![]() Deep in Deep BelumA Story by RegalKittyBits![]() I was on guard duty at fort bragg NC I was on a 12 hour shift board as hell, just sitting me and my lap top.. this weird thing is what came of it (looks for cute smily....... damn none to be found)![]()
The sound of gun fire is as hot in the air, as the air surrounding them is humid. The screams of the dead and dying piers my ears, and their blood soaks our hasty fighting position in some UN know “GRENADE!” One word, one fearful word is all I hear as the blastoff air tackles me to the ground, a large piercing pain scolding my side. “Jason!?” I call out, to check on my fox hole buddy and some times lover, but no answer. Fear Turns into panic, as the dust clears, and a figure, only torso high appears through it, but its no longer a man, no, nothing that pitiful could ever have been human, but in my head I know its true, my boy hood friend, from Dallas, who I played with in my youth, to the stalwart young adult who on a whim convinced me to join the army, my battle buddy who protected my back on all those missions, and my lover who would let me cry into hisarms, on night when we took to much dead… He was gone, gone andnever to return, the knolege filled my head as some distant thought. I had never hated my enemy before, I had always know that we would all make up at then end and morn for all our dead together. Not now, now in a small fox hole, in the middle of now where the first tears of pure hate and rage filled my eyes. I laid, my dear friend head back down on the ground, and went off do die, and take many of them with me. My cry slits the hair like a cleaver, all the pain of 2 years of war, shouting my challenge to every op soldier on the field. They hear, and they fired. Latrine life I drink those memories away as fast as I can, but now I am there, and there is no escape. The roar of my rifle is accented by my screams, as the fisrt of the blood starts to flow. A bullet taking a young boy in the neck, and exploding out the other side, like a bloody gag balloon… More bulletes fly as my rage builds, now bullets come from both direction as I had left my fox hole, the hot stream on air, of steal and tracer round wising by my close cropped blond hair, and my almost pale skin. I hear him before he could lift his AK, the bullet flew taking him in the stomac, but not taking im down. Within two steps I was upon him, I plunged my fingers in to his eyes as he let out a high pitched scream, the knid that an infant make, when they know only that it hurts and they want it to stop. And I wound slicing the edge of the combat night against the his jugular. My face stained with the spray of his blood … the enemy is more in number now, as more of our own lie dead, .. we are out numbered and being routed, but I don’t care I tell my self, running through the swath of bodys “ You HEAR ME, I DON’T GIVE A GOD DAMN, SEND ME !) SEND ME A HUNDRED ILL KILL every ONE OF yOU!” I did, O I did, and I tasted therir blood as I breathed, felt their life on my tongue, “ YEA BRING IT!” One two, three, body falling be fore me, my eyes no longer my own, as if some thing more privative has come forward to tell me what my purpose is, to kill, to kill and when the bullet that takes my life throws me to the floor, I will rejoice and lie sill foever “I’m still standing D****T, DON’T YOU MOtHER FUCKERS HAVE AN OWN OF KILL IN Y--?” The last falling as a supries gasp, my mantra of hate, shattering, my it stings to life filling my mind, as I fall amongst the men I laid waist. I am calm now, the light is over the horizon, and I see him, I cry out for him, but he holds out his hands, He mouths a word... “Wait”. “Whit for what Jason!?” I scream after him as he turns to fade. “Wait for what Jason…Jason, JAS--!?????” The alarm blares, as the last vestige of his name escape my lips... “Its still night” I say allowed, not realizing that I am alone again, alone with my sweat coating the sheets, tears rapidly drying on my cheeks. “6:00, well buddy you wandered the job” I sigh to my self pulling back the maroon colors of my king sized bed, looking around the pale white wall and thinking to myself that I should paint the walls, maybe black to accent the linen, .. Sigh, “o well” the morning is routine, well s routine as I can get after the war; I am 23 now and have been working for the DAPD ( The rest of my morning is moot, needless to say that I have some left over pizza, threw my shoulder length blond hair, in a warriors pony tail and drove to work. Deep Belum, my sector, down town Other than her darken appearance and no hair, Jill was just another cop on the force, 5’6, 140 pounds of muscle, and a nervous twitch of popping her jaw that grossed the hall out of me. Yea I like Jill. It was now getting later into the evening, and deep bellum, the party capital of the state is picking up speed. The failing daylight replaced by neon glow of signs that say, “free cover, or hot women wrestling free for all. *he-he my momma would s**t a brick if she though her catholic son was anywhere near such a place, but tonight wants pleasure, no only work. The streets filled up quickly; first the high scholars who wanted to walk around, before the clubs strictly became adult and would not allow them admittance. Then the rest came, black white Asian reamers, every one, dressed in the