Run When You Can

Run When You Can

A Story by Lauren Alaska

Two sibilings, locked away for their whole lives, don't know who to believe.

      I kept asking myself why this happened, but I could never come out with a realistic answer. We had to run, as fast and as far as we could. The forest was dangerous here in Ontario, Canada, we had to leap over ever obstacle in the way. I was confused, when I first found out, but my brother told me he had a plan.

I never knew that what they did was wrong, that's just the way I grew up. Living in the basement of their house, just my brother and I. The basement was dark, and the air was thick. The walls cold, made of cement. We never got to go upstairs, or outside. They told me it was normal, that every teenager lived like this. My brother always doubted them, but with no knowledge of any other way of living, he had nothing or no one else to believe. I still believed them though, even if I hated them. But I only hated my “parents,” because they were always uptight and strict. They yell at us all the time, constantly telling us were horrible children and that we don’t deserve anything they give us. The odd thing though, was that even after all the rude things they tell us, they go to extreme lengths to keep us safe in the basement. They told us that the world was dangerous, and that they’re just doing the best for us.

My “parents” were gone for the day, before they left they made sure the door’s locks were all locked, and the one tiny window was locked shut. We never knew why they did that, we figured they were just tyring to keep us safe. My brother and I just sat there talking for as long as we had to. Before we knew it, the locks on the door clicked, they were finally home we thought. We starred up the long dark stairwell expecting to see there familiar faces stare back at us, but to our surprise it wasn’t them. A young girl starred down at us in complete surprise.

"Who are you? Why are you here?” The girl asked us. I didn’t know why she was there and what she was doing, I didn’t want to respond to her, but my brother did. “Well, I’m Kyle and this is my sister Alison. Were just down here waiting for our parents to get back. But who are you?” The girl closed the door behind her, but keeping the key in her hand. She rushed down the stairs and stood right in front of us looking extremely confused.

“Okay, I’m Christy. But what you’re telling me is that you have parents who live here? In this house? That’s impossible, I’m an only child and MY parents live here.” I shrugged not thinking to much of it, my brother just stood there also. “Oh no, this can’t be happening, you two have to get out of here as soon as possible. Those people, who keep you locked up here, aren’t your parents. You have to believe me, and you need to leave.” With that Christy ran back up the stairs, locked the door, and left. She left us confused and alone standing in the basement of a house that belongs to people who we now know aren’t our parents.

We had nothing to say to each other, because we were both still trying to process what happened. As we were about to sit back down, we heard a small ‘clanking’ sound, reverberating off the empty walls. Kyla jumped up as he saw a tiny key fall to the cold cement floor. Christy had some how found a small crack in the wall, so she pushed the key into our basement to help us with our escape.

We spent two weeks planning our escape. In those two weeks our “parents” started acting really suspicious, asking all sorts of questions. I think they suspected Christy was here, they never did find out what happened that day though. It was night now, dark and cold outside, as we were safely locked inside our basement. Our “parents” quietly asleep two floors above us. Kyle had the key, I had what little stuff we had as our possessions. We crept up the stairs, slowly and quietly he slid it into the locks, one by one, and opened the door to our escape. The house was quiet, and very unfamiliar. This was only our third time being upstairs. The floor creaked as we walked, the wooden boards would bend slightly under our weight. Making our way though the kitchen, we spotted the front door through the next room.

I stopped Kyle. “Do you think that’s locked too?” Kyle looked at me, he just shrugged. “Let’s find out.” Tip-toeing through the final room, ready to leave, we heard voices. Then the creaking of floor boards above us, right above us. Looking up, we could see the old wooden floor boards bend under every step they took. They started yelling at each other, we were unable to understand it though. Suddenly it stopped, no voices, no sound, no movement. Kyle and I stood there in the dark kitchen, anticipating any situation. Immediately after, we saw a shadow coming down the stair well. The footsteps were swift, as if he was in a hurry for something. We froze. Our backs against the corner, we held our breath, hoping and praying that they would just go back to bed.

“Hey, hey you two! What do you think you’re doing!?” He saw us, and he was very angry. We had two options, to surrender to them, or run.
Without thinking, Kyle grabbed my wrist and we sprinted towards to front door. I felt a tugging on my sleeve, I was yanked back out of Kyle’s grasp. I felt a sharp slap across my face, and became a little unsteady. A cold blast of the cold, winter air surrounded us all. Kyle got the front door open and was fighting to get me free. We then ran, we didn’t stop or look back. We had successfully escaped.

