..

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