Another old one. Right after I wrote this, a friend of mine showed me a section of the Bible in the book of James that basically speaks of the same thing. I had never read it before, but thought the coincidence interesting.
"I've never broken bones with a stone or a stick, but I'll conjure up a phrase that can cut to the quick."
I really like this.
Rumors. You've describe them in a most graphic way.
First small and harmless, then suddenly ferocious and unmanageable.
Everyone knows of this beast. Many have aided it.
Very well done.
Side note:
I know the passage in James. I have it book-marked and high-lighted.
A lot of good that's done me.
"I've never broken bones with a stone or a stick, but I'll conjure up a phrase that can cut to the quick."
I really like this.
Rumors. You've describe them in a most graphic way.
First small and harmless, then suddenly ferocious and unmanageable.
Everyone knows of this beast. Many have aided it.
Very well done.
Side note:
I know the passage in James. I have it book-marked and high-lighted.
A lot of good that's done me.
The tongue is the most deadliest organ in the human body. It is far more powerful than people think. I am very familiar with the book of James and yes this reminds me of the verse. Even the gentlest whisper can befall a kingdom, ruin a marriage, kill, etc. etc. I like this.
Yes, I have had my share of tongue lashings and I've given a few, too, I admit! It can be a lethal weapon or tell you all the things you want to hear! An interesting subject! A good write! Barbara
Good discription, whispered gossip, it does cut and sometimes very deep. Well written and the subject needs to be addressed in all circles of life. We shouldn't whisper anything we wouldn't say out loud.
Very poignantly written! And, oh how we all need reminding of this from time to time, eh? They say it takes a lifetime to build a good reputation but only one sentence to destroy one. Very nicely penned.
I write about various topics. Mostly I write poetry/songs. I took my screen name from a concept album/epic poem I wrote years ago titled "Legion's Legacy: Tales of the Damned" which was inspired by .. more..