![]() The Red, The Blue, and The FUgly Episode 10: The Great Investigation Part 3A Screenplay by William E. Self Jr.The Red, the Blue, and the FUgly Written by: William Edward Self Jr. Makers: William Edward Self Jr. & Alexander Paul LeBlanc Red = Red TeamBlue = Blue TeamGray = Unimportant CharactersBlack = Important people. {Name}= Computer Training:Episode 10: The Great Investigation Part 3 [Covenant Base] [Elite Leader Chamber] Sheame : Why is this droid speaking of war?Roc Tahn : He claims that the humans wish to wage war upon the Covenant. He says that they are a terrible race that wishes to not only destroy our kind but their own as well.Sheame : The humans are a wretched kind indeed. I highly doubt that they would wage war against the Covenant though. Our numbers have grown ever since the Brutes took over.Benuk : Your honor, might I say that Roc Tahn and the rest of us at the ruins have met the humans.Sheame : [Swings Around] What?! Is this true Roc?Roc Tahn : It is your honor.Sheame : So you are a heretic!? You have shamed us all!Roc Tahn : If I may. We have met with humans that share the same beliefs that we have.Sheame : How is that? [Turns Back Around]Roc Tahn : They are against the same force that we are. They said that we were not their enemy.Sheame : [Turns Around] And you believed them! They lied to you! They wanted to live and you fell for their simple lies! Now you may have doomed our race.Benuk : Your honor. They took us back to their base to try to regain the land that we lost.Sheame : What? [Looks At Benuk] [Looks At Roc Tahn] Is this true.Roc Tahn : Yes your honor. I sent Benuk and two other elites to assure that they held their end of the pact.Sheame : And? What happened when you got there?Benuk : The land was too far gone your honor. We did not bother with it.Sheame : WHAT? We could have glassed that piece of land! Start there and we may have a chance to reclaim our land.Roc Tahn : [Raises Head] Is that all you care about!?Sheame : [Looks At Roc Tahn] Listen to me you heretic. You may be apart of this clan but you do not act like us nor do you follow through with anything we do.Roc Tahn : That’s not true.Sheame : Damn heretic! Have you ever fought in battle? Have you?!Roc Tahn : [Remains Silent]Sheame : Never have you been apart of any attack that we have had nor any battles. [Walks Across the Room] [Walks Back With A Sword] That’s about to change.[Outside Room] Tycoon: [Laughs Hysterically] Elites Guards : [Look At Eachother][Unknown Base] Avenger : Ok this doesn’t look like ancient grounds to me. In fact it looks like another missile base.T**d: We aren’t there yet stupid. Revenger : How dare you call Avenger stupid! I should kill you for that!Avenger : Yeah! How dare you mistaken me for Revenger!Revenger : WHAT? What is that suppose to mean?Butcher : I think it means that you are a moron.Chain : I wouldn’t worry about it that much.Revenger : Why not?Chain : Well I always let the truth pass by without getting angry.Revenger : [Silent]Chain : What?Avenger : He doesn’t get it.Chain : Really? You don’t get it?Revenger : Not one word of it.Chain : [Bursts Out Laughing]Avenger : Let’s keep moving.Revenger : To be honest with you I would really like to just sit down. [Crouches Down]Avenger : [Turns to Face Revenger] We can’t! We have to keep moving. Plus every time you sit down something bad happens to me.[Shot Fired] Avenger : See? [Falls Down]Revenger : Ah what was that? Did anyone else hear that? [Moves Left][Shot Fired] Avenger : Owww.Revenger : Ah! The ground moved! Did anyone else feel that? [Moves Right][Shot Fired] Avenger : Owww.Revenger : DUDE! Something’s going on! [Moves Back Left][Shot Fired] Avenger : Ah Oww!Revenger : You know I’m beginning to think that someone might be shooting at us.Green Soldier : [Pops Head Up] Stop moving!Avenger : [Gets Up] Who the hell are you?Beernut : People call me Beernut. Not that is any of your business though.Revenger : Hey man watch out someone is shooting at us.Beernut : [Looks at Avenger] Is he stupid?Avenger : You have no idea.Chain : Stupider than a rock.Butcher : A fish taught him math.Shamus : Do I know you?Beernut : Doubt it. I’m new here. Suppose to be recruiting new soldiers.Avenger : So you shoot anyone you see?Beernut : Not just anyone. We shoot the Red team.Revenger : Ha! Sucks to be those guys.Everyone: [Looks At Revenger] Avenger : Why are you shooting the Red team?Beernut : I was told that word around here says that the Red team is nothing but traitors.Avenger : That’s horrible! So wrong.Beernut : Just telling you what word says.Blue Soldier : [Walks By]Beernut : How’s it going Word?Word : Red traitors!Beernut : You too man! Have a good day! He’s great isn’t he?Avenger : We are not the enemy here.Beernut : Not what I was told man.Revenger : Hey aren’t you suppose to be Irish?Beernut : Nah man I just like this color.Revenger : Weirdo.Avenger : Well who told you that we were the traitors?Beernut : I told you Word told me.Avenger : Who told him?Revenger : Probably Grammar or maybe Punctuation. [Laughs]Avenger : Will you shut up!Beernut : Yeah there’s no way it could have been either one of them…..they’re in battle right now with the Covenant.Avenger : [Remains Silent] Listen we need to get through this base. We are looking for some ancient pyramid.Beernut : You mean a triangle?Avenger : No that would be what it looks like on paper.Beernut : So you want me to draw a pyramid on a sheet of paper?Avenger : No.Revenger : I wasn’t so sure that we still used those things.Avenger : [Turns Around] What?Revenger : Paper.All: [Stare At Revenger] Revenger : Oh I get it just because I don’t use it anymore doesn’t mean that you guys don’t still use it.Avenger : [Turns Back Around] Can you give us clearance to get through here?Beernut : I could but I would have to consult our General.Avenger : Well that shouldn’t be too hard.Beernut : Well not really. You see General Grumpy doesn’t like to be disturbed.Avenger : General Grumpy?Revenger : Where’s the other six dwarves?Beernut : What?Revenger : You know. Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, and Sneezey.Avenger : Did you just recite those in order.Revenger : You better believe it. From shortest to tallest.Avenger : I knew it was too good to be true.Beernut : Well anyway I could take you to him but I can’t promise that you will live that long. For safe measures you should go to the Robotics Chamber and have your memory saved.Avenger : Why?Beernut : General Grumpy tends to kill people when he gets mad. I’m working on my fifth body right now.Chain : You mean that you aren’t human?Beernut : Of course not. None of us are.Avenger : Well I think that we should have a word with this General Grumpy immediately.Revenger : Hang on I want to know what that big rod does.Beernut : Oh that’s what takes your brain out of your body to be scanned.Revenger : Oh really then why is that guy bending over?Beernut : Well…..Soldier & Revenger: AAAHHHHHHHHH!Revenger : [Runs Away] AHHHHHHH!!!!Avenger : Ouch.Chain : Maybe we should bring a video of that with us.Butcher : Why?Chain : If that scared him then just imagine what we could get from him as blackmail.Butcher : Ah. Great idea.Avenger : Let’s go.All: [Walks Away] Revenger : [Runs Across Screen] AHHH! Oh God![Red Base] Red Soldier : You know, now that the General is gone does that mean that we can do whatever we want to do?Red Guard : Negative.Red Soldier : Negative? What the hell is that suppose to mean?Dodger : If you even try anything while the General is gone you will be court marshaled and sent to prison.Red Soldier : Oh really?Dodger : Yeah.Red Soldier : Well tell me one thing, if the General isn’t here then how will he court marshal me?Dodger : Well uh…didn’t actually think of that one you know.Red Soldier : Exactly. This means that we can send invitations for a party.Butch : Sounds like a good idea to me.Red Soldier : Hell yeah let’s do this thing! [Runs Off]Dodger : Something tells me that this is a bad idea. But! There is a good part saying: HELL YEAH!Butch : [Walks By] You have issues.Dodger : I know.