Lights spinning towards a point.
A point of abyss, like a crypt of the mind.
Words no longer possess meaning the way
meaning possesses the heart and thirst
throws all things out of proportion.
Broken lungs and burning bones talk
to the skin. They talk of deceit and barricades.
Stone, frozen to the spot like a gravestone
breaking free of the ground only to be left
undisturbed. Others watch the hanging.
Hanging in the balance. Stuck between
pitiful glances and false promises of a future
shared. Aphrodite mocks me.
Limitations of the mind are a luxury
I cannot seem to attain, as the words
fall on misunderstanding ears. Joints
creak, longing to stretch out to the tips
of the world. But the world can only be
reached through the imagination,
the hopeless mind of an angel cursed
to never take flight, nor feel the light
touch of a friend. I can hear your words
but my response is inaudible
to such earthly ears.