![]() Grey ~~ the VampireA Story by Leon1612![]() Grey was a normal teen as others... His parents were dope heads.. His mother didn't care about anything, and his father abused and molested his younger sisters.. He became a vampire and killed later.![]()
How .. It .. Began ..
Grey grew up in an isolated area off of Dano that happened to be next the Beggar's Bay. The house was small and usually chaotic. During his child hood, all he could remember is that there were fights all the time, usually caused by his abusive father or drug addict mother. When Grey was 17 years of age, he grew sick of his family. Especially his parents. His dad was an alcoholic and beat on him and molest his sisters. His older sister was named Adalinda, her nickname was either Linda or Lin. She was 14 years old at the time and was molested the most. Ivy was the youngest. she was about to turn 11. Meanwhile, Grey's mom tried to get them into meth and other drugs. Grey came home one day and found his dad after Adalinda, causing him to over fill with outrange. He immediately lunged at him and stabbed him to death. They took his body to the bay for the fish to feed on. And once their mom came out of the room, high as a kite, she once again tried to give them meth. They refused and hoped that she wouldn't immediately find out what happened. But when they refused she began to take everything out at Grey and began her abusive ways. But since Grey liked the feeling of murder he no longer cared and went ahead and slit her throat and disposed of her body as well. Days afterwards, they left and traveled together. Grey took very well care of his sisters. Even if it meant him not eating, he'd make sure they had plenty of food.
5 years later- Every thing was going fine. Grey and Adalinda had jobs and now had a roof to live under. They were all happy and Ivy was all the time excited because she was about to turn 16. But one night Grey had to work late. Adalinda went on home to give Ivy company til Grey came home.
After Grey had finished his work around 9:45 pm, he headed out the door and began to jog home because he knew that it take him at least 47 minutes to get home and he didn't want his sisters to worry. But after 12 minutes, he grew tired, so he began to walk for awhile so he could regain enough energy to jog the rest of the way home. He walked on the side walks that were lined with street lights, maple trees and a few bushes. As he walked, movement caught the corner of his eye. He grew worried because he knew that he was too tired to fight back but he wasn't going to run away from whatever it was. He soon figured it was a cat or something and kept going. All of a sudden he heard footsteps behind him. Briefly pausing he noticed that the footsteps were mimicking his. He listened for a moment and continued. At first there was no footsteps but they soon followed.
This was beginning to become aggravating. He stopped and spun around, but nothing was there. Chills began to race up and down his spine for some reason. Then he realized that there was something breathing on the back of his neck. Indicating that someone was obviously behind him. He swirled around to take a swing at them but once again no one was there. Grey was becoming very angry. He hoped that the cold air and the damp musty odor was getting to him. So he tried to continue, only to feel something clamping down on his left bicep. He immediately jerked away and tried to hit them again, but whoever it was now gone...again.
Suddenly he felt nauseated and sick. He checked his arm, only to find a deep bleeding wound. He didn't like the looks of it but he was glad it didn't look lethal. Trying to race home, his energy seemed to rapidly drain from his body as he could no longer feel. His body was suddenly limp and his face landed on the pavement of the sidewalk. His left limbs rested against the black pavement of the road while the rest of him rested on the edge of the sidewalk. He immediately tried to get up but couldn't move. Everything was turning into a black abyss and later found himself out cold.
Light from the towering streetlight above found way into Grey's eyes. His eyes squinted as they lazily opened. His body was stiff and it was hard to move. Suddenly there was a voice in the distance shouting his name in horror. He forced himself to angle his head in the direction the voice was coming from. He couldn't believe his eyes, it was Adalinda running after him with a small pistol in her grasp.
She helped him stand and they walked home together while he used her for little support. When they finally got in the house, Ivy was up again with eye filled tears. Ivy ran to him and sobbed in his chest. He wanted to wrap his arms around her but no longer liked the affection. She looked up and noticed blood gushing from his upper arm, her face was then stricken with horror. Grey followed her gauze to his bleeding arm and covered it with his other hand. She looked up terrified of what it was. Suddenly she was shouting, "Adalinda! We've gotta help him! He's severely bleeding!" Adalinda immediately came and examined his shoulder. The look on her face meant that she wanted every detail of what happened. But he looked off and remained silent.
Grey suddenly began squeezing his wounded arm. He couldn't believe the pain he was in. He couldn't stand it. It felt like it was a blaze. He turned to race to the to the kitchen for a cup of ice water, but Adalinda caught him, he coldly glanced at her and jerked away. After poring ice water on it, he realized that it only made it worse. It was crippling him. It stopped bleeding but it was now on fire.
Finally he looked at his arm again and realized that he was bit by a vampire. Reality was smacking him in the face. He was changing and he couldn't do anything about it except get away from his sisters. So he decided to leave weather his sisters liked it or not. It was for their sake.
He forced himself to his feet and ran out the door, leaving Adalinda and Ivy behind forever. It was more than unforgivable to do that to them, but he had no choice. He was becoming a monster and they were going to be his first victims.
After days of agonizing pain, he was changed. He knew that the memories that still remained would haunt him forever, yet he wasn't going to allow them to slow him down.
His personality was changed to kind and caring to eternal hatred and anger. Murdering became a hobby that he couldn't give up. Blood always gave him the satisfaction to carry on. Especially if it involved fighting for prey. Chaos became something he enjoyed creating, no matter what was going on, because he thrived off the fear that people tend to give off.
As I made my way into the Bauxite city limits, daylight hovered over the horizon. Music flowed through the air, yet cluttered with roaring, joyful voices. I continued my way down the city streets. The population seems suitable for now. Sigh, I think I'm far away from my sisters enough. While I explored the new area, I noticed that there were alot of performances being held. Interested, I became hungry. So I made my way to a nearby ally and waited for anyone to stray too close. .......................................................................................................
Moments later, a man finally walked by my ally. I tried to lure him in but he became suspicious, and began to walk off. I immediately decided to just yank him in. So I leaped at him and darted back to the safety of the ally. He let out a slight yell but it seemed like everyone was too entertained to even notice the man's distressful yell.
Holding him in a crippling grip, I began to satisfy my overwhelming hunger. After he was dry and long gone, I disposed of his body in a nearby dumpster.
Leaning against the wall, something strange caught my attention. As if someone or something was approaching me from the depths of my ally. Whatever it was, it wasn't human. I then took a step forward and faced that direction. Crossing my arms across my chest, I sternly asked, “Who are you? And what do you want?"
What is that racket? .....
Standing in the darkness, isolated from the people of the city, stood a young woman named Lisa. The damp corner she was in was quite chilly. Light didn't even dare to touch the depth of the alley. Red eyes looking up, she saw a young man standing on the other end.
What was he waiting for?...
Closely observing his every move, she remained motionless. Suddenly he made a sudden move. It looked like he tried to bribe a man to come to him, but when he refused, he leaped after him and drug him back into the shadows. The griped the man like a boa constrictor and rested his head on his throat.
What is he doing?
She finally realized he was feeding on the man. Never seeing a vampire before, she became curious. After he finished he looked for an area to leave the body and finally dumped him in a nearby dumpster. Afterwards he confidently leaned against the wall.
What should I do?
Trying to decide on what to do next, she shaped shifted into different figures. She couldn't make up her mind on what she wanted. The thought about shifting into something in order to get a better look. Finally she came to the conclusion to just take her chances and approach him as is. But before she even had the chance to move, the young vampire changed positions and asked a couple of questions. Figuring that he had sensed her, she hesitated at first and finally made her move. Walking out of the darkness, she was still hesitant because she hadn't been around anyone in the past 14 years. But she knew she had more life threatening experiences. Finally speaking she replied,
"I am Allisa Zimmer, Lisa for short. And I don't want anything. Just your name."
Suddenly a young woman came out. But she didn't smell human. What is she? She introduced herself as Allisa, and wished to be called Lisa, I assumed. Her red eyes seemed cold and almost dead. Her black hair shined when the light kissed it. I found her quite attractive but I know she belonged else where. I didn't even want to communicate with her. I wanted to neglect her and walk away. Forcing myself to speak, I said, "I don't know why your here and what you are. And my name is of no importance. So go bother someone else." Turning to walk away, something caught my arm.
Why's he so hesitative?
The vampire stood there motionless. Suddenly she caught an emotion that raced across his face. From that swift expression, she knew she wasn't wanted. Standing there becoming more and more intimidated, his voice broke the silence. He spoke so cold and angry. She felt as if her very presence irritated him. When he turned to walk away she reached and grabbed his arm out of anger saying, "I asked you a question. And I didn't receive my answer. Hmph... Why are you so angry? What did I do?" She realized that either her hand was shaking or it was him. Then she finally let him go. Only to be in complete silence again.
"What the?"
She caught my arm. I stood there for a brief moment when she suddenly spoke angrily. I couldn't believe how angry this whole thing was making me. The anger itself made my body shake like a leaf. After she let go I spun around angrily saying, "I don't have to answer your stupid question. I told you my name is not important. What about that do you no understand? Why can't you just go away or just leave me alone? Your such a bother!"
She reminded me of Adalinda so much that it almost drove me crazy. I miss my sisters, there's no doubt about that. Thinks to Lisa here, loneliness has accompanied me once more. And it would be any second I'd be hungry again. As it grew silent again, I knew I couldn't take much more of this. So I turned around once more, and darted around the corner of the alley, hoping that I would vanish to her and never cross her path again.
When he suddenly spun around, his black eyes latched onto Lisa's. And he once again coldly spoke. She stood there a little shocked that he'd say something like that so harshly. He was so angry. And the sound of his voice was so cold that she thought she would wind up shivering. But she never did. Before she could argue back with him, he was gone. She wasn't going to let him go that easy. Darting in the same direction that the vampire did, she got lost. Wandering around, searching, she never found him. Clutching her fists, she shifted into a average sized dog and headed out into the open streets hoping to find him and some food.
"I've gotta get out of this city. I hate it here anyways, too much music and happiness for me." Racing through the city several people stared in wonder if there was something wrong. Finally I reached the edge to the city limits and only stopped once to look back to make sure miss Lisa was not following me about. Then I set off to find a bigger town. Relieved to finally be far enough away from Bauxite, I wondered through the Golden Forest. I've never seen so much yellow. As I waked through the forest, the yellow leaves on the forest floor made me feel like I was walking on a golden road. Yet I had no idea where I was going, thinks to my lack of since of direction. Suddenly I realized that I hadn't ate for hours, and now my cravings were intense. Searching about, I looked for something to feed on. But there was no sight of any animals. I felt at such a disadvantage because I haven't hunted before. As I wondered around, famished, a snap caught my attention. It sounded like a stick being stepped on but it was in a since of a way hard to tell. My senses were going crazy. Yet I stood there only in wonder of what was behind me. Hoping it was a foolish human or some stupid animal. I glanced over my shoulder to find out.
A young woman sat against a large tree in the yellow wilderness. Her eyes were closed as she enjoyed listening to the wind blow through the towering trees. She loved scenery. But this forest was the best place she could come to for relaxation.
Then she realized that there was movement nearby. What ever it was, had to be at least 300 feet away. Rising to her feet, she stood there with eyes still closed. Looking up, her brown eyes scanned the surrounding area. There was something black moving around in the distance. It was a man.
Curious, she began to sneak up behind him, to get a better look. As she approached the man, she happened to step on a small stick. Which was really rare for her to do. She looked up and the man just stood as still as a statue.
Suddenly he looked over his shoulder. His black eyes seemed wild and hungry. She knew right then he wasn't human. Only vampires had hungry eyes like that. Knowing that he'd come after her in a heartbeat because she was mostly human, she prepared herself for the worst.
There was a young woman behind me. She smells human. And she'll make perfect prey. As I turned to face her, she looked as if she knew what was coming. But her position was odd. Ignoring that fact, I debated weather or not I was going to lure her to me or just lunge at her.
Then I decided that lunging at her would be obvious, so I'll try to lure her to me. Making my voice sound convincing I said,
"Hey, why don't you be a dear and help me out? You see I've lost the band that was on my wrist. You didn't happen to see it did you?"
"That was stupid! She'd never fall for that. Well lets just see what she does." I thought angrily.
When he turned, his eyes were as wild as ever. He suddenly spoke. He claimed that he was missing a band that was on his wrist, but Cassarah knew it was a trap, but she wanted to go along with it anyway. And put him in a trap of her own. She was certain that things were about to turn out messy.
As she devised a plan, she replied, “Yeah, I have seen it. Ahh...but where did I see it. Oh, it was over there behind you somewhere." She hoped he would turn around but common sense told her that he wouldn't.
"What is she up to?" I thought to myself. By the way she replied, I didn't like where this was going. So I turned around pretending to look. Then there was sudden movement. I spun around and she was gone. But she was still nearby, I could smell her.
I quit playing the game and decided to just go after her. As long as her blood satisfies my hunger, I'm no showing any mercy. And I'm not stopping until I find her.
