autonomous actions

autonomous actions

A Poem by Leaner Pastures

... you may not like where the mind wanders ...

you dance and frollick in the trees
painting pictures of me, The Sleaze

to my face you tell me i'm great
in broken disgrace, i read of your hate

i know he's your future and i am the past
pulling threads from the suture in hopes it will last

i can't help picking and scratching that scab
and thinking i need to send my heart to Rehab

© 2010 Leaner Pastures

Author's Note

Leaner Pastures
I've had variations of these lines running through my head over the last day and half. They are all related, but not sure if they go together or even paint a picture.

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Featured Review

In relation to your authors note, I would say this paints a picture of needing 'first aid' following a broken relationship and of the significant other reopening old wounds, or not letting them heal by means of defamation of character. It seems to me that these autonomous actions are an attempt, on the other's part, to establish a belief that you 'deserve all you get' and that, in turn, you then also pick at the scabs and also won't allow them to heal. The title is great and made me think that all these things are informed decisions that are self-jeopardising and self-destructive.
I think it works, nice write, take care, spence

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


This is just so wonderful I like this alot. Amazing write I must say.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Speechless. It's brilliant! And, yes, it paint a perfect picture.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

In relation to your authors note, I would say this paints a picture of needing 'first aid' following a broken relationship and of the significant other reopening old wounds, or not letting them heal by means of defamation of character. It seems to me that these autonomous actions are an attempt, on the other's part, to establish a belief that you 'deserve all you get' and that, in turn, you then also pick at the scabs and also won't allow them to heal. The title is great and made me think that all these things are informed decisions that are self-jeopardising and self-destructive.
I think it works, nice write, take care, spence

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on January 5, 2010
Last Updated on January 5, 2010


Leaner Pastures
Leaner Pastures


No more land of Fat and Honey for me... I'm off in search of Leaner Pastures ________________________________________ Most of my work is straight to the page and unedited, striving for the puri.. more..


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