![]() The Red, The Blue, and The FUgly Season 1 Finale: Battle StationsA Screenplay by William E. Self Jr.![]() The season finale is basically just a longer episode meant to end this storyline while beginning another.![]() The Red, the Blue, and the FUgly Written by: William Edward Self Jr. Makers: William Edward Self Jr. & Alexander Paul LeBlanc Red = Red TeamBlue = Blue TeamGray = Unimportant CharactersBlack = Important people. {Name}= Computer Training:Battle Stations Part 1 [Temple Ruins] {Atmosphere Disorientation} Revenger : [Walks Up To Temple Walls] What am I doing here? [Looks Around] Hello! Is anyone here?[Silence] Well that’s not good. [Starts To Run Away] Avenger : [Appears In Doorway] Revenger!Revenger : [Stops] [Turns To Face Avenger] Avenger? What are you doing here?Avenger : We have a mission remember?Revenger : Actually no I don’t. I thought we were through here.Avenger : No remember?Revenger : No I don’t remember. What is the mission?Avenger : We have to stop them remember?Revenger : [Stands Silent] How many times are you going to ask me that?Avenger : That’s the secret code remember?Revenger : [Looks At Camera] [Looks At Avenger] No I don’t remember. Why don’t you enlighten me on what we are doing her.Avenger : Come in and I’ll show you. [Gestures Revenger To Go In]Revenger : Is it really worth it? I mean if I miss my show I’m really going to be angry.Avenger : Come on. [Runs in Temple]Revenger : This can’t be too good. [Runs In Temple Ruins][Looks Around] Well where are you? Avenger : [Pulls Out Sword In the Shadows] Here.Revenger : Where did you get that? What is that? And why do I get the feeling that you are going to use it against me?Avenger : You have one too remember?Revenger : I don’t have….one too. How’d I get this?Avenger : You don’t remember? You killed me and now I’m here for my revenge.Revenger : What?Avenger : Why’d you do it? Why’d you kill me?Revenger : I didn’t kill you.Avenger : Why’d you do it? [Starts Walking Toward Revenger]Revenger : [Starts Backing Up] I don’t know what you are talking about.Avenger : Why’d you do it?Revenger : I didn’t do anything. Well unless you count the time that I put pepper in your dads helmet. That I will take full credit for. HA! Man he sneezed for a week.Avenger : You will die! [Charges At Revenger]Revenger : [Deflects Sword] What are you doing?Avenger : Die! [Swings Sword]Revenger : [Deflects Sword] [Backs Away]Avenger : Why’d you do it? [Swings Sword]Revenger : [Backs Up To Hole] Fine! I’m sorry! I was only following orders!Avenger : For that you will die! [Swings Sword]Revenger : AH! [Falls In Hole]Avenger : [Whispers] why’d you do it? {Repeats}Revenger : NOOOOO![Reality] [Red Base] Revenger : NOOOOOOO!!Avenger : REVENGER!!!!Revenger : [Wakes Up] What? What happened?Avenger : You were sleeping. I’d guess you was having a nightmare, again.Revenger : Man I haven’t had any sleep for the past week. I keep having the same dream every single night.Avenger : I can tell. I’m about to start charging you for every time I have to wake you up.Revenger : Go ahead! You can have my yearly pay.Avenger : Dumbass you don’t have a yearly pay. [Laughs]Revenger : YES! Oh yes!Avenger : No you don’t. [Continues Laughing]Revenger : No not that.Avenger : What then? What are you so happy about?Revenger : I so set you up for that one.Avenger : Set me up for what?Revenger : See I already knew that I don’t have a yearly pay and I was waiting for you to say that so I could say this: That’s the point! HA!Avenger : [Remains Silent]Revenger : I got you! Admit it! I got you!Avenger : Oh yeah Revenger you got me.Revenger : I did I know. Thank you.Avenger : So should I wait for you to finish your celebration to tell you that we now have a yearly pay or just tell you now?Revenger : I so got you! I knew I’d get, wait what?Avenger : Yeah after we destroyed that temple the UNSC decided that we deserved to get paid for all our hard work, so they set up a yearly pay.Revenger : They did what!? You mean I can afford to buy my coffee every morning now? SWEET! Now I don’t have to steal it.Avenger : Yeah as a matter of fact we got our first check today.Revenger : What! Really?Avenger : Really. I got about a hundred thousand credits.Revenger : Whoa! A hundred thousand credits?Avenger : Yep.Revenger : Man that’s like a hundred fifty-five thousand cups of coffee.Avenger : The coffee is free.Revenger : Yeah right. [Looks At Avenger For A Moment]Avenger : [Nods Head]Revenger : Really? Are you serious?! God I’m going to kill Dodger! He told me that in order to have a cup of coffee I had to either steal it or pay a buck fifty-five for one. Damn I’m going to kill him.Avenger : No need.Revenger : Why?Avenger : He got sent out this morning to the front.Revenger : Dodger?Avenger : Yeah. [Looks Away]Revenger : Man.Avenger : That’s already four hundred in the last two days. Anymore and this place is going to be gone.Revenger : Gone? Come on.Avenger : [Looks At Revenger] What?Revenger : Well it’s not like someone can just come and move this place.Avenger : [Stares At Revenger]Revenger : It’s way too big. No one is that strong.Avenger : I actually have no comment for that one.Revenger : It’s probably a good thing.Avenger : Why?Revenger : I don’t think that I would have been able to take it. Not after having that dream.Avenger : In that case. You are the stupidest person on the planet. How’s that?Revenger : Old. I’ve heard it before.Avenger : It’s nice to see that you are getting used to be insulted.[Blue Base] [Control Room] Connors : [Stares At Computer Screen]Chain : [Walks In Room] Sir.Connors : What is it Chain?Chain : Sir I just wanted you to know that I am sorry what command has done.Connors : They had no right to do it.Chain : No sir.Connors : I spent twelve years building that army.Chain : Yes sir. I’m sure it would have been a grand army of droids.Connors : The plant was shut down. And now they are taking my men from me.Chain : Well sir that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.Connors : [Turns To Face Chain] What is it?Chain : I got a transmission this morning.Connors : What did it say?Chain : I have been selected to be sent to the front line, along with two hundred more men.Connors : How could they do this to me? [Turns To Computer Screen] Data!