He took it. Surprised, Cassarah went ahead and took her opportunity. Zipping to his right and disappearing into the brush, he turned around angry. He stood there for a moment. He looked like he was sniffing the air. He could smell the blood that ran through her veins.
She knew he was through with talking and was about to begin his search. By the looks of him, he looked very aggressive. Cassarah was fully prepared now. Her blades were completely exposed and ready to strike at any moments notice.
She decided to rise and lunge after him, but when she did, he was gone. Now that she was in the open, she knew she was vulnerable. Then she detected movement towards her left. Facing that direction, she once again was ready to strike.
"Where is she?"
I couldn't believe the eagerness I held inside. I just couldn't wait to strike her. Wait. The bush...that bush just moved. She came out like a bolt of lightning. But the shock on her face was truly amusing. Ok. here's my chance, just one shot at this. hmm... Here goes.
I lunged at her, nothing will stop me now that I'm making my move.
As I made my way to her, I noticed something. Something I've never seen before. Isn't she human though? Yeah, the rushing blood in her veins say so, but then why is she part metal. A cyborg? No not enough wiring. She's gotta be a mutant.
I didn't care. The aroma of her blood was too much. I had to have it.
She knew the vampire wasn't going to stop, so she came up with an idea. As he raced closer, she waited till the last moment. Once he was almost right on her she leaped up and grabbed the branch that dangled above them. Then darted off. Leaping from branch to branch, she knew the vampire would follow her, but she had to find some sort of animal. Finally she spotted a grizzly. Dropping from the branch she slit the bear's throat and allowed its blood to spill. Leaving the puddle of blood there, she hoped that it would get the vampire off her back. Then she zipped through the woods, hoping that she would get out before he found her again.
"Wretched Humans!" A furious voice cried out in the mist of the night. Everything seemed lifeless and extinct, as he roamed about.
Anger and hatred had always been with him, constantly creating a stronger darkness to form within him. The only thing that brought him happiness was the suffering of other people. His mind was full of many different things that usually related to hatred or a plan of some sort. But he felt the need of a challenging fight to clear his mind, but everything here was almost dead anyway. Let alone the fact that he already killed the criminals that either challenged him or were stupid enough to get on his bad side.
Suddenly he came to a dead halt. His eyes were locked on a human like figure that stood only a few feet in front of him. Anxious, he drew his sword to challenge him to a duel. the closer he got the stronger the figure seemed to be, but he couldn't indicate weather or not if the figure was armed. He smirked and continued. He didn't care how strong the figure was, it was about to be the fight of their life.
The appetizing people walked among the narrow street, but seemed to stay close to its center as something lurked in the city's alleys. Laughter would come and go from a deadly being that lived in the alleys. He thrived on the fear they had, it added more challenge to his hunting. He was getting eagerly thirsty as he remained in the shadows waiting for a fool to stray too close.
His midnight eyes eagerly watched as everyone in this area seemed to know to avoid the alleys. Annoyed, he turned and disappeared into the abyss. Appearing in a different alley, he realized that this area seemed more promising. Male teenage voices echoed off the walls. They were betting on who could stay in the allies the longest. Anxious, he followed the voices that lead him straight to where they were indicated.
There were three of them. One red-head, and two brunette. Amused he watched them nag at each other. One betted that the red-head couldn't stay in the alley for more than five minutes. And sure enough, he took on that bet and stepped into the alley.
Grey stood in the shadows smirking, anxiously waiting for the foolish boy to walk closer to him. But the boy stopped before he reached the darkness and remained in the light. Aggravated, he devised a plan debating on either luring him in or dragging him instead. Knowing how luring had its chances, he went for the dragging.
His black outfit kept his body almost invisible as he slipped to the edge of the darkness. He reached for the red-head's ankle, but the boy began to stroll forward. Angry with his lack of luck, he lunged at the red-head, and held him in a crippling grip. As he pulled him into the shadows, he watched the other boys, one trembled in fear and the other was breaking into a rage.
Blood thirsty fangs pierced the struggling red-head's neck as he kept an eye on the angry brunette. As he was in the middle of finishing him off, the brunette lunged toward him, keeping his hand on his belt of supplies.
The vampire kept the red-head tight in his arms as he stood against the wall when the stupid brunette ran past him. Midnight eyes flickered toward the other boy but he ran off out of fear. Then he immediately focused on finishing the red-head off.
Suddenly, there the brunette stood, right in Grey's face. His eyes were full of fire and he held a bottle of what was supposed to be holy water. Smirking he dropped the dried up red-head as he kept eye contact with the foolish boy. His eyes were stricken with fear once reality hit him. This fear caused Grey to chuckle.
Frightened the boy splashed the water on the vampire and ran. Still chuckling, he shook his head and darted toward him. He caught the boy with ease and began to feed on him as well. But a voice behind him caught him off guard, and the boy somehow managed to escape the crippling grip that bounded him.
Irritated that his prey got away, he bitterly asked, "What do you want?" Grey couldn't believe this. He was so close, the King was right there next to him. He sighed angrily as he darted through the drizzling rain. At least his thirst was satisfied for now.
He slowed and walked once he reached the streets of Valencia. He walked around for awhile and observed different stores and restaurants. In most of them, people were carefree and happy. Grey glowered at them angrily. He hated seeing people like that. But he continued wondering about.
He looked through one restaurant’s windows and saw three young adults sitting with each other. The male was the oldest maybe in his mid 20's. The two girls were younger. They all looked alike making Grey think of him and his sisters. He forced himself to look away from them and the painful memories.
Finally he noticed a bright red neon sign that read, "The Slaughter Prince". This was where the performer was supposed to be. He sighed and walked through the doors.
Performers almost seemed to be lined up for the opportunity of fame. People were clustered around medium sized round tables as they communicated. Music flowed through the air as Grey took a seat at the bar and watched the performers.
Thom caught his breath slowly with his face sinking into the chrome mug of the tavern dubbed the name of The Slaughter Prince. He breathed heavy and out of balance. He hadn't run like that ever since he ran away from the original kingdom. It wasn't his style to run, it wasn't even his style to entertain others. But lately his instinct have gotten the better of him. Watching the tavern master serve his only good drink he spun watching more performers on the stage while others glanced back towards him ushering him to the stage. He shook his head for a moment before noticing that one of the performers was now walking his way. Almost scared of the meeting that was about to take place he buried his face into the mug once again. Which for the couple of seconds made the breathing worse as all he was breathing was carbon dioxide and the horrible fumes from the beer. He felt a hand clap him on the shoulder. But it wasn't small like he was expecting. It was more of a bear with human hands.
It was the tavern master who gave him a disgruntled look. Looking towards the bar he had realized that he had passed out from breathing the wrong fumes. He was also being stared at by two anthros on either side of him. Both smiling and giggling at nothing he began to get easily annoyed of their presence. Rather than making a scene he just glared at the tavern master who removed a kitty kid forcefully from Thom's side. He nodded thankfully as he stood stepping over the kitty on the floor.
"Some prefer their personal space. I recommend that you abide by that law.... freak."
The anthro hissed and jumped for him. He caught the hand with a sharp pain from the apparent claws. He would get revenge for them hurting his drumming hands. He stopped the kitty in his track. He stepped nicely on the front of the kitty's feet while still holding onto his hands. He began to sweat profusely, but it smelled terrible almost as though it was sex sweat. He couldn't stand the smell of something he despised so much. He decided it would be better to end this quickly. Without a pause he snapped a finger on the cat's left hand. The crunch could be heard over the music that soon stopped. Then as the kitty reeled in pain Thom only stepped further on to the anthro's feet and poked him with both pointer fingers in the ribs forcing him to fall back. The anthro was busy from the constant pain of the finger and couldn't react. Falling backwards Thom continued to step on his feet. He knew what was coming next and winked at one of the soldiers.
"Take care of the body out back and I'll play for two whole nights for you. This night not being one."
The soldier nodded back knowing what was going to happen as well. The anthro reached the pressure point on the limit of the tendons in his ankles. Thom could feel the stretching already beginning to happen. Slight popping noises already began to fill the air as the anthro fell farther back. He screamed in the pain that should never have been felt. It echoed throughout the chamber and most close by had to cover their ears. The end result was one of Thom's favorite tortures. Thom's head fell towards the anthro with eyes beginning to go into the back of his head. A smile spread wide across his face he bent down still standing on his feet. The pain of the know broken bones and the squished tendons let screams echo throughout. Some puked and others left. Laughing, he grinned and cocked his head sideways.
"Now you," as he spoke to the anthro. "We fellow humans don't have room for your... scars on humanity. Freaks cast out for good reason. You don't belong and you never will. So scurry back to your little alcoves in god knows where and f*** like little kittens born to do nothing but survive on the hormones that brought you to where you are. No one sympathizes. Get your happiness somewhere else."
With the finals words he drove his fists into the broken ankles hearing them shatter inside. Blood dripped everywhere as the anthro fainted from existence. Thom heard steps in front of him only to feel something equivalent to the fist of god being slammed into your stomach. Apparently someone else began to fight back. He began to cause a scene. Too bad he enjoyed it.
The second blow came to quickly while his back was already to the wall. Although he was on his feet the punch was directed towards his left cheek. This guy was strong and fast.... a deadly combo. He wasn't smart though. As Thom's descent began to worsen he thought things that shouldn't be considered by humans. The blow didn't phase him as the insanity consumed his mind. Still smiling he grabbed a flickering bulb on his right. His senses forced his to dodge the third punch directed at his chest. Smashing the wood behind it Thom moved quickly shoving the bulb into the man's mouth followed by a quick thrust with his forearm crushing it inside his mouth. Glass split throughout his mouth and into his cheeks some piercing the sides. He screamed which only made it worse. Thom reached in and began to tickle the man which seemed ridiculous, but it was part of the process.
The man's face split from the opening of the skin in his cheeks and lips. Splitting wide open he continued until his smile literally stretched ear to ear. Blood covered his neck and clothes as is jugular was slightly ajar. Standing he looked around watching those who stayed around vomit grotesquely. It was more enjoyable to look at his masterpiece. Grabbing his stuff he walked out the door seeing Grey standing there at the front steps.
"If you need any more blood." He cocked his head sideways. "There's plenty more in there." As screams echoed in the bar.
This was his path and descent into insanity.
Sure this "Slaughter Prince" place was strange, but what was stranger was the reaction that one man had toward the anthros kittens. "Poor thangs." she said softly her accent dragging on every syllable. She finally turned to the bartender and motion for him to come. "A rum sir." she said to him and she turned her attention back to the performers. She could do so much better.
Finally her drink arrived and she picked it up and started to drink the fiery substance. She softly sighed at the looks of the place and got comfortable. She was going to be here a while.
Anger burned in Grey's eyes as he watched the performer take his leave. He stood there frozen until he was within reach. With a blink of an eye Grey went from a perfect statue to shoving the man against the wall with his sword against his neck. He debated on how to kill him, that is if he would. Should he change him, bite and drink until his body was dry or just simply slit his throat? He couldn't decide.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you now." he demanded sternly. "You don't just kill royalty in front of an extremely thirsty vampire and get away with it." his lips then curled over his fangs eager for revenge, but instead of revenge he grunted once he saw his expression, "Don't Give Me that Look." he angrily demanded under a low tone while adding more pressure to his sword.
His face was just a few inches from the man's but he was prepared for any sudden moves he might make. Even if he did, the sword's pressure would slit his throat without hesitation. His midnight eyes glared into the man's eyes with nothing but rage as he continued to debate on how to kill him. He then thought that changing him would be the best way. He leaned and positioned his fangs on the surface of the nape of his neck and began to bite.
His heartbeat quickened, the sound of the increase of blood flow amused Grey. He couldn't help but smirk until for some unknown reason a distant voice captured his attention. He slowly leaned up and glanced in the direction the voice came from then glared in his eyes once more. "If you don't want to die, then I suggest you don't mess with me when I'm thirsty. He paused and looked off then continued, "Humph, I'll deal with you later." He dropped his sword and put it away. He then turned for the bar.
He could see Grey though he didn't seem impressed with the glares that he gave out. She attack pressing him into the wall pressing his blade into throat. The sheer pressure wouldn't have mattered as his insanity pressured him to slit his own throat. He didn't mind much.
"You bore me... child," Thom said.
He thought to himself. So she is a vampy, I thought he was more along one of those creepy werewolf things or a anthro with a weird fetish. But his touch of death and the smell of blood in her mouth ruled out the anthro proposition.
"What look?" Thom shrugged his shoulders unaware of what he spoke about.
He muttered something about being thirsty and Thom only watched as he bit into his neck. He didn't feel a thing and didn't care about the blood that ran down his arm. Before Thom let Grey walk away he yelled something into the thickened air.
"I didn't think you were a homosexual vampire?!" Cursing loudly he stumbled down the steps half drunk on power the other half on insanity.
