

A Chapter by Pancae

Her brown eyes locked on the reflection that was right ahead of her, only with longer blue hair. Their similarities in appearance couldn't be denied, yet their personalities were nothing alike.

Delilah was just a normal 15 year old trying to figure out her life through the day dreams and fantasies of her daily life.
It was all perfect. Her family, her school, her grades and even her friends. Everything that could be asked for, she had it. Happiness, loyal comrades, honest family... everything. 
Until a certain day came when all of the happiness was torn, chewed and spat back out. Some would question why she changed, why she didn't speak with so much enthusiasm anymore, why on earth was she so angry and confused all the time, while others stayed oblivious to everything. 
But something did happen that day, something that even Delilah couldn't explain. Something that she knew had to be kept a secret and hidden away from civilization at all cost.

" You've got everything sweetheart ? " Her mum , Rose , would say in the same gentle voice she would use every morning. She looked very similar to Delilah, minus the bright blue hair.  Rose had chalky white skin with beautiful coffee brown eyes. Her shoulder-length, straight hair was a couple of shades darker than her eyes, but beautiful all the same. She was average in height and weight for an adult female that always exaggerated over how many calories is in this and that.
" Of course mum, no need to worry. "  Was Delilah's reply. She used the same gentle tone that her mother used, maybe a bit more rough. She give her little sister Madi a big hug while the little girl  whispered a " Good luck ", to her sister before she rushed out of the large house. Madi was just a smaller, 7 year old version of her mother with curly hair rather than stick straight. She always wore it in 2 pig tails that flowed to her cheeks.
The 15 year old ran to her school, terrified of ever being late. Her blue hair bounced up and down as she jumped from one foot to the other. Delilah's hair was a deep purple shade at each tip, giving some color to her pale skin. It took a lot of begging and pleading until her mum let her die her then-blonde hair this way, but she finally agreed. It lay like a nice halo around her head with short bangs coming down just under her chin. Her eye color and body structure was just like her mothers. 
The 3-person family could be compared to any other normal family. Rose, Delilah and Madison Enfer, the girls that managed without a man. People in the neighborhood respected them all, but just like in every other place, they were all waiting for the moment when the family would slip, all brainwashed into the idea of needing a man in a family to uphold the perfect balance.

Just as Delilah made it to the school gates, something sparkly caught her eye. Delilah's eyes locked on it whilst she analyzed it. It couldn't be a coin or a piece of a mirror, it was far too big for either... So what was it ? Then almost like plate being whipped clean, Delilah's fear of being late was whipped away.
She took a couple of steps towards the sparkly thing and narrowed her eyes, as if it would help her see the shiny thing better. A couple of people shoved their way past her, blocking her view of the shiny thing for a while and as soon as the people passed her, Delilah's eyes returned to the shiny thing - but it was gone. As if it turned into water and evaporated in 5 seconds, never to be seen again. 
Delilah's feet carried her closer to the place where it once lay, only to see that it was a metal door, most of it covered in a pile of dirt and leaves. But enough of it was visible to make Delilah figure what it was.
A big part of her brain told her to get away from it, to leave the door alone and forget about its existence. As if it did evaporate into the sky. But a small part of her brain told her to reach out her hand and open the door. Being the girl she is, Delilah's shaky hand touched the cold metal handle, already tensing to pull the door open. 

© 2015 Pancae

Author's Note

Please do write a review, even if it is a couple of words and tell me whether you would like to read more of this :3.

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I would and will read more of this! I love the cliffhanger :)

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

hah, i love all cliffhangers ! ^^

-thank you for your time! ^^

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1 Review
Added on May 23, 2013
Last Updated on June 17, 2015



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