Destiny's Arms- First three chapters

Destiny's Arms- First three chapters

A Chapter by Lou

An old woman walked slowly up the road into the town as the wind howled and shrieked around her and rain pelted down. She was a storyteller and travelled from town to town telling her stories  across the land.  She pulled her tattered old cloak tighter about her, and winced as each step she took seemed to caused her pain. She knocked on the door of the local Inn, a middle aged man with thinning hair opened the door, “I'm seeking a place to sleep until the worst of the storm has passed and a hot meal” the storyteller said to him loudly over the wind, “Can you pay?” the Innkeeper asked suspiciously, eyeing the storyteller's ragged old clothes and tattered cloak.  “I'm a storyteller, I can pay you with entertainment” the old woman replied and watched as the man's eyes lit up a little. “Good stories? It has been awhile since we had much entertainment around these parts” he told her, “I have some of the best stories in all of the lands” the storyteller assured him. The man nodded his head, “You can sleep in the stables and have a hot meal in exchange for some stories then” he informed her and ushered her inside the warm taproom. She took a seat beside the toasty fire and held her hands to the warmth, apparently easing the pain of her stiff old joints and sighed as she basked in the orange glow of the hearth. A young woman placed a bowl of hot stew, bread and a pint of brown ale in front of her and let the storyteller eat. The taproom slowly began to fill with people and the storyteller smiled to herself as the man with thinning hair told the crowd that tonight they would be entertained by the storyteller. The old woman cast her eyes around the room again, sorting through faces and sighed inwardly to herself. “I have a great tale for you” she told them, “A tale from the time of King Bertund, a story of a young warrior Princess from the ancient Kingdom of Zon”. Everyone in the room was listening with varying degrees of interest and waited for the storyteller to continue. She looked around the dimly lit room once more, searching the faces of those around her and absently rubbed her hands together next to the fire. She began in a thoughtful tone, “The ancient Kingdom of Zon, it was said to be the most beautiful and exotic of all places in the world. It's inhabitants had never built cities nor towns, instead they roamed the untamed forests they loved so much”.  She paused again, letting her words sink in and stared deep into the flames of the fire, then she turned her head to look at the people gathered around her and continued, “ Unlike other Kingdoms, the Zons lived in a world dominated by women and marriage was a very rare occurrence. They where also a people greatly devoted to their forest Gods, Gaia the great mother, Agalia the she-wolf goddess the mistress of the hunt, Cerenus lord of the forests and Berun the wolf god of death. Zon women where famed for their great battle prowess. The Zon Queen, Nallia, had four daughters, Avallia, Evonia, Kystia and Opalia. At the biding of the Great Mother Goddess Gaia, Nallia sent her oldest and most beautiful daughter, Avallia, off to Galdonie to marry the crown prince called Bertund, Kystia was her daughter heir and Opalia one of the most powerful enchantresses of all time. But it is the second daughter of Nallia, Evonia, the warrior princess who's tale I will tell you... ”.






Chapter one
The sun warmed Evonia as she sat on her big grey mare watching the road North to Galdonie. She had been waiting at the edge of the Zon forests for four days now, waiting for the messenger. She was dressed in a simple linen tunic of Zon design, which had little leaves embroidered around the edges, her thick dark hair was braided down her back and she wore a sword belted at her hip. On her left shoulder she had a small tattoo which identified her as the Chief Warrior. Finally in the distance she saw a horse and rider fast approaching, “Aho Mia!” she called out to the rider, “Evonia!” came the distant reply from the other rider. Evonia smiled in relief as Mia rode towards her and  kicked her horse into a canter to meet the other woman. Mia's auburn hair blew out in the breeze, behind her, she was dressed in breeches and a Zon tunic, a sword in a scarab on her back. “Merry met Evonia” Mia greeted  her smiling as she pulled her horse up alongside Evonia. “How was the road?” Evonia asked as they walked their horses towards the forests. Mia shrugged, “I ran into a little trouble with some villagers on the way, which delayed me”. Evonia looked sharply across  at Mia, “Trouble?” she asked, her brow furrowing with concern. Mia nodded her sapphire eyes flashed with anger, “Slowly but surely the Church of Arhgland is gaining more and more of a hold over the Galdoniens” she informed Evonia. The Arhglandian Church had spread into many other Kingdoms and it's priests and bishops encouraged open hostility to anyone not of their faith. Galdonie was a country torn between the new religion bought by the Arhglandians and their old religion. “How is Avallia?” Evonia asked Mia trying to find another topic to distract her own thoughts. Mia cast a sly sideways glance at her, “The Queen of Galdonie is with child” Mia  replied matter of factly and smiled, amused by the astonished look on Evonia's face, “Kystia just had her first daughter as well” Evonia said aloud, shaking her head, she'd be an Aunt twice this year it seemed. “That is the best news I can bring though, we should hurry to Nallia's camp, I have news which is you'll find disturbing” Mia told her. Worry set in on Evonia's face, “We can reach her camp by nightfall if we ride fast” Evonia told her.
They where greeted by Nallia just after sunset , as the final rays of sunlight disappeared. Nallia stood by the edge of the encampment, a shawl pulled around her slender shoulders and her beautiful light brown hair feel loosely down to her waist. “Welcome home Mia” Nallia smiled to the woman and then enveloped Evonia in a hug. Mia bowed her head in respect, “I have news for you, Great Nallia, and most of it is not good” she said to the Queen, gravely. Nallia ushered the women inside her tent and they sat down at a small wooden table. Kystia, Nallia's third daughter and the future Queen of Zon, laid out some cold meats of goat and rabbit, berries, cheese, bread and sweet Zon cider then sat down with them. “So what news do you have?” Nallia asked, “Things are changing in the world outside these forests, everyday more people abandon the old religion of Galdonie and convert to the new Church, but that news is the least disturbing, The King of Arhgland is rallying other Kingdoms, he plans to march on Vorg” Mia informed them tensely. “And how has he convinced them to follow him into this?” Evonia demanded. “They go to war to on Vorg to stamp out the paganism and the barbarism of the land, as it is an affront to the Church and to decent, God fearing people” Onilia said. A look of horror came over Nallia's face, “They will turn their armies to Zon after wont they?” she asked. “It's very likely” Mia answered. “Do we have any idea which countries have pledged their armies?” Evonia enquired, thinking quickly. Mia made a face and nodded, “Marhena, Tallamea....and Galdonie” she replied. “Why would Bertund become involved in such an unholy war?”Kystia asked, her light brown eyes filled with worry. “His hand has been forced into Vorg, over half his population support Arhgland...he would have a civil uprising if he refused, the common folk and many Lords would rather see his younger brother, Wester, on the throne” Mia explained. Nallia and Evonia exchanged a long look, they had met  Wester once, briefly at Avallia's wedding to Bertund. He was dashingly regal and as slick as a eel. Evonia didn't like or trust him, he was a close ally to Larsik of Arhgland and betrothed to the Marhenese Princess, Remigana. “Also Bertund asked me to tell you about the threats made on Avallia's life, he is afraid for her and the child she carries” Mia added. Nallia's soft hazel eyes grew troubled “We must summon the tribes to council soon, thank you Mia your information has been invaluable, rest well tonight”. Mia bowed her head to the Queen and quietly left.