Walking down the streets he bobbled back and forth between people who walked back in to take care of the children and make dinner. Walking along he wondered where he was going to sleep as he couldn't play for the food he usually got. Walking back towards the wharf he realized that above the wharf was a couple of dens where he could probably relax for the night without being bothered. After all, he was dripping blood pretty badly.
Before he could even turn around an arm reached around his neck and began to drag him. He couldn't make a resistance as his body was more than tired. It was also drained mentally from his current down spiral. The arm was full of muscle, but covered in hair and sweat. He waited slowly for the destination. Closing his eyes he could smell the ocean as though it was closer than it ever was. He thought of swimming or he was being drowned but he couldn't tell anymore as to what was happening.
Cursing with a slur in his mouth he could feel and hear his feet being dragged upon wood. He could only guess that it was a house close to the wharf but he didn't know himself anymore. He closed his eyes for only a moment and was wakened painfully by a man and woman. He was upon a comfortable bed and he slowly rocked back and forth calming him slowly. His arm was already wrapped and things were taken care of. His clothes were changed and his dembe beside him. Everything was calm for now.
The downward spiral had stopped.
Silently she watched the violence going on in the room with much concern. This was not the time for her to be getting in a fight. She made her way out but not without paying for her unfinished drink, causing the bar-tender to murmur something about "wasteful wolf" and turning back in disgust. She sighed as she walked through the chilly night air until she noticed the man she saw earlier. He had fallen from possible loss of blood, and of course she couldn't just leave him there. She roughly grabbed him by the collar and took him to the inn where she was staying.
She washed his neck and sponged the rest of his chest and then fetched him some new clothes to rest in while she tried to get the blood out of the others. She silently pulled the covers over his shoulders to insure warmth and his comfort as she settled down in the floor to sleep.
As she sleep she tossed and turned causing her long wavy hair to spread out like a piece of black silk across the floor, her dress entangled in her covers revealing some of her long tan legs. She clawed the floor in one of her nightmares and finally lay peacefully at rest.
Grey came to a dead stop once he heard "homosexual" nothing made him more agitated. He looked over his shoulder as he watched a young woman drag him to safety. He hoped she would leave the venom coursing in his veins. But just in case he followed.
Keeping his distance, he discovered the inn they entered. It wasn't so hard to find thanks to the trail of blood the man left behind. It was a good thing that the rain had stopped.
After awhile Grey snuck inside the inn, finding the woman asleep on the floor and the man sitting up in his bed wrapped in bandages. Grey smirked as he slipped through the cracked door without a sound.
He hid in the shadows and waited for the right moment. His careful eyes often strayed to the sleeping woman that lay on the floor. Her head was only a few inches from his feet as he kneeled and whispered, "Death. Death is after you. Death. Death is closing in, coming closer." He smirked and slightly chuckled chaotically as she began to twitch and claw at the floor.
Watching her pained face almost made him laugh. He was sure she'd be like that the rest of the night. He then stood up once more and glanced at the man wondering if he'd injected enough venom. He took a few more silent steps until he was next to the bed while remaining in the darkness.
Thom almost launched from his where he lay his wound almost ripping back open. He lay in a comforting bed with bandages and shirt removed. His pants still bound by a shabby belt he hung his legs over the side of his bed thinking about everything that had happened. The images of the bite came quicker than ever making him cough for a second. Blood spurted into his hands. Throwing his arm quickly he threw the remainder blood into the wall. His hand was covered in blood. Standing slowly his knees cracked as did his elbows and shoulders. Letting out a sigh he realized that the bathroom had become a instant necessity.
Looking around he could a what looked to be a woman sprawled out across the floor. Unsure of what it was he paid it no mind and walked out of the room. The window of the room was open as the door was also slightly ajar. Knowing his luck he wasn't alone with his new friend It. Unsure of what it was he shrugged again as he stretched and opened the door further walking down the hallway and into the bathroom.
He emptied the contents of his bladder into the somewhat toilet and washed his hands over with a slight amount of water. After finishing he cupped his hands and gathered water as he splashed it into his hair. Wetting it down he splashed more onto his face and shoulders allowing blood to sink into the wound. He unwrapped the wound and aired out the dried blood washing down the wound and the are a around it.
"Stupid wench. I still can't tell if it's really a guy." Thom sighed and squeezed his wound making sure the majority of leaky blood had oozed from the holes. It had almost healed completely and he no longer felt drained of physical or mental needs. As he walked back into the room he noticed that the it was still sprawled out across the floor. He decided it would be best to shuffle from his current position and knowing his lunch he would see Grey in some time.
"I can't wait," Thom whispered.
Throwing on his shirt he stuffed his other things inside the bag and pulled out the faithful patched cloak. Throwing it over his shoulder he hoped that it wouldn't wake anything including his new "it" friend. Gathering his things he walked out to the table on the middle level of the kitchen laying some money down with a note over it which wrote: thanks. Taking a kitchen knife he stabbed the table with a loud noise leaving everything there.
Walking out the front door he headed down the road and towards the shop area. He was going to buy some things that he needed.
The man that sat up in his bed, began to tremble once he realized Grey standing next to the bed thanks to the sudden outbreak of clouds which allowed the moon's bright glow reveal everything inside the room.
Grey smirked but was disappointed that this was a different room. This place was sort of like a miniature hospital room with at least 4 to 8 patients. He walked back over to the twitching girl who still lay in the floor.
The floor creaked and it sounded like someone had left but Grey paid no mind to them. Within hours he'd be thirsty again and this place had more than plenty of victims. He stood there motionlessly staring at the disturbed girl. He shook his head and walked towards the kitchen area finding some money lying on a note.
Grey paid no mind to it and grabbed a few mints out of the bowl. He popped the mints into his mouth and struggled to keep from gagging. After having blood staining his mouth for a few weeks, he'd like to refresh his breath before he'd start feeding again.
He walked casually back to his original place and noticed the man that was supposed to be in the bed was now gone. Cold air blew through the middle window of the room. As he peered through it, he saw he man's mangled body lying awkwardly on the cement below. Grey shook his head and laughed.
After closing the window he returned to the tossing and turning being on the floor. He reached down and placed one hand around her neck just under her jaw. She was slowly lifted off the floor and dangled in his grip. He was careful not to block her breathing as he watched the tortured emotions dance across her face.
She winced every few seconds and Grey snickered every time. Suddenly her body became calm and still. He watched cautiously as he continued to keep her in mid air. Her eyes began to twitch and she moaned as she began to wake.
As she woke she looked up only to see the eyes of a different man. She hated the stink of blood that drifted from his breath. "Who are you?" she asked her eyes filled with fear as she remembered the end of her mothers life. She jerked away from him and grabbed her blanket covering herself up. "Please don't hurt me."
Apparently the mints didn't help much once he realized her first reaction. He stopped breathing to keep the smell of death from escaping his mouth. As she questioned he smirked and dropped her so she could back off if she wished. He turned to the kitchen table and grabbed more mints. As he popped them into his mouth he said, "That performer guy you helped left you a note a tip." He then turned to face her.
Her face was horror stricken as he approached her. His smirk slowly faded away as he became serious. "Do you really want to know who I am?" His eyes tightened, judging the expressions on her face. "Why does it matter who I am anymore. I'm a killer that happen to obtain the name Grey. How ironic. " He then softened them and became content. He walked towards her and placed his hand on her shoulder and whispered in her ear. "Rest assure, no harm will come to you from me as long as you don't anger me. But your patients on the other hand will be my victims."
He then changed his tune into something to what he thought that was seductive and continued to whisper into her ear, "You smell so good but I promised to leave you alone." he leaned back with a gentle expression on his face that he was now able to master, and placed his cold hand on her cheek. "Pay me no mind when I feed. If you will, please bring more people here. If not, I'll take my leave but will come back very soon for your immortality. Promise." He sighed in defeat. He never knew why he could never master the seduction part. He could get the expressions and mood right. Why not the tune? Thom had left Grey and the other behind to go do some things of his own that he needed to finish if he wanted to survive. He really didn't care what he needed more or less just something peaceful to do for a while. There's been too much fighting for the time being and he's not someone that should be doing it. After all, he was a bard... not a warrior.
The streets were more busy than ever. People hustled and bustled as he bumped shoulders with the normal, unfamiliar, newbies to the country, and the street rats that kept wondering why this rich bard didn't have any pockets to steal. Hooray for cloaks. His high collar pockets came in handy. Or it could be the ones in his sleeves. He learned better than to leave pockets open for street urchins to swindle from. Watching boys chase each other through the crowded streets he came upon the main source of all the commotion: the marketplace.
He was surprised to see how different the marketplace was than the rest of town. Unsure of what to do first he felt like the urchin in the royal dining hall. Watching where he stepped he realized that there was a monster/pet vendor with all sorts of weird commodities.... or animals for that matter. Famed dragons down to the smallest kitty where the anthro people yelled to the vendor to let their kind go. Even freedom came with a price of a couple gold here and there. The pet vendor ignored everyone who wasn't buying from him, which was two kids and parent looking or something to keep them company while the father heads to work or war.
Thom approached the shop unsure of the things he would encounter. The first thing that caught his eye was a tiny dragon which was the cutest thing had ever seen. Approaching the cage he could see the vendor hop off the table he stood on and the walk over began. Thom thought of a million things that he could say, but said nothing watching the vendor do his thing. The dragon itself was mostly black with a few red scales here and there and a slight spot of unnaturally red hair under his chin. The dragon he saw before him was obviously a red dragon that was too young to give color. Some dragons develop it later. Thom watched the dragon approach the side of the steel bars as the Thom leaned against them. The vendor stood behind him and several feet to the side. He was afraid of his own creation. Wings puffed out and the dragon walked forward sniffing the air around him. A new smell had approached him and he was unsure. The vendor approached spitting prices and knowledge of the tiny dragon that Thom marveled in. Thom watched as the nose bent pack and the breath got heavier. The tongue worked inside the dragon's mouth.
Thom glanced to the vendor who looked back curiously before stepping closer. Thom took a step to the side as the dragon blew out a puff of heat from his jaws. No flame caught the air, but there was definitely a change in pressure and heat around him. The vendor went to move his whip from his side. Thom moved quickly and suddenly pushing the whip handle with a palm back towards the belt loop. Thom said nothing as he just looked at the vendor and then to the family standing there watching. There was only silence before the vendor nodded and went back to the easy business. They understood one another.
Going back to his dragon he watched as another puff of breath smoke came from it's nostrils as it's belly rested against the steel floor. Thom placed his open palm against the area by the steel bars. The dragon picked up on the scent quickly. Thom waited patiently as the dragon smelled his hand eventually licking the palm. It was something that he had never seen. A dragon using the tongue to find the person approaching. That was until Thom realized his hand smelled like the whip leather and the meat from the pockets of the vendor. Thom reached far into his right sleeve to pull out a slight piece of meat that he usually ate with his bread but obviously the creature was more hungry then him. Placing the food on his fingers he flicked it into the cage where the dragon devoured the piece with a single closing of it's mouth. A squeak came from the creature as he thought he could see the thing smiled. Placing his hand upon the steel he allowed the dragon to rub against him and his cloak sleeve.
"What's this I see?" Hrm?
The hair on the back of his neck prickled slightly. Insanity crept upon his mind.
Smiling wickedly he could see the poles that snapped into cage of the steel floor released from the bottom. Walking to the corner of the cage he could feel the bolt with his left hand while the dragon followed the right across the cage. Thom started to unscrew a bolt from the cage while an urchin tried to find pockets in his jacket and drum. Thom spun quickly ducking down into a cross-legged position smiling at the urchin.
"Gather ten of you best friends. For I will give you each a gold for a small much needed task."
The urchin smiled and winked and within moments there were suddenly ten kids in front of him from places he could even imagine. Apparently there were two directly behind him under the dragons cage. His plan would work.
"I need two of you to unbolt the rest of screws from this cage except for the corner opposite of this one," as Thom pointed quickly. "Next I need one of you to go to the vendor and tie his shoes together after the other seven of you distract the vendor right there." Thom used his eyes to point out the vendor that stood to the far right still showing the kitties off to the family while other anthro protested. Thom threw a gold at all ten of them and each matched his smile before nodding. He spun again as he pushed himself up turning around to the dragon who stared at Thom curiously. The dragon opened its mouth as Thom put his hand into the cage. Petting the nose of the dragon he could see the happiness. Thom blew the dragon a kiss before thinking for a second. He pointed to the corner of the cage with the bolt that was still fastened. He could see two bolts upon the other side that he didn't notice for a while. Those kids are quick. Although all went well the dragon didn't understand. Thom took more meat from his sleeve and waved it in front of the dragon before throwing it to the other corner. It landed a foot or two short of the bar but the dragon walked over curiously. At the other end he could hear a commotion starting.