{Data}: Yes sir? Connors : Pull up head count of all the soldiers left at this base.{Data}: Yes sir. [Searches Hard Drive] Sir head count of three hundred seventy-five soldiers. Two hundred thirty-nine males and one hundred thirty-six females. Connors : How many did we have before the draft?{Data}: [Searches Hard Drive] Two thousand twenty-four. Connors : Thos are bad numbers. [Turns To Chain] Do you see what we are being brought down to?Chain : Yes sir.Connors : In just a few more weeks we will be brought down to nothing. Graduation for you and the rest of the men that helped you in destroying that underground factory is in just a few day, two day to be exact, and you won’t even be here to be promoted to a true Spartan.Chain : No sir, I won’t.Connors : When do you have to leave?Chain : Right away sir.Connors : Then I will promote you right now.Chain : Sir?Connors : [Walks Up To Chain] You were a good recruit Private Chain. You have successfully driven yourself through all the ranks. I hereby, this day, promote you to a true Spartan. Now you go to the front and you show those Covenant b******s what it means to be a true Spartan! You kill every f*****g one of them.Chain : Sir, yes sir.Connors : Do you hear me Spartan! BRING THEM HELL!Chain : SIR, YES SIR!Connors : [Nods Head][Red Base] [Target Range] Revenger : [Shoots Fusion Coil][Fusion Coil Explodes] You know I don’t see how this war has gone on this long. Butch : Me either. But if you want my opinion, [Shoots Fusion Coil][Fusion Coil Explodes] I think it’s because the Covenants have too much screwing time. [Laughs] Revenger : [Laughs] Yeah probably so. [Shoots Fusion Coil][Fusion Coil Explodes] Hey come to think of it I’ve never actually seen a female elite. Think they might be gay fuckers? Butch : [Laughs] [Shoots Fusion Coil][Fusion Coil Explodes] [Looks At Revenger] I wouldn’t be surprised. Have you seen how ugly those b******s are? Revenger : Well all I ever see is the face things that they have. They cover up their mouths. I saw one but I was pissin’ my suit so bad that I didn’t know what to think. [Laughs]Invisible Figure: [Walks Into Target Range] [Looks At Butch & Revenger] Revenger : You know what I think we should do?Butch : What’s that?Revenger : I think that we should just give them a gift.Butch : I knew I shouldn’t have challenged you to a shot off.Revenger : Nah, see, we give them a “gift”. The gift is in the form of something that they would really enjoy, but inside is a bomb that would destroy their entire planet. That would wipe them all out. Then the war would be over.Butch : You know I was talking to Tony the other day about the same idea. My idea didn’t include a bomb in the form of some gift, it just was to take and shoot their planet with a huge, massive nuke that would destroy them all. I think it would work.Revenger : I don’t. See the problem with that is the fact that…Invisible Figure: [Growls Lightly] [Turns To Face Soldier] Soldier : Yeah, yeah, yeah I know you really need it, but I can only move so fast.Invisible Figure: [Runs In Hall] Soldier : [Stops Outside Hall] Look I’ll call you back once I get it.{ Soldier}: Ok man but I really need it. Be sure to get me grenades while you’re there.Soldier : Don’t worry I won’t. [Hangs Up] God such a baby. [Walks In Hall]I knew it right her where he left it. [Crouches Down By Backpack] Invisible Figure: [Reappears] [Draws Sword] [Target Range] Butch : You ready for the final round?Revenger : As always. What’s the score?Butch : You have six, I have five. This is the final four.Revenger : Well what can I say? I’ve got skill especially with this. [Picks Up Spartan Laser]Butch : Uh, Revenger I think that you should put that down.Revenger : Why? I’m dead aim with this gun. Watch I’ll show you.Avenger : [Drives Up On Mongoose] [Get’s Off Mongoose] Ah man I dropped my gun. [Walks off] [Walks back to Mongoose] I’ll just put this here for…..Butch : No Revenger don’t![Spartan Laser Shot] [Mongoose Explodes] Avenger : WHAT THE F**K! HOLY S**T!Revenger : Well [Clears Throat] I may be a little rusty.Butch : [Looks At Revenger]Avenger : [Walks Into Target Range] [Stares Down Revenger]Butch : [Turns To Face Revenger]Revenger : [Turns To Face the Wall] [Turns Back] Ok I know what you’re thinking but I have a good explanation for it.Avenger : Oh I bet!Revenger : Oh I do. See you remember when I was telling Pa that they should switch the light on this thing to red for the safety being off and green when it’s on? Well this was a good example.Avenger : You dumpfuck! You almost shot me with that damn gun! You could have killed me!Revenger : Yes, but I didn’t did I?Butch : He has a point.Avenger : Shut up! How many times do I have to tell you not to ever pick up that weapon?Revenger : That depends, how many times have you already told me not to?Avenger : I’d say about a thousand times.Revenger : Well there’s your problem. Everyone knows that the only way for something to truly sink in you have to tell me a thousand and one times.Avenger : I swear I’m going to……Soldier : [Screams In Pain]Avenger , Revenger, & Butch: [Turn To Hall]Butch : What was that?Revenger : A scream.Butch : [Looks At Revenger]Revenger : Hey you asked.Avenger : Come on!Avenger , Revenger, & Butch: [Runs In Hall]Elite : [Turns Invisible]Avenger : Shoot him!Elite : [Runs Away]Avenger : After him! [Crouches Down By Soldier] Come on you’re going to make it.Revenger & Butch: [Runs After Elite]Avenger : Damn! Come on!Revenger & Butch: [Walk Back To Avenger]Butch : He got away.Avenger : He’s dead.Revenger : What did he want?Avenger : To send a message. Maybe, or maybe he was spying on us.Butch : Why? What do we have that’s of any importance?Scorm : Delta.All : [Turn To Face Scorm]Avenger : What?Scorm : They’re after Delta.Revenger : That pile of jumbled wires and lose circuits?Scorm : They want his Hard Drive.Avenger : Why?Scorm : Take the body to the infirmary then meet me in the Control Room. [Walks Away]Avenger : [Looks At Revenger]Revenger : [Looks At Avenger]Avenger : [Looks At Butch]Butch : [Looks At Revenger]Revenger : Well I’m not touching that dead body.