It was the middle of the night when Nallia came and woke Evonia, “Walk with me” she said. They walked slowly through the forests in silence for awhile. “The moon is full tonight” Nallia commented, Evonia looked up and watched as thin clouds raced across the large face of the snow white moon, she basked in it's silver glow . “What do you think?” Nallia asked, her light hazel eyes probing Evonia's dark brown. Evonia knew what she meant, “I think that we should not summon the tribes too soon...the armies of the North and East haven't even invaded Vorg yet, its still only talk” Evonia replied. “But you don't think it will remain only talk, surely? Larsik of Arhgland is an ambitious King, he will find a way” Nallia continued nervously. “Yes, he will find a way and if he really can unite the others behind him then Vorg will definitely fall, but our desert friends are as strong as we and defeating them could take a long time” Evonia said, her voice strong and sure, “We need more information about Galdonie, the news Mia bought us was disturbing, we knew things where bad there but we must know how bad”. “I want you to go to Galdonie and gather that information” Nallia told her. Evonia looked at her surprised, “But you need me here to train your warriors...if, no when Vorg falls they will surely march on us too and we need all the time we can get to prepare” she argued. Nallia shook her head stubbornly, “Your name as a warrior is known as far away as Marhena, I fear for Avallia, I want you there to protect her and be my ambassador, besides you are God marked and they have spoken to me in my dreams this night”. It had been said the moment Evonia had opened her eyes she was God marked by Agalia, her eyes where a peculiar mixture of brown and gold. Just like the wolf Goddess' own eyes. Evonia stared at her Mother, “I don't like it” she said finally, “You need me here” she insisted. Nallia pulled her daughter close and hugged her tightly, “Aye I do need you here but I need you there more” she whispered gently, “Yours is the only name which can strike fear into the hearts of these Eastern peoples, having you there could prevent harm from befalling Avallia and her child”. Evonia knew that Nallia had a point, but she had never left the forests before and the idea of leaving unsettled her. She drew in a deep breath, she was a feared and famed warrior, nothing should scare her and with that she lifted her chin, “It will be as you wish then” she replied sullenly. Somewhere in the far off distance they heard a wolf howl to signal a hunt to it's pack, “The Gods bless us” Nallia commented, Evonia felt a sudden chill shoot down her spine, “What if they don't?” she whispered to herself, a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. They walked in total silence back to the camp, each one absorbed in their own thoughts.

Evonia rode with Mia through the forests, enjoying the golden light which shone through the trees.  “You've come along way since I found you” Evonia said, squinting up at the canopy. Mia smiled to herself, “Only thanks to your training” she replied, demurely. Evonia looked across the girl and shook her head at the modesty she displayed, “You've the talent, I only guided you” she told Mia, honestly. Birds chirped merrily over head and Evonia's gaze returned to the trees, high above them. “I'd like to make you one of my commanders” Evonia informed the girl. Mia gasped, “Do you really think I'm ready?” she asked. Evonia nodded, “Yes I do, your as well known as I or any other of my've proven yourself many times” Evonia answered, absently running a hand down Xanthia's neck. Mia sat silently on her giant chestnut stallion, making her seem even smaller then usual and unable to speak, the honour was overwhelming. “Once you've completed your initiation into womanhood I'll promote you to commander” Evonia said, thinking aloud. “You've spoken to Remanthia, Ravenia and Hellinia about this decision?” Mia finally asked. Evonia bit back a smile and looked at the girl, “They are delighted by the idea” Evonia assured her. Remanthia, Ravenia and Hellinia where already Evonia's commanders and reputable warriors. Evonia watched the elation on Mia's face and laughed, “I remember when I first met you near the Eastern border, you where only thirteen, I couldn't believe my eyes when you took down a whole brigade of Tallamean woodcutters” Evonia told her fondly, smiling at the memory. Mia blushed, she had always idolised Evonia and hearing the praise falling from her lips filled Mia with happiness. “You do me a great honour Evonia” Mia said in a light voice. Evonia snorted, “You know me better then that, Mia, I won't blow smoke up you if you didn't deserve it and once again you've proved your worth in Galdonie” Evonia replied, looking directly into girl's  youthful blue eyes. Mia felt her blush deepen and she dropped her eyes from Evonia's, “Once you've been initiated by the priestesses I want you to go to Ravenia, she will begin to teach you how to command” Evonia said, dropping Xanthia's reins and stretching her arms. She looked up at the trees again and breathed in the earthy smells of the forest. “With Tallamea preparing for war we won't have to worry about raiders or woodcutters for awhile at least” Evonia continued. Mia sighed in disappointment, “All our sport has gone away” she teasing complained. Evonia burst into laughter and looked across at the small girl, her gold brown eyes dancing with mirth. “You are a rare treat” Evonia said finally managing to curb her laughter.
They sat on their horses in silence for a moment, the impeding war playing on their minds. Evonia shot a quick look at Mia, she knew the girl was a good choice for commander but her young age troubled Evonia.  She shook herself, Mia was perfectly aware of the dangers of a warriors life she reminded herself. Evonia thought back on when she'd first come to discover a warriors world. She'd been young, very young roughly twelve years old when she had killed her first man. She'd been with Nallia near the Eastern border, close to a Tallamean town. A group of raiders had ambushed them and she'd reacted without thinking as the older warriors with them began to fight back. She'd reached for a dagger and lunged at a man, driving the dagger through his heart. After that her life had changed, she'd been given to the Chief warrior for training and her instinctive killer edge had become famous. By the time Evonia was fourteen she'd made a name for herself killing woodcutters and raiders. People from even the most remote towns of Marhena began to hear her name. Evonia remembered Nallia telling her that Agalia had chosen her and she would be a hero, she was the wolf Goddess' human carnation of a huntress. Evonia sighed aloud to herself, Mia it seemed had a similar ability to her own. The girl was skilled in the art of killing. “Come lets stretch the horses legs” Evonia said to Mia, kicking Xanthia into a canter.  

