![]() Chapter One: The Rise of ChaosA Chapter by Desirée Tolliver![]() The Rise of Chaos has begun and now The Living Circle is in crisis. The only way to stop The Chaos is for planets Xerox and Earth to unite for the greater good of The Living Circle's survival.![]()
One sunny, mild winter day in the village Fruits and Berries, before the break of dawn, Samson and his father Maqsedeth get themselves and Rainbow packed for their winter vacation just two weeks before Christmas because they wanted to be back in time for Christmas. A week before their vacation, Maqsedeth visited with Trenton and told him the details of their vacation. “Well, I hope y’all have fun!” Trenton had said. “Best wishes to the both of you! Be sure to have Samson come see me after y’all’s vacation, okay?” Maqsedeth agreed to his request and departed his house.
They had a small carriage hooked to Rainbow, loaded it up, and rode through Pinnaclé towards the Ocean. They soared over the Flame-River towards their vacation site in the now populated island of Blaze located in the Flame-River Ocean [The same island they had their Summer vacation]. Their vacation site was to be a ten story, five-star, luxury, hotel, the Grand Luxury Hotel. Samson peered out the window as they soared towards the island. "Father," he said staring in awe at the large building below them, "I don't recall that being there." Maqsedeth looked to where Samson was looking and smiled, "That's because it was just built five months ago after our disastrous Summer Vacation," he said. "The first and finest of its kind, that large building below us is a ten story five-star luxury hotel, the Grand Luxury Hotel." Samson peered out the window at the hotel just as the carriage came to a halt at the entrance. Maqsedeth looked over at him, "We're here, Samson," he said. Samson opened his door and stepped out. "So this is it, huh?" he said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yeah," Maqsedeth agreed, "Let's go inside." On the inside of this grand building, the lobby was packed with tourists that were on vacation for the holidays, and some were on honeymoons. People were all over the place: they were in line, they filled up all of the seats, some were sitting on the floor, and the rest were standing up in various places around the room. Samson stared around the room in panic, "Father," he said, "How will we get a room with it packed like this?" Maqsedeth smiled and patted Samson on the back, "Don't worry, son," he said, winking at him, "I'm the owner. They always have a room for the owner, but if they don't, I always have a backup plan. So don't worry, it’s covered." He approached the check-in counter and cleared his throat, "Excuse me," he said to the man behind the counter. He didn’t answer because he was busy talking to a customer, trying to help her with her check-in and assist her in getting a room. Maqsedeth impatiently tapped his fingers on the counter and sighed, "Excuse me," he repeated. The woman at the front of the long line left and went up the hall to her room and another customer, a male, approached the check-in counter and the man behind the other counter began to assist him. “Hey, do you guys need some help?” a dark skinned male, faking a strong French accent called to them. “I can take you guys over here.” The man wore a fake mustache, a jet black wig, and he had blue-gray eyes. He wore a gray uniform with a “Hello my name is” name tag on, which he playfully scribbled “French Fries” on it. Maqsedeth nodded, “Certainly,” he said as French Fries removed the ‘Closed Lane’ sign from the counter. “I need a suite for two.” The man booted up the computer and once it was started, he glanced at him skeptically, “So, what’s the name?” he asked. Samson’s brows furrowed, “Father,” he said. “Why does his voice sound so similar to mine?” "Relax, Samson," Maqsedeth whispered back. French Fries waited behind the desk for his response. "Maqsedeth," Maqsedeth said, "My name is Maqsedeth." As soon as Maqsedeth finished his statement, French Fries’ face lit up and a smile crept across his lips, "Ah, yes," he said, standing up arms outstretched, "Monsieur Maqsedeth! I don't even have to sign you in! Come. Let me show you to your suite." He led him to an elevator and pressed up. The doors opened and they all stepped onto the platform as he pressed 'floor ten'. After a while, the doors closed and the elevator began to ascend. In about a few minutes, the doors opened and they found themselves on a hall in contrast to the one they had just left behind. It seemed to Samson to be a special hall because it only had one suite and two rooms. All of the doors on the hall were decorated in similarity to that of a Roman Cathedral and the walls were a pale orange with a golden border and the carpet of the floor of the hall was a pale gray overlapped with a thick stripe of royal red. The attendant opened the door to the suite and extended his arm out saying, "Well, here you are. Enjoy your stay!" He went to leave when he spotted Samson behind Maqsedeth. He patted him on the back, "Come on, sir," he said leading him away