Thom smiled before slamming his fist into the platform. The motion was enough to make some back away and the vendor to make a double take. The dragon growled because it disturbed him eating the meat. Two of the bars at his end popped from the cage with a slight amount of force. Thom squatted for a moment stretching while the dragon just watched. Opening it's mouth it wanted more. Thom jumped billowing his cloak behind him he slammed his two feet into the platform. The noise was enough to scare the people around him and grab the vendor's attention as they both knew what had just happened. He could hear the kids scrambling around him and the noises of curses as his shoes were only knotted and not tied. Thanks to the wonders of a kid who didn't know how to ties shoes. The platform had bent and the poles had released. The dragon roared. Thom threw down a bunch of food from his sleeve. Surprised, he threw his hood over his head and bounced into the crowd trying to cover himself.
Thom reached the top of a hill by the magician's shop of wonders. Hiding behind a tree he watched the scene unfold. The dragon had tricked Thom and had finally unfurled itself. It wasn't a baby as it was almost a pre-teenager in age. It's ears unfolded and wings furled completely out almost side to side of the cage. It stretched its tale and legs showing it's full form which was much skinnier than Thom had realized. It let out a shriek that could be heard almost a mile away to his imagination. The vendor only threw off his shoes and hid in his tent. Urchins ran and people paid attention to the dragon that struggled from the loose cage. The bend was still not enough to let him ago without a struggle.
The dragon flopped out of the cage as people gasped. The dragon didn't fly much but it sure ran quickly towards the food that munched it happily. Thom watched in merriment as the move had satisfied his insanity. Thom moved quickly sliding down the hill and into the wharf area and moved along the shore of the beach resting against a rock. He wasn't the only as people gathered there to see the ships that left port for the war. The ships were fantastic, but people were more concerned of the dragon that ran threw the crowd of people. It reached the end of the wharf and jumped between ships flying into the air. He wasn't much, but Thom liked him. The dragon flew into the sky and into one of the many coves that ran along the wharf.
Thom could see a much larger burst of flame shout from the cove and a much larger roar echoed.
As the insanity fell Thom could feel himself getting extremely tired. Sneaking into the cave he fell asleep quickly amongst the comfortable floor.
"What's all the racket?"
"A young dragon some how freed itself. From what I hear, it broke its cage into pieces." a citizen explained.
"Interesting..." she murdered under her breath.
Pale red eyes examined the fleeing citizens as if to find the source of the chaos. With one nod she left the citizen and strolled through the insanity. The people ran in all sorts of directions. Some even ran into each other trying to decide which way to go.
"Humph. Stupid humans." she muttered. Finally a small shop caught her eye. It had a cage that seemed almost all but destroyed. "Impressive." A smile stretched across her face in amazement. Humans and anthros should never underestimate dragons. She laughed to herself as she approached.
"What's so funny?"
She looked at the anthro and eyed his thorned whip. Apparently he was a type of vendor or something. She laughed once more.
"You're a vendor right? Ha! You couldn't hold a dragon captive if your own life depended on it. It’s a good thing he got away. I'd hate to have to kill you."
"...hm. You couldn't kill me even if you had the chance. Besides I doubt you could even catch a dragon."
She took two strides so she would be only inches from his face. He flinched. "Humph. Wanna bet. I could kill you right now. I lived and grew up with dragons, of course, anthros like you and humans alike would never survive a day."
"If you're not human nor anthro, then what are you?" he asked as he tried to sneak his whip out.
"Your kind and you wretched human could never understand my kind." She said taking a few steps back.
"Where do you think you're going, coward?" He smirked.
"I'm going to find that dragon to see if he's hurt. And if he is, well let’s just say it's going to cost you your life." She turned her back and walked away only pausing once and looking over her shoulder toward the vendor, "Oh, by the way, I'm no coward, idiot."
She turned closed her eyes for a moment and disappeared into the surrounding witnesses. The vendor was shouting after her but she didn't care. She was more concerned about the small dragon. Finally she stopped under a shaded tree and relaxed for a moment. Her red eyes focused on the glittering water below. Minutes later she closed her eyes and began to change.
Black and red scales draped over her as her body grew long and tall. Her hands and feet turned into claws while wings stretched 8 feet from her back. The red scales ran from the outside edges of her eyes down her sides in an undefined pattern. She was now 7 feet tall with a body that stretched 12 feet from head to tail.
She opened her red eyes and leapt into the air. Her wings found the air current as she climbed higher in amplitude. Thanks to the enhancement of her senses she picked up the dragon's scent with ease. She flew into the cave's mouth and waited for she knew the young dragon wasn't alone.
At first heat began to build and a red-orange light glowed in the depth of the cave. She opened her mouth and lit a ball of fire ready to strike back in defense. Suddenly the other light disappeared and something charged after her.
She stood there ready, her wings tight against her body and most weight in her hind legs ready to lunge. A red dragon came into view - which was larger than her - and stopped once its head was against her's. She stared into the red dragon's eyes with concern and it relaxed a little. With a low bark-like sound it called after the younger dragon. Which meant that the red dragon was obviously the mother.
She sat down as the little black dragon approached. He was a hyper little thing and showed no sign of injury. She stood, nodded and left the cave.
While in midair she noticed a different sent. Human. But why would a human be in the caves? Unless... She whirled her body to the path of the sent and picked up speed as she dove downward. The cave was near the ground, which was strange because dragons hardly ever nest next to the ground. She entered the cave at a blinding speed and flew to the back of the cave. She clinged to the wall to stop herself as she slammed into it. The walls shook violently, threatening a cave in.
She stepped onto the floor and slowly searched for the human. Then, in the darkness of the cave she heard something shuffle for comfort. The breathing was deep and sounded male. His breathing was too even for awareness so he had to be resting.
She quietly crept up to the lump that lay on the floor and positioned herself at his head. She lay down and watched him with eager eyes, hoping to frighten him when he awakens. She lowered her head to his level as her bright red eyes glowed in excitement. There was nothing better than a human startled to death.
It wasn't long after his initial falling asleep that he could hear company arrive. The footsteps were obvious as the caves do not have even ground. The earth was still rather uneven and his company knew the ground in which he/she walked. He could tell that this new person was interested as they had leaned over Thom while he slept. He could feel the breath of air that puffed from it's nose every so often. The warm air warmed the top of his head. He rolled to right swinging his left arm straight out through his body. He felt no contact which meant that it had moved.
He stood promptly after rolling allowing his bard's cloak to billow out. The patches couldn't be seen as the night had just left the sky. He ignored her presence in the cave and instead headed out into the beach. The rocks made him slip several times eventually making him fall. Getting up slowly he approached the sand where he cupped his hands for water to splash his face and hair. He hadn't taken a bath for a good several days, but the perfume from the cloak hid it well.
Looking around he noticed that to the right there was more room for the restless water to move across the beach while the left retained the entrance to the wharf. He took off left glancing into the cave for a moment to see if the person had left or not. He needed to sleep in an inn for once or find some place that would let him stay without these people bothering him.
He hopped up the stones and climbed into the corner of the wharf where people still gathered to buy more items. Just once he wanted this place to be completely barren. He noticed that his vendor friend had up and left and with that the pickpocket urchins had been getting worse. He quickly along the rim of the market reaching the top of the hill that looks over the central market. There he could play with the magician's gifts and see what magic they taught to the newcomers. He was slightly excited as he was urgent to buy some sort of spell to protect himself or even go out into the front line to pick up the real details of those juicy stories.
Glancing around him he noticed that people had been watching him as well. The cloak on the drum gave it all away as he moved through the crowds. It was probably also due to the massive amounts of pick pockets that followed his every move. They were curious little b******s that just wouldn't let up.
This was his escape from the little b******s.
Thom began to move... quickly. Faster than he usually did moving in and out of the people in front of him. He tried not to contact people or else a commotion could happen quite quickly. He was almost as full speed which was much faster than most moved. His legs carried him further than any little kid could.
Ahead of him he could see a magic show entertain the hundreds of people who were enthralled with the magician's simple magic. The area that the magician had created was larger than most. It was almost like a second central market, but just for the mage's and other magical items. But before that he could see that the urchins behind him started to filter out of the original crowd where the moved almost as one giant pack. Thom looked behind him noticing that there was several feet of complete empty before the second mass of enthralled viewers would hit.
It was time to start more commotion.
Thom stopped ditching the cloak into his bag quickly before hurriedly stuffing himself into the crowd. The yelling could be heard for miles as the mass of urchins pounded into the enthralled crowd. It was as though a massive amount of water, the urchins, had collided with a central wall, the enthralled people.
Thom waited until every kid who followed was in the crowd. They were kids in a candy store except picking pockets. Thom snaked out of crowd freeing himself from the stink of the crowd. Freeing himself he started the sprint back up finding a hiding placed behind a magician's tent that sold magic to the new and young who were interested. Catching his breath he breathed heavily. Tipping his head back he rested his head and crossed his wrists over raised knees. He was tired and more or less interested in the magic that developed behind him. Stepping out of the carriage and into the bright sunlight of mid-afternoon, the Lumineuxin princess was very glad that her people's settlement didn't seem to keep a constant rain cloud over it like this country's capitol did. As she watched some of the faces around her light up with recognition and happiness, she couldn't keep the small smile off her face as she nodded simple greetings to them, her people. The thought always made her giddy; being queen was a dream of hers that she wasn't sure would ever come true. Her mother was a good queen with a death grip on her country, not to mention Alice was engaged to a prince, which would make her queen of his country all too soon instead. Sighing as she walked towards her destination, the lowly town hall, she kept her eyes on the ground as she hoped her fiancé hadn't heard she would be here; he was the last person she wanted to see right now.
Alice's motivations on this trip were halved: one was her mother's wish for her to be among the people; her own motivation, that even her mother wasn't aware of, was that she was meeting her sister, Ann, here. It was a nice half-way point for them to meet, since her beloved sister was queen to another country on the other side of the world. This meeting was very special to Alice, seeing as how she hardly ever got to see her sister and best friend that often.
Standing outside the hall, the brunette peeked inside, not seeing a soul. Disappointed and frustrated, she was momentarily shaken by the feeling of being watched. She tried to just ignore it as her sky blue eyes searched the crowds for her sister.
As usual he lurked in the shadows of every alley that he thought the most people walked nearby. Since his hunger was satisfied for the moment, he just leaned against the wall acting as if he was a normal man. Suddenly, there was commotion in the settlement. Looking up, midnight eyes glanced to see what was going on. This was the first time that he saw the people alert and happy since he came here to get away from his beloved sisters. Curiosity drenched him like rain water. He had to find out what was going on. Easily blending in with the surrounding people, he was able to get a close look. A carriage had pulled up, and a young woman had stepped out. She looked up and greeted everyone. Something was different about the young woman. He never smelt her type of blood before. "Interesting." he muttered to himself. Anxious, he wanted to get closer. Instead he turned and headed towards the hall. Some how he knew she'd wind up there for some reason. As expected she walked up to the hall and stood there for a moment. While she stood there Grey went ahead and leaned his back against the wall of a next door building. Watching her turn around with a almost disgusted expression, he wondered what she was looking for. Letting her have her moment, he decided to actually talk to her since he wasn't hungry at the moment. As he remained leaned against the wall, hoping not to seemed lonely and depressed as usual, he spoke, "What’s a pretty young lady like yourself doing here?" He wanted to lure her into a deadly trap, but something about her reminded him of his youngest sister, Ivy.
Alice's thoughts were far from kind as she wondered why her sister wasn't here. There were a million possibilities, but she didn't want to admit to any one of them. Ann could've gotten held up by this stupid country's very stupid security; they barely had any idea what they were doing half the time. She might've gotten a late start, but Ann was always on time. Those were only a few of the more positive possibilities. Worse, Ann's husband mistreated her all the time. It was verbal most of the time, but maybe he took it a step further and Ann...Alice didn't allow herself to think that as she moved on to the next thought. Against all odds, maybe her fiancé Griffin did somehow find out she'd be here and had stopped Ann so he could accompany her here. Rolling her eyes, Alice really hoped that wasn't it.
A male voice broke into her thoughts, and in her annoyance she almost snapped at him but then thought better of it; her mother would kill her if she did. Ignoring his compliment, she responded as her eyes still searched the crowd, "Coming to see the settlement my country has made here. It's been such a long time since my last visit." Her right hand on the hall's door frame, she let her eyes wander to the two guards that would accompany her during her duration here. Then she had an idea.
Motioning one of the guards over, she spoke to him in a low voice, "Could you go see if you can find anything out? Even the smallest shred of information would make me stop worrying so!" The man nodded as he walked off to question the public officials.
Noticing the dark-haired man was still nearby, she felt obligated to explain for some reason, even if only a little, "If you must know, I'm waiting for someone." She added with dismay, "And they're late."
Standing there, he kept his head bowed and his eyes closed. After her slight hesitation, she finally spoke. Her voice sounded a little worried, and she didn't bother to look at him like most people would. As she spoke she remained at the doorway of the hall and looked upon the settlement, as if she was still searching.