[Ruined Temple] Elite : [Looks At Temple] I can’t believe it still stands.Second Elite : It goes to prove that the ancient ones built great things.Elite : Yes, but they forgot to protect it.Second Elite : That is why we are here.Elite : Humph! And we will defend it with our lives.[Gunshot] Second Elite : [Falls Down Dead]Elite : Huh!? [Turns To Face Shooter][Second Gunshot] Elite : [Falls Down]Ben, Gus, T**d, & Black Sheep: [Walks Up To Elite Bodies] Ben: That wasn’t too difficult. Black Sheep: Were you expecting it to be? Ben: Not entirely. This race was suppose to be higher in intelligence than the humans. Gus: That goes to prove that no life form can survive. Tycoon: It wouldn’t matter. Ben, Gus, T**d, & Black Sheep: [Turn to face Tycoon] Tycoon: [Walks Up] We will destroy them all one by one, then all at once. [Walks Toward Temple] Ben, Gus, T**d, & Black Sheep: [Follows Tycoon] [Missile Base] [Sniper Lookout] Nut : [Looks At Franky]Bucket : [Walks Up To Nut] [Looks At Franky] How long is he going to stay out there?Nut : My guess is until he dies. [Laughs]Bucket : Hey I have an idea.Nut : Oh really what’s that?Bucket : Let’s shoot at him to see who can get the closest.Nut : That’s a f****n awesome idea! [Get Sniper Rifle]Bucket : Oh yeah! [Shoots Shot At Franky]Franky : Hey! Watch it!Bucket & Nut: [Snickers]Nut : [Fires A Shot] This is fun. [Laughs][Computer Room] [Shots Being Fired In Background] [Static On Radio] {Soldier}: Is anybody there? I repeat, is anybody there? Brown Soldier : I read you. What’s your name soldier?{Soldier}: Oh thank God. I’m corporal Sanchez. I’m with grade two sector eleven. Who is this? Brown Soldier : You are speaking with Sergeant Carl Swalsky. What can I do for you?{Sanchez}: We need help out here. We’re getting bombarded by the Covenant! [Explosions In Background] {Sanchez}: There’s too many of them! [Plasma Sounds In Background] Swalsky : I’m sorry but this is a missile base, the only thing that I can do is send a message to command; however I can aid you from here. I can tell you now that I can’t see how it would make a difference.{Sanchez}: Why not? [Explosion] We’re dieing out here! Swalsky : Because command never responds to any calls within twenty-four hours. Then when they do it normally takes them a week or so before sending help.{Sanchez}: You said you were at a missile base right? Swalsky : Affirmative.{Sanchez}: Shoot a missile at coordinates 30.5, 50.66. Swalsky : I need confirmation. 30.5, 50.66?{Sanchez}: Affirmative! Swalsky : Firing in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Missile has been fired and is on it’s way following the path to land and detonate at coordinates 30.5 and 50.66. Good luck soldier.[Elites Roars] DAMN IT! Sanchez!? {Sanchez}: How long will it take for the…… [Large Explosion] [Static] Swalsky : DAMN!Nut & Bucket: [Runs In Computer Room]Nut : What the hell was that?Swalsky : [Looks At Nut] Are men are dieing. I sent a missile to the coordinates. Little did I know that the only reason that he wanted me to send a missile was so that the LZ wouldn’t fall to the Covenant.Bucket : So what you’re saying is that you killed them?Swalsky : [Looks Away] Yes.Nut : Humph good enough for me. Hey Bucket let’s go shoot at Franky some more.Bucket : Hell yeah!Nut & Bucket: [Run Out Of Computer Room]Swalsky : Command I send you this message on behalf of the brave Spartans of grade two sector eleven. I am sorry to have to tell you that the LZ was destroyed; however the LZ was not lost to the Covenant. A missile was sent and has destroyed everything there. This is Sergeant Carl Swalsky, Spartan ID R56 number 155 of Missile Base 43. Out. [Walks Out of Computer Room]{Command}: Understood Spartan 155. Someone will be down right away to speak with you about the situation. Part 2[Red Base] [Control Room Hallway] Avenger , Butch, & Revenger: [Walks Down Hallway]Revenger : You know I hope that this isn’t another one of his stupid speeches that he normally gives.All : [Stops Walking]Avenger : [Looks At Revenger]Revenger : [Looks At Avenger]Butch : [Looks At Avenger & Revenger]Avenger : You know all you ever do is get on his nerves. We are losing men everyday and all you can do is make things worse than they already are. My father is losing all the men that he trained and most of them are more than likely dieing out on the battlefield. It is killing him inside to think of the men he has known for so many years are dieing. So can we for once go in there and see what he has to say?Revenger : Sure.Avenger & Butch: [Walks Away]Revenger : As long as it isn’t a stupid speech. [Follows]Scorm : [Stands Up]Avenger , Revenger, & Butch: [Walks In Control Room]Scorm : [Walks Up To Avenger, Revenger, and Butch] I’m going to cut right to the reason I called you here. As you know we destroyed that factory under the ground. We thought it was over but was highly incorrect. Those droids are no longer a threat seeing how they were all destroyed during the explosion. Now we have to direct our focus to the Covenant. They are out numbering us by large amounts.Revenger : Exactly how large? Because if they get any bigger I don’t think we can beat them with just shooting. We might have to start bombing them.Scorm : [Ignores] So as you three know you have graduation in two days. Well I have one more mission for you and the others that you will be graduating with. Delta and Data are the two main computers on this planet. They both make up half of the computer that command uses. I want you to take both Delta and Data’s hard drives to a base out near the Mumbasha region.Avenger : That’s out in the middle of the fighting.Revenger : What!? It is? Well just count me out! I think I would rather be pushed around the rest of my life rather than die for two computers.Scorm : [Gets In Revenger’s Face] Maybe you don’t understand what I’m doing for you! Do you realize that if you don’t go do this last mission you will be sent out there now? By taking this mission they can not draft you. I’m doing you a favor by helping you to graduate. You