from Maqsedeth, "Let's get you set up in a room." Maqsedeth stepped up, "Hey," he said, "He's with me." By French Fries’ expression, Maqsedeth could tell he was surprised at his speaking. "Oh, okay then," he said looking back and forth between him and Samson, "What relationship do you two have? Is he your friend, colleague, student, or what?" "He's my son," Maqsedeth replied, slightly amused. French Fries feigned surprise, "Ah, yes," he replied, "Of course." He handed Maqsedeth the keys and left to finish assisting other customers. Once the man had vanished from sight and Maqsedeth was sure that he was gone, he turned to Samson. "What was that all about?" Samson demanded, cross, "You must've forgotten to tell him you had a son whose mother had curly blonde hair and blue eyes." Maqsedeth shook his head, "No, I didn't," he replied, "I'll explain everything later, but for now, I must go and unload our bags from the carriage. Make sure to lock the door behind me." Samson grimaced and nodded. He went inside the hotel room, closing the door behind his father Maqsedeth as he left. As soon as Maqsedeth was gone, there was a knock on their hotel room door. Samson went to the door and peeked through the peep hole to discover a man in a dark garb standing outside their door. “Who is it?” he called, apprehensively. “Hello, Samson,” the man said. “You already know I can’t yet reveal who I am.” “What do you want?” Samson asked. “I need to talk to you,” the man said. “It’s urgent.” Samson opened the door and peered into the man’s deep blue eyes. He cleared his throat, “Was that you earlier, pretending to be a French man?” he asked. The man chuckled, “Wow, you’re good,” he said, slightly astonished at his speculation. “Anyway, I need to talk to you about something very urgent: the rise of Chaos.” Samson gasped, “What?” he asked. “It’s happening soon and I need you to be calm,” the man said. “Stop stressing, okay?” Samson sighed, “I’m not stressing about anything,” he insisted. “I’m fine.” “Yeah right, Samson, you don’t fool me,” the man said. “I was inside your head and I know all about the nightmare you had. The one where a man with the same face as you shoots you in your chest, killing you instantly.” Samson gasped, “How do you know about that?” he demanded. “I haven’t told anyone except my father…unless he’s told you. But why tell you?” “I need you to put that dream out of your head,” the man said, ignoring his question. “If you don’t, he’ll rise faster than you could say Manorá’s Cheesecake Factory.” “Manorá’s what?” Samson asked. “My point exactly,” the man sighed. “But, how can I?” Samson asked. “It felt so real…” It felt real because it was real, the man thought. The Chaos messed up the times and he had sent us back in time, through our dreams, making sleep very dangerous for us… The man nodded, “I know, Samson,” he replied. “But, you still must put that dream out of your head or else he’ll rise faster than--” The elevator dinged and the man gasped, “We’ll talk later,” he said. “You’ll see me again, soon. Don’t dwell on that dream.” He faded away and the door to the staircase opened and slammed shut. It took a moment for Samson to realize that the man had turned invisible and left him, taking the stairs. Maqsedeth approached Samson with their luggage, “I thought I told you to close and lock the door behind me?” he demanded. Samson looked at Maqsedeth, startled, “I know, Father,” he said. “But, I just got a visit from the man in the dark garb. He told me to stop stressing about my nightmare and to put it out of my mind. How did he know about it?” Maqsedeth’s expression was grim, “He knew about it because he had the same nightmare,” he replied as he brought their luggage into their hotel room and closed the door. “He immediately went to see how you were coping and when he saw how distressed you had become, he contacted me and told me to try to keep you calm or else.” Samson was shocked, “He told me that The Chaos would rise faster than I could say something about a Manorá something if I don’t calm down,” he said. Maqsedeth chuckled, “I bet he did, son,” he said. Samson took his luggage and began to unpack, when there was a knock on their hotel room door. Samson sat up, startled, and glanced at his father, “Who would that be?” he asked. Maqsedeth shrugged, “Why don’t you answer it and see?” he asked. Samson went to the door and peeked through the peep hole to discover a shaggy red-head wearing goofy yellow glasses standing outside. He opened the door and peered at him, confused, “Um, can I help you?” he asked. “Vengeance will be that of those forsaken During the darkest days of the year Destruction will become of the lone survivor And his heir will fall to fear If vengeance takes the quicker route Chaos will be sure to appear Where vengeance is Chaos is sure to ensue Woe is you during the darkest days of the year” What is this all about? Samson thought. He stood motionless for a while before finally speaking, “Um, didn’t we already go through this?” he asked. “You said this last year. Why again?” “Are you ready for the rise of The Chaos?” the red-head asked