Suddenly there were footsteps headed their way. Midnight eyes looked up to see who was approaching. It was a guard, but why? Did he seem that suspicious? Looking down at the ground, he watched them conversate through the corner of his eye. Noticing how fast he had came and gone, he watched the guard for any sudden moves. But he didn't show any intentions of doing so.
Focusing on the young woman, it seemed as if she had finally noticed him. When she spoke, he couldn't help but smile. He had finally realized that it was her voice that reminded him so much of Ivy.
Pushing memories aside, something struck him. He did smell her blood type before. He stood there for a moment going through a flash back. It was earlier today, Grey went on lurking through alleys just like he did every morning, looking for breakfast. Finally he found someone, but when he was in the middle of luring them in, a carriage [just like this young woman's] had pulled up in front of him.
His prey had turned around for the occasion, and he wasn't going to let his prey go. His prey had made it to the side of the carriage and a couple had stepped out when Grey had lunged for his prey. He was so hungry, he didn't care. But the couple did see him. And were frightened. He noticed that their blood's sent was the same as her's. And he had intentions of hunting them down, but since she captured his attention, he'd have to do it later.
Having to make himself refocus, he looked up once more, then turned his attention towards her. She spoke once more. Her voice alone was like a sweet melody built with torture. With painful memories once again flooding his mind, he forced himself to think of something different.
Finally he spoke, "So you came to see your country's settlement, but your purpose here was to meet up with someone. Now your disappointed that they haven't showed up yet and you have guards ask around for you. Why?"
Standing straight up now he looked out into the crowd once more. The guard was still wondering about, asking people left and right. Grey knew that someone would wind up explaining how they witnessed a vampire attack right next to the couple that had arrived earlier. And that they fled for their safety. For now.
Turning to face her, she still seemed annoyed. He didn't know who she was or where she came from. "Who are you anyway?" he curiously asked. He was eager to know her name, and what blood line she came from. It didn't surprise him if he made her nervous. He made alot of people nervous when he was out and about. Yet he was fortunate to not to be noticed as the vampire that lurked in the alleys.
Sharp blue eyes followed the guard around with hidden worry. Each time he asked and a look of disappointment took over his face, it was like a stab to the princess's hopes. Her sister was the only person in the entire world that truly understood and accepted her; except for Eron, of course, but he had long since been gone. His passing was hard on Alice, because the prince was rather dear to her, but she had managed to somehow pull through. Now she was worried about losing her sister as well. Somehow, she felt like she made those close to her have awful lives; it was why she was usually hesitant to get close to or to open up to others. Her cutting attitude and biting remarks were usually enough to disgust others and make them go away. She had her friendly times, but they were few and far between for the stressed young woman.
Alice didn't fail to notice that the strange man nearby tensed when his eyes feel upon the guards; she didn't have to be looking right at him to notice that. So when he asked his first question, it only pricked more at her harried nerves. Her dark eyebrows were arched over her angry eyes as she turned to him, "Sir, I don't quite like the tone of your question, and frankly I feel that it is none of your business. Besides, why should you care unless you have something to hide?"
Her last question made her take a closer look at him. His skin was just pale enough to hint of something odd; his eyes, although he hadn't looked directly at her yet, were obviously a horrendous shade of pure black; and lastly, he was dressed from head to toe in nothing but black. Scoffing, she didn't think much of the last detail; after all, all-black was the constant fashion in Foncé. Not to mention, she too was wearing a long-sleeved all black dress and black shoes. Deciding she had more important things to worry about that some curious stranger, she turned her attention back to looking for the guard.
But when her sky blue eyes scanned the surroundings, he wasn't there. "Maybe he went to go hunt down the town officials; they're never out and about anyway," she thought.
The stranger once again invaded her thoughts, and she was more aggravated than anything else; couldn't he see she was busy? But as she listened, she heard only curiosity and eagerness in his voice. Once again, she had jumped to conclusions; but he did look like a shady figure.
Deciding to lower her guard a little, she tried to be more patient with him. "My name is Alice Chantonae." Hesitating, unsure whether telling him her position was safe or not, she spotted the other guard in the distance once more, a short chubby man trailing along behind him; that sight gave her the confidence and she spoke, "I'm the princess of Lumineux, the land across the sea and the country that built this settlement." With a slight bow of courtesy, she eagerly watched the guard and other man approach.
She continued to look upon the crowd. Apparently she was watching someone now. Then her voice no longer held worries. Instead it was sharp and irritated. After she finished her scolding she turned back around and looked into the crowd once more.
He stood there for a moment unresponsive. Shrugging his shoulders, he replied. "Mam, I didn't mean to have a tone. And what do you mean when you say something to hide? Aren't we all hiding something?"
He caught the spit-second glance she gave him. He hated that he had black eyes, he often wondered why couldn't they be grey. He wished he had bought some glasses that made him appear blind. Suddenly an idea struck his mind. Just incase she did see his eyes.
Then she spoke. He couldn't believe that she actually told him her name. Even better her blood line. "Princess. Wow, I never thought I'd actually get to talk to someone that was from a royal family. Hmmm. This place is always so dull-"
He stopped what he was saying when he noticed the guards approach them. Standing there quietly, he watched the guard and his friend's every move. The guard kept giving him strange looks. Signaling that he was planning something.
"Does he know?" the thoughtful questioned. As he waited to see what the princess and the guards would do next he finished what he was saying.
"Sorry, something caught my eye for a moment. Like I was saying, this place is normally dull. But today's been different. Everyone acts as if a special occasion is taking place. This is the first time I've seen them like this."
The guards was making him tense. Grey knew that if they did pull something off, that he'd half to kill them and reveal what he really was. Usually he didn't care, but something about him didn't want to scare the princess more than the probably already was.
"I'm Dwayne Grey Wallice by the way. Everyone here calls me Grey." He hated being rude. But was thriving off her mood. He could see that she was full of fire.
The young woman's breathing and heart rate picked up the closer the guard and the plump man got; she almost wished she had magical abilities so she could transport them both right in front of her right now. The look on the guard's face told her that the man with him at last had something to say, even if it was something of small importance. At this rate, Alice was glad to hear almost anything; knowing nothing was taking a toll on her nerves.
Speaking of nerves, the stranger nearby was still talking to her; however, now she didn't mind as much, only wishing that he could wait instead of plowing ahead with his questions, "Sir, we may all have something to hide, but acting as you have isn't regular of someone with normal, not troublesome things to hide. You act as if my guards are threatening you, and of course that makes me feel threatened, so I suggest you calm down." Shooting him a quick stern glance, she tried to reinforce her next statement, "They are well-trained men who will only attack when I give the word or when they think I am in danger; so I suggest you don't make any sudden movements, sir, and you'll be fine." Sighing, she added rather quietly, almost as an afterthought, "Nice to meet you, Grey. Whatever you are, it's not hunted here...Have no worries; you're safe."
Her attention was stolen away by the short, round man walking up to her, bowing rather low and taking off his worn brown top hat, "Oh, Princess, what a wonderful surprise! I wasn't aware of your coming here until I received word this morning that your sister, bless that wonderful Queen, wasn't going to get to join you this fine afternoon--"
Cutting off the blubbering old fool, Alice asked with a high-pitch voice, "Spit it out, man! Why isn't she here?" Feeling rude and in fear of her mother, she added, "And thank you."
The man continued like he hadn't been stopped at all, "I'm the Settlement's governor and I feel honored to have you here; to have you and your sister would have been an even greater honor, but she wrote to me that political business was keeping her at home today. She said if you could stay an extra day..." He trailed off, eyeing the unhappy princess in a way she didn't quite like. It was obvious from his tone that her sister wouldn't be coming back for a while; he was just lying so Alice would stay another day to bring visitors who would no doubt bring money to the town.
Exasperated, Alice sighed, "I thank you, kind governor, but if my sister is not coming I will be departing this afternoon as planned. I'm sorry." Not wanting to deal with the man anymore, she darted into the hall and sat in one of the many scattered chairs, her two guards taking positions behind her against the wall. One of them spoke up, "I'm sorry, your highness."
Unable to wipe away the flowing tears of disappointment, the brunette just gave in and held her face in her hands. Speaking to no one in particular, she sobbed, "This place is dull without my sister!"
As Grey stood there, waiting for her response, he noticed she was eager to hear what the short man had to say. Which worried him that he'd might recognize him. Then her voice caught his attention. Telling him to calm down, she shot the sternest glance he had ever saw. He stood there leaned against the wall, just staring at her. Then he did as she said and relaxed. Her voice was very commanding and convincing. So he took her for her word and closed his eyes once more. Suddenly a voice came into play. Almost alarmed, Grey looked up at the short man with a cold hard glare. Apparently his glare made the short man stop in the middle of his sentence. Princess Alice seemed stressed about something to do with her sister. Then Grey thought that the couple he scared off earlier had to be who she was looking for. The man's voice once again got Grey's close attention. The whole time he spoke Grey never took his eyes off him. Relieved that he didn't mention the vampire attack that had scared them off, he was coming up with a better plan than he thought of before. But the way that the governor looked at her, itched at Grey's nerves. For some reason he couldn't stand it. So he thought that since he was beginning to get hungry once more, he'd be his next victim. Giving the governor a terrifying smirk, the princess caught his eye when she went inside. As she did so, the guards turned immediately turned to stand by the door for her protection. Standing up straight, he walked towards the front of the doorway. Knowing that the guards would never allow him to enter, he hesitated when he reached 3 feet from the door. Her voice was so quivery, and so hurt, that it made him think of Ivy's reaction when she found out what had really happened to him. Her screaming voice would forever haunt him. Her voice always echoed, "We have to help him! Now!! Hurry Adalinda! Please!.....This can't happen! Not now!....Nooo! *sob*" Forcing the memory to the back of his mind, he watched the governor leave. He stood there waiting for the perfect moment to strike him. Because he was so small he knew it wouldn't take him long and he'd be back before she left. Leaving that thought there he swiftly disappeared into the nearby alley.
Thom woke slowly from the painful sleep. His stomach felt as though an elephant had crushed his stomach or at least his sternum. He breathed heavily for a few moments before spitting upon the rotten cobblestone floor. Moss was everywhere that there was as brick. It's what looked to be a dungeon as it was different from the normal gallows back at home. Glancing around he realized that this place was rarely used as nothing was around except for the scattered remains of the food that was left behind by the locals. The ray was covered in something that obviously was not food, but more of a fecal matter. There were rodents. He knew that it could only be them in this case. The food was nibbled on as well. The longer he glanced around at the dungeon around him he realized that this place was much easier to get out of than in to.
The bars around him were rotted out by rust and other things. The keyhole of the door was larger than his fist and skeletons were no where to be found along with the chains that held them in place. Standing slowly he held his stomach trying to not show the pain from the blow earlier. Peaking around the halls he could see no one of importance which meant that there was always someone else patrolling somewhere.
He also realized that he had been stripped of his cloak and djembe. Walking over to the normal bars in front of him he shook them violently. No one answered. He waited longer and there was still no answer. This was going to be a lot easier than he predicted. Walking to the door he pushed forwards snapping it from it's hinges. Eagerly he pushed harder and harder slowly edging it from it's place.
Thom looked immediately to his left. Two armed guards with another in front who was obviously the leader. The chest plate was different as it was crested with a black lion who howled showing its' fangs. Glancing to his right he could see two more armed guards. He sighed as he threw down the door. The door swung heavily on the highest hinge which wasn't as affected by the rust and ruin of the surrounding doors. Thom looked at the guards who made no advanced and made had no weapons other than the standards that they carried at all times. It was question time. The guard with the lion crest walked forwards throwing Thom's cloak to the floor. Placing the djembe down he stepped forward handing the pike to another guard. Thom picked the cloak up as the man smiled. His mouth was a webwork of teeth and steel as he pointed towards the cloaked. Picking it up he placed it around his back before standing and waiting the questions that were going to be thrown at him.
"Who helped you?"
Thom gave him a disdainful look. He had no help or he wouldn't be in this situation. He would probably be elsewhere drinking ale and waking peacefully to a tavern full of story thirty men and women.
"If I had help, do you think I would still be here in this wonderful place?"
Thom looked on as the black lion crested guard handed him a list of names. On the note read a death list of people had died recently by the hands of an unknown killer. The note read of a man in the dark who killed only those who he though befitting of death. There was no picture as to who the man to identify was, but the reward money was enough to buy a kingdom. At least it seemed. He looked to the guard shrugging his shoulders in response to the situation. The guard began to curse under his breath. Others watched in discontent shaking their heads in sadness. Obviously the guards that were killed were friends of those that stood before him. Or even family.
"You are free to go. And as of the death that you caused, It is nothing to worry about, it seems the guard that you took out, Cale, was someone who the king of the court had been trying to do for a while. So all in all you did us a favor." Thom cursed quietly.
