It's a poem that fits in the light of Remembrance Day that is passed this week. War is a harsh thing, people fight, people die. Those who return will never be the same again. I read it all in these lines. A very sad thing but very well written. Liked it.
Poignant and thought-provoking. My father fought in World War 2, and his father fought in World War 1. They both survived, but they had some horrific memories etched forever in their brain.
I love the way you perfectly portrayed war in this brilliantly penned piece! So sad but so very true . Those were boys who came back as ghosts , or usually never again.
I love this, especially the way the poem flows.
'These were the boys
Who went out as men
They came back as ghosts
Or usually, never again '
Wonderful read.
This past week, we celebrated Veteran's Day & it's only a coincidence that I'm finding this in my reading library, but boy does your message make a connection! This is one of the best things I've read depicting how it might be for those returning from war. In V1, "snuffed out eyes" got my attention right away & the rest of your poem is filled with similar language that really hits the mark, not to mention snappy rhyme & rhythm that reminds me of a sing-song nursery rhyme, as if mocking this a little, possibly suggesting that we all take these guys' sacrifices too lightly. Then your ending punch caps off this sentiment nicely . . . appreciate what this shell-shocked human has helped to secure . . . freedom (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Excellent poem. You have created many great images to portay the reality and futility of war. It''s good that you've brought in what we now call PTS. Your final two lines are good and give some meaning to what I find is the meaningles epithet on its own 'I (they) gave my life for you'.
I have a similar story inspired by the Somme anniversary you might like to look at called 'Somme' (maybe on my second page).
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