2. Activation

2. Activation

A Chapter by Pancae


Everything seemed so unreal that Delilah was sure it must have been. Her perfect way of life would soon be replaced by a mad house full of mental people that want to be everywhere at once. 
          The moment that she jumped off her chair after saying " Alright. " Delilah regretted it at once, but couldn't place the words right to take back what she said.
  This is all stupid. I don't even know her. 

The blonde woman on the screen began clicking some buttons and as soon as her eyes looked up, another glass tube grew from the middle of the ground. This one was different than the other tubes in the room, it was a bit smaller than the other ones yet it looked the same in its weird, light, green-ish glass color. Madison kept telling Delilah to take in deep breathes and to keep calm, that it won't hurt her at all, but Delilah wasn't listening to any of it. 
" Because walking into some freaky tube and breathing in something from a stranger happens on a daily bases. "  She murmured, her brown eyes locked on Madison just to see that her words hurt the woman on the screen, but Madison didn't say anything after that. To be honest Delilah still didn't know why she was doing this, but the voice in her head that told her to open the metal door, that got her here, was now encouraging her to do this, to step into the tube.
         Just being a step away from the thing, the blue haired girl took in a deep breath before stepping into the claustrophobic tube. As soon as her entire body was inside of the tube, it closed and she realized that there was no turning back. 
 Smoke began to fill the tube from the bottom up. The color of it worried Delilah a bit. It wasn't the usual white-grey smoke that she would usually see, it was a thick and pale orange in color. 
" Is this normal ? " She asked once the smoke reached her waist. Madison just smiled and nodded. Delilah give her a confused glace before the orange thing ate her up.
At first it didn't smell like anything, but then hints of burning ash reached her lungs and began to slightly irritate the back of her throat, like an itch to cough. When she tried to say something to Madison, her voice wouldn't do what she wanted it to do. It felt as if her vocal chords disappeared and there was just an empty space where they once where. If not for the tight space she would start hitting the glass with her hands, but right now it was too tight to do anything. It was just like wanting someone to see your pain but you are unable to tell them anything. Different dark scenarios began to form inside of her head along with the more common ' what if's '. 

More seconds ticked by and Delilah was beginning to wonder if all of this was even true. Did she have that stupid cell, or was this all some sort of joke ? It must be a joke... Madison said that this would only take a few seconds, not a minute. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... 57, 58, 59, 60. 2 minutes passed and still nothing came, the pale orange smoke was all that she could see, even the glass that was so close to her face seemed to disappear. She breathed in the orange smoke twice more before the glass door slid open and she was able to get out.
The girl jumped out of the tube with the burning sensation at the back of her throat still present. She was relieved for the somewhat open space in front of her along with the clear air, only to be stripped from the little happiness she felt.  For a second her thoughts wrapped around the idea of her maybe existing fire abilities forming in her throat and that she would breath out fire - like dragons, but refused to believe in that theory. She moved her limbs, expecting to feel different only to hear Madison's laughter. " What are you doing ? "
" Um.. Was I supposed to feel, I dunno... Different ? ''
" No, I don't think so... " The blonde woman trailed off, while her eyes looked down. Delilah guessed that she was pressing some buttons again and no sooner that 10 seconds after Madison's gaze dropped, the tube behind the blue haired teenager buried itself in the ground again. 
" Jared should be here any second now. I'm sorry, but he will need to mentor you by himself right now because Nicole's... Nicole's "  Madison's voice switched from gentle to sad and for some reason Delilah felt that she had to say something, anything to cheer the stranger on the screen up. 
'' Um, about those cells.. '' She started off, saying the first thing that came into her head. Comforting people was not something that she was good at.
'' How do they work and how come my sister doesn't have one ? Or does she and you need to reach a certain age ? Plus the smoke, what does that do to that cell anyway ? '' Her questions seemed to flow out without Delilah even controlling or watching what she said. Madison took a deep breath before responding, she seemed to place her words very carefully and took her time to speak.

'' The cells are just like the ones that make up the things that work as your main senses. Touch, sight, smell, hear and taste. But those... Well, those work automatically. Everyone has them, but once you have an extra main sense it takes.. Um.. Stuff to activate it. You are born with it and only certain things can make it work. Its impossible to be born with that cell if your parents aren't... Special. As for your sister, I am positive that she does not poses that cell, or any other sense apart from the main ones. '' Madison took a long pause, looking at Delilah and watching her reaction. The girl's eyebrows pulled together as she seemed to take it all in. '' So.. If my sister isn't like that and I am, is my mum like yo-.. I mean, like us too ? '' Her voice had a hint of hope in it.  She'll understand. If she is one, or was one of them, it'll all be easier if she understands. Delilah thought about it, but everything seemed to shatter once her eyes met Madison's. The blonde woman shook her head, sympathy reflecting both in her eyes and face. 
'' I'm sorry... '' 
Delilah read over her words again... If.. If her mum didn't have the abilities then ? .. 
'' And my dad ? He must have had some sort of cell, right ? '' With her voice already shaky, Delilah watched Madison give her a confused glance. The blonde woman held her gaze for a few seconds before understanding replaced her confusion. 
" He.. Yes, he did have a special cell. " Automatically, relief filled Delilah's body. 
Madison reflected Delilah's confused gaze from before. 
" Um.. Are you feeling okay ? " The blue haired girl knew that this wasn't what Madison wanted to say and was sure that Madison knew that she knew too, but decided to drop it and replied with a simple. 
" Yea, I think I'm fine. " Right after she said the words, one of the tubes created a sucking noise, both women turned their gaze at the tube and Delilah's brown eyes widened in shock. 

© 2015 Pancae

Author's Note

I'm not really happy with this... To me most of it doesn't make sense. Please share your opinion and tell me whether I should continue this or not :3.

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Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on May 26, 2013
Last Updated on June 17, 2015
Tags: power activation, fire, powers



Hogwarts , House : Slytherin

I'm a -insert age here- year old that has many novel/story ideas but doesn't know where to share them. I don't know what to do with my life yet, but know that I enjoy creating different plot lines. more..

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