![]() My Story.A Story by One Lost Anti-HeroAs of now there are at least 7 billion people on this earth, and sadly I have to be one of them. I don't normally do this, but I don't know something in me just wanted to tell someone this. It all starts in Hanoi, Vietnam the place I was born and the place I got my somewhat mediocre name. Tony, my mother saw the name on tv and instantly knew that was my name and Truong which has a lot of meanings behind it, but school was the most hilarious one. After 9 months or so we came to the U.S and decided to live in the home of the scruffiest, toughest cowboys side of the stadium. Me, my mother, grandmas and 2 aunts lived in a small apartment together and it was the best time of my life. Fast forward 4 years and I gained 2 siblings.(Insert Link finding treasure sound.) My brother Tommy and I were always so goofing off together talking about cool things we did and fun stuff we did. It was around the time when I was 5 that I realized that he was the only one I talked to besides my cousin Aaron. Aaron was my Hercules he knew things that I didn't and it made him seem unreachable. We would always hang out with his friends and play games like baseball, basketball(Granny throw for the win.) and his N64. He was the one who introduced me to things like Cartoon Network, Disney and anime. Now I know what your thinking, DBZ fanboy over here, but sadly that wasn't the one that got me hooked. It was Samurai X, Sailor Moon, and Hamtaro that hooked me in. From there I experienced cooler anime like Dbz, Pokemon, and even Evangelion/Gundam Wing. Eventually all those anime were cut and I was left with the normal shows like Knd and Courage. I honestly love all those shows even to today, but that wasn't the point. A couple years later when I was in around 4th grade I realized I had no friends. I would did the same routine for the past years that I didn't even notice that I was learning. It was just another day of school. I wasn't bullied in school, actually it was the opposite. My opinions, thoughts and even things I wanted to do was ignored. I was always the last pick, the one guy by himself, and well the one no one even noticed. When I got to middle school I had realized how sad I thought my life was. I told myself its fine make friends, just don't be yourself and your fine. I just blended in with whomever was near me in class. The bad boys, the nerds, and even the honor students. I didn't care I just wanted someone to talk to. I just didn't want to be alone. I constantly said that to myself and told myself this lie that “Everything was awesome, everything is cool when your part of a team.” but it wasn't. I remember when I was in 6th grade I was doing well in my math vocabulary test, so I was signed up do to the pressure from everyone in my class. It wasn't hard just simple memorization, but that night when I won 1st in the tourney I had realized while standing in the cold rain, “No one is here.” I walked home and my grandma and mom yelled about where I was even though I clearly told them. At that moment I said to myself, “I got to close. Maybe its better if I never tried to make a bond in the first place. I continued Around January I moved again to where I live today. I heavily binged on anime, I mean binged to the point of obsession. Let me give you a little taste of what I mean before freshman year I watched about 5 animes for that year. During freshman year I watched about 300+ different animes and I know what your thinking stop lying you didn't do that. Well I did all my homework before school, I never ate lunch(unhealthy but I didn't care), and I always slept at 1 am and I got out at school at 3pm. About 10 hours of anime and since you can watch 3 episodes if you skip endings and openings an hour. So roughly 2 animes series depending on if it 12 or 24 episodes. I put some blades to my arms and it didn't feel nice obviously. One night when everyone was asleep I went into the kitchen and grabbed a kitchen knife. I thought, “If I put it through my heart this empty feeling would disappear right?” I was readying up my arm to stab my chest and my alarm on my phone rang. I went to turn it off and it fell under my bed. I reached for it and found a couple of papers I wrote in the beginning of my freshman year. It was a stupid plot about a boy who was part demon and angel who loves this girl who is the reincarnation of Tamamo-no-mae(still love this girl/myth.) I read it and began to laugh at how dumb it was. I took out a pen and wrote on the back my so called will. I also edited it since it had many mistakes and well reading it made me so happy and reminded me of Oscar's crazy stories he told me. It was around 2 in the morning and I thought to myself or rather I made up a character who is now my conscious. Maybe it was just me being a coward or maybe I wanted to do something meaningful, but either way I was determined to do something. “If I can laugh at this little thing I wrote for fun, can't I try to make a story that will motivate people?” The next day I skipped lunch and started writing my stories. They were simple short scenes, but I didn't know what to write about. I didn't want to mimic my story I wanted to change it, but how? When I got home I asked my brother Tommy if he had a power he said regeneration and some magic like thing. I told him I wanted electric powers and thought to myself what if I shot a quarter with a bunch of electricity. That night I watched a little show called To Aru Majutsu no Index. I fell in love with Kamijou Touma (insert all the love) instantly because of his silly yet awesome nature, but Misaka Mikoto Aka Biri Biri Aka Tokiwadai Ace flicks that coin and shoots large beam of electricity. My first words for this show was “Who are these guys?!” I woke up my brother, but he went to bed again so it wasn't an issue. I ended watching it til I had to go to school and by that time I was already on season 2. I watched it again and again for the next 3 days. I couldn't get it out of my head. These heroes and heroines with epic lines morals that will not change for anyone and choose for themselves whose really in charge of their own fate. ““I don’t just think I’m a hero. I will be the hero." That was it who is my Touma, who is my Railgun, and who am I? I published one of my stories and well it was fun to do, but was pretty expensive. I didn't care cause I have a physical form of my characters. I know its a silly little tale, but its my tale on how I stopped wearing a mask and became human. I don't really care what happens now because I'll keep making my main character be him. I even managed to get a girlfriend, quick hint guys just be yourself and don't try to lie your way through a relationship.(Aka be honest and understanding because its easy to fall in love, but its more worth to be able to be with the one you have fun being with.)
So tell me your opinions and if you guys have any stories to tell I’ll be happy to listen to them. Maybe I should be an editor so I can read all the stories I want. One last thing, "Thank you Kazuma Kamachi for writing such lovely stories that manage to become even more wonderful the more I read them. Happy 10th anniversary of staying one of the top Light Novel writers and inspiring me to create my World of Ex Vices." Now lets see if I can make a World War II vet and a kitsune fall in love. © 2015 One Lost Anti-HeroAuthor's Note
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Added on February 21, 2015Last Updated on May 11, 2015 Author![]() One Lost Anti-HeroTXAboutI'm just a person that can be described in very few words. Shy, simple, and human are just to name a few. I like to put on a mask and use various personalities to try to make things as relaxing If we .. more..Writing