Wow, this poem is a very nicely woven piece. I loved it.
It conveys a sense of introspection and emotional complexity found within nature, suggesting that spiritual solace and empathy are essential yet intricate aspects of life.
This poem features various animals in a forest setting, each symbolizing different emotions and perspectives, from the tranquil doe and singing birds to the angry bear and lonely coyote.
The forest serves as a metaphorical space for self-discovery and the exploration of one's emotions.
Brilliant write!!!! Last 2 lines stole my heart.
Thanks for sharing.
Posted 3 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Months Ago
Hello Amy - Nice to meet you and thank you so much for reviewing my writing. This poem is a bit self.. read moreHello Amy - Nice to meet you and thank you so much for reviewing my writing. This poem is a bit self reflective. I appreciate your kind words and look forward to reading your writing as well.
3 Months Ago
You're welcome. Very nice to know. And nice to meet you too.
Well as an invader to the forested land myself, I can concur that the inhabitants (animals) do have a very different way of living, yet we are the ones who foolishly think we own any of it at all.
We are nothing more than mere tenants and probably bad tenants at that.
We could learn so much more if we only dropped the arrogance that everything is here for us alone.
Nicely captured.
Posted 2 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Months Ago
Hi Lorry -
Thank you for reviewing and commenting. I totally agree with your comment.. read moreHi Lorry -
Thank you for reviewing and commenting. I totally agree with your comment about the arrogance that everything is here for us alone. A favorite book of mine by Daniel Quinn, “The Story of B”, captured this thought in an interesting way.
We can learn so much from the animal kingdom. There is much “feeling” in your lines, along with strong imagery. I felt quite at home in the environment you chose to write about. A beautiful poem. Pleased to meet you. Furst if yours I have read LisaCarol.
Posted 2 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Months Ago
Hi Chris - Thanks for your review and kind words. I look forward to reading your writing as well.
Wow, this poem is a very nicely woven piece. I loved it.
It conveys a sense of introspection and emotional complexity found within nature, suggesting that spiritual solace and empathy are essential yet intricate aspects of life.
This poem features various animals in a forest setting, each symbolizing different emotions and perspectives, from the tranquil doe and singing birds to the angry bear and lonely coyote.
The forest serves as a metaphorical space for self-discovery and the exploration of one's emotions.
Brilliant write!!!! Last 2 lines stole my heart.
Thanks for sharing.
Posted 3 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Months Ago
Hello Amy - Nice to meet you and thank you so much for reviewing my writing. This poem is a bit self.. read moreHello Amy - Nice to meet you and thank you so much for reviewing my writing. This poem is a bit self reflective. I appreciate your kind words and look forward to reading your writing as well.
3 Months Ago
You're welcome. Very nice to know. And nice to meet you too.
How genuinely REAL your words are, LisaCarol! They flow as if you're desperate to share them with somone you FEEL will understand you. You need share, be offered a reaction, a positive reception from.. a person who knows what is known and should be acknowledged. Is this the Empath, the walker among growing trees who absorbs the air about her/him? One can touch a person just briefly and know that person for life. Others you can share a million facts but never a feeling. One knows, a long lost instinct reacts this way or that. From there.. nobody can guess, it - IT happens - what IT is .. merely but a million times more IS. Your writing's alive.
Posted 3 Months Ago
1 of 2 people found this review constructive.
3 Months Ago
Thanks for your kind words. YOU inspired one of the lines about the stars. I always look for your r.. read moreThanks for your kind words. YOU inspired one of the lines about the stars. I always look for your reference to stars in the sky in your own poems. I hope you are having a fabulous day.
2 Months Ago
Pleasure, Lisa.. anything to do with the sky - have telescope - each look is magic reality and as ne.. read morePleasure, Lisa.. anything to do with the sky - have telescope - each look is magic reality and as near as one can get to time travel ! Days are busy, BUT horticulture isn't - my commissions are DELAYED because of the weather.. argh! HAVE decided however - I will overcome and sing too!
This society of animals is so much like our society of humans and how we react to what life throws at us day in and day out.
Your poetry is really sharp in imagery, metaphor and personification.
Posted 3 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Months Ago
Hi again, Jacob - thank you for your review and kind words. Where I live, which is the suburbs near .. read moreHi again, Jacob - thank you for your review and kind words. Where I live, which is the suburbs near Denver, CO, we have quite a bit of wildlife. One week, a group of deer and bucks visited us every morning. That is where the inspiration came for this poem. Thanks again for reading.
Perhaps the research "experts" are mistaken or actually clueless and/or in search of social recognition and lead others toward inappropriate directions? I liked this poem for what YOU had to say and the way YOU expressed your thoughts. On a personal note - throughout my entire life (except for children who soon learn better) I have known very, very few people for whom intentional meanness was the dominate trait of their existence. And yes I have known bullies - but they are also few and far between - and I as well as others have stood up and backed them down. Caring is personal - true, but interaction always seems to bring understanding of the others' side to BOTH sides - and isn't that empathic?
There is a bit of a difference between being empathetic and being .. read moreHello again, Chris
There is a bit of a difference between being empathetic and being an actual Empath. You are definitely expressing empathy when you stand up against bullies. I applaud you for doing that as it is so necessary in our current society. Being an Empath means you are a person who can actually feel and absorb the emotions of others around you. Without realizing it, Empaths take on the emotions of others and think it is their own emotions. It is a bit hard for non-Empaths to understand. For example, I can walk into a room and immediately know how others are feeling and I start feeling that same way despite how I felt before I entered the room. Until I was made aware of this, I suffered a lot of depression and anxiety because I never understood why my emotions were so erratic. Now that I know, I have certain rituals and meditations that send those emotions back to their rightful owners. It sounds really goofy to non-empaths. A bit like witchcraft, I suppose.
3 Months Ago
Thank you Lisa (and I mean it) for helping me to better understand the terms and their difference. .. read moreThank you Lisa (and I mean it) for helping me to better understand the terms and their difference. I have felt similar to you at walking into a room or upon a situation charged with highly evident emotional turmoil. I think life has done that to near everyone at sometime. It doesn't come across as witchcraft to me, nor wiccan. I look forward to more of your work.
I liked how you infused the animals, with some human emotions and behaviours.
Spiritual solace, can indeed take a mysterious journey; in order to reach it. And, even if you think that you have found it; for how long is it likely to last? Indeed, just a matter of time; until some life event disturbs that solace?
"Thankful birds sing praise for the new day", setting a worthy example for many ungrateful humans to follow?
According to some research, actively demonstrating empathy with people; helps with our own sense of well-being and self-esteem.
Thanks for sharing.
Posted 3 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Months Ago
Thank you for the review and the kind words. In my experience, not many people know how to express e.. read moreThank you for the review and the kind words. In my experience, not many people know how to express empathy or prefer not to. It is always a joy when I meet other empathetic people.