new punk style called retro grunge. Who was I to judge, back in the day, my 80’s clothes would have some of these kids yelling out hair innuendos. As the night dragged on there was pretty much nothing to do, yea there were a few drunk walking along that we helped get cabs, or the hookers, that we would have to shoo away from perspective johns, and the pushers drying t make something of every one. Yep just a typical night on the job. I was about to be proven wrong. As soon as my content smile started to form on my slips gunfire erupted down the street, and not just any gun fire, I know that "rat tat tat tat", any where… Automatic “s**t!” A cop’s worst nightmare. “Jill get on thee horn and call for back up!” Not one of the criminals noticed are unmarked car plowing now toward them, The scean is horrific, the bloods and the Crips gang wars have gotten worse over the years, but nothing as bad as what my eyed behead now. There had to be at least 40 of the on either side trading fire, bullets fling through the air light lightning bugs moving at the speed of light. Screams and yells of ethnic slur roaring from either side. And the civilians, my God the civilians, the people that we serve and protect. They were screaming and running out of the buildings only to be cut down my cross fire and ricochets. “Jesus” Jill says, her hand clasped to her mouth, we slowed down one block away when one of the bad guys noticed us and fired a warning shot our way.
But there was to be no reply as a bullet zinged passes our heads and out the font window. The attacker, a woman who looked to be late 20’s Latino did not have the time to fire another shot, she only stood there staring blankly as the gun shot wound started to bleed down her for head into her eyes. I looked to the left seeing Jill’s eyes, lining up her sight through the smoke of discharged black powder. “You ok Jill?” She just stood there, her eyes focusing on the kill her mind blank trying to erase the images of the dead woman, from her memorize before she became insane, which with enough kill claims us eventually no mater how hard we fight it. “Jill, ARE YOU OK!!?” Her eyes, pale blue regained there focus, nodding in assuring, “Alright am goanna move to the corner and scope it out, watch my rear and wait for the Call” She only nods again, as I move through the garbage ridden ally way towards the entrance, a Large dumpster my only protection incase some unruly bandit decides to come around the corner and play. Now with my back arched against the wall and my pocket mirror in hand *hey guys got to looks cute on the go too* I move it around the corner. Along with the gun fire, there were also more bodies, it almost looked like we would not need to go in, and they’ll just kill each other off. I turn my head back to Jill, putting my hands parallel, and pointing at my left hand telling here that there are that there are 7 guys left by mouthing it, and 5 on the right. She odds again and ducks into the parole car to give the department a SITREP *situation report* “MOMMY!!?” My eyes are drown to the cry, a little girl may be 8 is standing, crouching next to a corpse that she does not understand that she cant wake up. “S**t I’m going in Back me up!!” The last im not sure Jill even heard as I rounded the corner in a dead sprint. There are only 5 left now, locked in a fear full battle to the death, the others obviously ran away. I take am on the run at the bandana closest to the girl and Fired, blasting his brains all over the red brick of the building behind him. Thankfully with the guy down the others shifted fire, to the last remaining man. He pointed is weapon at me, and at the point of discharge, a full round of automatic fire tore him down. My pistol, moved with out me thinking lining up the sunglasses of one of the remaining three, the other two already zeroed in on my for head. *come on* I think to my self. Come on and kill me do it do it*………*wait* “Jason?” that moment was all they needed to scurry away, yea they can kill if they want to, but a dead cop in never something you want on your record….we get even. The battle over, my gun falls to my waist, the adrenalin seeps from my blood stream and I am tired, o so very tired. Suddenly, a hand in mine, a chilled, I think, I smell tears on the air and fear in the air, I look down and see the chilled from before, clinging into my hand crying into it. What is she saying, my mind is still on hold, I don’t know, she wants something “MMM” what, I look at her to speak up but still I can hear. “Hell…….MOOO ..Hel…M…..moomm …” The last drugs of flight or flight leaves my system, the red glare, of heat behind my eyes starts to cool and I can hear. “HELP MY MOMMY” The pain stood clear in her eyes, she did not know what t do, and she is only a child, a small girl who hurt herself on the play ground coming to the nurses for a band aid. One look at here mother was enough, no amount of medicine could help her now, she was cold. Dead to the pain of her daughter. I looked at the young one and shook my head. She begged pleaded with me, knowing in her heart that I could make it all better. But no about of band aids could fix her problem, no amount of grief can bring her mother back, she can only cry, and wait further truth to hit her, like a virus running its course, until the truth is reviled.. No