It was nearly a week after the midnight walk with Nallia, Evonia was ready to leave for Galdonie. She saddled her big dappled grey mare and strapped her sword to her hip. Opalia and Kystia stood with her while she prepared to leave, Kystia held her little daughter, Rania in her arms. She finished with the horses and turned to look at her sisters, “Make sure you look after yourselves while I'm gone” she said to them. Kystia laughed gently and rocked her daughter  back and forth. Opalia raised an eyebrow but said nothing, “Is there anything I should know before I leave?” she asked Opalia. Opalia's dark green eyes became blank for a moment and then returned to normal, “Keep off the roads and avoid towns or you'll find yourself running into some trouble with villagers” she replied, then she chuckled to herself about something and eyed Evonia mischievously. “What?” demanded Evonia, “I cannot tell you, or you'll try and avoid what the Gods have planned for you” she chuckled. Evonia glared at her youngest sister, “Riddles” she snorted in disgust. Kystia watched the exchange and smile tolerantly at her sisters. Then Evonia sighed, “I'd better start out before nightfall” she commented as she slung her bow and quiver over her back. With a graceful leap she was sitting on her greys back, “Merry Part” she said over her shoulder as she rode out of the camp.
Evonia decided to disregard Opalia's warning, she was more interested in making time then avoiding scuffles with bigoted Villagers. She rode into a small town after three days on the road, looking for the local Inn. She entered the draughty, almost empty taproom. A weedy man rushed forward, “You can't be in here” he told her, trying to sound authoritative. Evonia looked at him and raised an eyebrow, “I need a room for the night and a meal” she replied, the man shook his head, “We've no rooms for the likes of you” he insisted. Evonia stared incredulously at him, “I can pay” she told him, trying to keep an even tone. A plain, well proportioned woman looked up from her drink, “With what, money you stole from someone on the roads?” she demanded, Evonia felt her temper flare, “Money is money is it not?” she barked back. The man began to wave his arms at Evonia, “Out, out” he said. Evonia's tolerance snapped, she grabbed the man by his dirty shirt and slammed him down on a table. “I'm Evonia, your Queen is my sister, my money is not stolen and I need a room” she hissed. The woman got to her feet and began to shout for help. Three burly men strode in, “Let go of Sarthern” one said, his big hand moving to the sword on his hip. Evonia smiled, “So it gets interesting” she thought aloud, she let Sarthern go and drew her own sword. The three big men began to approach, slowly trying to back her into a corner. Evonia leapt up onto a table and launched herself from the table onto one of the men, knocking him to the ground with her weight, her sword driving straight through his body. In one quick motion she draw a knife from her boot and threw it into the neck of one of her attackers. She turned to face the last man, she smiled playfully at him and spread her hands, “Oh look I'm unarmed now” she told him, with wide eyed innocence. The man raised his sword and charged at her, she ducked underneath his blow and jumped on his back. She held on for dear life as he threw himself about trying to dislodge her. She laughed a light peel of laughter and pulled another knife from her other boot. Evonia pressed it to his throat, “You'll let me leave here in peace, if you don't I'll come back and put this knife through you” she informed him in a whisper. The man gulped and nodded, Evonia slid from his back and hurried out of the Inn onto the street. “Time to go” she told her big mare as she swung hurriedly onto her back and pushed the horse into a fast gallop.








