Wow, it leaves me thinking of a lot of questions I have to ask myself. And you're right, why are we still so teribly prejudice, always angry and upset over the silliest little things. And I totally agree with Demyra there that sometimes we say things like I love you without even thinking it. I know I do it all the time, mostly to friends and family but I say it so that, should anything ( Goddess Forbid) happen to either of us, they know that they were loved.
What a message. I read it and feel the need to ask myself many questions, some I'm surprised by my own answers. Kudos to you on this piece, it is well thought and well written, I really enjoyed it.
Just curious why the long explanation of your poem, which stands for itself and needs no explanation? Might need a dictionary but that is good. Poems should make me think and expand my understanding of words, of language. Was this originally prose that you decided to format into a poetic structure? Very interesting nonetheless.
I call your version of disappearing "dying to self". When we do that, and that is a tough one to go through, but when we do it, so much opens up for and to us. When 'self' gets in the way, we only see the environmental things that make our personal space so cluttered and then we cannot hear our spirits calling. When in meditation, we can be still and HEAR! Being quiet doesn't mean that we don't HEAR, in fact just the opposite, we hear more. I hope you get what I'm saying here.
It's so important that we take the time to 'listen' to our inner spaces.
Very insightful and thought provoking. I think this is something that pertains to veryone.
The last two lines of the third to last stanza I completely agree with. When we say "I love you", "I appreciate you" and so we always mean them? As humans, we can't help take people and things for granted...
i can feel the necessity to feel this message in your tone. very rich heartfelt words to swallow as i agree totally. i believe as my life has been opened up to the answers of my heart, this is all the truth in life that is mostly missed and uninterpreted by many, sadly.
i enjoy this firm belief. to write about what really matters is what i am interested in reading more of.
thank you for invitng me~
love, carol
This touches on subjects I think about a lot. I really think that they problems with all relationships gone wrong begins with an individual who will not look into their own mirror. Thank you for sharing this. It says something so important.
Both pieces sound like pleas to me. Almost TOO well-expressed in that their poignancy reaches me and I suspect many others in that deep wound, unhealed, for which we might feel guilty for not having done whatever we imagine must be done to heal wounds impregnated with the mysterious energy of another, the one who inflicted them. And they can't heal; these are the "wounders" after all, right?
I like the visual effects of your use of punctuation, size of fonts, leaps from impression to apprehension, that painful bumpy ride.
My thoughts on content: this wound will never heal and you can't heal it. You can, however, focus on life and light and accepting what you like and rejecting unwanted which you couldn't do when the wound was inflicted. Let your wonder be for the planet, for others, for how (something) works, for fixing, for knowing how it was broken; in this way you become who you are and much greater in proportion to the wound, making it ever easier to tolerate. When you are wondering who you are or trying to create yourself to fit some preconditioning, you are not becoming, becoming more. You travel from that instant of the present to the past, the stuck. Watch and enjoy what is in light, the future expanding before you, your yellow brick road.
please disregard if you wish since this is all none of my business! the light eminating from your poems attracts me, my light, my outward extension of a present tense self to be with you in this experience.
Powerfully stated what each of us go through, the questions we ask ourselves, the answers to which we have never had the chance to discover because we are forever busy trying to please others. Are we really who we think we are? Or is it just a facade?