Just as Thom was ready to leave he could see a shadow beyond that of the three guards. The two to his right had left without him knowing. It was something that doesn't happen often as Thom is usually a very observant person. Maybe the blow to his stomach was worse than he thought. The shadow approached closer and closer. He could barely see anything moving, but he prepared for the worst as he hurriedly picked up his drum and began to leave where the other two guards had left.
Grey couldn't help but grow curious about the captive performer as he roamed about the castle halls. His mouth watered at the thought of the long awaited royal blood, but the sound of clanking armor was ruining his focus. Aggravated, he found a perfect place to shed and hide the armor. Glad that he felt less stuffy and ten times lighter, he carried on. He began to hear voices almost shouting throughout the hallway.
He looked around wondering whether or not if he was lost or simply just got side tracked. The air was cooler than before, so he knew he was further down that he intended. But since he was too thirsty to care, he still carried on. The voices hanging in the air were those of the guards that he had heard before, so he knew that performer was nearby. It was a good thing that the voices were so well distinct.
Finally after taking a corner, Grey saw an open door. Sneaking in was a breeze. Not one soul had noticed his entrance. With a mischief smirk he watched two of guards leave. After a moment another followed behind. His midnight eyes then turned to focus on the man who was gathering his belongings. Apparently he noticed his shadow that seemed to stretch further that it would under normal lighting.
Standing as still as a statue, Grey watched the nervous man take his leave. He smirked as he shook his head thinking how easy his prey will come, but wondered if that man or the guards should become his target. Still indecisive, he soon followed, making sure to stay against the dark, shadow covered walls. Once he excited the room, he couldn't believe how long the hallways seemed. Taking one glance around, he quickly fell in position, but remained a few feet behind the weary performer.
Thom walked down the dreary hallway. The stones no longer held the scent of moss, but rather the air did as he walked silently down the halls. The air had gradually gotten colder and the air thicker as the same hallway stretched for what seemed to be miles. He whistled nonchalantly as he headed further into the growing darkness. He was obviously going the wrong direction. He didn't seem to care as he realized the sudden echoing footsteps of what seemed to be a corporeal witch behind him. They barely made noise and even the sound of breathing couldn't be heard. It was probably a hired assassin that here to finally take him out. Apparently they cared more about that guard than he had heard.
He thought of the story that reminded him of the assassin. There were soldiers once used by the King himself in the dark ages of the war when he decided to conquer the earth that lay before him. Stories were told of what looked to be people dressed in robes with a naked chest and faces that bore no human qualities. Some called them monsters, but their true name and calling were Fetch. These creatures weren't actually anything but tortured souls in the tattered remains of old soldiers. According to the stories of soldiers these "fetch" summoned unholy lightning from their hands and control it with their will targeting anyone who tried to usurp the King. They looked like normal people from a distance but the closer to someone they got the more distorted their face seemed. It was rare for anyone to get close as these corporeal bodyguards watched every person that headed towards the King. It was like nothing the soldiers had seen. Soldiers would see people dressed in robes on a battlefield walking towards them and all you would see flash followed by the crack of a thousand echoes of thunder in one's ear which would shatter every flesh inside your ear. Those that survived the encounter committed suicide as soldiers watched their friends be turned into a smoldering pile of rotten flesh before their eyes.
It was said that only one was killed during the beginning of the war. As the fetch died men were blown to pieces in every direction as the blow was more intense than anything they had ever encountered. It was as though a thousand tons of satchels were detonated in the middle of the battlefield. Those that survived told the tales. The fetch's outer skin dissolved, as they say, as the skin dropped to the ground and a single soul rose from the remains. The King saw what had happened and rushed to the need of his fellow companion who had dropped. He quickly swallowed the soul that had appeared and devoured it whole. With a burning passion he became stronger than before as the roamed the battlefield. Rumors say that only a couple of these fetch remain. Others say they number in the dozen. Thom only hoped that one of them wasn't right behind him.
Thom set a certain pace hoping that the person would come from the shadows they hid from. He kept thinking of stories and what this place would look like if his body exploded within these cavern like walls. He went back to whistling adding a drum beat that he played on his stomach. It no longer hurt anymore and he could stretch with the satisfaction that he was back in shape. He whistled happily to the tune of the old mourning songs except with a few of his own variations. Now all he had left is to get to the nearest tavern to get some food into his already empty belly.
Grey watched the man as he curiously followed. The stranger's whistling melody ricocheted off the walls as it invaded the dark hallway. Once he stopped, Grey couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. The man seemed to be at deep thought as he strolled along only making Grey more pique.
The dwelling silence that lingered about, seemed a little awkward, as Grey got the feeling like he was making way too much noise. Pushing the thought away, he looked onward only to see more hallways. He wondered if it was ever going to end. Suddenly the man picked up his pace, catching Grey a little off guard. Grey then approached closer to make sure that he wouldn't pull any sudden moves without a close encounter. Yet he remained within the safety of the surrounding shadows.
Finally he broke the silence with the melody once more but with his drum to add rhythm to it. Whatever he was playing, Grey surprisingly found it likeable. As he played, Grey noticed the roaring of his stomach buried beneath the happy melody. Apparently the man was hungry, but he seemed to have recovered fairly well. Grey smirked as he shook his head in amusement. He had forgotten what it was like to be hungry like that, but he knew that at any moment his thirst would become uncontrollable.
He wished that he knew why he didn't make a meal out of the man before him. He followed resisting the urge. He hoped that a guard would pass by soon, but as they continued walking he got a feeling like something wasn't right. He then focused on the man and watched him closely, as he rested his hand upon his over lengthen sword, and prepared for conflict.
Picking up the pace once more he realized that there was no hiding himself from the assassin that followed. He really didn't care as he was more concerned with the hunger that drew him closer to nearest bar. Almost at full sprint he jumped down the hallway not only breaking pursuit from the assassin, but also slipping between the mosses of cobblestoned floor. Excitedly he realized that he was most falling down the halls than actually running as there were tendencies to slip constantly. Watching his balance he stopped suddenly once again finding out that the air had changed from the constant shiver to a more or less warmth that covered the halls. He took a couple of steps as he got closer up what seemed to be a slope.
Watching himself closely he watched as the air seemed to get thicker and thicker as he got closer to what seemed to be the sweet smelling air of the closest kitchen. The air was sweet and the apparently there was a floor above him. He though it was not made of stone, but more of wood. Pushing upon the wood he realized it opened slowly. With a loud creak it opened to the sweet sensation and a hand that reached inside. Grabbing the hand he was pulled out into a bright light. Watching himself he guarded the arm hoping that it wouldn't have been chopped off. The air was sweet and hopefully they would give him something to cure the groan in his stomach.
Grey watched anxiously as the man sped up and dashed away. He began to follow at the same rate but came up with a better plan. He ran in the general direction to see which turns he took. Grey couldn't help but laugh at the slipping commotion in the distance. He then took an opposite route, hoping to cut him off somewhere.
Grey had no idea where he was going. The man could have found his way out for all he knew. Arguing with himself he slowed down and walked as he noticed a dim light ahead of him. Each step of the way, it seemed that it was a gathering place for humans. Smirking, his pace increased at the thought of satisfying his strained thirst.
Just as he figured, there was a wooden door at the end of the hallway that seemed to have a golden glow from the lights within. Placing his hand on the knob, he eagerly opened it. The place seemed to be some sort of small restaurant filled with people. He entered with a smile stretched from ear to ear.
Grey positioned himself in the middle of the floor and placed his hand on his sword, eager to see how they would react. One by one, they all began to stare in curiosity. Drunken men laughed and pointed, and kids tried to mimic his perfect pose. But little did they know this position was often known as the pose of death or chaos. With a thirsty smirk, he drew his sword.
Some of the bigger men surrounded him in a small circle-like formation. They seemed to be well trained duelist. But they couldn't seem to figure out his style of fighting. Grey remained straight as he pointed his sword between two of the men. One looked as if he'd been insulted as the other began to push the sword away with the back of his left hand.
Grey waited until his hand just about touched his sword, and suddenly turned the blade sideways. He smirked at the startled man's face as he jerked his hand away. After a moment, a couple of the other men began to make their move. Once they saw Grey swiftly raise the blade over a man's eyebrow they came to a dead halt.
The man broke into a cold sweat as fear over took him. "Have mercy." He pleaded.
Grey looked at him specifically and spun around in a perfect one-hundred and eighty degrees, killing everyone else within the circle. At first they didn't know what happened until they found themselves bleeding to death on the floor. Grey's blade was pointed directly at the terrified man. He loved the fear in his eyes, the shudders his body made. He was paralyzed.
Grey walked towards him, while kicking a dying soul on the way. He laughed at the frozen man as he came face to face with him. He then leaned toward his left ear and whispered, "There is no mercy." Leaving it at that, he leaned down and bit his neck. Causing the man to began his transformation.
Pain over took him faster than Grey thought. The agonized man fell to the floor shivering, and Grey walked on by toward the frighten people. His tip of his sword dripped the blood of his victims. Grey didn't want to toy around any longer. So he began his chaotic role. Killing and feeding. People fled in fear, but most didn't get very far.
Finally he was satisfied. Bloody bodies covered the floor, along with dark puddles underneath most. Grey went on to the kitchen to find supplies to hide the evidence. He grabbed towels, bags, whatever he could find. He then disposed of the bodies and helped the still transforming man out a window to dwell in the allies. Finally the place looked as good as it had when he first walked in. It was a good thing he only spared the chef and his crew for luring in more people. The air seemed to fill with aromas that would be mouth watering to humans. Grey suggested that if he'd allow Grey to be a waiter while he stayed, he'd make sure they kept their lives. That is until he decided to leave.
As Grey put on the uniform, he noticed that more people seemed to be coming. The place began to fill in fairly fast as he took orders of their last meal. Suddenly a familiar aroma came from the floor. He recognized it as the performer's blood. Smiling in victory, he waited to see what he'd do.
A loud creek filled the air, startling many of the customers. Grey bent down and reached in and pulled out the hungry man. He seemed scared at first, causing a chuckle to rise in Grey's throat. As he examined the man more closely, he teased in a low voice, "After wondering around those dark hallways you must be starving. I know I was." He gave a quick smirk and smiled like a welcoming waiter would as he asked in a normal clear voice, “Are you hungry, sir?"
Thom reached for the hand. In a split second reaction--as he touched the arm--a shiver was sent down his spine. He knew immediately that he was dealing with someone or something that wasn't supposed to come from this world. It definitely wasn't undead since the bones didn't break nor was the skin withered. He could only assume that he was dealing with some sort of vampire or werewolf blood. Something that couldn't be trusted.
Thom stood securely upon the floor while backing from the grip. Jerking his hand from the cold deathly hand he used the same arm to prop the door to its max height before letting it tip open. Pushing himself out of the floor he rested upon the floor of what seemed to be a kitchen. He looked towards the person who had offered the help to him. Standing up slowly he closed the hatch and stood a pace away from the person to make sure he had some distance.
He brushed his shoes and clothes off still staring at the person in front of him. Glancing towards the person's right hand he noticed that the palm rested upon a basic sword attached to his hip. Unknowingly, he squinted at the person's face trying to decipher the gender of the person in front of him. Unsure he decided that it would be best to leave the scene almost as quickly as he arrived. But not without some food here and there.
Turning around he noticed that they were not the only two here. And frankly the area had seemed to fill quite quickly. Glancing at what seemed to be a cook in front of him he quickly figured that it was not a cook from the court but someone impersonating him. He could tell by the way the assailant had moved in the corridors before. No sound clothes shuffling. Only the sound of footsteps, however the person in front of him had no markings of being down there. Unless they had just washed their feet, but there were no traces of water. Something was amiss and he couldn't tell what or who was in his presence.
He still stood there thinking to himself careful of his actions. The shuffling of feet and yells distracted him as people filled in the area behind the assassin in front of him. He looked onwards as masses of troops filled tables behind him. As many as two hundred men have come running some on patrol others on guard. The kitchen was no lined with hurried cooks dashing back and forth amongst yelling and calls.
Thom looked towards the table next to him. There lay a loaf of bread amongst a scatter of cheeses and various types of meat. Thom reached over grabbing some bread and stuffing it quickly down. It tasted delicious and cured a majority of the hunger that still troubled him. Fortunately he was near the kitchen and the mess hall where he could get more food from the cooks if he went towards the tables in the mess hall. Leaving the kitchen, while ignoring the cook that tried to help him up, he looked back and waved to the supposed cook. Walking towards the tables he was startled as an uproar of soldiers glanced towards all with smiles upon their faces.
It wasn't bad as the lot was not angry at him, but rather pleased that the bard had shown up as one of the soldiers had stood up and walked towards him. Apparently he wasn't the only bard that supposed to arrive today as a majority of men here ate their last official food of the court before heading off to another front of the war against the King and his fellow guard that plagued nearby towns. Attacks had been sighted and the lot that sat in front of him was the general amount of men heading out in the morning. Thom looked as the soldier in front of him pointed towards the entrance where several men and women walked in, all caring some sort of instrument or entertainment of choice.
