Bunker 11A Stage Play by LazyEnthusiastA One-Act Play set in an underground bunker after aliens have taken over the planet. If this sounds like your run-of-the-mill, dumb one act play, it's because it it,Bunker 11 © October 13, 2014 Characters: ADDISON: A teenage girl. She has gone slightly crazy from isolation. MILITARY GUARD 1:A military guard MILITARY GUARD 2: A military guard (there can only be one guard if necessary) COLLIN: A dorky in an adorable way boy who is either a teenager or a young adult. He likes Nora and their relationship is supposed very awkward not only between each other but for everyone watching NORA: A cute, quirky girl who is also a teenager or young adult. Likes Collin, is also very awkward about it. LEWIS: A video game addict. Loud, rude, and obnoxious. Likes Addison and does a horrible way of showing it. DEANNE: A mid-40’s mom with a beehive who has an accent and is just all around stereotypically mom-like. LIEUTENANT: A large man who is very intense BLAINE: A dark, out of touch character. Very moody and always look like he/she is angry and having a bad time. Could either be a boy or a girl, the characters are supposed to have a hard time determining which. Note: Extra survivors can be added if desired Setting: An underground military bunker in the near future. There are a couple cots, a card table with a couple of folding chairs and a large tin can that is partially hidden. In the back of the bunker is a chalkboard covered in tally marks SCENE I ADDISON stands by the chalkboard and makes a tally mark indicating the amount of days she has been there. ADDISON: (Sighs to herself and mumbles) Wow.. GUARDS enter stage downstage left GUARD 1: Addison- ADDISON frantically runs to the GUARDS excitedly jumping over furniture ADDISON: Did you find people? You found people, right? Where are they?! GUARD 1: No… we just brought your lunch. (Hands ADDISON a lunch tray, she looks upset) GUARD 2: Sorry to say, but I think you should just give up hope on finding other survivors. The invasion happened over a year ago and our best guess is that over 90 percent of the population has been wiped out. Honestly, finding you eight months after the initial attack was a pure stroke of luck. ADDISON: But- I- there has to be- GUARD 2: Sorry, hun. It looks like it’s just going to be you down here. ADDISON: (Downtrodden) Yay a cold, uncomfortable bunker all to myself. GUARD 1: Just hang in there, champ (GUARDS exit) ADDISON sits down at the card table and moves her food around with her fork ADDISON: There has to be other people. I can’t be the only one. I mean they’re just aliens…with lasers… and death rays and… ugh, who am I kidding? Fade to black SCENE II The tray is gone and ADDISON is asleep in one of the cots. Lights indicate it is nighttime. The sound of footsteps and inaudible whispers is heard. The GUARDS lead COLLIN, NORA, LEWIS, DEANNE, LIEUTENANT, BLAINEand the other SURVIVORS. ADDISON starts waking up groggily and then notices the survivors and immediately becomes excited, leaping to her feet, squealing and practically attacking the survivors with excitement. ADDISON: Is this real life? You found other people? You found them! (Screams) GUARD 1: (Prying ADDISON off the shocked SURVIVORS) Addison! Calm down! You’re scaring them! (Turning ADDISON to face him) Yes, we found other survivors….I’m not quite sure how… but we did. So, you need to promise me that you can behave yourself and welcome our new friends. ADDISON: Oh, I can do that. I can SO do that! (Obviously very excited) GUARD 1: Okay… Good. GUARDS start exiting
GUARD 2: Ugh, poor kid. ADDISON starts pulling furniture into a circle and gesturing for everyone to sit down. She flips a switch or pushes a button of some sort either on or slightly off stage and lights go up ADDISON: Okay. Sit down, sit down, so let’s tell each other about ourselves. I’ll go first (Speaking quickly) I’m Addison, I was in school when the government started evacuating everyone but aliens attacked our bus and started taking everyone captive. Luckily I ran away before they could get me and spent 5 months in a cave before the government found us Okay, who’s next? SURVIVORS look a little weirded out COLLIN: Um, well, I’m Collin. My town was one of the first to be invaded and we were frantically being evacuated. I was running to get onto one of the aircraft when I noticed this old man who could barely walk, so I picked him up and ran him to safety. Then I started noticing all the others who couldn’t help themselves. By the time I made sure they were all safe, it was too late for me, I was left behind and learned to survive on my own. But that didn’t bother me. I knew the others were going to be okay. NORA: (In admiration) That is so sweet. LEWIS: (Abruptly) I didn’t even know there was an alien invasion. I was just in my basement playing Zombie Slayer III when these army dudes come in and are like “Ahh… there’s been an alien invasion.” NORA: You do know the invasion happened over a year ago, right? LEWIS: It’s a really good game. NORA: But that doesn’t- how? ADDISON: Okay, who’s next? DEANNE: I guess I’ll go. I’m DeAnne. I was part of a refugee group. I told these kids, I said, “I don’t care that aliens are taking over the planet, or that you’ll never see your family again, you clean up after yourself and if I see you haven’t finished all your tree bark stew you’re going to be in trouble. I spent a long time on that and there are starving children who would be glad to have that bowl of leaves and stream water.” LIEUTENANT: And boy was that stew good! It kept me energized! I was pumped! Those aliens didn’t stand a chance with me! One encounter and it was like “ SHA-BAM SUCKAH! YA DONE!” ADDISON: And you are…? LIEUTENANT: They call me Lieutenant. NORA: (Leaning in and whispering to ADDISON) No they don’t. LIEUTENANT: I’m pretty much the only reason these guys survived. Before the invasion I was in the police force. DEANNE: You were a security guard. LIEUT: I fought off aliens with my bare hands. NORA: No you didn’t . LIEUT: And I could probably bench press this one here at least a hundred times. LIEUTENANT proceeds to try to pick up one the survivors that isn’t NORA, ADDISON or BLAINE. This survivor is panicking as LIEUTENANT tries to lift him/her. The rest of them, minus BLAINE improv trying to get LIEUTENANT to stop. Once they get the survivor out of his arms they return to their spots. ADDISON: Okay wow. Um, how about you? NORA: Well, I was in the group with DeAnne and Timothy- LIEUT: Lieutenant. NORA: Uh, Lieutenant here. Before all this happened I used to work at a doggie day care. COLLIN: I used to work at a doggie day care! NORA: Really? I loved it there! I especially loved- COLLIN/NORA: Bath day because afterwards you would give the dog a cute bandana and a bag of treats! NORA: Yes! COLLIN and NORA stare at each other. They are both clearly developing feeling towards one another. ADDISON: Great! Who are you? (Looking towards BLAINE who is slouched and folding his/her arms) BLAINE sighs agitatedly and turns away from crowd COLLIN: (Leaning into ADDISON) We call it Blaine. ADDISON: It? COLLIN: Yeah, we don’t know… ADDISON: Oh. Well I am just so excited to have you guys here! LEWIS: (To one of the survivors) You know that crazy girl is kinda cute. She reminds me of Esmeralda from that game Epic Warfare. And she was hot! DEANNE: I have to use the restroom, where would that be, dear? ADDISON: Oh, here. (She gets up and gets the large tin can and hands it to DEANNE, the survivors look sickened) ADDISON: I just know I’m going to love having you here. Blackout SCENE III Lights indicate night time. The survivors are asleep. Most are on the floor except for a couple who are crammed in the cots. ADDISON lies in a cot facing the audience with her eyes wide open looking angry. LEWIS, asleep, rolls over and puts his arm around her. She tenses up and then pushes his arm away sitting up. COLLIN: (Whispering) Hey. Addison. ADDISON: (Startled) What? COLLIN: Do you think Nora likes me? ADDISON: How am I supposed to know? We both met her three hours ago. COLLIN: I don’t know. I just think she’s so cute. I can just picture us getting married in a vineyard and then living in a little suburban home with all our dogs. ADDISON: Should I reiterate the point that we both just met her three hours ago? The lights go up as the GUARDS enter GUARD 1: Rise and shine! (The GUARDS set trays of food down on the table and everyone except for ADDISON and BLAINE rush to the food excitedly and start scarfing it down) NORA: I haven’t had a real meal in forever! DEANNE: It’s not as good as my cooking, but I’ll let that slide. They finish and return to the sleeping area as ADDISON walks over to the table ADDISON: Did you leave any for me? Survivors ad lib things like “Oh, sorry.” DEANNE: Well we’re all going to be spending a lot of time together so maybe we could find some activities to do to pass the time. LIEUT: Crossfit! DEANNE: I was thinking something more like sewing. NORA: We should put on a play! COLLIN: That’s such a good idea NORA: You think so? COLLIN: I always think so They stare sappily at each other LEWIS: I like video games. ALL: (Except BLAINE) We know. DEANNE: What do you think we should do Blaine? BLAINE gives her a dirty look and turns away COLLIN: We could do all of them and just take turns NORA: Wow. you’re full of good ideas. COLLIN: Thanks LIEUT: Alright let’s get started! SCENE IV As each activity changes a character puts a tally on the board indicating another day has passed. Blackouts may take place in between each scene, the lights could fade from night to day again or each scene could continue into the next. Director’s discretion. As the activities go on, it is apparent that ADDISON dislikes the survivors more and more. LIEUTENANT leads the group in strange exercises ad libing things an exercise trainer would say throughout the routine. The group struggles. LEWIS: I’ve never done this much physical activity in my life! ADDISON: (To herself) Why do I not have a hard time believing that? NORA: Your muscles are getting so big COLLIN: Really? Thanks. LEWIS: (Notices their conversation. To ADDISON) You look cute when you sweat. ADDISON gives him a weird look. LIEUT: Pick it up ladies! DEANNE: This bunker food is not sitting well! COLLIN: Do you think that we could maybe tone it down a bit, Lieutenant? LIEUT: No! Gosh, you guys are a bunch of wusses! I do this like nine times a day! DEANNE: Where’s that tin can? I’m gonna throw up LEWIS: I already did. They all look extremely grossed out. Someone marks a tally on the board. SCENE V DEANNE starts fashioning the blankets into dresses on COLLIN and NORA. LEWIS and LIEUTENANT sit at the table with a blanket “sewing” it. LIEUT: You know, I heard they keep captured aliens here. LEWIS: Really? That’s so cool! LIEUT: I also heard that one of them escaped LEWIS: No way! LIEUT: Yeah. LEWIS: Dude. What if the escaped aliens is one of them? They look at the group LIEUT: My money’s on Nora. You see the way Collin oggles all over her. There’s no way a human could have power like that. LEWIS: You’re probably right. We should keep an eye on her. Another tally mark is made SCENE VI The survivors stand around COLLIN and NORA, who are still in their blanket dresses. NORA: Timothy- LIEUT: Lieutenant! NORA: Lieutenant- can you take a couple steps that way? And Addison, pretend you’re dead. ADDISON: Gladly NORA: Okay. Action! (As a character to COLLIN) How could you leave me Jebediah?! COLLIN: I did it because I love you Marlene They lean in for an awkward kiss but before their lips meet LEWIS jumps in between them. LEWIS: STOP! NORA: Lewis! LEWIS: Collin, you can’t kiss her. She’s an alien. Ad libbed exclamations from the group LEWIS: The truth is, an alien escaped and there is reason to believe it is one of us. NORA: Well it’s not me! DEANNE: But how can we be sure? Black out SCENE VII The group is scattered amongst the room. NORA sits at the table. A survivor adds a tally mark to the chalkboard. LEWIS: Alright! Gather around everyone. Today is my turn to pick the group activity. They all get up and walk towards LEWIS. LEWIS: Not you alien NORA returns to the table NORA: Collin- you don’t believe I’m an alien, right? COLLIN: Listen Nora, I think you’re a super sweet gal. You have pretty hair, and love dogs, and have the cutest snore when you sleep- NORA: I snore? COLLIN: That’s not the point. The point is- it’s the apocalypse and I just can’t take my chances on a girl who might be an alien. He joins the group. LEWIS sits on the floor in front of one of the cots and the group is gathered around him. LEWIS: I’ve been waiting for this for a long time (He pulls a handheld video game out of his pocket and starts to play as the other watch. ADDISON: This is it? LEWIS: You like what you see sweet cheeks? DEANNE: Honey, put that down. Video games rot your brain. Let’s do something a little more wholesome instead? LIEUT: Hmm. Always worried about what we’re doing. Constantly distracting us with the suggestions of other activities? DeAnne’s the alien! The group goes into an uproar. LEWIS: Hey, what about you, Mister Macho? What kind of real person is that big! You’re the alien! The uproar continues COLLIN: What about you Lewis? You’re the one that started all these accusations! How do we know you’re not the alien? NORA: Collin’s the alien! COLLIN: But Nora- ADDISON: Ugh! I hate all of you! This was supposed to be fun but this all sucks! (Pointing to DEANNE) You’re annoying (Pointing to LIEUT.) You’re crazy. (Pointing to COLLIN and NORA) You two make the whole room uncomfortable. (Pointing to LEWIS) No one even likes you! LIEUT: How do we know she’s not the alien? All of the survivors, except for BLAINE who has been silent this whole time go into a full blown uproar fighting with each other.
BLAINE: (Standing up on one of the cots) Stop it! Stop! The world is full of corruption and turmoil and in these times we should not be turning against each other, but banding together. We must overcome our differences if we want to come out on top. We must look past each others flaws and see the good in each other, and through that, improve ourselves. It is not about our own happiness, but how we can make others happy. We will never find true fulfillment in this life if we do not learn to serve others and create a society based on good moral principles where the question is not “How can I help myself?” But “How I can help others.” It is only then that we can overcome our trials and beat this apocalyptic wasteland. The group pauses a couple beats confused by BLAINE’s speech. LEWIS: Blaine is the alien! They all begin attacking BLAINE. GUARDS run in and start breaking up the fight ad libing for them to stop and break it up. They all finally stop and sit down. GUARD 1: None of you are aliens! Now can you all just agree to get along? ALL: Yes.... GUARD 1: Good. (They start to exit) Have I mentioned how much I hate this job? GUARD 2: Well when you're capturing aliens the only thing you can do is convince them they're one of us. ADDISON: Wait, what? Sharp blackout. © 2015 LazyEnthusiast |
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