We ran through the dark, into the woods. Avoiding every root, stump, or object that got in our way. An engine started behind us, we knew he was coming, chasing after us. He had an advantage though. Kyle stopped abruptly. Grabbing my arm, he pointed through the woods, we saw a light in the distance. Another house maybe. We went in the direction towards the house. The sound of the engine kept getting quieter until we finally couldn’t hear it anymore.


Finally reaching the house, we slowly made our way up the steps. It wasn’t a very well taken care of house, paint was pealing off, some of the wood was rotting. A small little cottage it was. Kyle told me he thought it was strange that this small cottage was here in the middle of the woods. I thought about it too  for a moment, the woods were very dense and dark.  I could never imagine anyone wanting to live out here.


There we were, standing on the porch of a house who we didn‘t know the owner of. Kyle rang the door bell. We had to wait for a good couple minutes, being the middle of the night and all. Soon the porch lights came on, the door swung open. To our complete surprise Christy stood there. Kyle and I starred at her for a moment, it was unexpected, and almost ironic since she was the one the had us escape in the first place.


“You kids did what I told you to. Good job.” A smile slowly crept upon Christy’s face. We didn’t think much of it, we were exhausted. Christy invited us in, as we hesitantly walked inside we took a glimpse at everything around her home. Everything was neat and perfect, only the necessary furniture and decorations were added to her home though, nothing more. Christy’s house a had a warm, soft glow to it, it was almost comforting. Christy sat us down in the kitchen and gave us something to drink and eat. Kyle and I sat there, eating, while Christy studied us.


“So, why did...” I tried to ask the questions that had been bugging me for the last two weeks, but Christy cut me off. “Shh, you two must be exhausted. Get some sleep, save all your questions for the morning.” She smiled at us, and showed us upstairs to the bedrooms. I wanted to stay awake, and ask questions. I just needed to know who she was and what was going on. But a sudden exhaustion came over me, I couldn’t keep me eyes open, I could hardly move. I looked at Kyle in panic, but he was slumped over a bed already sleep. I couldn’t help it anymore, I let myself doze off in an involuntary sleep.


I awoke the next morning, I tried to move, I couldn’t. I felt trapped, paralyzed. Looking around the room I saw Kyle, his eyes were in a daze, his body frozen in a sitting position. What was happening, I thought, why can’t I move. Christy walked in, a huge smile on her face. “Oh you’re awake, aren’t you glad you escaped from those awful parents of yours. You and your brother get to live with me now.” She laughed malevolently and deliberately. Christy had tricked us, she lied to us. The worst part was that I actually fell for it.

© 2011 Lauren Alaska

Author's Note

Lauren Alaska
Please review?<3
Can you tell me how old you would suspect I am based on my writing skills?
That would be greatly appreciated.

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This was so good. There were a couple of errors, but nothing big. One thing though, you say that Christy's house is like a cottage, kinda shabby. Then why would she have a doorbell? To me, I wouldn't think of a cottage having a doorbell. You had me hooked from the first sentence, but you left me hanging. Please tell me that there is a continuation??? If there is (Which there totally should be) please read request me!
Um, I'd say you'd seem about 16-18 yrs old.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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Despite a few minor grammar errors, this was really good. It was very suspenceful and kept me on the edge of my seat. I kept reading hoping to learn more about what was going on. My only complaint is that it seemed to be cut short. I want to know why Christy tricked them.

Posted 13 Years Ago

First story on Writer's cafe that I actually read the whole of.

Ok, putting some minor grammatical errors aside, I'd say this is awesome. It sounds like REALLY creepy, and pretty unexpected twist right there in the end. I love how you built up the story and then left us hanging in the middle of no where at the end.

It's like something out of a criminal minds episode....Have you seen that episode "The uncanny valley" , the one in which this fat mad woman makes dolls out of petite girls by paralyzing them...well its kind of like it.

Btw if you haven't seen that episode, then watch it online...cause its the BEST EPISODE EVER!!

awesome work, keep it up!

Posted 13 Years Ago

wow you are an amazing writer and you kept me wanting more. im am very impressed keep on writing and enjoy life. umm you age.... id say 16-17 maybe review my writing too tell me what you think

Posted 13 Years Ago

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say whaaaaaaaaaat? oh my god this was really good. scary a little little but good and creepy. oooh! like stephen king's writing. awesome!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Whoa. This is good. There was a few mistakes here and there, but every story has those. It was really very captivating. It kept me on the edge of my seat.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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6 Reviews
Added on October 1, 2011
Last Updated on October 1, 2011


Lauren Alaska
Lauren Alaska

Anchorage, AK

I'm Lauren. There's so many things nobody knows about me, I can honestly say that there's not one person standing on this planet who knows everything about me. I use this to help me write, I expose.. more..


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