would be just another soldier out there and would more than likely die. So you can man up and take this mission or stay here, get drafted to the front, and die like the rest of my men! It’s your choice.Revenger : Well when you put it that way, I guess I could just consider this some kind of vacation.Avenger : So what exactly should we do?Scorm : I will give you the hard drive from Delta then you will go and pick up the Blue team and their computer’s hard drive. From there you will take it to a Base near the Mumbasha region called Old Rusty Outpost.Revenger : Yeah that’s not weird.Scorm : There you will talk to a man called Jugger, he’s part of the Orange team. He will know what to do with them.Avenger : So why are we doing this exactly?Scorm : They Covenant need to get their hands on these two hard drives because they hold valuable information about every operation in the entire Spartan training facilities. If they got their hands on these hard drives they would know exactly where to take us out. They human race would then come to an end with no one defending it.Butch : Take us out from the inside. That’s a good plan but bad for us.Scorm : Exactly. That’s why I asked you to do this. Do you accept.Avenger : Yes sir.Butch : Yes sir.Revenger : Sure whatever. But only because you asked so nicely.Scorm : You go and pack your things for the trip. I will go to the Blue base and inform them of the entire plan at hand. They only know a little portion of it.[Ruined Temple] [Underground Factory] Ben: Not much was destroyed. Those humans obviously had no idea what they were doing. Black Sheep: What human does? T**d: That Avenger knows too much as it is. Tycoon: He is not the one we should fear. All: [Looks At Tycoon] Tycoon: Revenger knows something. T**d: That moron? That human has no brain. How could he possibly know anything? Tycoon: He knows more than you think he does. He’s hiding something. I will find out. Begin to rebuild our army, his army, is our first objective. Then, we will kill them all. Workers! BUILD! [Explosions] [Machinery Sounds] [Red Base] Avenger : [Walks Up To Butch] Are they ready to go?Butch : [Works On Mongoose] They don’t need much more until they are done.Avenger : What was wrong with them?Revenger : The muffler was busted on this one and the axles had to be replaced.Butch : The axle was the main problem with this one and it needed some more oil and the starter wasn’t working so it had to be replaced.Avenger : What else do you need?Butch : It should be done in a few minutes. I’m just welding up this hole on the axle.Avenger : Ok Revenger in that case me and you should go get the weapons.Revenger : You act like we are going straight into war.Butch : [Looks At Avenger]Avenger : [Looks At Butch] [Looks Back At Revenger]Revenger : We are aren’t we?Avenger : This is the only way to make sure that we don’t go right up front. We are going to be just passing through most of the fights, but we might have to help with some of them.Revenger : Ok then let’s do this. [Walks Away]Avenger : Butch make sure that these mongooses can take a lot.Butch : A lot like a bumpy ride, or battle wise?Avenger : Both. [Walks Away][Control Room] Avenger : [Walks In]Scorm : I’ve been to Blue base. They are waiting for you.Avenger : Are the other men there?Scorm : No. They are still at the missile base that you were talking about. I figured that I should not mention them to command.Avenger : They will be marked as MIA.Scorm : Anything to keep them from dieing.Avenger : So it will be me, Revenger, Chain, and Butcher?Scorm : No. Chain has been sent to the front line. It will be you, Revenger, Butch, Butcher, Radio, and Aqua.Avenger : Aqua? Radio? Who are they?Scorm : They were scouts of the Blue team.Revenger : [Walks In Doorway] We’re ready.Avenger : Ok.Revenger : So let’s go.Avenger : Give me a minute.Revenger : Oh no I know what you mean when you say one minute. You mean to give you as much time as you want, which normally means an hour or two.Avenger : Would you just go warm up the mongooses?Revenger : Fine! But only because you asked me so nicely. [Walks Away]Avenger : Father.Scorm : You are going to come back. I promise you.Avenger : That’s not what I wanted to say.Scorm : [Turns Around] What then?Avenger : I really don’t want to go with Revenger. Can’t I just leave him here?Scorm : [Stares At Avenger]Avenger : What?Scorm : So you really expect me to keep the worst soldier in the entire UNSC army here with me?Avenger : Uh yeah?Scorm : No. He goes with you. I don’t want him here with me.Avenger : Why not?!Scorm : I have never killed any of my men. I’d like to keep it that way.Avenger : Point made. I’ll just have to endure the pain.Scorm : I’m sure you can handle it.[Outside Red Base] Revenger : [Drives Mongoose] One hundred bottles of mongoose oil on the wall, one hundred bottles of coke! Take one down, pass it around, ninety-nine bottles of mongoose oil on the wall.Avenger : [Drives Mongoose] Oh man.[Missile Base] Swalsky : How long are you guys going to shoot at Franky?Nut : I thought we’d do it all f****n day. [Laughs] why? You want to join us?Swalsky : No, no reason. I was just wondering, if you can get that close to hitting him how come you don’t become a sniper?Nut & Bucket: [Swings Around To Face Swalsky]Swalsky : What?Nut : Well see the thing is that we did try out for sniping.Swalsky : And?Bucket : We shot the judge.Swalsky : Why?Nut : We weren’t aiming for him.Swalsky : I don’t follow.Bucket : See we can’t actually hit what we are aiming for. We just shoot and hope to hit it.Swalsky : You seem to be missing Franky pretty well.Nut : We are actually aiming for his head.Franky : HEY! I heard that.Swalsky : So you guys haven’t passed the sniping portion of the training?Nut : Nope.Bucket : Nah I didn’t want to.Nut : I did, I just wasn’t good enough.Swalsky : Well you’re in luck. I passed that portion of the training at the top of my class. If you want I could teach you and give you certification of sniping.Nut : I don’t know that seems to be hard work.Swalsky : Nah it will be easy. Look get up tomorrow with the attitude to snipe and we will get started bright and early.Nut : You know what you’re right! I f****n deserve another shot at this and f**k it I will!Swalsky : {Sarcastically} Wonderful way of putting it.