![]() Chapter Eight: Restoring The Living CircleA Chapter by Desirée Tolliver![]() Paradise's plan worked and now every planet is able to join in the fight against The Chaos; they successfully destroy him but now they must restore strength to The Living Circle...![]()
"Oh, no you don’t,” The Chaos said as he transferred them out of The Dark Lands and onto the ground above. It was so dark, they could barely see each other, even with Prince Smith’s Light Sword cutting through the darkness. The Chaos combined with the darkness that covered every planet in The Living Circle and regained his strength. “I’m everywhere and on every planet,” he boomed. “There’s nothing you can do to stop me!”
Samson glared at him, We’ll see The Chaos, he thought. Paradise’s wrist phone beeped and a voice cracked over its speaker, “Neon to Xerox, Neon to Xerox, Paradise do you read me?” said a voice very similar to Ziero’s. Paradise smiled, “Xerox to Neon, reading you loud and clear, Silver,” he replied. “Operation destroy The Chaos is now in session,” Silver said. “Every planet in The Living Circle is fully inhabited with our warriors and ready to go when you are.” Paradise laughed, “Alright, Silver! Take him out!” he said. “As you command,” Silver said. “Neon to Xerox, over and out.” Paradise grinned broadly, “You were saying?” he asked The Chaos. The Chaos growled, “Impossible!” he said. “How is it that every planet in The Living Circle has been fully inhabited with your warriors? Planet Zeta is extinct!” “Oh, is it?” Paradise challenged. “It is. I destroyed every last one of them at their hiding place,” The Chaos gloated. “Actually, you’re wrong,” Jesse replied. “I stopped you, remember?” The Chaos summoned more creatures to destroy Samson and his group of Ancient Xeroxians and Earthlings with but the Zoros, the Toreks, and the Vanderbelts didn’t appear. “Samson, Ptolemy, we’ll handle the creatures,” Ziero said. “You guys handle The Chaos.” Samson and Ptolemy locked eyes, “Let’s do this,” Samson said. “Okay, Samson, but before we do, I must tell you something,” Ptolemy said. “We don’t have much time,” Samson said. “But, Samson, destroying The Chaos might destroy you,” Ptolemy warned. Samson sighed, “No, he’s destroying The Living Circle and everything in it. We must stop it.” Ptolemy sighed, “But, Samson--” “Let’s just get this over with,” Samson retorted. Ptolemy sighed, I already lost him one time by trying to save The Living Circle from his shadow, he thought. I cannot bear it if I lose him again. We only have to purify The Chaos and he’ll be gone from The Living Circle. Destroying him will destroy Samson and I cannot take that risk. Samson and Ptolemy charged towards The Chaos and struck Infinite Blade into the silhouette’s heart. Immediately, the light from Infinite Blade coursed throughout his entire physique and he dissipated. Samson grunted and passed out on the ground, loosening his grip on Infinite Blade. Ptolemy gasped, “Samson!” he cried, dropping the sword. A sharp pain coursed through Ptolemy’s veins and he knew immediately what had happened. He fought with all his might to push down the pain, just long enough for him to check Samson’s pulse. No, he can’t be, he thought, horrified. “Samson, please wake up!” he cried. He shook him vigorously, and the pain coursing through his veins got worse. “Samson!” he cried. Prince Smith rushed to their side, “Ptolemy, give it up,” he said, quietly. “He’s gone.” Ptolemy shook his head, “No! I can still save him!” he said, desperately. Ptolemy felt like every cell in his body was exploding over and over again. It hurt so much but he managed to keep the pain from paralyzing him as he reached into his pocket. He brought out a vial of glowing blue liquid and opened it. He almost dropped it as the paralyzing pain coursing through his veins got worse. He poured a drop from the vial into Samson’s mouth. He closed it back and the pain got the better of him. He rolled helplessly on the ground, as every cell in his body continued to explode over and over again. It was the worse feeling he had ever experienced. “Ahhhh!” he cried. Prince Smith gathered him in his arms, “Ptolemy, why don’t you just take the juice of the Fallen Star?” he asked. “You told me it’ll cure anything. Maybe it’ll cure your pain?” Ptolemy refused, “No! No! If I survive, I’ll be completely transformed into a Xeroxian and I’ll never see Samson again,” he replied, tears streaming down his cheeks. “I’d rather die than to lose him, forever.” “I can’t stand to see you like this,” Prince Smith said, his voice shaking. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked to where Samson was lying helpless on the ground. Ziero gasped, “Ptolemy, what’s wrong?” he asked. “What’s happened to Samson?” Ptolemy couldn’t answer. The planet shook tremendously and everything seemed to be pulled in one single direction. A black hole formed in the sky and grew bigger, dragging everything towards it. “Planet Xerox is being ripped apart,” Prince Smith sobbed. “We’ve lost The Living Circle forever.” Samson gasped and coughed. He coughed for a while before finally stopping. The pain in Ptolemy’s veins subsided and he was able to breathe again. The black hole in the sky disappeared and everything went back to normal. Samson took a deep breath and opened his eyes. Ptolemy rolled over to check on him, “Samson, are you alright?” he asked. “What happened?” Samson asked. Ptolemy smiled and choked back a sob, “Oh, Samson, you’re alive!” he cried, hugging him. Samson gasped and sat up. Immediately, he began to feel dizzy and he lied back down, “Oh, my head,” he groaned. “What do you mean I’m alive? Did I die?” “Just take it easy,” Ptolemy said, cradling him in his arms. “You went too hard on The Chaos. That’s why you died. Didn’t you see that was what he wanted you to do? He wanted you to destroy him, because he knew that you’d destroy yourself along with him.” “Why?” Samson asked. “The Chaos is your shadow,” Ptolemy replied. “Once you realized that, you should’ve just purified him. The Chaos wanted the destruction of The Living Circle. Your death would do just that.” “Why?” Samson asked. “Samson, it’s because you are the strength of The Living Circle,” Ptolemy replied. “Without you, The Living Circle would fall apart.” Samson gasped, “Why didn’t you say that…before?” he asked. Ptolemy smiled weakly, “I tried to warn you,” he said. “But, you refused to listen.” “So where’s The Chaos now?” Samson asked. Ptolemy sighed, “He’s gone,” he replied. “He won’t be a plague on The Living Circle anymore. The power of Infinite Blade will restore your strength over time.” Samson sighed, “I’m so sorry, Ptolemy,” he said. “I should’ve listened to you. I almost destroyed The Living Circle.” “What have I told you about your temper?” Ptolemy asked. “I told you not to let The Chaos make you rage.” Samson groaned, “I know, I know,” he said, “and I said that I wouldn’t. I’m really sorry.” “You are very reckless,” Ptolemy sighed. “I believe you need this more than I do, although someone would have to administer it to you.” He brought out a vial of glowing blue liquid. “What is that stuff?” Samson asked. “It’s the juice of the Fallen Star, a flower that grows on planet Eros,” Ptolemy replied. “It grows only at night and it can cure anything and everything. It was said that it grew from a child’s tears.” Samson gasped, “A child’s tears?” he asked. “Who was the child? Whose tears grew the Fallen Star?” Ptolemy sighed, “They’re your tears, Samson,” he said. “The Fallen Star was grown by your tears.” Samson sat up, “My tears?” he asked. “You have a vial filled with my tears? Do you have any idea what that sounds like?” Ptolemy chuckled, “Don’t let that alarm you, Samson,” he said. “I’m only looking out for you.” The sun rose, shining its radiant golden rays over the planet Xerox and baking Samson and the Ancient Xeroxians and Earthlings with its warmth. Ziero sheathed his sword, “I’ll go find Queen Martha,” he said. “We still have one more thing we must do to restore The Living Circle to full power.” Samson looked at him, “What is that?” he asked. “Her spirit is still trapped in the Quietus,” Ptolemy replied. “It has to be released in Queen Martha’s presence before The Living Circle can began to regain strength.” Samson gasped, “Queen Martha is dead?” he asked. Ziero nodded, solemnly and departed towards the Sunflower Palace. “Wait, Ziero,” Ptolemy called, “Samson and I are coming with you. You’ll need Infinite Blade and the power of the Fifty-six Sacred Gems of planet Xerox to revive her.” Ziero sighed, “Alright,” he