Cosmic Chapter 2

Cosmic Chapter 2

A Chapter by Lazerbagels

Connor meets Nium and discovers his gift.


Nium, I don’t know who he was. A better question would be what he was. All I really know is that he gave me “the gift.” That’s what I call my powers. Anyway, Nium came to me in a dream one night. I was sleeping like a rock. But at some point, I became conscious again. I thought I was still dreaming.  It seemed like it, I was in a solid white canvas. Nothing but white all around,

A lucid dream, I thought.

As I thought the words, they came reverberating through the tiny area I was in. "lucid dream, lucid dream, lucid dream." and it faded away. Then after a long time of waiting, he showed up. A faceless black silhouette in a human like form, he was breathtaking. He just appeared, I looked away, and looked back, and there he was. After I was done trying to guess what the f**k he was, I called out to him.

“Excuse me? Hello? Are you some part of this dream or what?”

The figure laughed and responded,

“Buddy, you’re not dreaming.

I recoiled, the voice was strange. It didn't sound like a normal voice, it sounded like, how do I explain this? It sounded like everything. Not like every noise, but it sounded ancient and futuristic, from the beginning of time, and the end. That combined with the sound of some higher force, like an untouchable power.

He sounded like some kind of god.

“Wait, I’m not dreaming? Then where am I?”

“This place? It’s where I live, I reside here. You wouldn’t be able to comprehend this place, you’re little brain can’t hold that much information

He held up his index finger and thumb in a pinching sign to emphasize my brain size, he put it up to his eye and looked through it.

Nium was weird like that. He was somehow off. Foreign and untouchable but funny, he was nice, almost humanlike and he made me feel comfortable in his little world. I was bewildered as to who this...thing was. So I asked.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“Who am I? Well, it's complicated. How do I convey this to you?…I, don’t really have a name per se. But I do have a title.”

I was getting sick of all this anonymity, I wished he would just f*****g tell me.

“Is your name, The Black F*g?”

It was supposed to piss him off, I guess I didn't really think the whole powerful being thing through. Luckily, he laughed and shook his head.

“Call me Nium.”

“What the hell? Nium? You sound like some kind of element.”

“Well, my full title is Inspectori Omnium.”

“Wow. That sounds pretty gay.”

“You’re lucky I’m not Mortem omnibus.”

“Is that your boyfriend or something?”

I guess I still hadn't thought it through.

Nium was silent for a few minutes, he then began laugh, and he laughed for quite a long time, his laugh was like thunder, it was powerful, very powerful, and somehow…electric.   It sent currents through me. His laughter made his black glow brighter, and the white world began to flicker, it was like shadows were dancing on the walls, and he wouldn’t stop laughing, I was thinking that his laughing was more than laughing. I was beginning to become afraid. The flickers where becoming more rapid. But, before I could pee my soul pants or whatever clothes where made out of there, he finally he stopped laughing after what seemed like hours. And he spoke again.

“Yes, I’m glad that I chose you. You’re perfect for the test.”



We sat for a few moments, me staring at his solid black form, him penetrating me with his eyeless gaze.

“Well, are you gonna tell me what the test is?”

“Sorry, I can’t the big guys won’t let me.”

“The who?”

“No not the who, the who aren’t the big guys, It’s not that I don’t like the band, but I mean they’re just human unfortunately.”

“Ha ha, funny.”

“Were we joking? I was serious. I really like the who.”

“Nevermind, what do I do for the test?”

Nium froze and stayed frozen, then he slumped and slapped where his face would be.

“Ahhh S**t. I wasn’t supposed to tell you about the test at all. Damn it.”

Another awkward pause, he hung there shaking his head.

“So…I’m confused where that leaves us.”

“Well I’m going to give you a gift…Or a curse.”

“Which one?” I asked.

“I don’t know, you have to choose.”

“Well, then I choose the gift.”

Nium let out a short bark of laughter.

“No, not like that.  Well, it’s…a gift and a curse.”

“What? Can’t I just have the gift?”

Nium became silent for a long time. He folded his arms and seemed to be thinking.  I waited and counted. I counted to one hundred. I counted to one hundred a lot. I think I did it twenty times. After a long waiting period he unfolded his arms and answered,

“Yes Connor. It’s a choice, you can have the gift, you can have the curse, it’s how you perceive it, and how you use it. For it is not only a gift to you, but a gift to mankind…or a curse to you and all of earth.”

“Well jeez, that’s some heavy s**t. What is it?”

I don’t know how I knew since Nium had no face, but he smiled. I felt it. He smiled and said,

“You’ll see.”

Then the world started blinking rapidly, loud crazy sounds were blaring from all directions. I panicked and screamed, I looked at Nium, and he was gone. I was alone in this white world and it was freaking out. The sound became louder and louder until I thought my entire being was withering. The blinking was rapid fire and confusing. I was screaming and spinning. I was disoriented. In all the confusion I thought I heard a voice whispering in my ear.

“Connor. What the gift is, it is pure power. Remember this is a test, don’t fail. Don’t fall. And don’t be a dick. Also, remember this is a test right? You’re not the only one taking it baby.”

My eyes snapped open. I looked wildly around my room, nothing out of the ordinary. Same posters. Same dirty clothes. Same Laptop. I took a deep breath and calmed down.

Just a dream.

Doc and Connor Interlude #1

“Connor. Seriously? You expect me to believe all that?”

“Why wouldn’t you doc? I mean I can fly and s**t right?”

The doctor conceded the point.

“Ok, sure, but are you sure all of that happened?”

‘Don’t you think I’d remember that if I were sure?”

