![]() November 15, 1451A Chapter by One Lost Anti-HeroI found out that I had been left in a district during the midst of winter in the younger days of Japan. It was a very nice place except for the death inducing samurais, disturbing morals that the society provided, and the lack of a proper place to find meat. I worked at this terrible woman establishment for over a month I was already prepared run away as fast as I could, but Tama was able to stop me on multiple occasions. Even when I offered to take her with me she would keep saying that we would die out there and to be honest she was right. Anyways I was instructed to go to town and buy some wine by the lady that owned the pub. Apparently the place I had awoken to a cat house for men to relieve their stress. I found it disgusting that a girl like Tama was working in such a filthy place, but I guess there wasn’t much of a choice for her. The image of that man from yesterday stuck itself inside my head because I didn’t like the way he was staring at her. “Sigh. I better hurry before something happens to Tama.” I ran around town looking for a place that looked like it sold, but the town was so enormous that I couldn’t even tell where I was. “I wish Jake was here. He would have been able to spot liquor the moment he got here and him knowing how to read Japanese would have helped too.” I ran aimlessly searching for the wine shop, but ended up getting lost in the process. After an hour or two of wandering around I saw a tall bulky samurai standing outside of a large palace. “Mr. Samurai, can you tell me where the place that sells wine is.” He stood there not even taking a glance at me. I waved my arms in his face, but he just continued to stand there looking straight at the town. On another note I was able to speak Japanese while I was here, but I couldn’t read it at all for some reason. “Hey Mr. Samurai, can you please point me to a place that sells wine? Hello?” Maybe he was one of those blind deaf samurai that can kill with a single strike or he was just ignoring me. The samurai finally moved holding by my shoulder and pushed me against the ground. “Kneel before the empress.” His voice was monotone and his actions were strict. He held me down without a single ounce of effort as I struggled to get free. A Japanese carriage carried by four men grazed my vision as it went inside the palace for a brief moment before the door closed I saw a woman step out of the vessel and to my surprise the girl looked surprisingly like Izumi. She wore a brightly colored blue kimono and had her hair full of jewels to match. She turned around to look at me and my heart stopped. I felt cold like if something was reaching inside my body and put ice in it. “Let him go and get back to work, Mr. YukiMôri.” Her tone was strict and cold forcing the man to get off me. “Yes ma’am.” He said politely. “Help him with his task and get back to the palace. I will not accept failure understood.” The samurai bowed in agreement then took my arm and dragged me into town. The man seemed unwavering as he moved through the crowds with ease. The townspeople all greeted him, but wasn’t a neighborly hello; it was more of, “I’m saying hello politely cause he has a weapon”, kind of deal. “So do you like being a samurai?” I wanted the awkwardness that seems to be drenched in the air to disappear, but he still distantly dragging me to what I presume is the wine store. As we continued to walk he didn’t say a single word or look my way at all. I would try to start a conversation, but he would just continue to haul me in a general direction. When he stopped moving we were in front of a small shop and he let go of my hand. He walked inside the shop for a couple minutes before returning outside with a large jar. He placed the jar in my hands and left without a single word. I wanted to thank him, but he left before I could say anything. After that I ran back to the house hoping to be able to relax after all that running, but the moment I walked into the door the jar was taken by that woman and told to go clean the bathhouse. If I was in any other scenario I would have told her to buzz off and knock her teeth in; however in the corner of my eye I saw Tama giving me the, “don’t do it”, look, so I did what she asked without fighting her. I worked until it was around midnight when all the guest began to calm inside their rooms leaving Tama and I to rest in our little shed. “Man that was so much work that I can’t believe that you can stand to do this every day.” I watched Tama stare at the night sky as it enveloped her in its bright ominous glow through the small windowsill. She looked sad and lost in thought as I tried to talk to her. I shook her shoulder making her notice me. “Oh yes it was.” She replied. “Is something the matter?” I asked. “It’s nothing, really I’m just tired.” She was trying to avoid me making slightly angry. “Tama remember that I want to be here for you, so you have to open up to me. Unless you don’t want me to…” “No. It’s just that well…” “What is it? “You remember that man that was here yesterday; the one standing at the door.” I was shocked that she had mentioned him. Did he do something to her? I swear if he did than I will have to make him regret it. She spoke softly barely audible, but the sorrow could be felt in her voice. “In the next spring I have to become that man’s betrothed, so these days of us living out our days like this will end.” Fiancé! She’s only like ten years old how is she already engaged too such a man. My heart tore itself out of my heart as I began to think of the horrid things that he would do to her. How did something like this happen to me on my first couple of weeks here? You’ve got to joking with me Aki. “I don’t know what I should do. I don’t want to be with that man. I just