![]() The Red, The Blue, and The FUgly Episode 12: Problem Solved, Case Closed, Or Is It?A Screenplay by William E. Self Jr.The Red, the Blue, and the FUgly Written by: William Edward Self Jr. Makers: William Edward Self Jr. & Alexander Paul LeBlanc Red = Red Team Blue = Blue Team Gray = Unimportant Characters Black = Important people. {Name}= Computer Training: Episode 12: Problem Solved, Case Closed, Or Is It? [Missile Base] Reginald: AHHHHHH! How do I make it stop!? Nut: Dude man when should we tell him that that song was a corrupted file and that once you start it there’s no stopping it? Bucket: Well I think he’ll figure it out in a few days. Nut: Ha ha this is great. We got him to stop talking smack about us. All he can hear now is: “F**k the f*****g f****r”. Bucket: Best line in the whole song. Nut: No joke man. Franky: Whoa! Look at me! Nut: What the hell was that for? Franky: This is the only time you guys are going to see me in this episode. Bucket: Why? Franky: Well let me rephrase that. I won’t be seen until the Grand Finale. I wasn’t told when and wasn’t told why. Nut: What were you told? Franky: To stand still and don’t move. At least act like I was talking to you two. Bucket: Odd. Well whatever. Nut: Don’t think that I care. [Covenant Ship] Sheame: That human must die! Elite: Yes your honor. Sheame: I can’t believe that he would threaten us like that! Who does he think he is dealing with? Elite: Honor! We jus received a droid transmission indicating war. Sheame: Upon who? Elite: The humans. Sheame: Then we will sit back and wait for the right time to attack. Worker Elites: [Looks At Sheame] Sheame: We will not put ourselves at a risk of dieing out. Let’s go. Worker Elites: [Looks Back At Stations] [Underground Factory] Revenger: [Jumps In Warthog] I can’t believe they would trust us to drive live vehicles. Avenger: Well if you don’t say anything we might make it out of here in one piece. Chain: I can’t stand this anymore! I want out of here. Connors: Easy Chain. If we wait a little longer we will be out of here. Scorm: I still don’t know if the plan will work. They have men watching us all over the place. Avenger: Yeah but they aren’t always watching. They will look away for the distraction. Shamus: We can’t leave without blowing this place up though. I can’t let Black Sheep get away with this. Avenger: What was he talking about you not being as loyal as you we think you are? Shamus: That is something that takes the time to tell. We will have to wait until we are out of here. Scorm: Let’s hope that’s soon. The longer we are here the more we are helping them build an army fit to destroy us all. Revenger: Well if you want my opinion… Scorm: I don’t. Revenger: We need to start by taking out one of those Kill Ball things over there. That’s what powers up this place. Avenger: Yeah but it is also indestructible. Revenger: So we let them go somehow. Connors: Yeah like make them fall. Droid: Get back to work! Avenger: We will have to wait until the time is right. Revenger: When is that? Avenger: When a worker isn’t workin like it should. And I think that I have just the one in mind. [Watches Worker Droid] Worker Droid: [Drops Warthog] Battle Droid: Hey you! Watch where you drop those things! You almost hit me! Dumb worker droid! [Walks Away] [Missile Base] Beernut: Sir…. Grumpy: WHAT? Beernut: You have a transmission. It’s him. Grumpy: Oh s**t. You didn’t tell him I was here did you? Beernut: Well he said he knew you were here so I couldn’t lie to him. Grumpy: I swear I will kill you again! Put him on! Unknown Soldier: Why have you not assembled your men? Grumpy: Well you see the thing is that we are tired of working for you. Unknown Soldier: You think that it matters to me what you think? You are either going to help destroy everyone else or fall with them! The choice is yours. [Transmission Ends] Grumpy: Man I really hate that guy! I swear that I will die one day and it won’t be because of him. Beernut: Then what was the point of even saying that? Grumpy: Oh I don’t know. I just wanted everyone to know that I really hate that guy! Now get out! Beernut: Yes sir! [Runs Out] [Underground Factory] Droid: Stop working! Get back to the holding cells! Revenger: Oh right how smart is that? You tell us to stop working then tell us to walk ourselves back to the holding cell by ourselves without anybody paying any attention to us, making it possible for our escape. Now you tell me what sense that makes. Everyone: [Stares At Revenger] Droid: Is he stupid or something? Avenger: [Looks At Droid] You have no idea. Droid: You two escort these men to the holding cell. Droids: [Escorts Everyone To the Holding Cells] Avenger: Real smart Revenger. Revenger: Why thank you Avenger, wait! Is this one of those sarcastic “real smarts?” Avenger: Yes Revenger, it is! Shamus: If they ever decide to kill us one at a time I suggest that Revenger goes first. Revenger: Why isn’t that kind of you…..wait! That’s cruel! Shamus: Wasn’t til you got it. [Ancient Room] T**d: You know this is stupid! Gus: Why is that? T**d: Because. This guy that we call master, he’s never around. Black Sheep: Well we were all created for one purpose. Ben: Just because you don’t like that we never see the master does not mean that he does not exist. Tycoon: We have to understand that he will show himself in the end. Gus: To be honest with you I couldn’t care less whether or not he shows himself. Ben: What are we going to do with the prisoners? Tycoon: Kill them later. For now our production is increasing due to their work. T**d: Why not do it now? Tycoon: We can’t do it now. Tycoon: We have a sacrifice tonight. If we go and kill them we won’t get them to understand. We want to make an example with these fleshy freaks. Gus: We want them to know what we are capable of. We will kill these nothings and make them see how powerful we really are. Unknown Soldier: [Appears As Hologram] Are we ready for the assault? Tycoon: You know I actually thought that that was you. And I thought that you were standing right there. Gus: We are ready within the next twenty-four hours. We only need a hundred more soldiers before we can start. Unknown Soldiers: You are preparing for a sacrifice? T**d: Now how did you know that? Unknown Soldier: I know many things that you don’t think that I know. T**d: Creepy. Tycoon: Yes master we are preparing to show these soldiers what it is like to oppose our will. Gus: We have four that will fall beneath us. Unknown Soldiers: Do as you will. Just get the job done. [Disappears] Tycoon: Let’s prepare for the sacrifice. All: [Walks Out] [Holding Cell] Avenger: What were you doing over there? Revenger: Nothing. Avenger: Who were you talking to? Revenger: I was talking to a rat named Jimmy. All: [Stares At Revenger] Avenger: I can’t see how that was possible but whatever. Shamus: They shut everything down. Scorm: What? Why? Connors: Maybe they are giving up. Scorm: I doubt that. Avenger: The worker droids are coming by. Let me see if I can get that little one over there. Revenger: Which one’s the little one? Avenger: Get away from me. Hey! You! Worker droid! Worker Droid: [Hums] [Turns To Avenger] Avenger: Come here. Worker Droid: [Flies Over to Avenger] Avenger: Listen I see the way they treat you. You don’t deserve that. You don’t even want to work here do you? Worker Droid: [Hums] [Shakes No] Avenger: Listen we need your help. If you let us out of here then we can make them go away. We just need your help. Will you help us? Worker Droid: [Hums] [Nods Yes] Avenger: Great open this up. Ben: Worker droid! Get out of the way! Worker Droid: [Moves Over] Ben: You humans watch this. Hit it Zombie! Zombie: Demonoid Phenomenon! Droids: [Gathers Around] Avenger: What are they doing? Scorm: I think they are having a concert. Chain: Why would they be having a concert? Ben: [Turns Around] Avenger: Ok droid help us out please. Worker Droid: [Hums] [Looks At Avenger] [Pulls Cell Wall Aside] Avenger: Ok Captain, me, Shamus, and Revenger will go to the radio tower over there and send out some sort of transmission and hope that someone hears it. The rest of you stay here. Scorm: Ok. Go! Avenger, Revenger, & Shamus: [Runs Toward Radio Tower] Butcher: Awkward how the Captain takes orders from the lower rank. Droids: [Look At One Another] Avenger: Ok here we are. Revenger: Yeah well who will we send this to? Shamus: We can send it to three teams. We can send it to Paradise Falls, your base, and that missile base where we met that a*****e of a Captain. Avenger: Done. [Radio Static] Revenger: Don’t forget that I said to say hello. Avenger: We are in terrible trouble. We are about thirty clicks west of Missile Base 7789. Droids: [Bring In Four Spartans] Droids: KILL THEM! Scorm: What are they doing? Connors: Hey those are blue team members. Chain: Barbarians! Connors: What are they doing? Scorm: They are killing them! Droids: [Crush One Spartan] [Shoots Others] Zombie: Stop them! Droids: [Look At Avenger, Revenger, & Shamus] Avenger: Send as many troops as you can! Alright that’s all! Let’s hope someone answers our plea. Revenger: Yeah well why don’t you put your hands up and move to the cell. Avenger: [Turns Around] What are you doing? Revenger: I was only playin with you. Shamus: Well I’m not! [Points Gun At Avenger & Revenger] Avenger: What’s this? Revenger: Man are you dumb. Avenger: [Looks At Revenger] Revenger: It’s a gun. Shamus: Well someone has to live through this. Avenger: You’re leaving? Shamus: I saw a way out and I’m not taking any chances of dieing down here. Now run back to the cell! Avenger: I won’t forget this. [Runs Back Towards Cell] Revenger: [Looks At Shamus] Shamus: What you going to remember this too? Revenger: We all die. Shamus: Yeah well you won’t see me die! Revenger: That’s what you think. [Starts To Walk Away] Shamus: Hey! What do you mean by that? Revenger: [Turns Around] Your death will not be by accident. You will die with a bullet in your head. Shamus: How do you know that!? Revenger: Because I will be the one that kills you. [Runs Towards Cell] Shamus: [Stands Still] [Turns & Runs] [In Front of Cell] Revenger: [Runs Up Beside Avenger] Avenger: [Turns Around] What were you saying to him? Revenger: Jus saying goodbye. Avenger: Why? Revenger: Why not? Avenger: He just betrayed us! Revenger: Well sometimes you have to learn to forgive. Avenger: Whatever. T**d: Don’t move! Avenger & Revenger: [Turns To Face T**d] Tycoon: Where is the other one? The green one? Avenger: Gone. Tycoon: Gone? Where? Avenger: Away from here. Gus, Ben, & Black Sheep: [Runs UP] Gus: What’s going on? Tycoon: The green one is gone. Black Sheep: How? Where? Revenger: Away. T**d: Where!? Avenger: We don’t know. Gus: Why didn’t you go with him? Avenger: [Remains Silent] Tycoon: He betrayed you didn’t he? Black Sheep: I’m not surprised. Revenger: Why not? Black Sheep: You don’t think that he became General by accident did you? Avenger: It’s because your other General died in combat. Black Sheep: He was murdered! Shamus wasn’t loyal! He was our General’s wingman. For several days they had been fighting over the fact that Shamus wanted our General to back down in order for him to take his place as General. Avenger: He wouldn’t. Black Sheep: So one day we were under attack by the Gold team. Our General was surrounded by about four or five of them. He screamed for Shamus to shoot them down with the sniper rifle. The last thing that our General saw was Shamus throwing down his rifle and walking away. He threatened anyone else that told that they would die by his hand. Avenger: Exactly how long have you been here? Black Sheep: A long time. Long enough to see the way your kind treats others. Avenger: Not all of us are the same as him. Revenger: Yeah! Superman is like way stronger than us! All: [Stares At Revenger] Tycoon: Now we can kill them. Droids: [Raises Guns] Avenger: Great I get to get killed by an idiot. Revenger: Don’t worry I’m here so you’re not alone. Avenger: That’s what I meant. I get to get killed by an idiot, as in right beside one. Revenger: Oh!…….HEY! [Explosion] Beernut, Orange Soldier, General Grumpy, Shalala, Dodger, and Butch: [Falls Out Of Hole] Tycoon: Open Fire! Avenger: Attack! All: [Starts Shooting] [Explosions] [Shots Fired] Avenger: [Shoots Droid] Droid: [Falls Down] Avenger: Hoorah! Revenger: Oh yeah! [Shoots] Ben, Tycoon, Gus, Black Sheep, T**d: [Runs Away] General Grumpy: This way! [Gestures Right] Avenger: Go! Everyone: [Runs Right] Avenger: I hope you have a way out! General Grumpy: Oh don’t worry I do! Avenger: We have to get rid of this place! Beernut: That’s why I’m here. [Stops Running] 20 seconds! General Grumpy: RUN! Jump on that! All: [Jumps On Grav Lift] Beernut: 10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! [Explodes] [Underground Factory Falls Apart] [Temple] Connors: So it’s over right? Scorm: It can’t be over. Avenger: He’s right. Those leader Droids got away. Chain: Then we hunt them down and kill them all. Beernut: Sounds like a good plan! Avenger: What the!? How are you here if you were there? Revenger: Dude he’s a f*****g zombie! Beernut: Nah remember when I told you that we were all robots due to being killed? Well We made a copy of me that was a bomb for that specific reason. Butcher: Cheap. Revenger: Well that’s a rip off. Avenger: Well then we will hunt them down? Scorm: There can’t be many of them left. All: [Starts Walking Toward Vehicles] [Outskirts of Temple] Tycoon, Gus, Ben, Black Sheep, & T**d: [Reappear] Tycoon: They will all die. Gus: Under the command of those who rule all. Ben: Under their command. Black Sheep: We must kill all. T**d: Nothing must stand. Tycoon: All must die. [End] �" 2010 © 2010 William E. Self Jr. |
Added on May 18, 2010 Last Updated on May 18, 2010 Author![]() William E. Self Jr.Hornbeck, LAAboutI'm a guy that loves to express my ideas through writing. I have several books in mind to write and can't wait to have them done. 've been working on a vry imporant book lately. I plan to make it a tr.. more..Writing