him. Samson gasped, “What do you mean?” he asked, bewildered. “If vengeance takes the quicker route, Chaos will be sure to appear,” the red-head replied. “Where vengeance is Chaos is sure to ensue. Woe is you during the darkest days of the year! Are you ready for the rise of The Chaos?” Samson didn’t answer and stood speechless in the doorway as the shaggy red-head departed his presence. Once he recovered, he closed the door and resumed unpacking, trying his best to hide his trembling hands. "Who was that at the door?" Maqsedeth asked him. Samson was silent for a while, still unpacking his belongings, "Um, no one," he replied after a while. Maqsedeth nodded, but he wasn't very satisfied with the answer he received. He studied Samson for a while, and saw that he was shaking tremendously. Maqsedeth immediately knew something was bothering Samson, and he was determined to find out, "Are you okay, Samson?" he asked. Samson nodded and continued unpacking. “You know, you have to stay calm,” he said. “Or else, The Chaos will rise faster than the speed of light or sound. You know that’s what he wants. He wants you to be distressed so that he’d rise. Don’t give him what he wants.” He continued to watch Samson and noticed that Samson didn’t seem to register that he had even spoken. “Samson, did you hear what I said?” Samson nodded but still said nothing. Maqsedeth sat next to him on his hotel bed. He grabbed Samson by both of his shoulders and made him face him, "Samson," he said staring deep into his eyes, "Who was that at the door?" Samson lowered his gaze, "No one," he insisted. Oh really..., Maqsedeth thought. Maqsedeth sighed and removed his hands from his son's shoulders and folded his arms over his chest, "Okay, Samson," he said. "If no one was at the door then why are you shaking?" Samson was silent for a while staring out the window as the broad daylight was blot out by a thick fog that was slowly devouring the last of the sun as Samson watched. He swallowed and sighed, "When I answered the door, there was a shaggy red-head standing outside," he said. “He said “Woe is me during the darkest days of the year”. He also said that “Where vengeance is Chaos is sure to ensue”. He asked me if I was ready for the rise of The Chaos and I couldn’t answer him.” There was deafening silence after Samson finished speaking. Maqsedeth studied Samson a while to see if he would change what he had said. When he saw that he didn't, he went to the door and peeked through the peep hole. He sighed and shook his head, "How exactly did you see that man when it is dark in the hallway?" he asked. "Are you pulling my leg here?" Samson was shocked, "What?" he asked. “How is it dark in the hallway? It wasn’t dark before." Maqsedeth crossed his arms over his chest and Samson went to the door. He peeked through the peep hole and saw that his father was right. Samson immediately concluded that maybe the rise of Chaos had already begun. He heard a few voices come from the elevator and more coming from the rooms around them. A lot of people were confused by this sudden power outage. He heard someone come upstairs, “Everyone just stay calm, okay?” the man said. “The situation will be handled. No worries. Everyone back into your rooms.” “We’re stuck in the elevator!” someone shouted. Samson immediately left the hotel room. He brought out the lamp Queen Martha had given him and turned it on. He approached the elevator, “Just remain calm,” he told them. “Help is on the way.” The man who had come upstairs to calm the residents down looked at him quizzically, “And, just who might you be?” he demanded. “Are you from the Fire Department?” Samson shook his head, “No, um, what’s your name?” he said. “Mr. Morris,” the man replied. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Morris, my name is Samson,” Samson said. “And no, I’m not from the Fire Department. Do me a favor and hold that for me.” He handed him the lamp Queen Martha had given him and pried the elevator open. He reached in and helped the people trapped inside escape, which were three couples, and one had a newborn baby with them. “Oh, thank you kind sir,” one of the couples said. Samson smiled, “You’re welcome,” he said. “Which floor do y’all stay on?” “We stay on the fifth floor,” another couple said. “We were on our way there when the lights went out.” Samson turned to Mr. Morris, “Do you think you can lead them back to their rooms?” he asked him as he took his lamp from him. “Sure I can,” he replied. Samson summoned a bigger lamp and turned it on. He handed it to Mr. Morris, “Here, take this,” he said. “It’ll be very dark on your way there. You’ll need all the light you can get.” Mr. Morris took the lamp, “Thank you, Mr. Samson,” he said. “Alright, follow me. Everyone else back into your rooms. The situation is being handled.” Everyone went to depart into their rooms and as Samson rejoined Maqsedeth, he couldn’t help being surprised at Samson’s actions. “That was a very kind thing you did for those people,” he said. Samson shrugged, “It was nothing,” he said as they turned to go back in their room. Maqsedeth patted