[Blue Base] [Mongoose Garage] Aqua : But Captain Connors I don’t want to go on this mission!Connors : IT won’t be that dangerous trust me, if Scorm makes a mission it’s easy.Aqua : I have no problem with the mission. I just don’t want to go with Radio. [Looks At Radio]Radio : Hey I don’t see why you hate me so much baby, I’m the love machine.Aqua : [Looks At Connors] If you don’t shoot him I will!Butcher : Calm down you two.Aqua : But!Butcher : No really, or I’ll crush you both.Connors : Thank you Butcher. Now this is an easy escort of Data’s hard drive to some base by the Mumbasha region. Scorm said something about maybe dieing but there’s a chance you won’t or something like that. Anyway just go do this and you will graduate as Spartans. Easy enough. Good luck. [Walks Away]Aqua : I can’t believe he would do this. [Turns To Radio & Butcher]Butcher : It isn’t that bad. We get to go to the fighting and then come back alive to become actual Spartans.Aqua : You obviously don’t know Radio.Radio : She’s just scared that I will die. [Looks At Aqua] Don’t worry baby even if I die you will always be the only one for me. OH! [Stares At Revenger]Revenger & Avenger: [Drive Up]Revenger : [Jumps Off Mongoose]Radio : AH! She’s beautiful.Aqua : What? [Looks At Revenger] [Looks Back At Radio] [Bursts Out Laughing]Radio : Don’t be jealous now.Aqua : You think that’s a…..[Laughs Harder]Radio : What you don’t think my moves would work on her?Aqua : I doubt it! [Laughs]Radio : Oh yeah you’re wrong!Aqua : Why don’t you go prove it? [Laughs]Radio : Maybe I will! [Runs Towards Revenger]Butcher : What’s he doing?Aqua : He thinks Revenger’s a girl. [Laughs]Butcher : Radio no wait!Radio : Nah man I got this one.Butcher : What a dumbass.Radio : He baby. How you doing? I saw you jump off this bad boy and was wondering if you think you could handle me like that.Revenger : Huh? [Turns Around] You don’t look that big. I think I could handle you.Radio : Deep voice? Wow I like it. Wait what? Not that big? You have no idea how wrong you truly are. I make all the ladies cry for more.Revenger : Yeah well I had one one time. She came back once.Radio : Oh a bisexual? That’s hot. You can invite all the girls you want.Revenger : Yeah well she’s the only one for me.Radio : Oh you aren’t one of those that like to add a little sausage to the buns?Revenger : I’m not really a sausage fan if you know what I mean. I like the pancakes.Radio : Man that’s hot! You don’t want to try just one time?Revenger : I did. I gagged for hours.Radio : Four hours! Oh come on you have to try again. I don’t disappoint.Avenger & Butch: [Walks Over To Aqua & Butcher]Avenger : What’s he doing?Aqua : [Laughs Hard] [Looks At Avenger] He thinks that Revenger is.. [Laughs Harder]Butch : What? What does he think?Aqua : he thinks that Revenger’s a girl! [Laughs]Avenger : What? He thinks? He thinks that Revenger’s a…. He thinks that Revenger’s a girl?Aqua : Yes! He’s hittin on hi right now! [Laughs]Avenger , Butch, Aqua, & Butcher: [Laughs Hysterically]Radio : Nah really baby I can make it worth your while.Revenger : Hang on let me see what the guys want.Radio : Well actually I’m not like that…..Revenger : Hey guys! You want some sausage?All: [Laughs Hysterically] Avenger : Hey Revenger! I’m not gay man. You can keep all the sausage to yourself!Revenger : What? Not gay? [Moment Of Silence]Avenger : [Stops Laughing] [Looks At Aqua] So are we ready to go?Aqua : Well when those two stop making out we can leave.Avenger : [Starts Walking Away] 3, 2, 1.Revenger : OH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!![Large Explosion] Radio : [Flies]Revenger : [Walks By] You are one fucked up team.Aqua : [Snickers][Covenant Shuttle] [Control Room] Metaloid : [Watches Hologram]Ructa : [Walks In] Sire.Metaloid : What is it Ructa?Ructa : We have word from the Prophet of Truth.Metaloid : And? What does he decree?Ructa : He wants us to increase our ground troops.Metaloid : Why? We seem to have things under control.Ructa : He wants the humans completely destroyed.Metaloid : [Looks At Ructa] Tell him that it will be done.Ructa : Yes sire. [Walks Out]Metaloid : [Turns To Meetcha] Meetcha how long before we have more ships in orbit?Meetcha : Not long sire.Metaloid : What about increasing our ground troops?Meetcha : It would not take long.Metaloid : Good. Pull up Sheame on the comm.Meetcha : Yes sir. [Moves Over And Pushes Button]Sheame : What is it Metaloid?Metaloid : Have you heard?Sheame : Heard what?Metaloid : Heard that the Prophet of Truth wants us to increase our ground troops.Sheame : I have.Metaloid : How long before we can expect your ship in orbit?Sheame : We just restocked on troops and are on our way.Metaloid : I have three hundred Elites ready for battle.Sheame : I stocked up on a thousand. We’ll be in orbit no later than tomorrow.Metaloid : Good. We can run the invasion together.Sheame : Yes brother. After the drop off though, I am leaving.Metaloid : What!? Why?Sheame : There is a force on that planet that is after my ship.Metaloid : What force?Sheame : I cannot say. They may be listening as we speak.Metaloid : They? Sheame tell me what you are hiding.Sheame : I’m sorry brother but I cannot.Meetcha : He ended the transmission. [Looks At Metaloid]Metaloid : Get me down on that planet.Meetcha : What about Sheame?Metaloid : I said get me down there now!Meetcha : Yes sire. [Runs Off]Metaloid : [Looks Back At Hologram] What are you hiding brother?[Sheame’s Ship] [Control Room] Benuk : Do you think we should have told him?Sheame : No. They could have been listening. For all we know they are on their way here right now.