![]() For Reals: SasquatchA Screenplay by LawrenceRaybon![]() An episode of the supernatural reality show, For Reals![]()
UNDER INTRO SCENE Small clips from the show fly by as well as head shots with names for each of the hosts, Moscow, Lee, and Paige. Moscow is an older black man, Lee a young nerdy Asian and Paige is a young blonde woman. NARRATOR The planet earth is filled with mysteries. There
are things we know And
things we don't know There
are things we think we know And
things we don't know we don't know. Join
our intrepid adventurers as they scour the globe Tracking
down strange creatures, mysterious phenomenon and mythical artifacts. All
the time they will try to answer the question... Is
it... ...For
Reals? ---------------------------
NARRATOR Sasquatch, wildmen, Bigfoot. Whatever
the name, this giant bipedal ape man has captured the imagination of a wide
swath of cultures across the world; from modern times all the way back into the
mists of antiquity. Is there a hairy
human throwback prowling in the deep dark wildernesses, or does it only reside
in our overactive imaginations? Are they
fictitious or are they for reals? CONFESSIONAL - ONE AT A TIME MOSS They ain't no such thing as the
Bigfoot. If they was, they'd be one in
the zoo. Or maybe like in the circus,
cause that's where big freaky animals belong. LEE There is no doubt in my mind that Sasquatch
is totally for reals. I mean just look
at all the evidence... Just look at it! PAIGE (To someone outside the room) I think there's been some kind of
mistake. I was told this was going to be
an acting job, not some kind of big, smelly, monkey man hunt... Is that camera on? READY ROOM Moss and Paige sit at the table while Lee
stands near a map of the US highlighted in different colors. LEE This is a map of the United States showing
Sasquatch sightings. The green
represents no sightings; yellow represents few sightings; and red represents
Sasquatch hot spots. Any questions? Moss raises his hand
Yes Moss? MOSS And which color represents they ain't no
such thing as Bigfoot? LEE Moss we all know that you don't believe in
Sasquatch, but we have to scientifically prove it one way or the other MOSS I can scientififically prove it. LEE How? MOSS Here watch this scientifific video I found
on the interwebs. Video pops up and shows Moss in a lab coat,
with a stethoscope and glasses MOSS (in the video) They ain't no such thing as the Bigfoot. Video ends. LEE Moscow, that was you in a Lab Coat MOSS No it weren't I don't wear glasses. Anyways that was a doctor, didn't you see the
heart listeny thing? LEE Paige, a little help here? Paige stares at him wide eyed. Cut to Confessional. PAIGE How was I supposed to know what my line
was? I hadn't even seen a script yet. Cut back to Paige wide eyed, Moss and Lee
look at each other. Cut back to
Confessional. MOSS There's something wrong with that little
white girl. Her eyes are funny. Cut back to the Ready Room LEE Well anyway, luckily for us I found an expert
to consult with, let's get going. Cut to traveling on map NARRATOR And so our three adventurers make there way
to the Pacific Northwest to the small town of Wooded Hills. Here they will meet with the proprietor of
the local Bigfoot Emporium. THE BIGFOOT EMPORIUM BILLY Howdy folks, my name is Billy Joe Bob
Junior the third also known as Billy Bigfoot, how can I help you? LEE Hello mister... Err, Junior? Cut to the Confessional MOSS I ain't never in my life. Billy Joe Bob Junior the Third. That name makes we want to punch that boy's
daddy right in the eye... Right in the eye. Cut to Bigfoot emporium BILLY Oh don't be silly, just call me Billy
Bigfoot. Everyone else does.
LEE Billy Bigfoot, we heard you are a Sasquatch
Expert BILLY That's me, I know all about the Sasquatch. LEE Well, we are trying to prove that Sasquatch
exist; is there anything we should know? MOSS (under his breath) Other than there ain't no such thing as
Bigfoot... BILLY You're in luck! I got everything you folks
need and it's all on sale! Today
only! LEE That's great! BILLY Kibbles 'n Bigfoots, guaranteed to attract
any hungry Sasquatch critters in the area.
Sasquatch scent, it lures them in and puts them in the mood (Nudges
Paige) if you know what I mean. And we
even have a Sasquatch costume if you want to go and mingle once you've
found'em. LEE Is there anything you can tell us about
their personality? BILLY Bigfoot's a shy creature but what some
people don't know is that them critters got a big temper if you tick them
off. Now what'll you be buying? LEE Uh, I'll take the Kibbles 'n Bigfoots I guess. Paige, you want anything? Paige does the big eye thing again. Cut to Confessional. PAIGE I still haven't gotten a script, I don't
know how they expect me to know my lines. Cut back to Bigfoot emporium Lee and Moss
look at each other BILLY You remind me of the deer I shot last
week. Had eyes just like your... LEE Uh, she'll take the Sasquatch scent. Moss MOSS I don't need nothing, I got an idea. BILLY That'll be $300 LEE AND
MOSS What?!? Cut to traveling on the Map NARRATOR And so having been fleeced by the so-called
expert, our three friends make their way to the closest Sasquatch hot spot.