He then pointed towards the stage where the performers were already heading. The two that lead the pack of entertainers were the two from several days before amongst the crowd. They didn't seem to mind the fact that he was going to play with them. In fact, it was quite the opposite as they smiled and waved as they jogged towards the front of the stage. Thom walked to the stage hopping up and taking out his djembe. Pulling his cloak and gloves off, he grabbed stools from the tables for some of the others to sit. Removing his shoes he hiked his pants up at the crotch and sat down putting the drum between his legs. Leaning it forward slightly he began to warm up his hands. They had hurt after being locked in the chains. It felt good to scat once more on something that he was more familiar with. Creating small beats here and there a majority of the entertainers had followed suit bringing out instruments of their own. Many of the others danced with the men as they followed the beats as others juggled along the side.
The two who had led the troop had walked beside him gathering a chair to sit. Their instruments of choice included a lute and recorded. Each engraved with marks from separate countries or courts. Obviously they knew what they were doing which would amplify the music to a level which he hadn't heard for quite sometime. Hopefully the assassin was watching so that he/she realized that he wasn't a threat to them. He'd rather not die due to war that was going on. Hopefully he could hit the front lines soon so that the stories of the war could start heading in and probably make some coin as well. Thom stopped only to hear an uproar of complaints from the dancing soldiers. Cracking his wrists he looked towards the other entertainers as they shrugged as to what songs he knew or didn't. Thankfully, he knew too many to count.
He thought for a moment amongst the yells being thrown at him. Before long he thought of something that the two would get. Starting the rhythm to an old song known as Drops of Brandy. It wasn't difficult as any child should be able to pick up on the timid beats. It wasn't long before food was brought to the soldiers. The brandy and ale too, as soldiers dug in quickly to the meat that lay in front of him. He glanced towards the impersonator wondering if she was getting hungry amongst the throng of drunken pigs. Thom continued the beat switching occasionally to a slower song so the entertainers could take a break. He actually began to enjoy the time that he spent with the new bards. Shooing them off for a quick break, as they looked more tired than normal, he continued on his own performing beats that were foreign to this land.
Hopefully the soldiers enjoyed it as they would be done soon. The thought of them finishing only brought worry to his mind. He would be playing for the majority of the night and didn't expect to leave without some sort of reward whether it be from the soldiers of the king himself. He also thought of the possibility towards another proposal from the king to stay in the court. It was probably going to happen as it seemed that the entertainers were property of the court that lay before him. He shrugged thinking nothing of it before glancing back at the stranger in the kitchen.
Grey could only smirk at the man as he made himself presentable for the audience. He slightly chuckled when he gave him a strange look. Apparently he had a hard time figuring out whether he was male or not. The man seemed to grow deeper and deeper within thought; just like he did down in the cold, damp halls.
Grey's focus was yanked away by the pushy waiters and cooks. The atmosphere was once again filled with racket as everyone got into position. Glancing at the man one last time, he turned to his post. Every one was dashing back and forth gathering ingredients for the impatient cooks. Grey leaned against the wall that faced the stage as he laughed at the silly chaos that stirred violently.
Grey's glance flickered eagerly about the growing crowd, waiting for the right moment. Suddenly his eyes focused on the man as he took his leave. He couldn't help but smirk when he put up the effort to ignore him like that. Doors swinging open and loudly banging against the wall captured Grey's attention. A large group of built soldiers were ramming through eager for food. Following them were more performers. Grey cocked his head slightly in curiosity.
As the performers prepared themselves, the man confidently joined them. He was the first to play. The rhythm he created sounded similar to what he had heard before but at a different pattern. Not long after, the rest joined in.
Grey couldn't believe that he was so interested in this performance. He smiled as he closed his eyes. He decided that all the performers and cooks were going to get to witness everyone else dying before their eyes. Smirking at the thought, he slowly opened his eyes as if he didn't wish to see the rushing humans race about.
Appetizing food filled the air in a hurry as it was taken out to the customers. Grey left the wall and obtained a serving platter full of mouth-watering meals. As he served, people asked him why he had such a sword upon his waist while other's stared anxiously.
Grey didn't continue serving after that. He quickly put up the serving platter and watched the drunken men make fools of them selves. They were obviously the first to go if nobody accepted his challenge of death. Thirst wrapped around his teeth as he grew more and more eager to make his move. Yet he knew he still had to wait a while.
He began to roam around the kitchen to pass the time. Music from the man's soothing rhythms filled the air, causing everyone within the kitchen to feel calm. All except Grey. Grey was almost too eager to even care, though he did enjoy the music.
Finally a couple of hours had passed and the soldiers managed to stay for a while longer than Grey had expected. He was relieved that it was time to make the move that he had been waiting for all night long. Grey slipped off the waiter's uniform and strolled out onto the middle of the floor, and placed his eager hand upon his long sword. Making a pose that he liked to think of as the "pose of death".
Drunken people began to laugh as more kids tried to strike his perfect pose. Grey couldn't help but smile at their effort as he watched the surrounding faces grow anxious and worried. His glance then flickered to the soldiers who were also stricken by the same thing except with a hint of anger buried beneath. Grey then allowed his eyes drift from them as he shot a glance at the performing man sitting on the stage, wondering what he would do.
Thom waved to the others to continue their performance while Thom stepped down and walked towards the nervous throng. Soldiers pulsed amongst each other as they watched the male assassin carefully. His hand was rested upon the hilt of the sword as he stared among the crowd licking his lips. Thom walked over to the throng pulling the soldiers apart slowly. Almost as though he was peeling a banana he walked into the middle of the crowd staring the man in the face once again. He was in different clothes than he was before as he had probably shed the clothes of the previous chef. He was unsure as to whether the man was really an assassin, but he took caution as he slowly approached the man. The soldiers parted forming a circle and tossed Thom a sword still in sheath.
Thom caught it reluctantly and almost dropped it. Catching it far from delicately he used the majority of his strength to toss it back at the soldier. The sword barely got to the rim of the circle. He obviously couldn't use the weapons that the soldiers used. He walked up to the assassin who was relaxed and calm of the situation at hand, but still rested his hand upon the weapon. Walking up slowly, he stopped 10 feet from the man. He bowed deeply and began to speak loudly.
"Welcome to this glorious hall stranger! We welcome you to the table and the feast in front of your eyes! However," Thom paused. "You might have to participate in the celebration!" Thom stopped and walked closer placing his left hand upon his shoulder. Thom's blood ran fast and heart pumped harder than anything before. Hopefully he wouldn't be killed. Thom dropped his voice down to whisper as he spun around to back walking around the assassin slowly.
"However, if you plan to do anything dangerous. I recommend you start soon before the king arrives. As he will arrive with his magicians and other fancies. These here are just the pawns." Thom brought his voice back up to more audible tone. Thom ran to the stage and threw his arms up into the air.
"Now let us enjoy the feast!"
The entertainers began to play as Thom packed his things hoping to grab some grub before the king arrived.
Music continued to flow through the air as the audience grew more and more anxious. Grey stood there wondering which human would be his first victim. As he observed the surrounding crowd, movement off to one side captured his eye. He was surprised once he recognized the approaching man as the performer that he had been keeping an eye on.
Once they made eye contact Grey couldn't help but smirk eagerly. He looked off only to realize that the soldiers had formed a circle. A pleased smile crossed his face at what seemed to be some what an attempted challenge. But his eager smile faded once he saw that the man had refused to fight. He cocked his head slightly at an angle out of confusion. Apparently this man was not a fighter, or at least did not like to fight much.
The soldiers who were eager to see a fight were greatly disappointed. They glanced down and crossed their arms across their chests. Grey ignored the harsh looks he was receiving from them and watched the performer speak. His words seemed to ease the tension that hovered over everyone's head.
The thought of participating in a celebration sounded almost perfect for what he was planning to do at this moment. For a while Grey was lost in thought until something touched his shoulder. He slightly moved in response and glared at the man who had his hand dangerously resting on his shoulder. Fighting to keep a straight face, he listened to the man's recommendations.
He couldn't help but smirk at the man's nervous heart beat as he maintained eye contact with him. The sound of royal blood arriving intrigued Grey. He always wanted to know what true royal blood tasted like, yet he had to devise a plan in order to get close enough without anyone noticing for a couple of minutes.
Grey watched as the man claimed his place on the stage. The word feast almost had him snatching a passing person, but he let them go. For now. He looked up at the stage to where the man used to be. His eyes scanned the area and spotted him with his back facing him. He seemed to be packing, but wondered what all he had to pack since he never carried much.
Without a sound, Grey was behind him with his mouth an inch from his ear. "When will the King and his friends arrive?" he asked restraining himself from biting him. He then casually stepped back before the man had a chance to try anything. "And if you mind, I'd like to at least know who you are."
He looked off looking to see if anyone was attempting to eavesdrop on the conversation and quickly looked back. "By the way, everyone calls me Grey." He smirked and continued, his voice darker this time, "You seem to attract quite a crowd. Would you mind if I stick around for awhile? All you have to do is attract people, and you keep your life. And if you wish, I'd be more than happy to keep authorities off your back while you do as you please. “He shrugged and spoke casually, "Just an offer." He paused thoughtfully, " And if you want I can be sure you get shelter and food." He crossed his arms across his chest as he waited for his answer.
Suddenly a disturbance made Grey anxiously look up and whirl. Hooded men in black cloaks eased through the doorway grasping chains that held some sort of creature bound. Grey couldn't see the creature for the standing anxious people. Whatever it was, was scaly, black and gray. It grunted as it fault and failed to break free from the over weighted chains.
More men seemed to seep through the doorway. Grey then turned to the performer and asked, "Who are they and what on earth is going on?"
Thom realized that the assassin had followed him past the stage and unto the area in front. He was packing his drum away and getting rid of unnecessary things such as money and other random things. He listened intently to what he was saying. Thinking slowly he thought of a proper response and whether or not he should really listen to the man. He made proposals that were necessary and others that weren't. He spoke of protection for a court bard. It made him giggle as he thought of needing protection from this person who was more against the law than he was. He had his ways of escaping, but he was just slaughtering those in his path. Or was more or less trying to. He asked him for his name.
"Me?" He paused. "I am just your humble bard. And attracting a crowd will be nothing as guests have already arrived. Will you learn my name in time if you wish to stay alive. As you are not in the position to offer me protection. You are in the most problematic situation."
The doors to the mess hall swung open as footsteps approached and the sounds of sniffing and snarling. He knew what they had brought to the last celebration. He looked above the crowd with two men cloaked in dark clothes with one holding the leash to the beast that led the way. He could see the beginning of a procession with a soldier in front nervously twitching his fingers shifting as he walked. He knew what had happened.
"You've been squealed on," Thom said spinning towards Grey. The beast approached closer. "The beast you saw is known is some countries as a Wight. And it knows that you are somewhere in this room. Luckily, this one is blind. Put this on." Thom reached deep into his bag pulling out his old jester's cloak. It was strung together with different patches of all different colors. Watching Grey he knew that he didn't like the color nor the idea of it. But it seemed like the only option that was on his mind.
"Look, don't be surprised, but you aren't of this world. At least you shouldn't be. Your skin is cold as ice and your breath reeks of blood and death. You are something that you're not telling, but I don't care. Your scent is traceable by the Wight and you won't escape without the assassination you are looking for. If you want the royal blood on your sword you'll follow me. Oh, and hide the sword under the cloak or you won't get close enough. The cloaked men will fry you alive. I'll explain later."
Thom jumped down placing juggling balls in his hands and winked.
Grey listened to the man's reply, smiling every so often to keep things casual. Once he finished, Grey smiled and glanced down. "Please," he said almost over stretching the word while laughing. Living was not a problem of his. "Like I said, I'd be more than happy for the authority part. But only for their death and the chaos that follows." he added in a darkened voice. "Besides the depth of my problematic situation bothers me none." Grey couldn't help but laugh under his breath.
His laughter faded as he focused on the approaching beast. He tensed as he reached for his sword. He remembered the last time he encountered one of these creatures and how he almost overestimated its strength. But this time he was more prepared. He began to draw his sword when the performer's voice grasps his attention.
As he spoke, Grey noticed how the Wight's eyes were a very pale blue instead of its normal piercing emerald color. Grey whirled around anxiously to see what he was reaching for. The colorful cloak made Grey grimace in disgust. He almost rather take his chances with the blind Wight and the two cloaked men that followed.
"Are you serious?" he asked, disgusted as he took the colorful cloak out of the performer's hands. As he put it on, he realized that he had almost forgotten how thirsty he was. He hoped he could control himself for a while longer. At least until the beast was gone.