Chapter two
 A sense of relief filled her as the gates of the Galdonien main city came into view. Two sentries stopped her as she rode towards the city gates, “Halt and state your name and business” one said sounding bored and slightly petulant. “I'm Evonia of Zon, I'm here at the biding of my sister, your Queen” she replied. One of the sentries looked at her suspiciously and the other disdainfully but they both let her pass, she felt her skin prickle with irritation, she hadn't liked the way they looked at her. She rode her big grey mare at at walk through the busy town, watching as people scurried about. Eventually she found her way to the castle and was once again stopped by more sentries, “Name and business” one of them asked, “I'm Evonia of Zon, I'm here to visit your Queen by her biding” Evonia replied. They gave her directions to the stable yards and let her pass without looks of distrust. Professionals, she thought with approval. 
 A groom rushed forward when he saw her enter into the stable area, “Shall I take the horses for you My Lady?” he asked politely. Evonia stared at the boy, “What? Where?” she asked puzzled. The groom looked up at her with large blue eyes, clearly just as puzzled by her response. “Take them into the stalls and unsaddle them” he explained, hoping he hadn't caused the Lady offence. Evonia slide of the mare's back, “Oh, careful with the big grey...she can be a bit temperamental” Evonia said handing him the reins as the mare tried to bite the boy. She slapped the mare on the nose lightly, “Don't be like that” she growled at the grey. The boy bowed his head respectfully, eyeing the big horse warily at the same time, “I'll have a steward bring your packs up to the castle My Lady” he told her. Then another man hurried forward, he was dressed in royal purple with the King's emblem embossed on his tunic. “If you would follow me please” he said in a high pitched voice as he looked her over, clearly disapproving of her travel worn breeches and tunic. He tsked to himself softly, “The Queen requested you be presented to her immediately on arrival, no delays, not even to make you presentable” he informed her as he lead the way through the castle. Evonia stared down at her clothes while they walked, wondering what he'd meant by that statement.  He stopped in front of a door and knocked on it, some one opened it, a weasel of a man and looked from Evonia to the man who had bought her here. He turned around, “Your Majesties, the Princess Evonia is here” he said in a nasal voice and then ushered Evonia into the room. Avallia and her husband Bertund sat at a small table, a sumptuous lunch set out. Avallia was even more beautiful then she remembered, dressed in a crimson red brocade, her thick light brown hair piled on top of her head in a chignon, she was the image of Nallia at the same age. Bertund was dressed in a deep blue doublet and hose, he sported a well kept blonde beard and Evonia admitted, incredibly attractive. Avallia rose to her feet and embraced her, Evonia noticed her slightly rounded stomach. Bertund stood too and Evonia bowed her head to him. “Come sit and eat with us” Avallia said smiling, taking Evonia by the hand and leading her to the table. “Did you have a pleasant enough journey?” Avallia asked once they where all seated at the table. Evonia nodded her head, unable to stop staring at Avallia. It had been over four years since she had last seen her sister. “You look well” Evonia finally managed to say, glad to be with her sister once again. Avallia smiled prettily and laid a gentle hand on her stomach. Bertund offered her some Galdonien wine and they spent the afternoon in deep conversation until Bertund left them to chat alone. Avallia showed Evonia around the castle and it's grounds before explaining that Evonia had the entire wing set aside for Zon visitors to herself, “I'll assign some maids to your suites though” she added. Evonia shook her head, “There would be no point” she chuckled, maids and the like had no place in Zon society, everyone did everything for themselves, “I'd have no use for them” she pointed out.

Evonia stood in her mare's stall, gently rubbing her neck and reflecting on her last few weeks in Galdonie. Avallia had introduced her to some available allies and pointed out the people to watch out for. Amongst these allies was an older Knight, Renild. “He spent quite a bit of time in Zon just before you where born and is an old friend of Nallia's” Avallia explained. Evonia liked the old Knight, he was kind, gentle and to Evonia's delight a master swordsman. He had invited her to sit in on some of the training sessions he ran for the new soldiers and Knights. Today however Renild had taken her on a tour of the city and explained the strange way of life to her. “Why do the women let the men treat them like pets?” Evonia demanded as they watched a husband berate his wife in public. “It never used to be thus Evonia, we had our own pagan Gods, Unesalla, Adya,  Kalmenor and Halthan, our lives used to be similar to the way things are in Zon, but Arhgland changed that for us” he replied. Even the clothes the women wore seemed like another form of entrapment. The women wore long dresses of heavy materials that fell to their ankles and appeared to be totally unarmed. She could never imagine trading in her simple Zon garb of tunics, leggings, breeches, light linen skirts, dresses, leather sandals and boots for those complex dresses. She wondered if she'd ever get used to these strange Galdoniens. They where a total mixture of the old ways and the new ways bought by the Arhglandians. 
She was so absorbed in her thoughts as she stood with her mare that she didn't notice the man who walked whistling into the stables. He stopped just in front of the mare's stable and apparently not noticing Evonia moved to rub the horse's nose. “Hello pretty, aren't you a sight? Where did you come from I wonder?” he said in a gentle voice. Evonia peered over the mare's neck to look at the man. He was tall, blonde and blue eyed, like a typical Galdonien, but she found something deeply attractive about his face and voice. The mare tossed her head and laid her ears back at the stranger and bared her teeth as if to bite him, the man laughed, “Temperamental girl are you?” . Evonia cleared her throat and stepped into the man's view, “She doesn't like men” she told him, rubbing the horse behind the ears. The man looked at Evonia, mild surprise on his face, “She belongs to you?” he asked. Evonia meet his gaze squarely, “We belong to each other, actually” she replied. “What name does she go by?” he asked, curiosity burning in his voice, “Xanthia” Evonia replied, “Xanthia” he repeated looking closely at Evonia, “And what's your name?” he asked, “Evonia” she replied. The man kept staring at her, “Evonia” he repeated after her and she began to wonder if maybe he had a hearing problem. “Yes that's right Evonia” she growled, he laughed suddenly, “Your not at all what I expected Evonia to be!”. Evonia felt irritation prickle her skin, “What do you mean?” she snapped, her hand going to one  of her knives instinctively. “Storytellers in the Kings court always insist your ten feet all and here I find your only half that height” he joked, “I'm Torison by the way” he added, offering his hand to shake. She took the outstretched hand and shook it grudgingly, feeling her irritation melt away as he smiled. She couldn't help but notice the dimples in his cheeks and felt her heart quicken for a moment. He raised her hand to his lips and brushed her knuckles, a cheeky smile on his face. “Forgive my ignorance at not recognising a great Princess and famous warrior sooner” he chuckled and his pale blue eyes twinkled with mirth. Evonia felt her mouth twitch into a little half smile, he was charming she had to admit. Then from somewhere in the distance they heard someone calling his name, he dropped her hand and with a small bow, excused himself. Evonia took a deep breath as she watched he walked off, Xanthia snorted and stamped a foot, “Your probably right” Evonia said to the mare, as a peculiar tingle went down her spine.

