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The last of the Beisanians

The last of the Beisanians

A Poem by LauraOyeghe

A war poem


"We mourned everyday,
We fought everyday,
Our dead became countless,
Our town was filled with violence.
Where is our mighty army?
Where is the commander, Adeji Sammy?
He is dead, long dead on the bloody field,
The field where our children and husbands' blood were spilled.
Who will survive among us, wh o is that seed?
Where are you hiding?
Who is it that you are guiding?
Beisania was once a glowing city,
Now it has become nothing but a shame and a pity.
We were enormously rich in Ivory and gold and the men were witty,
Where is our city?
Where is our deity?
Have many not died who were of piety?
Where are our elders?
Oh, They are gone, gone like the rich beggars!
All have been slaughtered,our animals, even warriors with medals.
Where is our dynasty?
Where are the fertile women with pregnancy?
Where is our royalty?
Our kingdom and our Charity?
Where is our mighty king?
Oh, he was slaughtered like a fat pig!
Our beautiful maidens are no more!
Our mothers like stars in the sky are gone!
Our children were killed,even the ones yet unborn!
Our husbands were slaughtered and roasted like corn!
Our fathers were beheaded and hung like worms!
Our gold, Silver and Ivory were all stolen, even our guns!
The Rhezites have destroyed our father's land,
They have poisoned and stained our land.
They brought death, famine, pain and hardship,
They came and destroyed our township.
They buzzed, buzzed their guns on priest Komorrah,
Truely, this is worse than Sodom and Gomorrah.
The black fume in the air brought us dark days,
The bright fire at night brought us bright nights,
Oh, then ,death was a golden wish!
Oh , then, there was nothing as sweet as death!
Our land smelled of dead breath!
And peace was as scarce as a golden fish!
Life was rare, death was common,
Wherefore, suicide was an honour!
Wealth was stolen and poverty was given freely,
The narrow way to life became horribly hot and hilly!
What have the peaceful Beisanians done wrong?
What crime did we commit?
Must the weak fall prey to the strong?
But the dog will always eat it's vomit,
Cursed be the generations of the Rhezites!"
Thus says the blood of the land...

"Our sacred land has been defiled,
The almighty force of Rhezist has destroyed our heritage,
In our land,death and sorrow is defined!
The fingers of our gods have grown leprose!
Our land has been blessed with horrors!
The crown has been taken,
The throne has been broken,
We have been shipwrecked in the tempest of war in it's highest stage.
Our idols have gone dumb,
Our wise men have gone numb,
Where is that little boy that will man this city?
That little boy will grow into a great warrior,
He will lead our once failed city into victory,
He will bring back our lost glory and honour,
The one who was foreseen in prophesies shall rebuild our city,
The one of a peculiar and immaculate colour,
The one who will begin the new race of Beisania,
The first father of the new Beisania city,
But Beisania shall bear a name,
We call on you to bring back our fame,
Avenge our dead!
Become our head!
We beseech you,restore our lost glory!
Many years ago, priests foretold the story.
Beisania will fall but will rise again..."
Thus says the blood of the land.

"Beisania will fall and lose it's light,
Everyone will be killed, there won't be a survivor,
But just one, a little boy, a sore minor,
Out of pain, bravery and courage he will fight,
He will avenge our blood with all his might,
The armies of Rhezites shall surrender at his sight,
He shall slay them all, not one but all,
We the gods shall be his strength,
Through him we shall rebuild our city,
He shall gather all forces, all armies, all gods, all race, not one but all,
We the gods shall be his breath,
And we shall regain our lost city!
Through this little lad we shall gain victory.
We were silent but. blind.
Our land will be revived,
Our dead shall be reviled,
We shall dwell in his mind.
We shall win the game,
And Beisania shall rise again!..."
Thus says the gods of the land...

"I can hear voices,
I can hear cries of the blood of the land,
"Where is the little lad? "
And then I hear them say, "He is alive"...
I am a man of a yet unknown race,
I have gone to seek my true origin,
I was told that I am from a. race,
I have been told that I come from a conquered race,
I have been told that I don't belong to Kimani's race,
For I come from a race that has been forgotten,
A race which records have long been rotten,
I have been told that I was found years ago,
When I was just a little boy,
I was found in a bush in a nearby village called Kimani,
I am not a Kimanite but a man from a strange race.
But I was found with a mark;
A mark that belonged to a particular race.
Kimanites were once conquered by the Rhezists,
And the grief lives on in their hearts,
I have been told I come from a conquered state,
conquered by the Rhezites!
They spilled innocent blood because of greed,
If I were to be from that conquered race,
I would rebel and avenge. blood of the land,
I would build back the city,
I would capture the city of Rhezist,
I would join hands with the people of Kimani,
And we shall fight back and destroy the evil generation of Rhezists,
Kimanites fight for vengeance,
But I fight for my lost city! "

"The little lad who survived the war,
Was from a royal family,
He was the one prophesied about, During the war,his mother escaped with him,
She ran to the city of Kimani,
With the little boy in her hands she ran,
An injured mother and her child escaped,
She died afterwards,
And the child survived,alone in the bush!
...Wherefore our only hope;we shall win the game,
And Beisania shall rise again! "
Thus says the gods of the land...

"I can hear voices,
I can hear the cries of the blood of the land,
"Where is the little lad? "
And then I hear them say, "He is alive"...
I am alive!
I am with all forces;
Help me,oh god of war!
For I stand with the voice of war.
I shall fight with no pity,
Today, Rhezites shall face menace!
Kimanites fight for vengeance,
But I fight for my lost city!
I am with all forces;
I stand with not one but all,
And I shall win this war,
For I am not just from Beisania,
I am the last of the Beisanians!"
And I fight for my lost city!

© 2014 LauraOyeghe

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Added on October 3, 2014
Last Updated on October 3, 2014



Benin City, Egor, Nigeria

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