vaccine for this type of daisies. So I sit here, a small soul bearing her in tears into my lap. As the sound of sirens, and blue red lights approach. This is the new world I think to my self, looking up at Jill and then back to the child. And so the night passed, and some how we ended up at the station, watching a social worker take the child of to an orphanage. We filed our report, got major bitching my sergeant and then headed to the place where every self respecting cop goes after a long night on the job….the Bar. The music is an old school recording of nickel back, blaring over sub woofer and speaker, drowsing out most conversations and with enough alcohol... thought. Smoke fills the air of the small highlander pub. Two lines of six tables run along side the length of the bar, smooth yummy smells wafting out of the kitchen. Im hungry I think, I had not realized it before but yea I was “YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN IT!” Jill screeched over the music. “BAM BAM POW, There goes the bad guy!?” All the guys and gals laugh at her farcical representation of tonight’s events. I smile at the praise and sip o my Jin and tonic, heedless of the fact that my food has arrived and I had not eaten a thing. Something on your mind sexy?” The voice is instantaneously recognizable; it’s Divinity, my rock that I can cling to, the shoulder that I cry out my emotions on. She stand almost my height, at 5, 7 to my 5 10, so kissing her is hardly a challenge, and the sex well, that is a story for later. “I’m fine, just a little shaken up over today” She lays her arms of light mocha arouse my neck, her raven hair, flowing around the sensitive nerve of my skin, and hugs me. I sigh in her arms letting her power, and control takes me. Lifting me to a place where the wows don’t matter. She plants a kiss on my cheek and the worries vanish. “You should be bottled and sold to war vets…. We’d make a fortune” She laughed at that, her cheeks dreading into a smile that could melt my soul and it did. My sprits lifted I raised my glass in good cheer, send sang of the last cheer as me and Divinity left. Our apartment was soft and quiet, our two cats greeted us at the door purring and begging to be fed. I kissed D, and told her to go relax as I went of to take care of our hungry animals. 2 and 3 they are, one the cooler of snow a short hair, ever the playful and scared one, easy to offend was mine I mistakenly called her blazer when we got them after Blazer the male American gladiator, oooops. And shadow, a long hair black tabby with gray streak, play full but dominant... that one is hers... seeing a trend here? The cats fed and Divinity in the tub I resigned to lie on the couch, many of the thoughts that were washed away now flooded back, the poor girl, my years at war, the many that I have killed... to many.. A tear crests at my eyes lids, and I suppress a shudder into the couch, burring my face in it like a scared cat,” what's wrong my pet?” Divinity asks me, her pet name for me, when she is concerned. I rear my head deeper into the adultery, not wanting her to se my tears. A touch of coconut crosses my senses and a hand caresses my cheek. I can’t see her but I know she is there, here body pressed against mine, my head in her lap now. Her sweat tongue fills the air over powering the last of my whimpers, her soul reaching out to sooth my own, and after awhile, the memories fade, and expurgation sets in, and I sleep. The same dream again, only different, once again am to once again I am not enough once again there are too many, we are to late, and there, there is the child, alone motherless, and I have to look at the look in her eyes “wait”….. “JASON!” The room is dark, my skin sickened to the cooler of alabaster. “is it the dream again” I turn, to se divinity, her mocha colored skin framed in a red silken robe, her hair wet and dripping from the shower, two cups of coffee in her hands. Yea, a little different though” I tell her as she walks across the room sitting next to me, I take the coffee, pressing it to my nose, taking in the sweat smell of French vanilla “thanks” I kiss her cheek. “What’s different?”... I take another sip of coffee, retelling her dream in relation to the gang war this afternoon. “I don’t understand, I always seem to be too late, and then he tells me to wait, but wait for what?” I look at divinity her eyes filled with both concentration, her skills at dream discerning far better than my own. “I don’t know. I mean, I don’t know. Your doctor said that the Post traumatic stress disorder would cause nightmares even causations. But, you never know dreams can be very powerful and you are slightly sensitive to the touch.” I scoff and laugh at the thought, I get feelings every once in awhile like most battle vets, and cops … a gut felling, and sometimes there right but psychic? “Yea right.” That earned me a scowl from her witch I instantly regretted. “Look Im sorry, I just wish I had your faith some times.” Her face softens, the line concern evaporating into, love her smile widening in length, to show of the most beautiful lips in existence, I caress strands of her hair, running them through my fingers, smooth as silk. Our eyes meet, and that wick that was once a tiny flame, has found tender and now burns to the surface of out desire. “WERE NOT GONNA TAKE IT NOW