WOODS OUTSIDE DAY LEE Ok, so we take our tools and find separate
areas and try to document a Sasquatch.
Questions? MOSS Yeah, who died and made you king? LEE What? MOSS Why do you get to say what we do? LEE Do you want to take over? MOSS No. LEE Paige? Paige does big eye thing. Cut to confessional. MOSS CRAZY EYES! Cut back to woods LEE You know what? I'm going to go find the Sasquatch, you can
do what you want. Lee grabs the sack of food and a case of
equipment and heads off into the woods.
Cut to confessional. LEE I don't think Paige is going to last very
long on this show. I don't think I've
heard her say two words all day. Cut back to woods MOSS If anyone is going to find a Bigfoot it's
me! Moss heads off in a different direction Paige
looks left and looks right. Bored she
walks around. She sniffs the Sasquatch
Scent and makes a face. Cut to
confessional. PAIGE So they left me alone with this stuff that
smelled like a wet dog that rolled in poo.
So I decided to take a nap while they did whatever they were going to
do. Cut back to the woods Paige is taking a
nap, a Sasquatch comes out of the woods and sniffs the scent, makes the same
face that Paige made and runs away. Cut
to Lee sitting behind a table of computers, while he explains what he is doing
we see a Sasquatch come out of the wood behind him sniff the Kibbles 'n
Bigfoots bag make a face and run off. LEE Ok, so I put a big pile of Kibbles 'n
Bigfoots out in a clearing and set up cameras to monitor for Sasquatch. So far I've seen two squirrels and a
racoon. But I am hopeful! Cut to another section of Wood MOSS (Whispers) The Bigfoots have a temper huh? Everybody knows they ain't no such thing as
Bigfoot, but if they is then I got a plan.
Watch this (Shouts) Bigfoots may have big feets but I hear they got
small... Cut to confessional MOSS What do you mean I can't say *Bleep*. Well what about *Bleep*? Well just what can I say? (A small piece of paper is handed to him) Weewee?!?
What am I, a two year old girl?!? Cut back to the woods MOSS That's right Bigfoots ain't so big in other
anototomical areas (holds up his pinky) In fact, what I hear is you got to have a
magnifying glass just to see their... To see their Weewee. So Mrs. Bigfoot if you want a good time for
once, you just come see old Moscow Jones and I'll show you what you been missing. (A loud yell slowly gets louder as Moss
goes on.) What in the??? A blur of fur screams and tackles
Moss. Cut to the interrogation room. MOSS That Bigfoot tried to kill me! Tackled me right off my feet. I was so scared I nearly *Bleep* myself...
What? Now I can't say *Bleep*?!? Cut to Black NARRATOR And so these three weary travelers with
their mixed successes make their way home to discuss their experiences. READY ROOM LEE Here's the video of Moss's attack. Video Plays MOSS You see, that Bigfoot tried to kill me! LEE But when we play it in slow motion this is
what we get... Video Plays in slow motion showing Billy in
the suit from the store Cut
to confessional BILLY That damn *Beep* was impunin my mas-cu-linity. Mrs. Bigfoot is plenty satisfied thank you
kindly. Cut to Ready Room MOSS What the heck? You mean I was attacked by that little
*BEEP*? Cut to confessional MOSS You all are just gonna have to give me a
list of what I can't say and what I can say instead... (Paper is handed to him) What the *beep*?!? Cut to Ready Room LEE In any case, the attack was a fake. Also, no Sasquatch tried to eat the food I
set out. Did you have any luck with the
scent Paige? Big eyes from Paige. MOSS (Whispers to Lee) You think she's one of those deaf dumbs? LEE (to Moss) I don't know, but it seems we came back
from the woods empty handed. MOSS So it's like I said, they ain't no such
thing as Bigfoot! LEE Just a moment, here's a video I found while
waiting for a Sasquatch to come. Shows a small clip from the 'Messing with Sasquatch' jack links commercial MOSS But that's a Bigfoot LEE Yep. MOSS But if they's already videos of them, why
were we in the woods? LEE I don't know, Moss, but it's time to
vote. Moss? MOSS Well I guess Bigfoots are for reals! LEE I agree. Bigfoot is for reals. Paige? Paige stares. LEE Paige you're going to have to say something
eventually or you'll get kicked off the show! PAIGE Well I would, if someone would give me a
script! MOSS They ain't no script girl. PAIGE What? LEE This isn't a scripted show. PAIGE This is an improv show? For reals? Cut to Black NARRATOR So there you have it, three votes. (Cut to each actor saying for reals with a
for reals stamp) The Sasquatch is For Reals! Join us next time as we try to find out if the unicorn is - For Reals!
© 2014 LawrenceRaybonAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 18, 2014Last Updated on April 18, 2014 Author![]() LawrenceRaybonJackson, MSAboutHi! I'm an avid reader who loves to write. I also love helping others who are serious about improving their writing! My critiques are in-depth and honest, no ego stroking and I expect the same wh.. more..Writing