him on his back and someone screamed. Samson turned and rushed into the hallway to see what was wrong. “Get it away!” a woman cried as she backed into the hallway, cradling her baby. Samson went to the door of her hotel room and beheld a dark substance on the ceiling of her hotel room. It dropped to the floor creating dark creatures that approached her slowly like a zombie. He reached for his sword and cursed when he realized he didn’t bring it. He ignited his fingers into flames and cast the flames at the creature, causing it to dissipate. Samson faced the woman, “Are you alright?” he asked her. She nodded, “Thank you,” she said. “Everyone just stay calm,” Samson said as he turned to rejoin his father in their hotel suite. There was a loud monstrous roar that echoed throughout the hallway and caused the doors to rattle. “What the hell was that?” someone asked. “What’s gonna happen to us?” a child’s voice asked. “Everyone just stay calm, okay?” Samson said. He led them into his and Maqsedeth’s hotel suite as he went back into the hallway to investigate where the sound came from. He summoned the lamp Queen Martha had given him and turned it on, painting the hallway in a bright white light. Not long after, a dark substance formulated on the ceiling of the hall and dropped to the floor creating dark creatures that began to approach the door to the hotel suite, slowly. Samson slammed the door shut and locked it. He covered the entire suite in a magical shield so that they couldn’t enter. He faced the residents in there and sighed, “Is everyone alright?” he asked. “Yeah, but what was that stuff?” one of the men asked. Samson sighed and looked at his father for assistance. Maqsedeth shrugged, “I don’t know for sure but I think that stuff was the Ill Wind,” he replied. “It’s said that they have the ability to make people sick with their glance and petrify them with their breath.” Samson went to the phone and found the number for the front desk with Maqsedeth’s help. He dialed the number but there was no answer. He dialed some of the other rooms in the hotel before finally catching someone, “Hey, how are y’all doing down there?” he asked. “We’re surviving,” the person on the other end responded. “Who is this?” “My name is Samson,” Samson replied. “I was just calling to ask that you don’t go into the hallway. Stay in your room.” “Why?” “The hallway isn’t safe. Just please, stay in your room,” Samson said. “Okay…” the person said before hanging up. Samson sighed and hung up the receiver. “I don’t think they believed me,” he muttered. “Are you sure we’re safe in here?” one of the women asked him. Samson sighed, “I’m not sure what’s safe anymore,” he said as a dark substance formulated on the ceiling of their hotel suite. He gasped, “Everyone hold hands!” he said. They all held hands and Samson closed his eyes, transporting them outside the hotel. People were running out of the hotel as the Ill Wind emerged from within the lobby, and surrounded the residents of the hotel on all sides. They all crowded behind Samson and Maqsedeth and those who were with them. As soon as they had gathered behind Samson and Maqsedeth, the demons began to stir: a demon to the right of them rose up and shrieked, a loud piercing noise that rolled throughout the whole island. A demon in front of them tossed a devastating projectile towards them, but before it could hit them, Samson used his entire might to expand the reach of his shield so that it enclosed everyone who was with him in a deep blue barrier. The projectile dissipated as soon as it came in contact with his shield. This made the creatures angry, and they rushed towards them. Samson summoned the power of the four corners of planet Xerox and drew on the power of Aurora, breaking the ground beneath the feet of the Ill Wind. They stumbled into the crater he created and he drew on the power of Ember, which ignited the crater and burned them to death. More Ill Wind emerged from within the hotel and Samson looked around at the crowd that had gathered behind him, It’s too many, he thought, wearily. I don’t know how much longer I can keep this shield up. Maqsedeth could tell that something was ailing Samson and he knew he was becoming weak. “Samson, let me take them back into the mainland,” he said. “You need to let your shield rest.” Samson glanced at him, sweat dripping from his brow, “Father, are you sure?” he asked. “You want to leave me here with the Ill Wind all by myself?” “You won’t be by yourself,” Maqsedeth assured him. The demons went to attack as Samson summoned the Ancient Power old. He made his shield disappear and sliced up the whole front row of demons with his sword. He continued to slice through them until he had demolished them all, as Maqsedeth used his Mind Transfer to transport himself and the other residents of the hotel to Aneidia. By the time Samson had finished, his shirt was dampened with sweat and he was near about exhausted. Samson rushed towards Rainbow and began removing the carriage from her back. He found the saddle and the reigns, and began saddling her up. He mounted her and turned to fly her