WERE NOT GONNA TAKE IT” my work phone blares, frustrated beyond belief. “this is not happening” Now stacatoing each word with a head bob. “THIS IS NOT HAPPINING!” … Divinity just giggles, “Glad to see that you’re real pissed.” She gave me a silly pout, mocking my temper, as I open the phone. “WHAT!?” A long silence and then. “Wow sorry for interrupted Cat.” The voice of a very rejected sounded Billy Ross on the phone. Billy Ross, or rookie, and all around American good old boy. He was in high school during the war, and was hoping to go to play in the NFL after collage, but because of the draft during the war the NFL was suspended, and so he joints the police force. “Hey Billy, I’m sorry I had a rough day, as you know, why are you calling me at 2 AM?” yet another long silence. “It’s the girl, the girl that you saved today… she’s been kidnapped, your needed at the station.” This time it was my turn for silence, my thoughts drifted back to my dream. “Alright ill be there as soon as I can.” With out saying good bye I hung up the phone, during to Divinity who must have noticed my change in stature during the conversation. “It’s the girl isn’t it?” I nod my head “well than get going, it could be your dream or it could be coincidence but either way, she needs your help.” Without any more word, I kiss divinity whimpering that I lover her, and exit. The drive to down town was uneventful, clear streets due to the early hour, those already gone home, or those in the after hours club. I would have still thought it was Friday if it not for the buses parked out side the station. It kind of reminded me of our deployment. These recruts, standing in formation at some ungodly hour, not sure where the busses are taking us, other than the fact that we won’t like it when we get there. As I get closer, the blur of bodies became clearer, the faces of children fresh out of high school stand one right after the other, and there faces smooth and clean, from not having to save so much, there hair cropped short according to the regulation. Yes theses are children, I laugh at myself, wondering why. I am only a scares few years older than these fellow and some, are the same age, but in there eyes, yes there eyes are so younger, I envy that naivety, and pity it, for in a few short weeks, these will no longer be children. But recruits, and upon graduation, police officers, and after there first fire fight, men and women, there memories of child hood pleasure lost behind a clode of smoke and bullets. No time to worry about them I tell myself... and drive on. The office is hectic as usual, police personnel scampering all over to deal with the addict, the drunks and pushers, there sweat mixing with that of the criminals making the hair smell like, well a typical police station. “O s**t” there walking towards me is bad new, Standing in at 6 four, three 230 pounds the master of disaster, the ruiner of cat’s every day. Comishineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer Jacoooob soooooon.! “glad that you took your time getting here” Jacobson, police chief of Deep-belum, and all around a*****e, with his never changing gray suit, aviator glasses tucked in his shirt, steely grey eyes, and trade mare white old man hair, yea I don’t like him “hey boss had to take my time, was about to have great sex and the I heard you were still working here, and then I lost the mood.” His grey eyes leered at me, but I didn’t care, I was not in the mood to be a nice guy tonight and I made damn sure he knows it. “Alright can the s**t Cat, we got a problem, and” his cheeks flushed in annoyance, “and the SVU has asked for you.” I raised my eyebrows at that, feigning surprise, obviously he did not know that I have been told about it previously. With no more word he turned and started back toward the interrogation room, people moving out of his way, as custom AKA don’t piss of the boss. The interrogation room is filled with smoke, not of fire but of cigarette, witch only meant one thing, as I looked over to the corner. A smile creaselss my lips as I look at veronica. Tough as nails b***h if there ever was one, waist length black hair, dark Mexican red completion, black eyes, and a Cubin cigar. I suppressed the urge to run over and hug my friend from SVU; she is a blast to work with, and a lesbian so I could tease her all I wanted and never piss her off. “Hey sexy” She looked at me, those black eyes shining with a retort. “Well one of us has to be” I laughed at that and took my seat. “So what happened to the girl?” Veronica slide a folder across the table, I opened it up to see a picture of the girl, and her mother. Her name is Samantha, Samantha join, her mothers name is Two hours later we stand looking at an old house me the middle of the forest, the houselights easy to see through the night vision goggles. A one story house, may be 2 rooms a living room and a bathroom, think a typical looking cottage. On the ride over, Vicci Explained to me, that this is a know safe house, for same of the bad guys, and that a vehicle similar to the one seen at the accident, a teal ford truck, was seen driving to this house. “Alright people” a swat team member ordered in a whisper “Cat, you and the detective stay behind team b, that will be me, at the two guy’s right here” he pointed to two swat personnel. “Just stay beside