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Compartment 114
Compartment 114
Inside of a Mind

Inside of a Mind

A Story by Pancae

Alice had a normal life. Had. Everything changes on the day that she got back late from a friends house. Her parents disappear and everything she thought she knew shatters.

This was supposed to be my English "essay" but because I was off that day my idea couldn't be used and I didn't want to waste it ^^ . Feel free to share tips, criticism or anything at all to make my story better :). 
Today started off just like any other day. I got up, had breakfast, had a shower and left the empty house to go to school. I was the only child in that abandoned house. My parents were very busy at work and hardly had any time for me, let alone another kid. My mum is a lawyer, so she does a lot of paper work at work and when she comes home. You'd think that my father was different. I don't even know what he does. I could ask, if I was interested. All that matters is that I have food, clothes and a place to sleep, right ? Wrong. Maybe if I asked they would've told me the truth... Maybe we would struggle in the beginning but we'd get through it and live like a normal family... But I didn't. I didn't ask and I didn't know, now I'm stuck in this underground room with the unknown that lays in front of me. Do you want me start from the beginning ? 

As soon as school was over at ten past three, the normal rush began. Teenagers suddenly turned into wild animals and began shoving and pushing just to get out of the prison's walls. I was one of those animals, eager to get away from the work that I was forced to do. Me and my friend Jessica planned to go to her house and study. At least that's what her parents thought we were doing. I recently got this scary movie that was PG 18+ and because we weren't allowed to go to see it in the cinema, this was the only other way we could join into those popular conversations that overflowed our school. 
It didn't take us long to reach her house since she only lived 15min away from the school on foot. Her house was rather big with a very open inside. It was white in color and had those big windows that were very popular in movies. Her room was also huge, placed on the second floor in her house. Her parents were busy doing paperwork in the living room, which was placed on the other side of the house from where we were. Her older brother was out with his friends, so we were free to scream whenever something scared us. 
Our feet dangled off one side of the bed while the laptop was placed on Jessica's lap. We had her lights turned off to make it even more realistic. Soon the disc inside of the laptop began to spin and the movie's title shone brightly on the screen.

After we said our goodbyes I hurried off to my house. Jessica lived close to me but during the night everything seemed so far away. The glistening moon brightened my way as I walked home. The light that it was reflecting bounced off different things, casting a shadow on the ground and making me think that I could see shapes around me. That that murderer from the movie was right around the corner, ready to attack its victim any second. My heart began to race and I could feel my hands go cold, yet they were sweating. With every step I took I thought that something or someone was looking at me, ready to jump at me at anytime. 
This feeling didn't ease when I seen the light's in my house turned off. My parents often stayed late at work, but always one of them came home to stay with me while I slept. Different scenarios began to race inside of my head. A picture of my mother laying across the hallway with her blood around her with my father at her side or a pack of robbers sneaking around taking everything that they could spot. Or maybe a psychopath that got a thrill out of taking people's lives.
Those things made my heart pound even harder against my chest, making it hard for me to breath. I forced myself to walk with the thought of me over reacting fresh in my head. Its normal. Calm down. They are probably just running late. I kept repeating those things to myself, wishing they were true. Too soon I reached the front door which was open. Any sane person would run away, would scream or phone the police... But no. I was too curious and scared. The picture of my dead parents popped into my head, making me flinch and freezing me in place for a while. I grabbed the door's handle and forced my feet to enter the dark hallway. I couldn't smell any blood and could make out the shapes in the hallway. Everything was in its place, so why was my heart still racing ? Why was I still picturing that blood thirsty murderer on top of the stairs ? I switched on the light as soon as I could make my shaky arm move. The light brightened up the room and made me regret that I turned them on. Two large men stood right in front of the stairs dressed in black. Both bulky, both bald and both with the same death look. I opened my mouth to scream, to let out any noise but someone grabbed me from behind and pressed some cloth against my mouth and nose. The last thing that I can remember is my head hitting the floor without me feeling any pain.

When I woke up I didn't dare open my eyes. I could hear the familiar vrrr of the car as it moved. It was faint due to the ringing I could feel and hear inside of my head, but it wasn't the usual ringing a person could hear. It was a ringing that could make my head spin in any direction only if it wanted to. The ringing was just about bearable, if it was a bit more painful I would open my mouth and scream. But something wasn't right... Something about the ringing was off. I could hear that the ringing was trying to block out something... No.. It was a someone... Someone was trying to say something... It was trying to communicate... To... I tried my best to concentrate on the voice, not the ringing. The voice didn't belong to me and I never heard it before which made it harder to hear... I could almost hear it... Just a little harder.. We should phone Lilly. She would be p*ssed off if she finds out that something happened to the girl. I wonder if they found out anything from he- The connecting broke off before I could hear anything else. I opened my eyes to see what was happening, but I regretted it the moment I did this. The same thing was pressed against my face and knocked me out the second time.