out just as Maqsedeth approached them. He mounted Rainbow just as thunder boomed across the sky. As soon as they turned to fly her out, there was a sharp gust of wind and the hotel disappeared. Soon after, the ground began to swim beneath them and gruesome images flashed across the sky: There was one displaying Iblis, a fiery hedgehog from the darkest parts of The Dark Lands, destroying the Dazzling Starlight kingdom, then the image changed to the Vanderbelts, a bunch of gruesome aliens from the Spiritual Galaxy that are a mixture of Godzilla and The Incredible Hulk, invading planet Xerox, destroying cities and towns and ripping planet Xerox in half, and then the image changed to the Zoros, a group of faceless gargoyles from The Lightning Galaxy setting the Patriarch’s Palace on fire and blowing up the Paradise Hills, causing the destruction of planet Xerox. Dust rose from the ground and circled them at high-speed and in five minutes, they found themselves in the Golden Plains in front of the door that led into The Dark Lands. The people that were with them in the hotel stood around them, wondering how they ended up there. “What’s going on?” one of them demanded. Samson and Maqsedeth dismounted Rainbow and lightning flashed across the dark sky. Juan and Ziero met them in the Golden Plains just as the Zoros and Vanderbelts crashed onto the surface of planet Xerox, cracking the ground in half. “Samson, get those citizens out of here!” Ziero ordered as he and Juan faced the creatures that had just appeared. “Alright, you guys follow us,” Samson said as he and Maqsedeth mounted Rainbow. They led them away from the Golden Plains as Ziero shot a Zoro out of the sky with a bolt of lightning and sliced it in half using his sword. They gathered in the Magical Forest and contemplated what to do. “Maybe, I could take them into the Lake of Dreams until things calm down,” Maqsedeth suggested as he dismounted Rainbow. “Father, are you sure about this?” Samson asked. Maqsedeth nodded and sighed, “Yeah, don’t worry about me,” he assured him. “I’ll be back.” Samson sighed, “Alright,” he relented. Maqsedeth led the people into the Lake of Dreams Residency just as Samson rode Rainbow through the Gates of Manorá and towards the village Fruits and Berries. Once there, he went around looking to see if anyone was there. He searched each and every house before he finally gave up. “Where’s everyone?” he asked aloud. Lightning flashed across the sky as he approached Rainbow and a deep growling monstrous voice erupted from nowhere, calling from across the Chopin district just as Samson was about to mount her, "Welcome home, Samson," it said, "I hope you've enjoyed your vacation thus far." He heard a laugh and narrowed his eyes, "Who the hell are you," he asked, "and how the hell do you know my name?" The laugh boomed like an explosion, "Oh, Samson," the voice replied, "You amuse me. I suppose you weren’t ready for me after all." Samson folded his arms across his chest, "What have you done to our village?" he demanded. Immediately, Samson felt The Chaos’s satisfaction towards his anger, "Don't you see?" he asked, his voice rich with pleasure, "I have cleaned it up a bit! And don't worry, the villagers are in a safe place--I will take good care of them, especially someone extra special to you." He laughed and Samson felt a sudden chill fall over him. There right before him was Maqsedeth, petrified just as he was departing The Lake of Dreams Residency. Shock overcame Samson and he rushed pass Rainbow, "Father!" he shouted. The Chaos laughed and made the figure disappear before Samson could reach it. Samson's shock immediately turned into rage, "You, son of a b***h!" he shouted, "You better release him right now or I'll--” He faltered as The Chaos's laugh flooded the whole village. Samson glared at him and curled his lip, "What's...so...funny?" he asked him. "You know you can't destroy me," The Chaos beamed. Samson stormed towards him, unsheathing his sword, "You wanna bet I can't destroy you?" he challenged, "Just try me." Samson raised his sword and charged towards him. Instead of attacking, The Chaos laughed and created a dark portal in front of Samson. Because he was blinded by his fury, Samson did not see the trap and he tumbled into the swirling pool of darkness with The Chaos's laughter echoing in his ears. In a few minutes, he found himself, on his back, at the porch of the Sunflower Palace in front of someone's shoe. "Oh Samson, are you alright?" a familiar voice rang in his ears. The queen reached down and helped him up, "We need to talk. There's a huge problem spreading across the planet and we need your help. Please, come inside." Samson sighed and sheathed his sword. He dusted himself off and went inside. © 2017 Desirée TolliverAuthor's Note
Added on December 15, 2017 Last Updated on December 17, 2017 Author![]() Desirée TolliverPort Gibson, MSAboutI'm just an aspiring writer looking to meet other aspiring writers. Writing is what I do. I live, love, and breathe writing. I live off this quote by Rainer Maria Rilke: "If, when you wake up in the m.. more..Writing