us, and is you have a shot make sure it’s a bad guy, we will have a team coming in from the back, and I don’t want any accidental kills... Got me?” We both nodded, drawing our pistol pointing them at the low ready, waiting for the Signal to move. “BAAM! Rat TAT TAT” The flash bang and small automatic fire erupt, and were on the move. The rear door flew open with a flash, the light silhouetting the swat team members as they rush through the entrance. The silence is defining after that, my ears ring like Im at Notre dam, the only communication, coming from and sign. A few seconds later, my head clears, and the Captain is standing next to me. “How the hell did you see that, it like pitch black in here” I shook my head. “well either way I appreciate that, one second later, and I would have been brain tar tar” The subtle humor is not lost on be but I was quick to point out the real savoir, I pointed to the young woman holding the shotgun, Barrel still smoking. “Give your thanks to her, she only needs his muzzle flash to locate him, and he did not get off a second shot” the captain nodded at the swat member and gave her a deep passion smile, I wondered, are they lovers? I pushed that thought away, not, my business, and sure as hell not the time. “does any one have eyes on the girl?” the caption looked at me then repeated my question into the squawk, after a few seconds of static a voice came over the line. “We got her, bring the cop, she does not want to move.” We rounded the corner door into a small room, it was bare except for a mattress on the floor, and a group of swat members were huddled around a closet door. I looked over to Vicci, who somehow I had lost track of during the last few minust, she stood beside me giving me a nod. “Back of guys, give me some room.” The grope of swat, left the room leaving nothing between is and the closet, nothing but blackness string out back at me. I look back at Vicci one more time, and I walk to the door. Stopping 3 feet away from it, I can see inside the closet, its double sided black jackets strung n either side, the only indication of the girl tho, is a slight sniffling sound, her loud cries long gone. I kneel on the ground, sitting and the crossing my legs Indian style, taking off my jacket, making sure that I tuck my pistol away so as not to scare her, I take a breath. “Samantha? hey remember me?” What they hell kind of question is that, stupid stupid, your not meeting a buddy at a high school reunion. I tried again this time, lowering my voice to a whisper, taking out my commanding edge and giving it a softer one. “Samantha?... I know you’re scared... I know that that a lot of bad stuff has happened to you today, Samantha, can you here me. If you can hear me come on out the bad guys are gone.” There is a long pause, and the soft voice, trembling, and almost too quite to hear. “I’m scared I don’t want to come out.”... I sigh to my self, thinking for a few minutes, and the I thought of an Idea, “may I come in?” I say, putting as much kindness in my voice as I can. A Long silence follows, and after a while I was beginning to think that she was too traumatized to respond. “Yea” was all she said. I took that as a que to move; slowly I stood up, taking careful steps into the closet and kneeling near her when I got close. She sits shrouded by coats, only her arms clasped around her knees showing. “Samantha, you’re safe the bad men are gone now.” Quickly this time she responded. “I’m scared wh...what if they come back” Carefully I reached my arm out drawing thee coats aside, and revealing her face, scared alone and unsure… I reached my hand out to her. “Samantha, they are gone for good. Nothing else is going to hurt out tonight, Ill make sure of it… I promise…”…….. “Pinky swears?” My eyes almost teared up at that child hood ultimate bond of trust. I wrap my hand in a fist extending my pinky, which she took in hers. “I pinky swear that I will protect you” The promise stood stale leaving a bad taste in my mouth, as I knew if they really wanted her, I could not protect her by my self. But it was enough, I slowly pulled her out of the corner, and she latched around my neck giving me a hug, we took her out of the small house and out to the squad car, I sat in the back seat with her, still her arms wrapped around my neck as I stroked her hair. Back at the station we laid her down on one of the extra bunks stationing 2 veteran police officers at her door. Keep her safe was all I had to safe, and I knew she would be, these guys would not let her down. “She is real shook up.” Vicci said, leaning against the wall in the chief office, her arms folded across her chest. “Yea but she is sleeping now the doc gave her some sedatives so she will be out for a good 12 hours.” The chief said, he looked at his watch. “Jesus, its 10 am, yall go home at get some rest come back in, at lets say 8 o’clock.” That was all the incentive I needed, I told Vicci to give me a call at around 7, so I could talk to here about the case a little because I was too tired to do it now, and with that I left the station the noise and the girl behind. The apartment was quite, as I walked in, the cat’s problem curled up on the bed with divinity. I took a quick shower, and lied down in bed, snuggling up in divinity’s arms. I laid awake may be for a few minutes before I fell