

A Poem by MyEquilibrium

Do you ever think of me?
Have I crossed you mind or entered your thoughts?
It’s as if you were a ghost, Nothing remains.
I can’t help but wonder if you even existed.

My memories playing tricks on me,
Teasing me through rose tinted glasses.
I pretend that you are a better man ,
It helps me feel less of a fool.

Was I just there to help pass the time?
To help boost your wavering confidence?
The way you left was cruel,
Just like you had died.

Why do I still think of you?
Why could you not just be honest?
Why not give me the closure I deserve?
Why can I not move on.

© 2017 MyEquilibrium

Author's Note

First thing I have written for a long time so apologies for being a bit scrappy.

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Your poem presents questions we often ask when a relationship ends abruptly. We create an image, mostly romantic and inaccurate, of the other person, and when they don't meet those expectations, we can't reconcile the desired person with the real person. So, we question ourselves, beat up ourselves, and often dwell in self-pity.

You convey well so much emotion in your poem, specifically anger, pain, frustration, and resentment. While hope isn't expressed directly, the poem itself represents hope--the writer reaching out. Thank you for sharing your work. I enjoyed reading this piece.

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 31, 2017
Last Updated on December 31, 2017



Kent, United Kingdom

I have recently been inspired to start writing again. I just want my words to be read and appreciate all feedback. more..

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A Poem by MyEquilibrium