Grey looked at himself after he had the cloak on. He couldn't help but think that it looked hideous, but shrugged and looked up as the man spoke. He smirked at the words royal blood, and laughed, "Who said I wanted that under my blade?" he asked as the visitors approached closer.
He shrugged, "Whatever, I'll follow, I guess." He looked down at that point and realized that his sword remained visible. It was a usual habit of his to keep it available and ready at the exact moment he needed it. He nodded as he draped the cloak over his sword. He just hoped that it didn't stick out from behind.
Grey cocked his head slightly to one side in confusion when he noticed round figures suddenly resting in the performer's hands. He looked up in time to see him wink. Grey chuckled, "I'm always ready."
Suddenly spheres were in the air as Grey positioned himself. Since he had never done this before he paid extra close attention on his movements. Mimicking was something Grey was always an expert on. Finally it was his turn; he made the spheres form shapes of different kinds and speeds.
Grey couldn't believe this was actually amusing him until he noticed something stroking his leg. He looked down anxiously to find the Wight sniffing at his feet. Grey ignored it as he passed the spheres to the performer. He then crossed his arms fighting the urge to reach for his sword to smite the Wight where it stood.
He watched the performer until the Wight's head suddenly captured his attention. Without moving Grey shifted his eyes to the Wight. Standing on four legs, its head was exactly level with Grey's. Even though it was blind it seemed to try to stare him down, and Grey tensed as he forced himself to watch the performer continue his act.
Thom watched Grey juggle the four balls quite easily as he tossed them through the air. He knew the Wight was intent on him as he had the mixed smell of both the proper court and death. Thom received the balls from Grey and started to add more as he walked next to the Wight and eventually in front of Grey. The Wight took a large sniff before dropping and begin his walk back to his master. The cloaked man (the elementari) watched Thom carefully as he juggled the balls through the air not caring about the doors that now had brought in the royal procession.
The other entertainers had stopped their movements and watched the royal blood enter the event. Thom could care less about it or the fact that there was another king in his presence. He knew about them and their cruelty towards everyone else who wasn't of their blood. Surrounding the king were soldiers and more people playing various trumpets or horns to announce the coming of the king.
Soldiers dropped to their knees as Thom turned his back to the procession and shoved the things back into his case. Slinging the drum over his back he turned around to see several soldiers walking in his general direction. Adjusting his cloak and drum his walked over to meet them. They seemed displeased that he was heading out. Behind them the king stood watching Thom carefully.
"You there Thom Merrilin show no respect to me and my standing. Nor does your traveling apprentice. I recommend that he drops his sword and bows. As you should to or you might not leave here alive."
Thom watched for a moment. He couldn't help but point and laugh hysterically at the suggestions made by this "king" in front of him. His high pitched laugh echoed amongst the mess hall as people turned and watched the coming situation. Smiling he wiped tears from his eyes and adjusted his position before finally speaking.
'I bow to no one and neither will he. And if you killed me yourself, I'm pretty sure you'd be overrun with hundreds of ships from other navies to take you several pegs down. And they wouldn't make it pretty. They would make sure that this city understood what was going on, then again I don't the city would have any trouble with the court dying. Besides I no longer belong to any court unlike, your fellow brass players over there. Royal blood in their veins but cast from high society itself. In fact, I'm going to borrow one."
He ushered Grey to follow him as he walked past the guards and the king brushing shoulders with the king himself. Thom no longer accepted such annoyance anymore. Suddenly guards formed around the two as one of the soldiers emerged holding a pike in his hand. He looked at Thom smiling and charged. Thom side stepped grabbing the wood of the pike and began to pull. Slamming his foot into the soldier's he forced the man to trip over his own blow. The soldier hit the floor with a loud noise of metal ringing and denting. The pike was far from the soldier's hands. Thom knew that he would only leave this place it he made an example.
Grabbing the spear he turned the guy over and cut the tendons on the back of his heel. He watched as the Achilles tendon rolled up the back of the skin. Screams of pain echoed from the guy and the Wight screamed to know what had happened. The elementari only stood there and watched as the king fainted, dropping to the floor. Gasps came from every soldier in the circle as Thom began to leave. Blood was everywhere as it stained the tiles. He walked past the brass players. All eyes followed him and Grey as they left the bloody mess hall.
Grabbing a brass player by the collar he dragged the man out the door. The man had apparently fainted while standing and had no objections to Thom dragging him out the mess hall doors. Thom flung the body as hard as could past the door, which wasn't very far, as he left he bowed slightly and closed the doors himself. He watched Grey give him an odd look as to why Thom had dragged him out the door. He shrugged.
"Quiet. I need money."
He realized they stood in a barren courtyard. He threw the body through the bushes and hopped over as he could hear the approach of more guards. Searching through the clothes he found a bag of gold sitting in his shirt. Why it was in his shirt he did not know, but he didn't complain as it totaled to something of fifty dollars. It would last him a decent amount. Thom looked at the body realizing that he was still alive. Picking the chin up he punched quickly into the throat crushing the Adams apple into the wind pipe. The man woke up briefly before gasping for air and flailing. Thom held his nose and mouth closed waiting for him to go under. It didn't take long and the pulse had stopped.
Looking at Grey he began to speak. "I know you're not something human. Probably undead of some sort judging by your breath-" Thom stopped as he heard troops run by and into the mess hall. Thom looked at the Grey. Then the man. Back at Grey. Then to the man. Raised his head once more he raised his eyebrows and pointed. He knew that the undead were some sort of cannibals. He really didn't care.
"You don't have long. If you still want to talk then meet me at the bar named the Slaughter Prince. I'll wait if your interested. Goodbye and happy hunting."
Thom scuttled away jumping over bushes and around trees heading for town.
Rain began to pour as Grey stood by the body and watched the performer take his leave. He couldn't believe that he didn't get any royal blood out of the three opportunities that stared at him in the face. Seconds passed and Grey finally looked down at the limp body that lay at his feet. He wished that the man would have let him kill the man instead.
Grey stood there staring at the body until a commotion from the hall made him look up. He noticed soldiers leaving one by one. Few were drunk and staggered about, following them was one of the elementari. Grey shook his head and looked at the limp body once more. He bent over, picked up the body and disposed of it.
Moments later Grey approached the front window of the hall. His thirsty eyes wandered about eagerly as he noticed the King was still out cold. Waiters were already cleaning up the spilled blood and shouting for a first aid kit. A few feet from them, were two soldiers, the king, the elementary and his Wight. The soldiers were on each side of the king while the elementari and the Wight stood in the front. Unfortunately, they faced the main entrance.
Windows behind the King stood wide open. Grey figured that it was possibly for the King to have plenty of fresh air, but most likely a well set trap. He stood there trying to figure out a way to get to the King without anyone noticing.
"Now what might you be doing?"
Grey whirled around alarmed. His hand clutched his sword ready for conflict, but relaxed once he realized there was a soldier standing behind him with his sword already drawn and ready. Grey slightly smirked at the idiot while he explained.
"I was only watching the food being made and delivered. And watching all these people happily eat it makes it worse." he paused and licked is lips as if his mouth was watering. Then he looked into the window and sighed. "I would go in there and enjoy a meal myself, but as poor as I am, I can't."
"Sir, you don't look all that poor. Judging by your wardrobe, you look more like a moderate citizen." The soldier accused.
"This wardrobe was a gift from a very close friend of mine. They spent days on it because they didn't want me to go without anything nice." He briefly paused as he looked the soldier in the eye. "Sir, you can search me all you want. You won't find any money on me." Grey turned toward the window once more in what was supposed to be grief and sighed. "If I don't get any food, how am I supposed to feed my family? My kids always come up to me asking when their next meal is. What am I supposed to tell them when I don't know myself?" Grey looked down with a desperate look and glanced up just in time to see the pain in the soldier's face. He couldn't believe he was actually buying this. "I--"
The soldier held up his hand and cut him off. "Sir, say no more. I will pay for your food, and then I will make sure you have a job that pays you enough to support your family." He reached for the main door and began to open it.
Once it was at least two inches open, the Wight came to attention at once.
"No." Grey almost shouted.
"What is it?" the soldier asked suspiciously.
"That Wight," Grey pointed in its direction, "It thinks that I'm someone I'm not. And if we go in this way, I don't know if the elementari will even be able to keep him under control." "Hmmm. Well then, in that case, let's go this way." He turned as he suggested Grey to follow. "This way I know we won't have any problems." He said in a cheerful voice.
The tone was almost aggravating, but Grey paid no mind to it. A smile stretched across his face as the soldier took a corner to the back of the building where no one would be able to see them. Grey slowed down as he stopped and began to explain where they were and what the plan was. But he was cut off once he realized Grey's teeth sinking into the nape of his neck.
The soldier's blood was satisfying but it didn't quench his thirst. He struggled for freedom but failed. Soon his body became limp and his body ran dry. Grey dropped what was left and stripped the uniform from it. He hoped it would fit as he ripped the body in bits and pieces and disposed them into the hall's dumpster.
The uniform was a little big, but it would work. Thanks to the rain, his sent was well mixed in with the soldier's. It was a good thing he was careful enough not to spill any blood. He then put on the hat that matched the uniform and walked through the back doors.
Waiters scattered everywhere placing orders and delivering sizzling food to the customers. Someone outside the kitchen was still yelling for the first aid kit. Grey scanned the area, but there was no first aid kit. So he began searching. Some of the cooks and waiters stopped and watched him anxiously.
Finally he found the kit and left the kitchen area and headed toward the King. The King was coming to when he arrived. The elementari glanced at him once and went back to staring at the main entrance. The Wight was relaxed but alert even though he was blind.
"It’s about time." one soldier murmured. He began talking under his breath as he approached Grey and snatched it from his grip. He turned sharply and went to aid the wounded soldier who was still bleeding. The other soldier urged Grey to stand by the King while he helped with the bandages. Grey nodded and took his place next to the King.
The elementari anxiously looked at him once more and returned to his position. Grey thought to himself for awhile. He began debating weather or not to slit his throat, change him, or drain his blood. Drinking his blood seemed like the best idea, but what about the Wight? He would have to kill it immediately, but how?
Grey finally came up with an idea. He looked into the kitchen to see how many witnesses there would be and decided to go along with his idea.
The elementari turned around and met his gauze. “Yes, what is it?”
“I think there’s something strange going on in the kitchen area. I caught a glimpse of it, but couldn’t make it out. I’d hate to go check it out with no back up.”
He looked up towards the kitchen with a confused expression, “I don’t see anything suspicious.”
“Like I said, I only caught a glimpse. The guy that I saw must be making everyone act normal while he hides and waits for the perfect moment to assassinate the King.”
The elementari’s expression was now worried. “I see your point, but are you sure?”
Grey nodded, “Positive.”
“Let’s go check it out then.”
The elementari yanked the Wight’s leash as he headed for the kitchen with Grey not far behind. Grey knew that the soldiers were too busy tending to their friend to even notice, but hopefully the King wouldn’t wake up before he came back. Finally they entered the kitchen and the Wight’s nostrils began to flare. He sniffed the air and tensed. The elementari released him and began to follow.
“Why do you have to follow your Wight everywhere it goes?”
“To keep it from attacking the wrong person of course.”
“Wouldn’t splitting up cover more ground?”
“Yes. And?”
“It’ll be faster and easier to find him. And if we find him the same time your Wight does, it’ll be easier to ambush him.”
“I see. Kind of a surprise attack.”
“Ok.” He paused to look around, “Where do you think he’s hiding?”
“I think he hid in this direction.”
Grey pointed toward the western area of the kitchen as the elementari sneaked that direction. Grey followed close behind. They passed by an open space that looked like a broom closet, Grey wrapped his hand across the elementari’s mouth and drug him into the closet. He sank his fangs into his neck and watched for the Wight while he enjoyed his meal.
The Wight’s footsteps grew louder as Grey was just about finished. He grew concerned when everything was suddenly silent. He listened and froze in place as he swallowed the last drip of blood the elementari had left in his body. He scanned the area and saw nothing.
Suddenly, the Wight’s face appeared inches from his face, almost causing Grey to jump. The Wight’s blind eyes stared into Grey’s. His nostrils were flaring as if he had finally found the intruder he had been looking for. He began to raise one of his massive claws as Grey dropped the body and abandoned the closet. He drew his sword and slit the Wight’s neck.
Blood shot from its neck, as he struggled to fight back. But he soon bled to death and fell where he stood. Grey then took the bodies and shoved them out the door as he ordered the workers to clean up the mess unless they wanted to die. They nodded and did as he said.
Grey smirked and left the kitchen only to find the King, the royal performers and the soldiers gone. He looked around hoping that they only moved to a different area, but the whole place was empty.
He smiled grimly as he walked to the throne, picked up the crown, and took his seat. . . © 2012 Leon1612Author's Note
1 Review Added on June 7, 2012 Last Updated on June 7, 2012 Tags: vampire, teen, teen fiction, vampire teen, twilight, fantasy Author