relented, “You guys can come too.” Ptolemy helped Samson stand and picked up Infinite Blade. As soon as the sword was near Samson, he began to feel his strength return. They followed Ziero to the Sunflower Palace to get Queen Martha but they found the castle deserted and Martha laying on the floor of the Foyer unconscious. Samson gasped, “Oh no,” he said. He knelt over her to check her pulse. “It’s okay,” Ziero replied, kneeling next to Samson. “She’s only sleeping.” He gathered her into his arms and they departed the Sunflower Palace. They went through the Gates of Manorá and into the Magical Forest. Ptolemy led Samson and Ziero through the Magical Forest, into the Serenity Forest, down a hill and through a tunnel. Samson and Ziero found themselves standing in front of the entrance into a cave on the Island of Immortality. Samson gasped, “The Island of Immortality,” he said. “It’s beautiful!” Ptolemy smiled, “Yes it is,” he said. He continued leading them through the Island of Immortality until they finally made it to a path that led through Slaughter Alley in Slaughterville, a suburb to Charmander. They crossed into Charmander and Ptolemy turned left, leading them towards the fifteen west towers of the Thirty Golden Towers, where the Truth Cave was. He stopped short of the Truth Cave and began chanting an incantation. After a few minutes passed, he brought out the Fifty-six Sacred Gems of planet Xerox. He placed them in a circle in front of a square-shaped opening on the ground. He continued chanting the incantation as he unsheathed Infinite Blade. A few more minutes passed before he turned to face Samson. “Grab hold of Infinite Blade, Samson,” he said. “We must strike the ground in the center of the circle with it.” Samson grabbed part of the hilt of Infinite Blade and together he and Ptolemy struck the ground in the center of the Sacred Gems of planet Xerox. Ptolemy continued chanting the incantation as he laid Martha’s body down in the center of the circle. He, Samson, and Ziero backed up a few feet away from the square-shaped opening on the ground. Several minutes passed and a bright light shined all around Martha’s body. A transparent image that looked exactly like Martha floated over her body and fused with it. The bright light got a lot brighter and Martha began to regain consciousness. “Ziero, grab her body and get her as far away from the Quietus as possible,” Ptolemy said. Ziero rushed to her side and gathered her in his arms as Ptolemy continued to chant the incantation. Ziero ran towards Slaughter Alley. He looked back, “What about you and Samson?” he asked. A moment passed before Ptolemy finally answered, “Don’t worry about us. We’ll be fine,” he replied. Ziero departed through Slaughter Alley and back towards planet Xerox. Ptolemy chanted the incantation as he gathered up the Fifty-six Sacred Gems of planet Xerox and Infinite Blade. He sheathed the sword and led Samson away from the Quietus. Once they made it back to Slaughter Alley in Slaughterville, he stopped chanting the incantation. They followed the Alley until they made it back to the Island of Immortality and continued to travel through the Island and through the cave until they finally made it back into the Magical Forest. They rejoined Ziero there and together they departed for the Golden Plains with Martha. Ziero placed Martha on the ground in front of Jesse. Martha opened her eyes and gasped, “Ziero, Samson, Ptolemy, what happened?” she asked. “One moment, I’m okay and sitting next to my uncle and the next moment, I’m lying in the Foyer in a state of near death. Ptolemy what happened? You were supposed to protect Samson.” Ptolemy sighed and glanced at Samson, “Don’t worry, Your Majesty,” he said. “I promise I won’t let that happen again.” Samson looked at Ptolemy, “You’re supposed to protect me?” he asked. “Why must you protect me? I’ve only just met you.” Ptolemy sighed, “I know, Samson,” he said. “But, I’ve been protecting you your whole life, even when you didn’t realize it. I watched you grow up and I never once alerted you to my presence.” Samson gasped, “You’re the man in the dark garb,” he said. Ptolemy lowered his gaze, “Yes, Samson,” he replied. “I am.” But, how? If he looks like me, that’ll make him my twin, but if he’s watched me grow