1. The Welcoming

1. The Welcoming

A Chapter by Pancae



Delilah pulled her closed palm towards herself and found that the 

metal door wasn't as heavy as she thought it would have been. It felt like someone was pushing it open for her, as if the something that pushed the door open was waiting for her to make the decision to open it.


The blackness that followed the open door should have tamed Delilah's curiosity and boredom should have taken its place.

Should have, but it didn't.

The girl's curiosity grew and swallowed up all of her common sense - all while still growing. Delilah knew that if she would sit there much longer staring at the door, people would begin to notice and question her sanity. The leaves and dirt that once lay on the door told her that this place had to be kept a secret and by sitting there staring at it, she was drawing too much attention to herself to keep the little door much of a secret.

Then she made a quick decision and jumped into the blackness, already full of expectations.


 She landed in a tube that resembled a slide in a large pool she was once in. The slide felt quite similar to the material that the shiny door was made from, only smoother and ( somehow ) softer.

 As soon as the darkness welcomed her, the only source of light was the sunlight above her that got in through the still open door. But even that was taken away from her when the door closed shut, without making any noise.

Delilah's high pitched scream would call out now and then while the tube continued endlessly, making her regret ever jumping into this. Regretting things rarely played a part in her life.

Why was she so stupid at times ?!

Just as Delilah was getting used to the never ending tunnel-slide-thing, she saw the small spot of a light ahead of her. The spot became a small circle that grew larger and larger until she was forced into it.


At first the room that she was forced into looked like it belonged to some sort of modern, private hospital; with the white floor and walls along with the bright lights. But as the girl looked around, she realized that this was nothing like a hospital.

 To her right a big screen was placed on the wall that took up most of the room on that wall, leaving just a bit of space between the right wall and the wall behind her, the one that she was forced out of the tube from. Right below the screen was a table with thousands of buttons on it along with a chair that accompanied it - a bit further back.

 There were a lot of tubes just like the one that she was thrown out of all around the room with larger glass tubes connected to them, each with a set of buttons growing out of the floor next to them. Delilah stared at all of this in shock, wondering where on earth she was and why was something like that even built right under her school ?!


         She tried her best to calm herself. Her lids closed over her eyes and she concentrated on slowing her breathing.

" You're just being silly. This is all a dream, this is all a dream, this is all a dream. "

 Her voice echoed around the room, making her even more terrified. She felt just like an abandoned puppy, all that she knew seemed to have never existed.  



Just when Delilah was about to open her eyes, convinced that she was 

back in her room and waking from a weird and awful nightmare, a different voice echoed around her, forming a cage that nobody could ever get her out of.

" We've been waiting for you, Delilah. "

Right there, all of her ' calming ' attempts shattered and fell, broken on the ground. Acting on instinct and trusting her eyes, she turned to glare at the big screen just to find a woman in it. She had bright blue eyes and blond hair that was let loose, yet looked very professional. Her face was a bit round and had bright red lips that made it hard to focus on anything else. The woman's blue eyes looked kind, while Delilah's were the exact opposite.

" Who the hell are you ?! And where am I ?! Let me go ! " Once her glare was broken, she began to pace around the room, eyes looking at all the tubes and wondering how they work so that she would be able to get out. Maybe the buttons next to them had some sort of password ?

" Calm down, please. I just want to talk. " The woman's voice remained gentle and soothing.

" You want to talk ?! Oh, so is this how it works now ? " Although it was her own stupid decision to jump into the unknown darkness, she refused to blame herself for finding herself in this situation. Delilah's fear was beginning to fade away and curiosity and anger were beginning to control her body again, but it didn't grip on her actions quite yet.

" What do you mean ? " The woman asked.

" Well, we aren't here to have some tea and biscuits. " Delilah replied, as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

" Please. " The woman repeated. " Just have a seat and hear me out, I'll let you go right after that if you still wish to do so, I promise."

'' Ha. I've been sucked into some room, I have no idea where I am and why I'm here and you expect me to just sit here and listen to whatever you want to tell me ?! '' It was quite clear that Delilah was losing her temper, but the woman's soft expression didn't change, which bothered Delilah a bit. Usually she’d be met with some sort of come-back, a frown or even some head turning. Yet the woman remained peaceful.

'' Please.. '' Her gentle voice pleaded again. It just about worked as the final touch to have Delilah's curiosity control her body.  The girl flung herself on the chair with a huf. From the corner of her eye, Delilah could see that the woman was smiling, but it faded once she seen the teenager's expression.

" My name is Madison. "

'That's my sisters name... ' Delilah thought while frowning.

" And I work for the SuperNaturals. Sup-"

" Supernaturals ?! Please don't tell me that they are some freaks wearing tight suits, running around shooting evil people with their laser eyes... "

" Well, someth-"

" Is this some sort of joke ?! Please tell me, where are the hidden cameras ? " Delilah's head spun from one side of the room to the other, convinced that people would come out laughing at her and introduce her to some sort of pranking show that she had never heard of. That seemed like a thing that one of her friends would do.