“I have a friend I would like you to meet” Renild said to Evonia one afternoon as they rode through the city. “He's name is Alleron, the King is sending me to Marhena and I thought he'd be good company for you” Renild explained. Evonia shrugged, “It would do no harm” she replied, “Good, I told told him to meet us at my favourite little tavern” Renild smiled and Evonia laughed. They rode up to a nice looking tavern not far from the castle, called The Crown and Cushion. Evonia noticed everyone look at her as she walked in behind Renild. She could feel the blind hatred that radiated from them. her hand didn't stray far from her knife as she saw well dressed men and women sneer at her. “Ha, Alleron, there you are!” Renild called cheerily, seeming not to notice the stillness that had overcome the taproom. Alleron stood up and the men clasped hands warmly. “Meet Evonia” he said introducing the two. Evonia looked at the man, he had a little stubble on his cheeks and chin, piercing blue eyes and dark blonde hair. He was her height and very lean. She extended her hand to him and he raised it to his lips and gently kissed it. Evonia inclined her head politely, liking the friendliness in his keen blue eyes. They all sat down and ordered pints of ale, “Anyway I was just telling Evonia here that you'd be good company for her while I'm away doing our Lord's business” Renild said as he took a sip of his ale. “Alleron here is a fine young Knight” Renild added, looking at Evonia. “How are you liking Galdonie then?” Alleron asked in a friendly tone, “It's...different” she replied, trying to be diplomatic and took a sip of ale, “What part of Galdonie are you from?” she asked. “I'm the baron of Hetharg Mountains, its only a small fief in the North but we do well up there” he replied modesty. Evonia smiled, liking his open, warm nature. They sat there for a few hours, drinking and laughing until Renild decided it was getting late. Merrily they mounted their horses and rode back to the castle.
Alleron turned out to be a good and witty companion for Evonia and was very grateful that Renild had introduced them. She sat with him in a garden, the sunshine warm on her back, as he taught her how to play cards. “Why do all Zon names end in IA?” Alleron asked curiously as he laid a few cards down. “Our Goddesses names are Gaia and Agalia, its a sign of respect and devotion to them” Evonia explained, “Only women's names end in IA however, it isn't allowed for males”. Alleron's mouth twitched into a smile, “I didn't know that there are male Zons” he teased. Evonia laughed and laid some of her own cards down, “How do you think we breed?” she replied. Alleron shrugged, “Good point, but when we think of Zon we only think of women” he answered. Evonia laughed again, “It's true men don't....” she broke off half way through her sentence and stood up, a puzzled look on her face. Then from somewhere not far away they heard a female calling out Evonia's name. Evonia turned around with a big smile on her face and held her arms open as a woman flew into her embrace, “Remanthia!” Evonia exclaimed in delight. The woman was a little shorter then Evonia with grey eyes and dark blonde hair. She had a tattoo shaped like a star on her brow which marked her as a a priestess and skilled enchantress. The women stood embracing each other tightly, “What are you doing here?” Evonia asked as they pulled apart. “Opalia said you would need me...So here I am” Remanthia replied, looking past Evonia at Alleron with curiosity. Evonia caught the look and laughed, “Where are my manners? Alleron this is Remanthia, a very good friend from Zon...Remanthia, Alleron is a friend I have made here”. They shook hands politely, Remanthia eyeing him up and down speculatively. “I'll leave you ladies to catchup then” Alleron said clearing his throat.
“Sit down and enjoy the sun” Evonia said to Remanthia when Alleron was out of ear shot. “They tell me this nice weather won't last long” she added. Remanthia made a disgusted face and rolled her eyes, “I hate winter” she said vehemently. Evonia nodded her head in agreement. “What are those?” Remanthia asked pointing at the cards on the grass. Evonia looked to where she pointed, “Oh, its called's a Galdonien game...want me to teach you?” she asked. Remanthia stared at the cards for a moment longer, “Yes, please do...I have a feeling I will be good at this game” she smiled, her grey eyes dancing.

It had been almost two months since she had arrived in Galdonie now. Avallia was now at a stage in her pregnancy when Remanthia was able to scry out the baby's sex, “It's a healthy, strong little boy” she announced one night when the three of them where sitting in Evonia's suite by the small hearth. Normally the news of a boy wouldn't have been cause for celebration in Zon mothers but this time was an exception. They all breathed a sigh of relief, a crown prince would bind Galdonie even tighter to Zon. Evonia tried to clear these thoughts from her mind as she sat in an abandoned room, the Knight's used for swordplay and training, trying to meditate. Her concentration was broken by the sound of light footsteps behind her, her eyes flew open and in one swift motion she was on her feet, sword in hand and staring the intruder in the face. Torison held up his hands, “Sorry, I was checking to see if the room was free, I didn't mean to startle you” he said, warily watching her sword. Evonia lowered her sword but didn't say anything, “I don't suppose since your here already you'd have a practice duel with me? You've already got your sword out” Torison pointed out, trying to smooth the situation over. Evonia's dark eyes glared at him still but she grinned wickedly, “Are you sure?” she asked archly, raising her sword again. Torison chuckled at her tone, “Practice duel” he repeated as he drew his sword. They circled each other slowly until Torison swung his sword down in a swift arc, Evonia blocked it easily and the parried back and forth. If anyone had been watching them, it would have looked like to dancers engaged in an elegant and graceful dance. Torison managed to knock Evonia's sword from her grasp, she stared at her bare hand for less then a second before tackling Torison. She threw him over her hip and he landed with a thud on his back, she pinned him to the ground with her knee and removed a knife from her boot. With a wolfish smile she pressed it to his throat gently. He stared up at her bewilderedly, “Yield” he said finally. Evonia let him up and he offered his hand, “That was a great duel” he congratulated her. She smiled thinly at him, avoiding his gaze as she shook his hand. Something about him confused her, they had only been sparring but feeling his body that close to hers and the light brush of his skin had made her breath catch in her throat and her flesh tingle. His grip was firm on her hand and she felt compelled to look up at him, his eyes met hers and her heart beat just that little bit faster. The reaction perplexed her and she dropped his hand and turned to leave. “Same time tomorrow?” Torison called after her, “Be prepared for another beating” she said over her shoulder, smiling despite herself.
Duelling with Torison became a regular ritual for Evonia, they would meet several times a week. Evonia would leave the practices feeling light and a little distracted. She had just come from one of those practices and sat in her suite with Remanthia, Avallia and Alleron, playing cards. Alleron looked across the table and scowled at Remanthia as she won yet another game, “You always win” he complained. Remanthia smirked at him and Avallia laughed, “She has a certain advantage over us” she told him. Alleron shifted his gaze to the Queen, “What do you mean, Your Majesty?” he asked, not hiding the irritation in his voice. “Remanthia can see what is going to happen just before it she knows what cards we will play before we do” Evonia explained. Alleron's eyes widened slightly and he stared at Remanthia, “Magic?” he whispered. Remanthia sighed and rolled her eyes, “You narrow minded Galdoniens would call it's just a skill I was born with” she replied, shrugging. Alleron kept staring at her and Avallia lent over to pat his hand, “Don't let it upset you, next time we play think about several different card combinations you can put down, it will confuse her and she won't be able to see” Avallia said gently. “At least we weren't playing for money” Evonia pointed out, Alleron considered her remark and smiled, apparently appeased by the fact he hadn't been losing his money.
“You've been acting strangely” Remanthia commented to Evonia once Avallia and Alleron had left. “What do you mean?” Evonia asked, nursing a pint of Zon cider. “You disappear during the day a few days a week, like today, and when you come back you seem nervous or upset about something” Remanthia told her. Evonia sighed, “I sometimes meet with Sir Torison, we practice our sword skills on each other” she replied. Remanthia raised an eyebrow and waited for Evonia to continue, “He has a strange effect on me” Evonia admitted reluctantly. Remanthia searched her friend's face and then drew in a sharp breath, “Oh I see” she said softly. “See what?” Evonia asked curiously, “You love him” Remanthia said simply. Evonia snorted, bursting into hysterical laughter, “Love him? Oh Remanthia don't jest!”. Remanthia's face was serious, “I'm not jesting” she said, simply. Evonia stared incredulously at her, “I barely know the man” she insisted. “'s in your head, not mine” Remanthia sighed exasperatedly, “I can feel the Goddess' hand in this too and something else”. Evonia shook her head stubbornly, downed the last of her cider and stood up, “I think I might retire for the night” she announced.

