Almost a second ago things were just fine
Then came the inevitable passing of time
Words neatly assembled vanished into air
I was left open mouthed, standing there
Like little sheep, I had them neatly penned
Not scattered about and unable to tend
I lost concentration of articulate thought
My lips were dry, I was left with nought
As I turned to you slowly to my surprise
You destroyed me with a cold look in your eyes
Then the lights just went out in my mind
And in the dark, thoughts were hard to find
So little Thought Sheep come back to me
Don’t stand eating grass so contentedly
In the dim recesses you are concealed
Come back to the bright part of my field
With my flock of Thought Sheep assembled
I will deliver my words of love untrembled
You will see just what you mean to me
In flowing lines of eloquent poetry