[Somewhere In the World] Connors : Geez! We’ve been walking for God knows how long.Gus: And you said that I was the dumb one. Scorm : I know. I think that I may have made a mistake.Connors : You know I’m right here! You can’t just talk about me as if I’m not here.Scorm : Really? Let me give it a try. Gus you know how stupid you sounded?Gus: Uh…yes. Scorm : Well Connors beats your stupidity by a mile.Connors : [Stops] Well that’s adult like isn’t it?Scorm : How would you know what being adult like is?Connors : [Whispers] Well we’ll see what race dies off first. I will not stand for this. [Continues To Walk]Scorm : Hey slow poke hurry up!Connors : Whatever.[Missile Base Control Room] Beernut : Ok when we walk down there we can’t have you guys looking straight at General Grumpy.Avenger : Really why is that?Revenger : Bet he has a huge zit on his face right in the middle of his eyes.Shamus : Wouldn’t that be his forehead?Revenger : Face forehead, what’s the difference?Black Sheep : Maybe the thickness.Beernut : Nah he just can’t stand to be stared at. To be honest I think that is how I lost my fourth body.Avenger : Ouch.Beernut : No joke. Ok let’s go.All: [Walks Down Into Control Room] Grumpy : BEERNUT! What the hell are these red traitors doing in my control room on my base site?Beernut : Well sir they need some assistance.Avenger : Hey if he’s red why haven’t you killed him yet?Revenger : Grumpy is red? Go f*****g figure. I would have never guessed it.Grumpy : What?! I’m not red!Avenger : With all do respect sir. Your armor is red.Grumpy : No it isn’t it’s blue.Avenger & Revenger: [Looks At One Another] [Turns Back To Face Grumpy]Avenger : Sir are you sure you aren’t red?Grumpy : Of course not. I’m looking right at myself in this mirror.Avenger : Sir that’s one of the other soldiers.Grumpy : Really? Been looking at him all day then. Thought that I was looking at myself. [Looks Down] Still, I’m still blue.Avenger : Sir you aren’t blue you’re red.Revenger : Man must be blind as a bat.Beernut : Actually he blind as a blind person.Avenger : What?Beernut : The General has had bad eye sight for as long as I can remember.Avenger : Then why is he your General?Beernut : He’s the oldest.Revenger : No joke. I know it’s wrong to ask people their age but I have to know. How old is he?Beernut : Twenty-eight.Avenger : So the rest of you are younger than him?Beernut : Yep.Avenger : How much younger?Beernut : Well see I wouldn’t be able to tell you exactly.Avenger : Why?Beernut : No one here is good when it comes to math.Avenger : Then how do you know how many troops you have?Beernut : We don’t. We just look at a group and make an estimation.Avenger : Estimation?Beernut : Yeah. General Grumpy told us to send five guys to command to get the new recruit personally. I walked outside and sent Jim and Frank.Revenger : And the problem was?All: [Looks At Revenger] Revenger : Oh right that’s only two guys. Right, sorry for that.Avenger : Well then we need to get through the base.Grumpy : Well if you want to get through it why don’t you just walk through it?Revenger : Thank you!Avenger : Well we were told that we had to talk to you first.Grumpy : And you did now get the hell out of my sight!Revenger : No problem. [Runs Out]Avenger : Sometimes I think that he was born in a bathroom.Shamus : I know Black Sheep was.Black Sheep : Hey! You said you would never tell anyone that!Shamus : Well I lied. [Walks Out With Avenger, Butcher, and Chain]Black Sheep : Yeah well Shamus wears thongs! [Runs Out][Blue Base] Clipper : Why do humans make such a big deal out of things?Booker : Because they have nothing better to do.Clipper : I believe you.Booker : Well aren’t you programmed to believe everything that we say?Clipper : Not everything.Coward : Well then you should be destroyed you pile of junk!Clipper : Do you realize that I could send you through a stone wall in less than a second without any resistance at all.Coward : Why would you resist?Clipper : [Looks At Booker] That is why humans are so pathetic.Booker : Because of Coward?Clipper : No. Your kind really just doesn’t deserve to live anymore.Booker : You know you’re starting to sound like one of