Evonia had the point of her sword aimed at Torison's throat, “Yield” he laughed, “Your reputation as a warrior is well deserved, I haven't beaten you once!”. She smiled elatedly and suppressed the emotion when she registered what it was. She sheathed her sword, “Well you certainly don't make it easy” she teased, playfully punching his shoulder, “Next week again?” she asked. Torison nodded and with a little smile she turned to leave. She had only taken a few steps when Torison called out, “Wait”. She stopped but didn't turn around, what she heard in his voice frightened her and made her heart beat quicker. She heard him crossing the room until he stood behind her and turned her around to face him. Her pulse was deafening in her ears and she cursed herself silently, she was not some naive girl who'd never known a man's touch before. He slowly bent his head and kissed her gently. Evonia's mind went blank, shutting out everything around her but his lips and wrapped her arms around his neck. He pulled her tightly against him and they kissed passionately, almost hungrily. Remanthia's words rang in her ears and she realised that she did love this man, no matter how absurd the notion seemed. The sudden realisation scared her and she pulled back. He stepped back too, his eyes locked on hers, “Sorry...I have wanted to kiss you since I met you though” he told her hoarsely. She laughed a light, little laugh and shook her head, “Don't be sorry” she told him then turned to leave again, “I'll see you next week” he called after her. She turned to look back and him and beckoned him forward, “I'll see you sooner then next weekend” she smiled suggestively at him.

Chapter three
Winter began to settle into Galdonie, the days where shorter and greyer. The wind seemed to always howl through the castle and it rained almost constantly. The trees which had been a beautiful gold, orange and brown during Autumn where now leafless and dead looking. Evonia sat wrapped in a thick clock of heavy brown material by the window and sighed as broody thoughts engulfed her. She missed Zon more then ever in this cold climate. Remanthia came running into the room, “Evonia, Evonia!” she called, frantically. “What is it Remanthia?” Evonia called in reply, “Arhgland announced war with Vorg!” she cried. Evonia launched to her feet, “What?” she asked in a strangled voice, “Really?”. Remanthia nodded her head vigorously, “I was just with Avallia when Bertund came and told her”. Evonia paced back and forth, staring at the floor, thinking. “We need to contact Nallia and Opalia” she finally said aloud to Remanthia, “We can do that tonight, I'll summon them through the crystals” Remanthia replied, “Good” Evonia said, biting her bottom lip, “Avallia should be here too” she added.
Evonia and Avallia where seated at the wooden table in Evonia's suite. Remanthia stood before the table and placed two large crystals in front of her, she stared intently at them, “Es argola meski Nallia, es veronu Opalia, es  argola veronu meski” she said to the stones, speaking in a language the Zons referred to as the language of Gods. “Remanthia?” Opalia's voice asked as she appeared before them. “Where is Nallia?” Evonia asked, Opalia turned around and looked at her sister, “She wasn't with me” she replied, “You teleported yourself here” Remanthia pouted. Opalia shrugged, “Talking through stones is so cumbersome” she said indifferently and made herself comfy in a chair. “You look well” Opalia said to Avallia, eyeing her large stomach, “Anyway what do you want?” she asked looking around at the three of them. “Arhgland declared war on Vorg” Evonia told her, “I know that already and so does Nallia” Opalia sighed, “You didn't think I wasn't keeping an eye on it for her did you? In fact we knew the moment it happened” she told them smugly. Evonia rolled her eyes in annoyance, “Well what does Nallia want me to do now?” Evonia asked. “Not a lot more then what you are already doing, keeping an eye on things here, protecting Avallia from any harm that may come and trying to get Bertund to agree not to invade Zon when Vorg falls” Opalia said. Evonia suppressed her irritation, “And I don't suppose you can tell me if I will be successful in keeping Galdonie out of Zon?” she asked in an even tone. Opalia arched an eyebrow, “Don't get snippy with me Evonia, no I don't know, the future is undecided still...It could go either way” she replied. Evonia bit back a frustrated snarl, “Now was there anything else?” Opalia asked, relaxing further into the chair. Remanthia looked around at the Avallia and Evonia and shook her head, “Good, I'll be going then” she announced still reclining comfortably in the chair. She looked at Evonia again, with her head cocked to the side, “He is keeping something from you” she said cryptically and disappeared.