“Okay. Sure. Continue.”


I tried to shake off the creepy dream and go about my day, but, it wouldn’t go away. I kept hearing Nium’s voice.

"I'm going to give you a gift."

"I'm going to give you a gift."

"I'm going to give you a gift."

I kept hearing it over and over, and I was thinking maybe it wasn't just a dream. But I shook the idea away. That kind of thing isn't real.

The days went by and Nium's voice faded. I began to feel normal again. But not really, because I felt different. Somehow I felt better. Not like, I was sick and now I'm better, Like, I'm a different person better. Of course I did what anyone would do, I shrugged and ignored it.


At school, I was hanging with Alex and Blake. They're, or were my best friends. We did all kinds of stupid stuff together, prank calls, graffiti, and trying cigarettes (gross btw, don't do those.) Alex and I were arguing with Blake on whether or not his mom was staring at my a*s.

"Dude, she was checking it out, I f*****g caught her."

"Shut up Connor. My mom's classy."

"Bullshit. Look at your dad, he's a plumber." Alex backed me up.

"Honestly Blake, I wouldn't f**k your mom."


"I would." Alex added in.

Me and Blake gave him a weird look and ignored him. Alex was like that.

"But, Blake, she was staring at my a*s."

"She was not."

"Wait, you weren't even there you f*****g douchebag. Me and Alex both saw her, and you were playing a game or something."

"What? No I saw it, I was...Looking out my window."

"I'm not retarded Blake, I've been in your room. There are no windows."

"F**k you Connor." We all laughed and agreed Blake's mom had a thing for me and my a*s.

I stood up and went to throw away my lunch trash. They followed. We do that. After we threw away the trash and maneuvered the ever shifting obstacle course that are school cafeterias, we went over to the water fountains to loiter. We liked to call hanging out "loitering" for some reason.

"Hey Con, what class you got next?" Alex asked.

"I don't know, the new semester schedules are confusing as hell."

"You'd think by junior year, we'd have this s**t figured out."

"No...I would have never thought that."

"Shut the f**k up you know what I mean."

So, the rest of the day went pretty much like that, boring, normal. And for weeks, it was like that. Just normal. Y'know, homework, a lil' drama, friends, assemblies, plays and s**t. It was like it had always been.


It wasn't normal for long. Because the weird Nium and all that weird stuff was going to come crashing back down on me.

It was at lunch, like any other big event. That's when it happened.

It was me and Blake, Alex was with his girlfriend. Blake and I were playing with milk. Blake was blowing bubbles and pouring it on my food when I wasn't looking. Then, I'd do the exact same until our milk was just bubbles, and our food was no longer appetizing.

Then Blake said to me, "Hey, do you think milk can turn girls on?"

"I don't know Blake, Can my a*s turn your mom on?"

"F**k you man." and he hurled his carton of bubble milk at me. He meant it as a joke, but it sailed past me...toward Mrs. Schin. She was German or something. The milk was on a collision course with her possibly-German head.

I Cried, "No!"  And made an attempt to grab the milk, as I reached for it, stretching my arm out for it, the world blurred and I was five tables away.

I looked down at my hand. It was covered in bubbles and I was clenching the carton. I spun around about thirteen times trying to figure out what happened. Somehow the whole thing went unnoticed, except by one person.

Blake came running up.


"Calm the f**k down dude, maybe I..."


"Well, what happened?"


People were starting to stare at us.

"Dude, let's go."

I led him back to our seats where we could discuss it.

"Ok, calm down. Tell me what I did."

"Ok. Ok." Blake took a deep breath. "First, you tried to grab the milk, then you leaned really hard over the seat to grab it."

"And then?"

"You disappeared and so did the milk. Then I saw you spinning around like a dumbass down there."

He pointed off to where I...Dashed.

"Blake, I don't think I teleported."

"What? I F*****G SAW IT!"

"No, No, I think I just went really fast. Like The flash or something."


"I don't know. I just feel it."

"Don't start that s**t with me Connor. Don't start that crazy psycho I can feel my power s**t."

Then I realized something. If I had powers and Blake saw it, maybe he has them.

“Remember this is a test right? You’re not the only one taking it baby.”



"Did you have a dream about a black man named Nium?"

He was silent.

"Connor, now that you mention it.....NO I HAVEN'T WHAT THE F**K ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!"

"Nothing, nevermind."

And there went that theory.

© 2014 Lazerbagels

Author's Note

So, this is the introduction to his gift and abilities. But I feel it may be too fast. Tell me if you think it should be drawn out more. Also the font size and stuff is messed up. I don't know why.

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Featured Review

This is a pretty good chapter. Personally, I don't think it moved too quickly. But at the same time, I wouldn't be opposed to maybe a little thing in between when Connor meets Nium and when he discovers his powers. I know this isn't really a straight answer so sorry if this review doesn't help. Overall, I think what you have now is good.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Ok thisis really cool!!!!!!!!!!!! way better then anything I could ever write! I cant wait to read more!!!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is a pretty good chapter. Personally, I don't think it moved too quickly. But at the same time, I wouldn't be opposed to maybe a little thing in between when Connor meets Nium and when he discovers his powers. I know this isn't really a straight answer so sorry if this review doesn't help. Overall, I think what you have now is good.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on April 29, 2014
Last Updated on November 25, 2014
Tags: Teen, Supernatural, Freaking cool AF



Litchfield, IL

Hi, I'm Josh. I'm not a real writer. But I plan to be one. (I bet aspiring writers are few on here) I am 16 years old, I like to write crazy outlandish ideas that feel and seem real. more..

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A Story by Lazerbagels