[Desert] [Underground Factory] Tycoon: So he’s on the retreat? Ben: What should we do? Black Sheep: We should go after him now. Soldier: No. Tycoon, Ben, Black Sheep, T**d, & Gus: [Look At Soldier] Soldier: He will return. And when he does then we’ll kill him and every other race in the world. Part 3[Missile Base] [Shooting Area] Swalsky : Okay. Take your time and aim for the fusion coil. Like this. [Shoots Fusion Coil][Fusion Coil Explodes] Now you try. Nut : This should be easy. [Shoots At Fusion Coil] [Shoots At Fusion Coil][Shoots At Fusion Coil] [Shoots At Fusion Coil] [Reloads] What’d I do wrong? Swalsky : [Remains Silent] [Looks At Nut] Well you missed.Nut : Yeah but why?Swalsky : Well you weren’t aiming at it. Try again.Nut : ok. [Shoots At Fusion Coil] [Shoots At Fusion Coil] [Shoots At Fusion Coil] [Shoots At Fusion Coil] [Reloads] [Shoots At Fusion Coil] [Shoots At Fusion Coil] [Shoots At Fusion Coil] [Shoots At Fusion Coil] [Reloads]Swalsky : Oh boy.[Desert] Avenger , Revenger, Radio, & Butcher: [Drives Up]Avenger : This place looks very familiar. [Looks At Revenger]Revenger : Well duh! This is where you got us captured by those alien freaks!Avenger : I got us captured?Revenger : Finally you admit it!Avenger : What? I wasn’t admitting anything.Aqua : Boys! You think that we could get started?Revenger : [Looks At Aqua] Look lady I think that I know what I’m doing. If I don’t, let God shoot a rocket down at us.[Rocket Explodes] Point made. Let’s get the hell out of here! Avenger : Move, move, move![Rocket Explodes] Avenger , Revenger, Radio, & Butcher: [Starts Driving]Avenger : Radio!Radio : Yeah?Avenger : Get on the comm. and tell them that we are allies!Radio : Got it! Uh shooter, shooter.Soldier: This is shooter. How may I take your order? Radio : Oh well, I’ll have a number three and a number four. Hey you guys want anything!?Revenger : Oh I do! I’ll have a double cheeseburger!Avenger : Radio!Radio : Right! Make that two orders.Revenger : If I get fries will you guys get them too? I Don’t want to look like a fatty!Avenger : Cut it out!Radio : Shooter we are allies! Cease fire! I repeat, we are allies! Cease fire!Shooter: Affirmative. Ceasing fire. [Ruins] Avenger , Revenger, & Butcher: [Drives Up]Soldier : Hold your fire men. These are those parasites.Avenger : What the hell! Now you see that? You have snipers up there and none of them can tell you that we aren’t the enemy?Soldier : Well actually no they can’t, they’re all blind.Avenger : What!? Then why are they your snipers?Revenger : I’d guess that it’s because they have a sniper rifle in their hands.Avenger : [Looks At Revenger] Shut up. [Looks Back At Soldier]Soldier : Name’s Shooter.Radio : What? I was just guessing.Shooter : Well boy you knew what you was a doin.Radio : At least someone appreciates me that much.Aqua : He must be gay.Shooter : What! Me? Oh no you got it all wrong. I ain’t no pogo stick hopper.Butch : Safe to say that the UNSC army as no gays in it.Revenger : No one except Radio.Radio : Hey! That was a common misunderstanding.Revenger : How can you mistake me for a chick!?Radio : I don’t know!Avenger : Hey! Shut up! Now we need to get through here.Shooter : Through here? No can do.Avenger : Why not?Shooter : Cuz we been havin those damn lizards comin through here all damn day.Sniper : Here they come!Shooter : Whoo doggy! Battle stations!All: [Run For Cover] Revenger : How the?Avenger : Let’s go!Revenger : I knew it! They’re wizards. [Runs For Cover]All: [Remains Silent] Elites : [Walks Up]Elite : [Looks Around]Second Elite : There’s no one here sir.Elite : [Sniffs The Air] [Looks In Shooter’s Direction] [Growls]Elites : [Start Running And Shooting]Shooter : Give em hell men!Spartans: [Opens Fire] Butch : Avenger?Avenger : Let’s help them! Open Fire! [Starts Shooting]Revenger : AHHH! [Starts Shooting]Aqua : [Snipes Elite]Radio : [Snipes Elite]Butcher & Butch: [Shoots Rocket]Elite : [Throws Plasma Grenade]Sniper : [Shoots Grenade] [Snipes Elite]Shooter : Keep Shooting boys!Elite : [Throws Plasma] [Attaches Spartan With Grenade]Spartan: No! [Explodes] Avenger : Shooter! [Runs Towards Shooter] Revenger! Cover me!Revenger : Howrah! [Shoots Elite] [Runs With Avenger]Avenger : [Runs Up To Shooter] [Crouches Down And Starts Shooting]Elites : [Run Up From Behind]Revenger : [Shoots Elites]Elites : [Falls Down]Revenger : [Crouches Down] [Continues Shooting]Shooter : Whoo wee! You boys are damn good shooters!Avenger : Trained by the best team in the whole world! [Shoots Elite]Shooter : Captain Scorm?Avenger : [Stops Shooting] [Turns To Shooter] How’d you know that?Shooter : [Shoots Elite] Boy only Scorm could train a shot like that. He trained me too. Best damn teacher in the whole world. We’ve fought by each other in several battles.Sniper : Head count! Twenty more.[Horn] Avenger : What was that?Shooter : Whoo wee! Billy!Billy : [Drives Up In Elephant] Didn’t think that I would be gone too much longer did you?Sniper : They’re retreating!Spartans: [Cheer] Billy : [Get’s Out] [Runs Over To Shooter] Sorry I’m late.Shooter : Shoot nah! You’re just in time.Billy : How many did we lose?Shooter : Very few thanks to these six.Avenger , Revenger, Butch, Aqua, Radio, & Butcher: [Walk Up]Billy : [Looks At Avenger] Sorry don’t think we’ve met.Avenger : My name’s Avenger. That’s Revenger.Revenger : Howdy!Avenger : Shut up. That’s Butch.Butch : [Nods Head]Avenger : And that’s Aqua, Radio, and Butcher.Billy : Well we owe you our lives then don’t we?Avenger : No. We are just passing through. We have our own mission to do. We were just aiding you in your time of need.Billy : We appreciate it. You best be on your way. We can handle it from here. We have another shipment of troops coming in. Good luck On your travels.Avenger : Thank you. Good bye.Avenger , Revenger, Butch, Aqua, Radio, & Butcher: [Walks Away]Avenger , Revenger, Butcher: [Drive Off][Ruins] Shooter : They are gone.Soldier: Good. Everything is going according to plan. [Red Base] Scorm : [Stares At Computer Screen]Men : [Walk In]Scorm : You’re here earlier than I thought.Man : Where are they?Scorm : Who?Man : Don’t play stupid Scorm. Where is Revenger and Avenger?Scorm : On a mission.Second Man : A mission?Scorm : Yes a mission.Man : We called for no mission.Scorm : Command had one last mission. Cartaga.Man : Cartaga? We were told that someone else would take care of that mission.Scorm : I reassigned them to something else.Second Man : You have done the unthinkable. Keeping two men from