![]() Chapter twoA Chapter by SelenaOctavia is my youngest sister. We are very close. Even though she is two years younger than I am I can tell her everything because she is very mature for her age. We’re a lot alike in a lot of ways and we do a lot of things together. Octavia has a passion for photography. My dad brought this building for her to do her thing in. Payden is a year older than Octavia but much more immature. Payden and I aren’t too close. Payden and I are the same person. I see her doing the dumb things I did like smoking weed and partying and don’t want her doing the same so I try to help her but she is very stubborn. I listened to some people sometimes. Justin is one of my younger brothers. He is a character. He is twelve years old and you can’t tell him anything. He is a little player. I hope he doesn’t turn into our dad. Logan is also two years younger than me. He is one of the smartest kids I know. He takes all honors classes. He has a 4.0 GPA and is just all around amazing. Riley is thirteen and is in every extracurricular activity you can think of. Matthew is five and is the most adorable five year old ever. He can make anybody have a better day. He is a little conceited though. Isaiah is my youngest brother he is the light of my world. I treat Isaiah like he is my own kid. He spends more time with me than with his own mother. Alex is my best friend. I’ll kill for her. This is funny because that is how we met, there were some older girls picking on her way back in elementary school and she swung and hit the biggest one so they all started hitting her. I jumped in and helped her and every since then we have been best friends. Ally is this girl that is like my sister. She is pregnant. We’re not close but we’re close, if that makes any senses. Her mom kicked her out and she is staying with me for awhile. Lexcell is my other best friend I met him through Alex. We became close well because we were just around each other all the time and we clicked. He’s my ride or die and he is very protective over me. Benny is a more of my friend with benefits. We tried the dating thing but we are better as just friends. I’ve known him since I was five and his uncle and my dad are like best buds. My dad, Travis is my hero, he is my strength, he is my everything. He is the type of dad everyone wants. He is always there for you but he isn’t strict. He’s just all around awesome. Mama D, is the closest thing to a caring mom I’ve ever had, except she isn’t. She is crazy but I love it. The only thing to describe Mama D is a mama bear that protects ALL her cubs. I haven’t seen Renee in three months. I now have a job at subway. Since I’m not in school any more I spend a lot of time at home on my phone downloading useless apps. There is this one app that I’m addicted to I guess you can say. It’s called Palringo. It’s like a chatting app. I don’t know why I have it I guess to kill time. Actually, pal is a great escape from the problems in the real world and there are some awesome people on there. Palringo is like an alternative universe. I have my own family with a “husband” and kids. My family is Larry, Ericka, Aggie, Jon, Myra, Stormie, Braden, Pi, Mariana, Carlos, and King. There are a couple of other people that are really good friends of mine on that app like Dani and Taylor. For the most part people are rude to me. Well they try to be at least. © 2013 Selena |
Added on May 15, 2013 Last Updated on May 15, 2013 |