To the one I love.. But cannot have

To the one I love.. But cannot have

A Poem by Lane Craver

A letter to the one I love who will never read this

Time is what I desire from you. Time you have none to give. I long for answers to the questions of my heart. Answers I will never receive for my messages go unanswered. My heart aches as I feel I will go endlessly longing for your love.The desire you had for me seems like a dream... The words linger on my mind as wickedly as they were planted by the game of the player. To forever be bound to the one I love... But cannot have.

© 2022 Lane Craver

Author's Note

Lane Craver
It is what it is :)

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Added on July 10, 2022
Last Updated on July 16, 2022
Tags: Love, Poem, Mushy, Connections, Souls, Betrayals, Fakes, Roller Coaster Ride


Lane Craver
Lane Craver

Deep Volcano Valley, OR

Adventurous mom, with big dreams more..