their duty is against the law.Man : You will be court-martialed after the ceremony.Scorm: At least they will have a chance to live. Man : [Walks Up To Scorm] You can’t keep them from their destiny. You will court-martialed tomorrow. Have a nice day.Men : [Walk Out]Scorm : [Sighs][Old Rusty Outpost] [Battle Wages On] Avenger : God! Is this Old Rusty Outpost?Aqua : That’s what’s on the coordinates.Butch : There are little of men here.Butcher : They need help!Revenger : You know this looks very familiar. Isn’t this that Droid base or something?Avenger : It can’t be. We went the opposite direction as it. Plus it’s on a different continent.Revenger : I’m just saying.Avenger : Let’s get down there and look for Jugger!Avenger , Revenger, Butcher: [Starts Driving]Avenger : Radio, let them know we are here to help!Radio : Got it! Come in this is Private Radio of the Blue Training Facility! We are here to help.Soldier: Good! Come on in we need all the help we can get. Radio : We’re good to go!Avenger : [Jumps Off Mongoose] [Starts Shooting]Revenger : [Runs Over Elite] [Jumps Off Mongoose] [Starts Shooting]Butch : Best way to stop eh? [Starts Shooting]Aqua : [Snipes Elite]Radio : [Snipes Elite] Oh yeah! Total penetration!Aqua : [Looks At Radio] Was that really necessary?Radio : What!? [Thinks] Oh you’re a dirty minded person. [Laughs]Aqua : Have to be when you’re around. [Turns Back]Radio : Oh yeah! [Snipes Elite]Avenger & Revenger: [Runs Up To Soldiers]Soldier: Man Am I glad to see you guys! [Shoots Elite] Name’s Cage! We’ve been pinned down for about a day. Anymore comein? Avenger : No it’s just us![Explosion] Revenger : This is one hell of a first impression! [Shoots Elite]Avenger : We need to speak with a man named Jugger!Cage : Jugger? Yeah he’s up there! [Points Up Front][Explosion] Jugger : [Falls Down]Avenger : NO! [Runs Towards Jugger]Revenger : Avenger!Avenger : Cover me!Revenger : [Runs With Avenger] [Shoots Down All Elites In Path]Soldier: CHOPPERS! Cage : Where the f**k did they get those?Avenger : AQUA!Aqua : [Snipes Elite] [Reloads] [Takes Breath] Don’t miss.Elite : [Drives Chopper At Avenger & Revenger]Avenger : AQUA!Aqua : [Pulls Trigger][Shot Bounces Off Chopper] Oh God! Revenger : [Throws Grenade][Grenade Explodes] [Chopper Flies Up Then Lands] Avenger : [Stops Running]Revenger : [Runs In Front Of Avenger]Elite : [Hits Boost]Revenger : [Jumps On Front Of Chopper] [Runs Up Chopper] [Kicks Elite Out]Elite : [Falls Out Dead]Avenger : [Starts Running To Jugger]Revenger : [Drives Chopper]Jugger : [Gets Up]Avenger : [Crouches Down By Jugger] Are you alright?Butcher : AVENGER!Elite : [Drives Chopper At Avenger & Jugger]Avenger : [Turns His Back To Chopper]Revenger : [Hits Boost] [Slams Into The Side Of Elite‘s Chopper][Elite Chopper Explodes] Soldier: They’re pulling back! Jugger : Thank you soldier.Avenger : Are you Jugger?Jugger : I am. Who are you?Avenger : We need to talk.Jugger : [Stares At Avenger][Control Room] Jugger : So You’re the ones that I was suppose to look for? Do you have the computer hard drives?Avenger : Yeah.Jugger : Drop them. I don’t want to hold them.Avenger : [Signals For Aqua & Butch To Drop Them]Aqua & Butch: [Drops Hard Drives]Jugger : Everyone leave! Except for you two.Cage : Sir?Jugger : You heard me. We are about to be under attack. Get out there now.Cage : Alright men! Let’s get ready to fight.All: [Runs Outside] [Explosion] Avenger : How did you know?Jugger : When you’ve been here as long as I have you start to get the feeling of war.Avenger : Should we help?Jugger : in a moment. Do you realize that these are not hard drives right?Avenger : What?Jugger : These are not hard drives. They are weapons of the Covenant. Scorm didn’t want you to know. He was afraid that if you knew that command would find out.Revenger : I knew that it wasn’t me that was stealing the cookies at night from the cafeteria!Jugger & Avenger: [Look At Revenger] [Looks At Each Other]Jugger : Is he stupid?Avenger : Yes.Jugger : Anyway. There is a secret behind the two of you.Avenger : Oh really?Revenger : Uh! What was that Butcher?! Oh yeah ok! [Looks At Jugger & Avenger] Butcher really needs help out there. I better go help. [Runs Out]Avenger : He’s right we need to help them. We can finish this later. [Runs Out]Jugger : But…. Damn. He knows. He doesn’t want Avenger to know. Nobody does. [Runs Out][Desert] [Underground Factory] Tycoon: Just a little more and we will be ready! Worker! Worker Droid: [Flies Over] Tycoon: Call for two more piles worth of droids! Worker Droid: [Starts To Fly Away] Soldier: No! Worker Droid: [Turns Around] Tycoon: [Looks At Soldier] Soldier: We launch the assault now. Tycoon: What? Soldier: Do it! Tycoon: [Stands Silent] [Turns Around] Start the assault! Droids: [Run Toward Teleporter] [Temple Doorway] Droids: [Pour Out Door] [Underground Factory] Tycoon: [Turns To Face Unknown Soldier] [Turns Back Around] Coward droid. Ben: He’s gone? Tycoon: Start the assault. Ben: Yes. Tycoon: We’ll kill them all without him. [Missile Base] [Shooting Area] Swalsky : Well you’ve been doing well. Three days has passed and you have yet to actually hit your first fusion coil, but don’t fret. I’m sure your next shot will be the one.Nut : Yeah right. You’ve been saying that s****y line no stop the past three days.Swalsky : I haven’t said it that much.Nut : Four thousand two hundred thirty-four times.Swalsky : Whoa. You’ve been counting.Bucket : I was! But I lost track sometime yesterday. [Shoots At Franky]Swalsky : Look just pretend you are shooting someone you hate.Nut : Someone I hate?Swalsky : Sure.Nut : [Pictures Swalsky] Ah yeah I got this. [Shoots Fusion Coil][Fusion Coil Explodes] Swalsky : Wonderful! Who’d you picture?Nut : You. [Laughs]Swalsky : Uh what?Nut : Don’t worry I wouldn’t really shoot your a*s, [Mutters] unless I’m mad.Swalsky : I heard you.Nut : Oh well f**k you.Bucket : [Shoots At Franky]Nut : You know I just realized something.Swalsky : What?Nut : We’re the only ones here. Just the three of us. If someone was planning an assault now would be the best time to.Bucket : You forgot Franky! [Shoots At Franky]Franky : Thanks for