The next time I woke up I was sure that I was dreaming. Yes Alice. It was just a silly old dream. You will wake up in your bed. I kept telling myself the lie until I was certain that that was the truth but as soon as my eyes met the bright light, the ringing inside of my head returned. It was even worse now with the light shining straight into my eyes, irritating them and my ringing brain. It took my eyes a while to adjust, but they did. I saw the two bald men first. They were standing on either side of a wooden door but they weren't looking at me. I followed their gaze and met a black haired woman. She was rather small with a pointy nose and cracks on her face that seemed to be everywhere. She was dressed in a skirt that was obviously too small for her along with a short sleeved white top with her black hair whipped into a tight bun on top of her head. Her small lips formed a tight smile on her ugly face as her grey eyes met mine. " Hello, darling. " She said in the most forced sweetest tone that I had ever heard. " Its good to see that you're awake." As soon as she spoke the next sentence the ringing in my head got worse and I felt the need to touch my head, to feel that it was still there but I couldn't. My hands were tied behind me, numb. A bit of tape was placed on top of my lips and I could just about taste blood inside of my mouth. I tried to swallow but noticed that there was just blood there, nothing else. I looked up at the woman and she smiled, seeming to notice that I knew what was happening. The ringing got louder and I thought that I might pass out again until I heard her voice again. She wasn't speaking it out loud this time as her lips were closed. But it was her voice so what was she doing, thinking ?! 
As soon as I thought that her voice inside of my head got louder and a lot clearer. It got to the point where the ringing stopped and her voice was just as clear as if she had spoken it out loud. Alice. My Alice. You will tell me how you do it. I know that the pathetic man you call a father send that cell through your body. I need it. Its mine.  I tried to tell her that she could take it, but the tape in my lips wouldn't let me say anything. With the ringing gone I tried to somehow take it off using my tongue but soon my eyes and ears focused on the tiny woman that was walking towards me. " Now... We could do this the easy way or the hard way. Hm ? " She tilted her head to the side a bit before stepping in front of me and continuing. " You've got something that belongs to me. Something that I need. " She took a small break and continued again in a whisper. " How did he do it, huh ? " Her small hand reached over to the tape on my mouth and ripped it off, leaving a burning behind. I wouldn't mind it any other time, but the fire was too strong and left me wanting to scream. The woman wasn't satisfied with my reaction and lifted her hand, slapping me on the face and turning my head to face the wall on my right. " Talk ! " Hurry up ! Its not that hard, is it ?! Stupid thing. I looked at her as if she said it, but I had a feeling that she didn't... " I'll ask again. How did your father accomplish it ?! " I stared at her. That felt like the only thing that I could do, stare. She lifted her hand again and I rushed out the words, not wanting to feel the pain again. " Do ... what ? .. " My dry throat felt rough and edgy, making me not want to talk ever again. My words seemed to be hysterical to the woman as she started laughing. " Is this some kind of joke ? Don't you know who your father is ? Your mother ? " I shook my head as if I was a 4 year old kid that did something terrible but was denying the fact that it was them. " Pfft. " Was the woman's only response besides another slap. " Talk or they'll do the slapping for me. " She pointed her small finger at the two men beside the door. I stared at them before turning to look at her. " I... don't.. " I struggled to speak, ready to close my eyes and cry from the pain that I felt in my head, throat, face... Everywhere. This couldn't be real. This only happened in movies, books. I... I wasn't in neither. I looked up at the woman that was beginning to force some liquid down my throat. It burned at first but then eased and left me wanting more. " Talk. " She commanded again. " I don't know what you are talking about, but whatever you want from me you can take it, I don't want it. " I met her eyes and the ringing started over again. This time it wasn't a sentence but a picture... No.. Images. It was my father but.. No. The man in those pictures was covered in his own blood. Take me.. Leave my family alone. "NO!" I screamed as soon as I could hear my father's voice. " Ha. So you are a mind reader after all. And apparently you knew nothing about that ? " Were the woman's words. I couldn't say anything as my dead eyes stared at the floor. My reaction seemed to shine some light for the woman, so she began talking again. " Your father was a Scientist that worked for us. He was assigned to create a cell that could give you the ability to read minds. Something like a 7th sense. It would help us a lot, but he was running out of time and we don't like to wait. Besides he failed many times and killed many. Anyway, once he came up with it he wouldn't share it with anyone else. He claimed it to be deadly, that it doesn't work well with adults because our senses aren't as.. sharp anymore. He wouldn't tell anybody how to create it and.. Well. You seem to poses it now. You should know how to create the cell. Yo- " 
"I don't ! Just take the cell out ! "
" You think its that simple ? " 
" What do you want then ? "
" Just tell us how to make it and then.. " She drifted off, but I knew the word that ended the sentence without her thoughts.  And then  you die. 
The next minutes that dragged on I spend suffering. Kicking, punching... I didn't know how to make the cell, I didn't know which reply would satisfy them. I had no where to run. So now what ? The ringing was replaced by blackness. 

The next time I opened my eyes I was here. In this underground, small, square room. The walls which were made from some sort of soil just about touched my legs and the metal door in front of me reflected the little light that was in here. I don't know where I am or how my future will end. I don't know what will happen in the next 5 minutes... My whole world is upside down. My parents weren't who they claimed to be and I am not a person I thought I was. Is this the life that was planned out for me ? I don't know. All that I know is that I don't have long left.

© 2013 Pancae

Author's Note

I hope that you all enjoyed this and that I didn't waste some of your life on reading this. :3. It is just a rough idea that I would love to get out there so ignore any bits that make no sense. I didn't describe Alice just because I don't want this to be too long, which it already is.

My Review

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Well, the thin line between the initial suggestion and paranoia turning into real life event and then evolving with the peculiar capacity of mind-reading is amusing. Enjoyed it (:

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

thank you ! ^^ it means a lot

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1 Review
Added on May 18, 2013
Last Updated on May 18, 2013
Tags: First Story, mind-reading, first-person.



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