cold, cold heart

cold, cold heart

A Poem by Leonard Birch

she told me once that these places are filled with things that hurt and kill and cheat and lie and steal and to run as fast as you can and never look back.


but it was too late my hands were filthy from the dirt of my actions and i had left myself out in the dark to be eaten by the weathers and spiders and fires of those before me.


these places are here to help with the pain of every day and the remnants of blinded hopes and unfortunate circumstance like falling off a ladder only to find yourself in a barrel of tar.


malfunction, connection, hallucination of the mind and body pumped full of chemicals that elevate more than you can take with a ten dollar bill just so you can fill the hole that has known you for so long.


you will stand on the edge of the world with her eyes on your back and be free above it all.


tell me what you know about the soul.

© 2011 Leonard Birch

Author's Note

Leonard Birch
ignore grammar problems, this is something i spontaneously wrote one night (or was it early morning?), it is also my first attempt at poetry. all feed back is appreciated

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Not a poet per se, but I love reading first posts.... Utterly amazes me how one can be inspired to just write what's in their head down for all to appreciate. Thank you...

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 31, 2011
Last Updated on October 31, 2011


Leonard Birch
Leonard Birch

Mars Hill, ME

Born on a hill, Raised in the sun, Living just to breathe, Breathing to go on. I'm Leaonard Birch. I'm a Welshman. more..

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A Poem by Leonard Birch