those droids that deserted their post about three years back. Later they were found eating the remains of a human body.Clipper : I am not associated with those droids. They were too human.Coward : I beat that game. It wasn’t all that interesting.Clipper : I am complex but not in that manner. My only programming is to do what I am told which is normally to kill your kind.Coward : You kill the Blue team?Clipper : Not your kind specifically. I kill the humans and the aliens that you have me kill.Booker : Well isn’t that what we made you for?Clipper : Yes but also no.Coward : Why didn’t you just say: so?Clipper : Why would I?Coward : Well you said yes and no, which put together spells so.Clipper : I really don’t see how the human race has lived this long.Booker : We kill to survive.Aqua & Radio: [Walks Up]Radio : You know all I ask for is one date with you. PLEASE I’M BEGGING YOU!Aqua : For the last time, NO! We are partners nothing more.Radio : But we could be more. I swear all you have to do is give me one date. That will prove that you are truly deep down in love with me.Aqua : I swear!Radio : Me too. Now will you go out with me on one date?Narrator: What do you think? Do you think that Aqua will say yes, I will go out on a date with you, no, I will not go out on a date with you, or Summer Salt Said Sandy Sores Smoothly Sideways Standing Straight Slightly Shaving Sandwiches? Yes: 15% No: 10% SSSSSSSSSSSS: 75% Aqua : Summer Salt Said Sandy Sores Smoothly Sideways Standing Straight Slightly Shaving Sandwiches.Radio : Uh is that a yes?Aqua : NO!Booker : Then why did you say that?Coward : She felt like it.Aqua : No I didn’t.Radio : Then why did you say that?Clipper : She said what she said because the person who wrote the script for this horrid show asked for a vote and the votes came in as 15% for yes, 10% for no, and 75% for the SSSSSSSSSSSS.Booker : How did you know that?Clipper : Because they wanted me to know that. Plus, HELLO! I’m a freaking robot.Booker : Makes sense to me.Aqua : I need a drink. [Walks Off]Radio : Woo a girl that drinks, I like that. [Walks After Aqua]Aqua : [Groans][Outskirts] Revenger : Are we there yet?Avenger : Revenger you asked me that about five minutes ago and I said no. What makes you think that if you ask me in another five minutes that we will be there?Revenger : Just a guess.Avenger : Then let me answer your stupid question. No Revenger, we are not there yet.Revenger : Well you don’t have to be so mean about it.Avenger : I wasn’t being mean.Revenger : Sure sounded like it.Shamus : Maybe you should have told him that he was being a bad boy and slapped his hand.Chain : No joke there.Shamus : I didn’t mean for it to be a joke.Revenger : Guys check this out.All: [Look At Structure] Butcher : Finally an outhouse.Avenger : Is this the pyramid?T**d: No. It isn’t far though. Avenger : Revenger me and you will take T**d inside and see what’s inside. The rest of you stay out here and keep watch.Avenger , Revenger, & T**d: [Walks Inside Structure]Avenger : Look out for any traps.Revenger : If it’s a trap then won’t it be hard to find?Avenger : That’s the point. Go check over there in the center.Revenger : Hey I think that I found something. A nickel.Avenger : Oh boy. Keep looking.Revenger : Found something else. A dog.Avenger : Don’t want to know how you found that.Revenger : Whoa! A basketball!Avenger : Think you could find something a little more interesting?Revenger : Wow what’s that? [Hits Floor] [Falls Down Hole] AHHHHH!Avenger : Bet he found a penny on heads.T**d: I think that you should stand up and move slowly to the hole that your friend fell down. Avenger : What? [Turns Around] Ah crap.T**d: You bet. Avenger : This is all Revenger’s f*****g fault.[END] " 2009
© 2010 William E. Self Jr. |
Added on May 18, 2010 Last Updated on May 18, 2010 Author![]() William E. Self Jr.Hornbeck, LAAboutI'm a guy that loves to express my ideas through writing. I have several books in mind to write and can't wait to have them done. 've been working on a vry imporant book lately. I plan to make it a tr.. more..Writing