Chapter 1 - Gavia

Chapter 1 - Gavia

A Chapter by Leigh

The year was 2085, although it could've been any year, because when the events that took place unfolded, no earthly time was of any relevance anymore. They, the subtle invaders were unnoticed at first, inhabiting an unpopulated area on the south side of a small island in the south Pacific, keeping themselves to themselves. They quietly watched and monitored the movements going on around them, taking samples of rocks and plants, making trend predictions of future growth and decline, recording activities in the different continents and watching the news as it was reported. After a few weeks they did become noticed and were reported to the authorities, the next day an armed Police motor launch was sent by to have a look and investigate. And when the Police landed on the beach where their camp was they found their base sealed and impenetrable, no sign of life or movement, a large silver space craft unattended.

The following day they, the people of Gavia knew it was time for them to make themselves known to Earth and so without going unnoticed they moved their base to the coast of a much larger island, Greenland. Their spaceship shimmered silver with an appearance of liquid metal, looking like a giant oval blob of mercury. It moved at no fixed speed or direction, hovering over places of interest, such as cities and mountain ranges. The large craft flew low over the top of buildings and did gather some attention, but it cast no shadow as it used a light deflection technique allowing the suns rays to pass through it. When they reached their destination they set up on a northerly uninhabited part with the decision to make the first of communications almost straight away. This communication was based on their overall analysis so far and the realisation that they needed to meet world leaders urgently. One from each of the 250 countries. A message was sent out and a leader was invited to the base two days later. Many who got the message, could not or would not believe its contents and sought proof of its origin, but as the hours ticked by that day the news of the aliens presence reached all corners of the world.

Helicopters and fighter jets circled the now enlarged base, the pilots of which found that as hard as they tried they could not fly over it, some force diverted them away. The base now had a newly added conference building it was a one storey, large, white five sided shape with one open entrance facing the shore and newly constructed wooden jetties in the rocky bay below. War ships tried to reach the base too, but were unable to for the same reason, an unknown force deterring them, so they held position at the nearest point in the north Atlantic. By now the news of the Gavians arrival had spread all over the world and every TV, radio and newspaper company in the world was broadcasting minute by minute updates, with artists impression of what they thought the aliens might look like. Fear spread and much attention was on the northern land, people waited with baited breath.

Then the day of the big world meeting came and leaders came from near and far, but mostly far and arrived in ones and twos at the shore of the base camp eager to find out what was going on. On the first country's leader's arrival the four Gavians stood by the entrance of the conference building to greet their guests. Many countries tried to bring bodyguards and aides with their leaders, but these were politely, but firmly rejected. To everyone's disappointment the Gavians looks were very similar to humans, they were slightly broader and larger in stature at about eight feet tall and had more refined and even features. They stood very seriously as the first guest arrived, but as he approached they welcomed him in smiling, offering him a seat and refreshments. Each guest was given an earpiece to translate the Gavians language into their own. Their eyes were larger proportionally and they had less hair, although the female looking amongst them had long hair. The cameras of Earth clicked and rolled at the new sight.

Inside the five sided building there were chairs arranged in five blocks of seven by seven, facing the centre. Each block had one additional chair in front of it, to make fifty in number altogether. The pentagonal hall like room was mainly white, with its features lined with a fine silver colour. The guests filtered in not speaking, smiling nervously, taking drinks provided cautiously and sitting randomly down, some that knew each other shaking hands and talking in whispers. The guests stared in wonder at the strangeness of the hosts, who seemed calm and in control as they directed people in, offering them a drink and a seat. Their large blue unblinking eyes, attentive and kind never seeming to miss a detail. They wore a two piece cotton type suit of very loose and casual fitting, that seemed to float about them as though in constant breeze. When all the guests were seated the four Gavians stood in the middle of the room facing out, linking their long fingered hands as a sign of unison, ready to make their address. There was a hushed silence and great atmosphere of anticipation as the entrance door smoothly shut tight, causing a small ripple of nervous laughter to cut across the crowd. Of the four one stepped out from the group, his smooth face slightly broken by the faintest of smiles and the other three sat down to one side.

© 2016 Leigh

Author's Note


This chapter is a draft version and will be revised before final publication

My Review

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Really enjoyed chapter one!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Matching Socks

10 Years Ago

What!??! Lol.

10 Years Ago

Fa la la, la la la la, fa la la, la la la the Banana Splits theme tune
Matching Socks

10 Years Ago

Oh!!!!!!!! :-P
This is amazing chapter keep up the great work and I can't wait to read more

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you I will try

10 Years Ago

You're welcome
Here's a little writing tip. Show...don't tell. If I were to rewrite this for you, I might place the scene at Gavia's command center. Have them discuss the plans they have for earth. Add a little intrigue and show some tension between some generals for a little spice. And give the reader some insight into Gavia's political arena. Right now, this reads more like a police report than a story. I used to have the same problem. Overall, right now I see the makings of a good story and a good style. The only thing that I'd like to see happen is more action instead of more telling. Right now I see a map and a news story. Throw some extra pizzazz in there. You could probably stretch this scene from five paragraphs to two or three chapters at least. Maybe one in the alien command room, then add another one in the White House with the President getting briefed on the invasion. Then throw in another chapter of the troops anxiously awaiting the aliens. I see a lot of potential for this. I used to write exactly the same way, you'll grow out of it, just keep practicing. You don't become Tom Clancy overnight, keep working this story! I can taste a good story coming out of this!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thanks for your in depth review and thanks for taking the time to analyse this chapter, you have rai.. read more
It seems to be a little boring right now. My attention was caught instantaneous and it seemed to drag on in the beginning. I'm not going to judge it too harshly because it's the first chapter and this story is full of potential. Adding some dialog in would make it more interesting and may grab the reader's attention quicker instead of making them wait for the next chapter. It's just a thought. Reading on :)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you fair comments, there is dialog later on
mmmmm enjoyed it really good

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Bravo thank you
Yes this is a nice start. Very curious as to what the Gavians are doing here. I liked the description of their clothing - and the setting in the meeting room. Great cliffhanger ending as well.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Please read C2 for further details :-)
nice rough but does need to be hashed out very much more

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Better get my editing head on then
NICE START! hope you write more

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

C2 is released
The tip of the iceberg? ... something very big you are going to say ... isn't it Leigh? Can't wait for it. Promising.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Glad you like far thank you

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9 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on September 29, 2013
Last Updated on June 20, 2016
Tags: space, adventure, life, story, fantasy, love, romance, fiction, novel, chapter, book, Sci-fi



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Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Leigh