Evonia stood with Xanthia in her stall and rubbed the mare's ears gently, “The weather is too rough to go riding in” she explained to the mare softly, as rain poured down outside. Xanthia stamped her feet impatiently, “I no, I hate being coped up like this too” Evonia said. Familiar footsteps made Evonia look eagerly out the stall, Torison stood there, “I'll add my vote with you two” he joked. Evonia laughed and let herself out of Xanthia's stable, pulling her thick cloak tighter around her and pulling the hood over her head. “So when are you marching off to war?” she asked him, keeping her voice businesslike, as they walked towards the castle. “A few regiments of foot soldiers and the archers have left already but we Knights must wait until after the King's birthday, expect Sir Renild and the Generals, they are already in Vorg” he replied. A pang of sorrow filled Evonia's chest, she missed Renild a lot. She had hoped to see the old Knight again before he'd marched off to Vorg. They stepped out of the rain and into the cover of the castle, “And what of Marhena and Tallamea?” Evonia enquired. “They are mobilised and on the march” Torison answered, Evonia sighed, “Vorg doesn't have much hope” and Torison nodded his head sadly in agreement. They reached the door to her suite and she raised an eyebrow at him and he smiled. They had been lovers for awhile now.

The wind howled like a pack of ravenous wolves outside while Evonia, Remanthia and Alleron sat by the fire playing cards. Alleron had taken Avallia's advice and now found he could win at least some games. Remanthia glared at him over the table as he crowed about winning the last round. Evonia smiled affably at their friendly bickering. Suddenly Remanthia was on her feet, her face blank and then normal, “Avallia is going into labour!” she announced excitedly, hoping from foot to foot. Evonia slapped her cards down on the table and fetched a bottle of Galdonien wine. She poured three glasses and handed them out, “A toast to the Crown Prince” she said holding her glass high, Alleron and Remanthia raised their glasses too, “ The Crown Prince” they said in unison. Avallia stayed in labour all the night and delivered a strong boy in the early hours of the morning. As a priestess Remanthia went to say a prayer over him, welcoming him into the world as a member of Zon society.
Evonia sat on the edge of Avallia's bed while she nursed the new Prince, “Bertund has named him Ceranthon, a mixture of Zon and Galdonien names” she told her younger sister. Evonia smiled at her sister and Ceranthon, “We shall call him Ceran in Zon then” she told her sister and Avallia smiled too. “Bertund's birthday is soon” Avallia said casually, “He is holding a grand ball”. Evonia looked suspiciously at her, “And?” she asked. Avallia blushed, “Well since formal attire is not needed in Zon, I thought maybe you and Remanthia might wear Galdonien dresses this once” she explained and saw a dark look cross Evonia's face. “Just this once, instead of wearing a tunic and might be nice” Avallia rushed on, “There will be a lot of people who are against Zon there, calling us savages, maybe this might be seen as a show of civility on our part”. Evonia bit her tongue hard for a moment, seeing the wisdom behind Avallia's words but not wanting to admit it. “But I'm here to represent Zon, so I should be wearing Zon clothing” Evonia argued. “Wouldn't wearing a Galdonien dress show the other nations and Lords here that Zon can compromise on some things” Avallia reasoned. Evonia shook her head, “Zons don't compromise” she replied stubbornly. Avallia's face dropped, “Oh I see” she mumbled, Evonia looked at the crushed look on her sister's face, feeling a twinge of guilt. “Remanthia would kill me if I made her wear one of those awful dresses” Evonia added lamely. Avallia's hazel eyes dropped to her son and her bottom lip jutted out, Evonia sighed wearily, “Would it really make you happy?” she asked. Avallia didn't look up but nodded, Evonia sighed again “As long as we can still keep our knives on us” she agreed reluctantly. Avallia smiled brilliantly, looking up at Evonia again, “I'll send my favourite seamstress to you this afternoon then”. Evonia gulped and stood up, “I'd better tell Remanthia, I wouldn't want to surprise her with this” Evonia said. Avallia giggled, “I can just picture it now, you in a pretty dress”. Evonia shot her sister another dark look and fled from the room.

“Stand still” the seamstress, named Lorsilla, commanded Evonia as she took her measurements. Remanthia lounged by the fire, looking menacingly at Evonia and playing with one of her daggers.  “How much longer will this take?” Evonia whined, “It wouldn't take so long if you stopped fidgeting” Lorsilla replied impatiently. She was a typical Galdonien woman to look at, blonde, blue eyed and willowy. She rolled her tape measure up and looked at Evonia, “What colour where you thinking?” she asked. Evonia shrugged, “I hadn't thought about that” she admitted. Lorsilla sighed heavily and stood back to appraise her, “With your dark eyes and hair, I would suggest emerald green” she said. Evonia shrugged again, “Your the expert” she replied. Lorsilla nodded her head briskly, “Emerald green, then” she said to herself and then turned to Remanthia who was tiptoeing out of the room, “Your turn, strip”. Remanthia turned around, scowling at Evonia and began to wriggle out of her tunic.
Evonia and Remanthia sough out Bertund, “Hello” he smiled as they entered his private study room. They bowed their head respectfully to him and he waved them into seats, “So what can I do for you?” he asked, “Actually we came to offer our congratulations on your birthday and on the timely arrival of Prince Ceranthon” Evonia replied. He looked at the two women shrewdly, “ But you want to know if this will bind Galdonie to Zon?” he guessed, Remanthia nodded. Bertund sighed, “I don't know, if it was solely my choice then it would, Galdonie would never march on Zon” he told them, “But half my people would rebel if I made such a decision, I'm trying to find a way to stay neutral, I'm sorry that's the best I can offer at the moment”. Evonia grunted, “We know it's a tricky situation and we know you hate it as much as we do” she said, Bertund nodded. “However we had to ask” Remanthia added, Bertund smiled, “I understand, I would be asking the same questions if I was in your shoes”. Evonia stared at the floor for a moment, fight down her annoyance. Bertund cleared his throat, “Can you try an alliance with the Vorg Warlord, Haz'rex?” Bertund asked them. Evonia bit her lip hard as the annoyance grew and Remanthia shook her head. “They would never agree to an alliance with us...they have more pride then we do, it's not in their nature to accept help even when they face extinction” Remanthia explained. Bertund looked at her with surprise on his face, “But surely survival instincts would kick in and they'd accept an alliance” he said.  Evonia unclenched her jaw and looked at her brother in law, “No matter what they never would...that's what their Gods instilled in them and that's how they are” she replied evenly. The women looked at each other, “We have a birthday gift for you too” Evonia told him. Bertund laughed in surprise, “There was no need to do that!”, Evonia pulled a stone from under her cloak, it was the size of her fist, Bertund's eyes went wide at the sight of it. “An opal” he breathed reverently, “We have so many of them in Zon, they mean nothing to us, but we know how prized they are here in Galdonie” Evonia said, looking at the stone, unimpressed. “It's not just an ordinary opal, it will bring you protection and good health” Remanthia added. He looked at her puzzled, “I infused it with power from the Great Mother” Remanthia informed him. Bertund's mouth fell open, “Thank you” he finally managed to say.