up, that’ll make him older than me, right? Samson thought. Ptolemy shook his head, “That’s where you’re wrong, Samson,” he said. “I’m not older than you. We’re the same age.” Samson sighed, “You read my mind again, didn’t you?” he asked. Ptolemy chuckled. “But, I still don’t understand,” Samson said. “How?” “You’ll find out soon enough,” Ptolemy replied. “But, for now, you’ll have to trust me. That’s all Infinite Blade will let me tell you.” Jesse smiled, “Alright, guys, it’s been a pleasure but now you must go,” he said to the Earthlings. Koby sighed, “Will we remember any of this?” he asked. “Sadly, no,” Jesse replied. “But, you’ll always have the blessing of Xerox wherever you go. You just won’t remember how you got it.” Emi gasped, “Will I still remember you?” she asked. Jesse shook his head, “I’m sorry, but I must send you back with no memory of me,” he replied. “It’s just to be safe.” He used his power to restore all the planets in The Living Circle back to the way they were before The Chaos rose. The planet shifted beneath them and time seemed to be going backwards. Everything that occurred during the Rise of Chaos was being reversed. The massacre of the Ancient Xeroxians was like it had never happened and many of the Ancient Xeroxians that were destroyed were restored. The Imaginary Path to planet Xerox also started to disappear but before it did, Jesse began to use his power to wipe the Earthlings’ minds of everything that just occurred during the Rise of Chaos. “No, I refuse to forget you!” Emi cried, hugging him. She sobbed on his chest, dampening his tunic. Jesse wiped the tears from her eyes, “But, Emi, you must,” he said. “It’s for your own good.” “I promise I won’t speak of this to anyone, just please let me keep the memories of you,” she pleaded. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” Jesse smiled, “I’m glad you feel that way,” he said. “But as The Light of The Living Circle, I’m forbidden to allow anyone to leave with memory of this planet. Unless they’re worthy.” “Why?” Emi sobbed. “The massacre can and may happen again if any Earthling leaves here with memory of the planet Xerox,” Jesse replied. “It is my job to prevent history from occurring the same way twice. Or else, there will be consequences.” “I promise I won’t speak of this to anyone I promise!” Emi pleaded. “I won’t take that risk,” Jesse insisted. “Alright, if you must then can I at least say goodbye?” she asked. Jesse smiled, “Sure you can,” he said, gazing into her brown eyes. Their lips touched and Emi kissed him. Instead of pushing her off himself, Jesse found himself pulling her close. He kissed her back and they kissed for a while longer. He found himself wanting her in a way that he’s never wanted anyone before. What is this feeling I’m getting? Jesse thought. I’ve never felt like this before. She’s so magnetizing and hypnotizing. I don’t ever want this to end… He continued to kiss her before he slowly pulled his lips from hers and opened his eyes, “Emi, I must let you go,” he said. “I’m so sorry…” Emi kissed him again and Jesse found himself wanting her even more than before. He kissed her back and they kissed passionately for a while longer. Jesse found himself surrendering under the pull of her enticing kiss and aroma. The desire he had for her grew stronger as he fought against it. He pulled his lips from hers and gazed into her brown eyes. “I know you felt it, too,” Emi said as their lips touched again. “The passion like never before. It’s electrifying.” Jesse gently pushed her off himself, “Don’t tempt me,” he said. “I still have my duty to perform.” He used his power to wipe the Earthlings’ minds of everything that occurred during the Rise of Chaos. Emi fought with all her might to retain the memories she had of Jesse, although she forgot everything else and everyone else. He sent the Earthlings back to their homes on planet Earth and the Imaginary Path disappeared, replaced with a small portal, like it was before. Samson sighed, “I must go back to check on my father and the rest of the villagers,” he said. “Now, that The Living Circle is safe again, they should be okay also.” He departed the Golden Plains towards the Magical Forest. He went through the Gates of Manorá, pass the Sunflower Palace and into the Chopin district of