remembering me!Swalsky : Well if you keep shooting at him you may eventually hit him.Bucket : Impossible. I’m not even aiming for him. [Shoots At Franky]Franky : Ah!Bucket : Oh f**k I hit him!Franky : This must be what they meant by making me stand here. [Falls Down]Swalsky : What the hell you killed him!Nut : Damn it Bucket! I knew you shouldn’t shoot at him!Bucket : Uh I didn’t do it.Nut : Now damn it! That kind of f****n bullshit is what really f****n pisses me off!Swalsky : What are you his mother?Nut : Don’t f**k with me!Swalsky : Ok sorry.Bucket : No really! We have some guys coming up the beach!Swalsky : What?Swalsky & Nut: [Run To Bucket]Swalsky : Good God! Go call for help!Nut : [Runs To Computer Room] Uh who the hell do I call?Swalsky : You are on restricted area! Leave now or we will put out fire!Bucket : [Looks At Swalsky] Uh don’t you mean in a restricted area and we will open fire?Swalsky : Don’t question me! Leave now!Droid: [Shoots Rocket] Swalsky : Oh s**t! [Jumps Right] [Jumps Back Up] You weren’t going to do anything?Bucket : I thought you had it handled.Swalsky : OPEN FIRE!Swalsky & Bucket: [Starts Shooting]Droid: [Falls Down] [Computer Room] Nut : Uh yes hello who is this?{ Revenger}: This is Roger B. Wallace. Nah! It’s Revenger what can I do for you? Nut: Revenger!? Hey a*****e you left us out here!{ Revenger}: Uh maybe you should talk to Avenger. Avenger.{ Avenger}: What?{ Revenger}: It’s Nut. You know the orange guys we stranded at that missile base?{ Avenger}: We didn’t strand them there. We just forgot about them. What the hell. Did you forget to turn off the speakerphone!{ Revenger}: Uh maybe.{ Avenger}: Dumbass! Give me that. Yes Nut what can we do for you?Nut : We have some kind of robot invasion kind of thing going on out here thought you might be able to give some assistance.{ Avenger}: Invasion? Robots?{ Revenger}: Avenger![Old Rusty Outpost] Avenger : [Turns Around]Soldier: Whoo! Reinforcements! [Walks Up To Droid] Hey man how’s it going? Droid: [Shoots Soldier With Shotgun] Destroy all the humans! Cage : Kill them! [Starts Shooting]Spartans: [Starts Shooting] Avenger : Nut put Franky on!{ Nut}: Well I can’t.Avenger : Why not?{ Nut}: Well see me and Bucket was playin around and we was shooting at him but not hitting him. Then later Bucket killed him like a dumpfuck.{ Bucket}: I f*****g did not! These robot freaks did!Avenger : Well put Swalsky on!{ Nut}: Ok hang on. [Runs Outside] Swalsky! Swalsky!{ Swalsky}: What!?{ Nut}: Avenger wants to talk to you!Cage : Keep shooting men!Spartans: [Continues Shooting Droids] { Swalsky}: What!?Avenger : We need a missile fired![Missile Base] Swalsky : What?{ Avenger} We need a missile fired at coordinates 77.3, 54.66.Swalsky : [Remembers]{Sanchez}: Shoot a missile at coordinates 30.5, 50.66. Swalsky : Firing in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Missile has been fired and is on it’s way following the path to land and detonate at coordinates 30.5 and 50.66. Good luck soldier.[Elites Roars] DAMN IT! Sanchez!? {Sanchez}: How long will it take for the…… [Large Explosion] [Static] I can’t do that I’m sorry. [Walks Out] { Avenger}: What!? Swalsky![Old Rusty Outpost] Revenger : [Throws Grenade] [Starts Shooting] What’s wrong? Is he going to send a missile?Avenger : [Looks At Revenger] [Disappointed] No.Revenger : [Stops Shooting] [Looks At Avenger]Cage : There’s no help?Avenger : [Looks At Cage]Jugger : You have to get back to Scorm. We’ll hold off as long as we can. [Looks At CageCage : [Looks At Jugger]Avenger : I’m not leaving you.Jugger : [Looks At Avenger] You have to.Cage : [Starts Shooting]Revenger : We have to get back to your dad. Come on! You have to live! [Runs Away]Avenger : I’ll be back for you! [Runs Away]Avenger , Butcher, & Revenger: [Drives Away][Missile Base] Nut : I’m out!Bucket : Me too!Swalsky : [Looks At Bucket And Nut] It was an honor serving you. [Runs Into Computer Room] [Pushes Buttons] 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.[Missile Launches] [Old Rusty Outpost] Cage : It was an honor.Jugger : No it was an honor for me.Cage : AH! [Runs At Droids]Droids: [Shoot Cage] Jugger : [Looks Up][Missile Hits Ground] [Explosion] [Missile Base] [Doors Open] Swalsky , Nut, & Bucket: [Walk Out Shooting]Droid: Kill them! Droids: [Shoot Swalsky, Nut, & Bucket] Swalsky : [Falls Down]Nut : [Snipes Droid] [Falls Down]Bucket : [Shoots Turret] [Falls Down]Swalsky : [Stares At Sky]Droid: [Runs Up] [Shoots Swalsky] [Missile Lands] [Explosion] [Red Base] Scorm : We stand here today to promote all of you to become true Spartans. No longer will you be trained by any of the training facilities. You have all become very important people, well you were before but now you have become even more important.Man : Hurry it up. You have a court to get to.Scorm : I thank all of you, even the ones that tried to make my training facility look like a horrible training base. You have all come a long way. By the power invested in me and by legal rule and right of the UNSC Command Center, I promote you all to Spartans. Rise. Spartans of the UNSC Army!Spartans: [Stand] Scorm : Before we leave today I want us to bow our heads to our fallen. Let us have a moment of silence.Droid: [Snipes Scorm] Spartans: [Stand] [Turns] [Starts Shooting Droid] Avenger & Revenger: [Runs To Scorm]Avenger : Father!Scorm : You will live longer than me.Revenger : You aren’t going to die. The bullet only grazed you.Scorm : Damn it Revenger can’t you just let me have one moment of drama in this damn film?Revenger : Sorry. [Looks At Avenger] What do we do now?Avenger : [Looks At Scorm] [Stands]Revenger : [Stands]Avenger : [Walks Through Spartans]Revenger : [Follows] Avenger?Avenger : [Turns To Spartans] [Looks At Spartans] [Turns Back] BATTLE STATIONS! [END] " 2010© 2010 William E. Self Jr. |
Added on May 18, 2010 Last Updated on May 18, 2010 Author![]() William E. Self Jr.Hornbeck, LAAboutI'm a guy that loves to express my ideas through writing. I have several books in mind to write and can't wait to have them done. 've been working on a vry imporant book lately. I plan to make it a tr.. more..Writing