She walked with Alleron through the gardens of the palace. The rain and wind had abated for awhile and the sun shone weakly through the clouds. They heard the clatter of horse hooves on the cobblestones and watched as a team of horses pulled a carriage into the courtyard. Evonia noticed Torison walking across the yard to greet people as they got out of the carriage. “Who are they?” Evonia asked Alleron, jerking her head in the direction of Torison. Alleron squinted across the distance, “Oh that's the Duke of  Donie, Olthan and his wife, Materina and daughter Iscilla” Alleron told her. “Are they relatives of Sir Torison?” she enquired as Torison hugged the women and shook the Duke's hand. Alleron snorted, “Not yet”, “What do you mean?” Evonia pressed, feeling a sick feeling working it's way up her stomach. “Torison's parents made a match for him when he was just a young boy, they convinced Olthan that Torison would be a good suitor for Iscilla and the two are betrothed” Alleron explained. Evonia felt the pit of her stomach drop away, “A lot of people at court think he's done well there, Donie is a rich duchy and Olthan has no heirs” Alleron added. Opalia's words suddenly made complete sense to Evonia now, he's keeping something from you. She regained her composure quickly before Alleron noticed and shrugged, “Aye, lucky indeed” she said, sounding indifferent but feeling her heart freeze. “Ah I don't begrudge him, Iscilla herself  is no prize” Alleron said, “There are more beautiful, kinder and stronger women about then her” . Evonia laughed, “Poor girl, I'm sure she isn't that bad” she turned to met his eyes and noticed something new in his gaze, but was unsure what is was. “Come, lets go inside out of this chill” she suggested.
She was in the armoury sharpening her sword and daggers when Torison came down the stairs. She looked to see who it was and then instantly turned her attention back to her dagger. “Evonia...” Torison began but she looked up at him again, her eyes flashing dangerously. “I should have told you about Iscilla” he said slowly, his eyes downcast. Evonia laughed a hard, humourless laugh, “Please, I'm a Zon...we care not for such things, many people have multiple lovers where I'm from” she replied, bitingly. Torison looked up at her, “I never had any say in it” he told her, his voice pleading. She held up a hand to silence him, “I don't care, understand that please, it is none of my business” she grated. Torison moved closer to her, “I love you” he told her. Evonia reacted instinctively, in a flash she had rounded on him, a dagger in her hand, Torison backed up watching the dagger in her hand nervously. “If your right hand causes you pain you cut if off” She told him, her voice low and foreboding, walking slowly towards him, her dagger still pointing directly at him. Torison began to say something else.  “Enough” she barked, “You cannot love a Zon, nothing could ever come of you loving me, I cannot be tamed into a house pet like your Galdonien women”. Torison drew his breath in sharply, “I can't bear the thought of losing you Evonia” he said, his voice very gentle, very quiet. She felt herself soften slightly and relaxed her grip on the dagger. Torison noticed the movement and seized his chance, moving closer to her again. “I don't want Iscilla, I want you Evonia” he told her softly. Evonia raised her dagger again, anger boiling up inside her, “Spare me” she hissed, “There is no world for us Tor, you have to marry that silly little girl and I am devoted to my home...don't say those stupid words”. Torison watched her carefully, noticing the look of exhaustion on her face. He came forward again and before she could react took her in his arms and she didn't resist. “Destiny has other plans for us I think” he whispered, “I'll fulfil my duties and you'll fulfil yours but no matter what Evonia, it's you I want not Iscilla” he added fiercely. Evonia dropped the dagger from her hand, listening as it hit the floor with a clang. She felt tears roll down her cheeks, she felt him kiss the top of her head and letting her anger go she wrapped her arms around his neck. Evonia knew what she wanted to say back,  she wanted to tell him she loved him too but the words stuck in her throat. Torison cradled her gently in his arms, she regained her composure and pulled away from him, “While Iscilla is here, I'll understand if you don't come to my bed” she said, her eyes locked on his. Torsion kissed her gently, reassuringly and left the armoury. She watched him go and sighed heavily, “I loved you first” she said to the empty space where he had stood.

© 2010 Lou

Author's Note

I am aware of the typos and grammatical errors. My proof reader is currently reviewing those for me. I am only interested in finding out how much interest there is for a story like this. Thank you and I look forward to your reviews.

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Added on July 15, 2010
Last Updated on July 15, 2010
Previous Versions



Perth, Australia

I'm a twenty year old waitress, from Perth, Australia. Writing and sharing my stories is my passion. My genre is fantasy. I idolise David & Leigh Eddings, Sara Douglas, Tamora Peirce and Pamela Freema.. more..