asleep, the last thought passing through my mind was Jason, was he speaking me, would I have been shot if he did not warn me, the last thought before exhaustion took me, the last word. “Wait” And I drifted of to a dream less sleep. I awoke with a tingling in my hair, long slender fingers petting my head. My eyes opened slowly, focusing on the perfect picture, Divinity smiling at me, her eyes filled with love and need. I don't know how long that she had been watching me sleep, but it made me feel loved, and that alone made me feel better. My hand drifted to her check, we leaned together, or lips touching, or bodies eager, and we made love. Sighs filled the apartment, over bodies pressed together, and covered in red silk. Or sexes intertwined, and our passion blossoming, I cried out as her sex convulsed around mine in orgasm sending me every the edge, the room filled with white light, and the next thing I remember is laying in the crook of divinity’s arm, her other hand stoking my hair. “You were out late last night my pet, is every thing ok?” I told her the story of the mission last night, telling her about my warning from Jason. I was not sure what she thought about it, but from her face she looked concerned and curious. “Well you don’t seem to believe in the hebe jebe stuff so I guess I can only tell you to go to a shrink baby.” I give her a look that she pouts at. “After last night im not sure what I believe, I’m just glad it happened.” “Meow” followed by a thump and a humph from me as our cats jump on me telling me that there hungry. I laid a kiss on divinity’s lips and went of to feed the animals. Two hours later I was in the shower, getting ready to head back. I turned the water off toweling myself dry, and when I looked in the mirror I was suppressed to see the mark on my face, and after a few seconds I remembered I got it from the near hit from the shooter last night. I took a bandage out of the medicine cabinet grimacing on how it made the wound look worse than it was the patch taking up my entire cheek. Divinity was out at the coffee table relaxing; she already dressed in jeans sand a T-shirt getting ready for work. “Hey beautiful” I came up behind her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “you ready for work?” she took a sip of coffee, “yea, not in the mood tho, I would rather us both stay in bed but, “ she shrugged. “ duty calls and we must obey” I sighed “if it were as easy as you said it. We sadly took our leave each heading out for another night on the job, me promising that I would get some do nuts on the way home... The office was somber when I got there, word had spread that we now had the girl and the Stone Co. are really in the hunt for her. Vicci explained to me some of the details. Samantha was up, and they even got her to have a little bit of food and something to drink, but she still wasn’t talking.
They placed her in the kid’s room where I look at her through the two way mirror. “Go on cat see if you can talk too her.” I gave Vicci a look that pretty much said, what the hell am I supposed to say, “here take this” she passed me a stuffed lion, and she patted me on the butt shooing me into the room. I opened the door slowly, taking care not to startle her. She was sitting playing with some of the toys left for the children, but really she did not seem to be interested, but merely passing time. “Hello Samantha” She looked at me, not a very friendly look in her eye. Can’t say that I blame her the last two times that I saw here were under very bad situation so I was suppressed when she asked if I wanted to play. “Sure” I said, taking a sit right next to her, crossing my legs Indian style. “What’s your name?” she asks, very shyly, but still it was a start. “My names cat.” Like the kitty she asks with out missing a beat. “Yes like the kitties,” She giggle, finding it amusing, and I was glad, as long as she was happy things were good. I picked up one of the tops on the ground and spun it. She hand rested on a paddle with a rubber band and a bouncy ball at the end. “Hey you know when I was your age I had one of those too” she looked at me puzzled. “ha-ha I’m not that old young lady” I picked up the same type of toy and started bouncing it, getting to five paddles and then intentionally letting the ball it be on the head making a bong noise. She giggled again. “Your not very good at that are you?” she asked, which gave me a chuckle “no I guess not, say while were playing why don’t we play a game.” She nodded in agreement. “ok this is called what you think, now you don’t have to play I you don’t want to but what im gonna do is ask you some questions and then you tell me what you think k?” she gave me one of those smiles that would make any parent want to hug her, and nodded. “Ok here we go, I know this has been difficult, but I want to know what you think…. Why do you think those bad old men were after you?” Her eyes filled with fear at the first mention of the even... think think Car think…. As if on que I remembered the pet lion. And I held it out to her “what’s this?” She told me it was a lion, “and what’s a lion.”