want to live my life the way it is now. A nice calm life without any riches or people who want to take me for granted. Why can’t I just have my wish come true? Why do people like him try to ruin things when there is nothing wrong with my life?” Tama held her head trying to forget everything. Tama shook it violently like this was experience she had before, but that was impossible since she was no more than ten years old. “Tama, its okay. I solemnly swear that I will help you achieve your dream without any failures. I will find us a small cottage so that we can farm up our food and live life day by day.” What was I saying? There is no way I can keep that promise because I have to go back to my own place. I wish I could stay by her side, but I have a family to look after. “You’re lying like everyone else Francais! I can see it in your eyes. You’re going to leave me by myself and blame me again just like everyone else.” She yelled. Her hands holding her head as if she was in great pain. I reached over to try to calm her, but she pushed me away. “Stay away from me you liar! I don’t want to be hurt anymore. If you’re not going to keep your promise then just leave me alone so I can by myself.” “But Tama I…” She covered her ears deafening my voice. I tried to speak to her, but she wouldn’t even look my direction. She sat in the corner with a small blanket that the lady gave her since we were sleeping in the same room. As I lay across from her staring out at the night sky I could feel my heart sink into my chest wondering what I should do next. Am I just a liar like my father? Even though I said that I would be different I wasn’t any better than that man. I had to decide what I was going to do, was I going to stay by this lovely girl in the hopes of protecting her or go back to my family with a future not worth seeing. I know in my heart is telling me that staying beside her is more important than anything at the moment, but there’s a part of me that wants to go home. However I couldn’t help think about what was my home again. I tried to think about it, but the image continues to slip away. “Stupid Franchias.” Tama whispered in her sleep. I smiled at the sight of this girl curious about what I was doing in her dream. I slid myself besides her stroking her hair because it made me feel calm. My eyes grew heavy as watched the feet outside decrease in number. A small coin rolled through the window landing on top of my head. I couldn’t read it or determine which side was heads or tails, so I just gave it based on its picture. “Heads I stay; tails I search for a way home.” I knew that a scholar like I making a decision based off of luck was irrational, but I flipped the coin before collapsing on the floor watching it fall to the ground. I took a glance even though my eyes were blurry and it was heads I think. “I guess I’ll keep that promise.” I gave her my jacket and huddled myself beside her. I closed my eyes thinking of my next step to make this girl’s dream come true. “I will invest myself solely on your dream and I won’t falter either.” I didn’t know why, but in this body I could only sleep when I was cuddling something. My body held Tama close as I begun to forget about my past or would it be my future. Francais had already fallen asleep, but Tama was still awake listening to him the whole time. She didn’t move because she knew he might have woken up to see her bright red face. “I’m such an idiot. I must have sounded like the most childish brat that he’s ever met.” She turned to face him glad that he was going to keep his promise, but she couldn’t help feeling that something was watching her. Tama lied motionless as a shadow appeared from the window. The person or thing was breathing heavily almost like they were gasping for air, then she heard the night guards yell come from a distance. “Where is that wench. How dare she try to trick the empress guards?” The soldiers yelled. Who was this person she thought. Wasn’t this woman afraid of being executed? “Sorry boys, but if you want a piece of me then you’ll have to catch me first.” The woman at the window yelled and as she stopped to look inside the window Tama soon recognized the shadow. “Hey how are ya? Did he give you your name yet? It’s just like I told ya right?” “Yeah.” It was that enchanted lady that had helped her since she was first trapped in this cage. The woman always gave her treats or gave her advice if she ever needed it. “What is it? “The woman sat relaxed looking through the window, but the light’s shadow kept Tama from seeing her face.” “Tama no mae no. I think.” Tama forgot what the actual name was even though he had just named her today. It was hard to tell, but the woman was smiling gently. “I think the name was Tamamo-no-mae, right?” The way she spoke was very soothing and relaxing, it was like someone old recalling memories. “Good, because to be honest I thought that this one was going to be a flop, but whatever it’s your lover not mine. Take good care him okay and I didn’t forget about the promise either. Well I got to go since these guards are chasing bait that they can’t catch, peace.” “Yes.” Without a single sound the woman had vanished into the night. The woman spoke with a lot of weird dialect, but Tama always thought that it made that girl more charming. Tama cuddled next to Francais stroking his short blond hair thinking about her future. “Lover, huh?” She thought before falling asleep hoping that her dream will come true.
© 2015 One Lost Anti-Hero |
Added on January 16, 2015 Last Updated on March 15, 2015 Author![]() One Lost Anti-HeroTXAboutI'm just a person that can be described in very few words. Shy, simple, and human are just to name a few. I like to put on a mask and use various personalities to try to make things as relaxing If we .. more..Writing