the village Fruits and Berries. He got back as soon as Maqsedeth was departing their house to go back to the Island of Blaze. When he saw Samson, he smiled, “Hey, Samson,” he said. “How’d you sleep last night?” Samson smiled and ran to hug him. Maqsedeth hugged him back, “Samson, what’s wrong?” he asked. “Why are you crying?” “I’m just glad you’re okay,” Samson sighed, wiping the tears from his eyes. Rob departed his mansion and when he saw Samson, he smiled, “Hey, Samson,” he said. “I really don’t know how to thank you for saving Molly for me. I’m eternally in your debt. You really showed The Chaos who’s boss.” Samson smiled, “It was the least I could do for all you’ve done for me and my father,” he replied. “And, I’m glad to hear Molly’s okay.” Molly left the mansion and when she saw Samson, she tackled him in a big hug. “Molly,” Samson said, “I missed you so much. The Chaos will never take you away from me ever again.” Molly sobbed on Samson’s chest as he hugged her back and Trenton and Ebonie departed their house. “It’s great to see you again, Samson,” Ebonie said. “It’s great to see you, too, Ebonie,” Samson said. He stood, gathering Molly in his arms just as Butch left the mansion. When he saw Samson, he gave him a big hug. “Thank you, Samson,” he said. “Thank you for getting my sister back for me.” Samson smiled, “I won’t let anything happen to y’all,” he said. “Y’all are like family.” Maqsedeth smiled, “You know, Samson,” he said. “I just noticed you have a shadow. Funny how you didn’t have one before.” Samson looked at the ground he stood on and saw that his father was right: he now has a shadow. I suppose it worked, he thought. The Chaos won’t be a plague on The Living Circle anymore. But, how did he get separated from me in the first place? “And you know what else, Samson?” Maqsedeth asked. “What?” “We still have one more week to enjoy our vacation, so what do you say? You still want to go?” “Sure, Father. Let me just go check on Rainbow.” Samson handed Molly to Rob and went into his and Maqsedeth’s backyard. He entered the stable that housed his winged unicorn Rainbow and petted her. He groomed her, fed her, gave her some water, and changed her horse shoes. He saddled her up and just before he mounted her, he noticed Ziero standing in the door to the stable. Samson gasped, “Ziero, how’d you know I’d be here?” he asked. Ziero smiled, “Ptolemy told me,” he replied. “So, this is your horse, Rainbow.” Samson sighed, “Yes, this is Rainbow,” he replied. “So, why are you here?” “Well, your father Maqsedeth bought someone named Rainbow from the gate keeper of the Paradise Hills,” Ziero said, quietly. “I just wanted to see if it was…who I thought it was.” “Your sister, Rainbow,” Samson said. Ziero nodded. “Apparently, I wrongly accused you and for that…I’m sorry,” he said. “I had no idea the state Rainbow was in. No wonder you didn’t know she was my sister. You only saw her…like this. Paradise was right, I was too quick to judge you.” Samson’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped. What? Ziero’s apologizing to me? Wow, he thought. This is very shocking. “Wow, I don’t know what to say,” Samson gasped. “Say nothing at all,” Ziero replied as he departed Rainbow’s stable. Samson mounted her and rode her out of the stable towards the clearing by his and Maqsedeth’s house. “Need a lift?” he asked Maqsedeth. Maqsedeth smiled and mounted Rainbow. They rode her through the Chopin district towards the path near the Rainbow Falls. Once they made it into Pinnaclé, Samson and Maqsedeth took to the skies and flew Rainbow towards the Island of Blaze. They came to a halt at the entrance to the Grand Luxury Hotel and dismounted Rainbow. They entered the hotel and went up the elevator to their suite to find that their luggage was still there. Samson and Maqsedeth finished unpacking and went down to the lobby to enjoy eggnog and hot cocoa, compliments of the hotel staff. © 2017 Desirée TolliverAuthor's Note
Added on December 15, 2017 Last Updated on December 16, 2017 Author![]() Desirée TolliverPort Gibson, MSAboutI'm just an aspiring writer looking to meet other aspiring writers. Writing is what I do. I live, love, and breathe writing. I live off this quote by Rainer Maria Rilke: "If, when you wake up in the m.. more..Writing