… “A big cat.” … “Right, just think of this ca as me, you know that im not gonna let the bad men get you right?” she nodded. “Do you remember the wizard of oz?” she nodded, “well in that movie the lion needed courage, well in the end he got his courage, and everyone around him felt safety, so this is what I want you to do. Any time you feel scared, I want you to take that lion and give him a big hug ok? and no mater what is going on he will give you his courage.” She nodded. “Ok, so now that we know that mister lion will protect us, why do you think those bad men were after you?” She hugged the lion tight to her chest, obviously working up the “courage” to speak. “They wanted the movie” I did my best to suppress my confusion. “what movie were they looking for Samantha?” giving her new stuffed animal a squeeze, then she want over to her back pack and pulled out the little mermaid. “Here” she passed it to me. On the inside of the case there was not one but two DVD, one of course was the little mermaid, and right underneath that was a CD. More than likely I thought to my self, what ever is on here, they thought the girl knew what it was. I took the CD, motioning to the mirror, and Vicci came in to pick it up, and left. “You did very well Samantha, I proud of you, and so is he, o and by the way what are you gonna call him?” she seemed to take a moment, and then said “Cat!” I had to laugh, I was not the ipidimy of courage but if it set her mind at ease it was OK by me. “Ok, im gonna head out, if you want I think I can get someone to get you some chocolate milk.” Her eyes lit up like start and she nodded her head furiously, with that I waved at her good bye and left the room. “Hey” I yelled at one of the rookies “see if wee can get that girl some chocolate milk... Correction, get that girl some chocolate milk.” I walk over to the chefs office, were Vicci, and Jacobs went right after I stepped out the door. Vicci gave me a teasing smile. “Out of all the people in the world, you actually would make great parent.” I blushed a little, it was a great complement, but at the moment I had a few other things to worry about. “The techs start in on that disc yet?”… “They have it, but they said it will be a while before they can get anything off it, in the mean time I have an assignment for you” I rolled my eyes showing my obviously annoyed mood at the moment. Right now I wanted to take a couple days off, I could throw out some comp time I had common, and I had not even talked to Jill since yesterday. “O come on cat, you’ll like this one you can even take her home with you” I did not like how that sounded. “what do you mean her?” they both looked in the direction- “no no no way, nope not gonna happen. Two hours later back in the apartment, me and divinity were lounging back in a lazy chair watching our new charge sleep. “she is so cute, it is so said that she has to be here under the circumstances tho,,,,” I nuzzled her neck “yea I know, hey go to bed, Im gonna, sleep out here keep an eye on things.” She gave me a look. “don’t worry nothing is gonna happen tonight, the only people who know she’s with me is my boss and Vicci, so go to bed, I might need to catch a nap inn the morning, and Ill need you to watch her. And so the rest of the night went, I relaxed after a while coming to terms that the monsters outside were not coming through the door to eat us, and I slept. I woke with a start, my eyes darting open, it was daylight out side, and I went to look at my wrist watch and was stunned to realize that I couldn’t move my left arm. Looking down I found the reason why, some time during the night Samantha had crawled off the couch and crawled on to my clap, pinning my left arm. I let a small smile creep along my face and stroked her have. Sift giggling came from the kitchen door way across from me, and I saw divinity looking quite amused. “What are you gawking at?” I asked playfully. “you silly, I could get used to seeing you this genital, besides you two just look too cute besides you just had your first nightmare free sleep in years.” I looked down at the young child in my arms and had to smile again. I don’t know why but I loved her, and when I looked back at Divinity I saw the same look in her eyes. I prayed like I do every now and then, that we could keep her safe, and at the end, we could adopt her, and maybe, maybe help her cope. I stood up, gently cradling her in my arms laying her back on the couch. tucking her back in. Divinity came to stand bye me and gave me a hug. “Hey what’s this?” Divinity reached now taking a photo off of the ground which seemed to have fallen out of her hands. She held it up and I had to catch my breath. I looked at Samantha and the back at the picture, the hair the eyes, the nose. How could I have not know, in the picture was a picture of her mom and dad. Her mom looked lovely dolled up, wearing a sweater and slack holding on to her husband. Her husband…..her husband was Jason. The realization of hit it like a hammer as I stumbled back onto my rear, divinity reaching down to be trying to break me from my stuiper… The dream, the dream, he’s been talking to me, wait, wait, I waited I did not shoot the rest of the gangster, hell I would have gotten on but the others would have gotten me, and then no one would be there to protect the girl. Last night the safe house wait, he was talking to me. I don’t know at what time I started speaking aloud but divinity was looking at me with worry. “s**t its real, the dreams, the voice its real its all real divinity you were right, its