 " Please.. " Was the woman's only reply.

Maybe it was that her name was Madison, or that she used that gentle tone that was so like her own mothers or maybe even that Delilah's curiosity was pulsing through her veins accompanied by adrenaline. Either way, Delilah folded her arms across her chest and looked at the woman, letting her know that she would listen her out without interrupting again,  or for now

Madison smiled again before continuing.

" Thank you.  There aren't many of us... Willing to become the Supernatural humans. We are.. " She took a long pause before saying the word that Delilah used. " Something like ' freaks. ' You could calls us that as we are  humans with abnormal powers. " The screen was replaced with images once she spoke a name, as if following orders. " There is a man called Jared. He has the ability to become invisible as well as having super strength. "  The picture on the screen was of a man, about 22 with dark hair and blue eyes. His skin was a tan color and he must have been above the average in height, maybe by a half. His muscles didn't seem like anything out of the ordinary, they looked like a normal mans that worked out in the gym. " Currently Jared lives in Seattle and is assigned to 2 people... Or villans, as they might be called more commonly in your world, per say." The screen split in two, one a picture of a bald man with white skin and a patch across his left eye while the other half showed an image of a woman, in her 20 with red hair that fell down her shoulders. She looked like someone out of a fashion magazine or someone that belonged on a catwalk .

" There is also Nicole. She has the ability to fly and to control the wind. " The screen came back to normal with a brown haired woman that had sun-kissed skin along with blue eyes. " She lives in Russia and her town is currently unknown. There is no one she is currently assigned to as her past nemesis is eliminated. " Madison's voice remained silent for a long moment until the screen came back to her face. " There are just a handful of us, but those two are the main ones that you will need to worry about. Jared and Nicole will be your mentors if you decided to stay and join us... " Her gentle voice trailed off, eyes locked on Delilah.

" Soo... I am ? "

" You are one of us, Delilah. "

The girl's brown eyes widened, leaving her face even paler than before, suddenly she began to take this a lot more seriously. 

" You mean ? ... " She whispered before clearing her throat. " You mean that I have abilities ? Like... Like flying and such ? " Madison smiled at this.

 " Yes and no. You are special, that's true, but you cannot fly. Powers rarely repeat and when they do, the two that share the same or similar power are often related in some way or ways. You currently hold the fire ability, a power that hasn't been among us in a while since Raven.. " Her blue eyes seemed glassy for a few seconds before Madison's rapid blinking repealed the glassy state. They soon locked on Delilah again, as if remembering that she was there. 

" Your ability needs to be activated, just like everyone that has one. The process won't be long and is in no way painful. You will just need to breath something in and that's it done. " Delilah looked at her, thinking that this would come to an end.  

" And if I say no ? "

" Then.. Then we will let you go. But you will need to be whipped of all memories about this place, not to mention that it will be a great loss... " The gentle tone went sad all of a sudden and Delilah concentrated hard, trying to form her words and thoughts in a way that wouldn't hurt Madison. For some reason, the blonde woman's gentle tone reminded her of her mother. 

She had 2 options. Either stay here and meet Jared and Nicole, people that she knew nothing about, not to mention that she didn't even know this Madison... She could live an abnormal life, so very different to the one that she currently knows - or knew. She could stay here or leave this place and continue her perfect life... An image of the 2 options came into her mind. One with two of her friends by her side, all of them smiling and laughing while the second one looked more exciting with all sorts of fictional scenarios in her mind. She could see herself as a comic book superhero with fire coming out of each of her palms. But her perfect life wouldn't be that perfect then... Besides, what would her mother say ? And what about school work ? Her mum would notice if she fell behind... " What about school ? " 

Madison's attention snapped up at once, forming a replying almost instantly. "  We would take care of that and try to make it as stress free as possible. You wouldn't need to worry about it, everything would be explained to you tomorrow, should you accept the offer.  " As soon as she finished speaking, a spark of hope filled Madison's blue eyes. Delilah focused on her words and soon everything clicked into place, like a puzzle that took a long time to solve. She took in a deep breath before looking up at the woman that she barely knew.

 It's settled. I'm going crazy.

 " Alright. ''

© 2015 Pancae

Author's Note

Please do share your opinion and say whether you would like to read more, or if I am just wasting my time :3

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Added on May 24, 2013
Last Updated on June 17, 2015
Tags: Similarities, life changes, discovery



Hogwarts , House : Slytherin

I'm a -insert age here- year old that has many novel/story ideas but doesn't know where to share them. I don't know what to do with my life yet, but know that I enjoy creating different plot lines. more..

1. Prologue 1. Prologue

A Chapter by Pancae

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