All your life you've been running
Away from things
Too things
For things
You're running from your past
Afraid to face those mistakes
Hoping too leave them far enough behind
That everyone won't remember them
You moved to a new town in a new state
You wanted a very new beginning
Made yourself some new friends
Made yourself a new home
It lasted a long while and then
Something happened so horrific back home
You jumped in your car and drove all night
You drove those long miles with tears falling
Slammed on your breaks so hard
Swinging open that car door
Running to the front door of your old home
Your family is there already
Sadness overwhelming the whole room
You fall to your knees crying
Like you did that night you left home
All the things your were running from
Are now standing there staring at you
You take a deep breathe
You take your mothers hand
You leave in close to her and hug her
you whisper that you're so sorry for running
She puts her hand on your cheek
She kisses your cheek softly
She smiles at you like she always has
Then she whispers to you
Don't apologize for what you did
Just smile because made it through stronger
You made the right choice for you and your kids
And I can see that now
I've always loved you and I'll never stop
All your life you were running
Away from things
Too things
For things
You were running away from your past
But not anymore
You're facing them and making them know
That you've become stronger since then
And that you're not ashamed of the choices you made
You made them to save you
You made them to save them
You made them to start over
You made them on your own with no help...