real, holy she-“ she put a finger to my lips silencing me “shh you’ll wake her, come to the kitchen.” We walked into the kitchen; I ended up having to sit down, while she slid the door shut. My mind still racing a mile a minute, piece bye piece of a jigsaw puzzle falling into place one piece after another.” how could I be so blind, I mean, hell I knew Jason was a dad, but I though he and his wife split up, I thought that he had no life with them, may be he did may be he Di-” Divinity silenced me with a finger once again. “Ok now tell me what the hell is going on with you?” I picked up the picture of Samantha’s parents and held it up to Divinity pointing at the husband, “This is Jason.” Realization also donned on her face as the jig saw puzzle in her mind work, she fared better that I did, and then she spoke. “wow, well this means we are defiantly keeping her, I mean, we are the only family she has now, and it looks like we are gonna have to keep her safe until this blows over, .. I mean what ever is on the disc its worth getting to her, this has to be it. It explains your dreams, he is talking to you, I don’t know how, but all I know is we are the only ones who can keep her safe.” Back in the living room I looked over at Samantha, 30 min ago she was just a girl I got stuck watching, but now. Now she was the daughter of my long dead best friend, and possible daughter if I could. It’s amazing how your life can change in such a short amount of time but it can. After about two hours I realized that I had to go back into the office, so I gave Divinity my extra berretta, I gave her a kiss and told her not to open the door for anybody but me. Taking my other pistol, I walk out the door, and heard the lock click behind me… “We need to talk” I looked at Vicci; we were in mud office now. Not the most clean of places, it was my own, anime memorabilia all over and a few rainbows here and there, but hey like I said my office. “Divinity” the thought popped into my mind the moment I knew what we had on them so stupid I should have not left them alone. S**t… I rushed out of my office Vicci screaming after me; it took no time at all to get to the garage where I hoped in my cruiser. The passenger side flew open and The tiers locked and screeched, as we pulled onto the side f the rode of my apartment building. The alarm was ringing, the main door, busted down, from down the hall I could her shooting, “DIVINITY!” I screamed, throwing caution to the wind sprinting down the hall, I only had two seconds to the turn the but of my pistol into the mans face as he stepped out of the apartment. His teeth shatter and jaw broke while his body collapsed unconscious to the floor. *BAAM!* the report of a high powered magnum sounded a bullet flying wide across my shoulder as I entered he threshold of my home, my hand was a blur, two shots taking the assailant, one in the heat, the other square in the head. *BAAM* my body spun into the wall. Damnit how could have I been s careless, as flood started to flow from my shoulder. A man, tall and dark... A reamer walked out of my bed room and zeroed the pistol two my head. *BAAM* his pistol never made it eye level. There staring through the now smoking hole in his head, I could see Divinity, eyes cold, the calm had clamed her and she was a killer, and she had been up to the task. I stood there, the beautiful Valkyrie line of sight still in the direction of the now slumping man. The report of her weapon fired 2 more times taking her in the chest, a wicked smile cresting her lips. I walk the distance between us, swaying my hips for her seductively, the blood of our kills inflaming our passion, our lips touched, the blood that coated my face, touched her lips smearing, our bodies going ridged in a climax at the bloody justice of slaughter. She shivers against me and me her. *BAAM* we both whirled in the direction, her pistol low, and mine high. “Don’t shoot* Vicci said as the man, with the shattered jaw slumped to the floor, his gun almost waist level, what ever intention he had, he had none now, he was dead. “Where is Samantha” Divinity looked at me then walked back in the room, and opened thee closet. A whirled of wind and a figure came out latching to my leg. “I new you’d come, Cat said so, he said that you would not leave us.” I smiled up at Divinity, my hand hugging Samantha, my other becoming her. We embrace, the love of a family breaking out all around us. We were safe, we were together. The next day, we released all the information to the press, we did not care about the conviction, the corporation was through, and they had the feds to worry about now. The dreams have stoped, and things have settled down in the moths after that, it is about two years after the last shoot out in my apartment, me Divinity and Samantha, are recently adopted daughter moved out to the suburbs, and I took a local sheriff position. Were getting dress right no Samantha’s Piano recidle starts in two hours, Im done waiting, for this I cant wait. Cat. © 2008 RegalKittyBits |
Added on June 23, 2008 Author![]() RegalKittyBitsLA (one of its many under realms), CAAboutFor a writer I think I have the worst spelling imaginable. (and Im lauging becuase I did pretty well on that first statment) I know it, and I try to fix it but (sigh) out of all the problems in life, .. more..Writing