![]() Chapter ThreeA Chapter by Lane Craver![]() Chapter Three, Dark Prophecy![]() Chapter 3
Staigar stormed back to the barracks after his shift. He was still enraged over the embarrassment Jacob had caused him in front of his superior, Rothert. He slammed the door and started pacing through the room. The moon was bright enough to light up the surroundings outside the windows he kept glancing out. Staigar tried to sit down to relax, but stood up immediately, restless. He wanted them to pay for what they had done to him. Outside, two guards walked by as he noticed them entering the pub called Black-eye Inn. He smiled wickedly as an idea hit him. He left the barracks and headed for the inn. Although it was late at night, the pub was crowded. Staigar made his way to the bar inside. Waitresses bustled about, filling drinks and taking empties away. He scanned the large room for a face that was very familiar to him. It didn’t take long to find the redheaded barmaid bringing drinks to a table nearby. He watched her move as she bent over the table, his breath becoming slow and strong. He waited until she came to the bar to approach her. She jumped forward as he tapped her on the shoulder from behind. She turned around and sighed, “Oh, it’s you.” He smiled, “I have a job for one of your friends. Can you help me tonight?” She looked over crossly at him, “What kind of help?” He continued, “I want something done to some people. Nothing that will kill them off right away, but something to make them suffer for the rest of their miserable lives!” His eyes gleamed with craziness. She half-laughed not wanting to direct his madness toward her, “Sure you got enough money, pretty boy?” He leaped at her, grabbing her throat as he leaned in, “You will do this for me, or your red hair will be the only thing people will recognize.” He then pushed her away from him. She gasped for air and rubbed her throat, “All right, I don’t want any trouble; I’ll see what I can do. How about tomorrow? I’ll be working and...” He cut her off, determined to make a point of what he was saying. “I want it done tonight.” “Tonight?” she complained. “If I could get someone tonight it would cost a fortune, which is something I doubt you have hiding in your pocket.” He smiled insanely, “Do it… Now would be nice… Your time is ticking away.” Without knowing what else to do, she turned and made her way toward the east end doors. He stood back and watched her every move, waiting for her to either do as he had asked or simply bolt for outside. He almost wanted her to do the latter of the two, hungry to hurt someone. She knocked two times and then a small window opened as the barmaid spoke to the man behind the door. The window closed and a second later, the barmaid went inside. Staigar immediately started tapping his foot with impatience. Within minutes the barmaid came back out and made her way through the crowd to Staigar. He smiled smugly at the thought of revenge. The barmaid looked irritated, but quickly said, “I had to use some favors for this one, so I never want to see you in here again, understand?” She crossed her arms waiting for his answer. He grinned with the knowledge that she was afraid of him, “No problem, sweetheart, you’ll never see me here again… ever.” He played along. She continued, “Hacker will see you, but you first have to be blindfolded and secondly, it’ll cost you three times the normal cost of the job you want done. Is that clear?” He put on his pleasant face and said, “Absolutely. Show me the way.” She headed back through the crowd again with Staigar following close behind. When they reached the double door the barmaid took out a dishrag from her apron and held it toward Staigar, “Here, I’ll help you put this on. It is part of the deal, remember?” Staigar turned around and let the barmaid tie the blindfold over his eyes. When she was satisfied it was secure, she knocked on the door four times. He heard the window slide open and close again. Then the door opened and he was led inside. The door closed behind him and they started walking forward. He was pushed down into a chair when he heard the barmaid say to someone, “He’s all yours. I’ve got to get back to work.” She then walked off in the direction they had come, and the room went silent. A groggy and scratchy voice broke the silence, “So I hear you have a job for my men that needs to be done tonight. What type of job were you looking for exactly?” Staigar hesitated for a moment and then replied, “Whatever it takes to make these people suffer for the rest of their miserable lives.” “So you want something done along the lines of a mutilation, or perhaps an infectious elixir? With as much as it’s going to cost you, why don’t you just have their throats cut?” Staigar twitched with rage, “No, it has to be worth a lifetime of humiliation!” He took a moment to adjust his tone, “What does the infectious elixir do?” Hacker answered, “It changes their appearance to a hideous state of being. Boils growing on their skin and light causing blindness, stuff like that. It’ll be worth the money if you want to go that route.” Staigar pondered on the thought of turning them into hideous creatures of the night, “I like that idea. The job will get done tonight?” The man answered, “As long as you have enough money to cover the cost. It would be a pity for me to have to slice your throat for wasting my time when it could mean so much more for both of us.” Staigar swallowed hard at the thought of his own ignorant vulnerability. He fumbled in his blindness and retrieved his bag of gold coins, “I think this should be more than enough,” he tossed the bag in the direction of the man’s voice. It was skillfully snatched out of the air, gold coins rattling as the man examined it. Then the man said with an excited tone, “You have my word you will get what you paid for. So, who’s the lucky victims, and where do we find them?” Staigar was relieved that his throat wasn’t cut, “The younger of the men was hurt, so I’m sure they took him to the healers. The older man, Jacob, and the girl probably went to the guest rooms on the second floor. They’re Rothert’s friends, if that helps. Maybe you could torture Rothert to tell you where they are. It certainly wouldn’t hurt my feelings.” The other man mocked, “I’m sure we can get the information from our source. When did you say they arrived?” Staigar answered, “They came through this very evening, after the gate house was closed.” “This will be easy. By tomorrow, they’ll wish they had never come to this town.” They both chuckled and then he continued, “My man here will escort you out. Do not undo your blindfold until you are beyond the outer door.” Staigar stood up and was guided to the doorway where he was pushed out with the door slamming shut after him. He removed the dishrag, blinking to get a clearer vision. The pub was still very crowded as he looked for the redheaded barmaid. Failing to find her, he made his way through the crowd and left the building. Once outside, he looked around despondently and then walked over to the alleyway between the inn and a store. The store was closed and dark inside. Too anxious to go back to the barracks, he watched the pub entrance. Each time someone appeared in the doorway, Staigar would move further into the shadows to avoid being seen. After some time went by, someone left the building that made Staigar grin with eagerness. The redhead stood in the moonlight, pulling her wool cloak over her shoulders, shivering in the brisk night air. She started walking toward the alleyway where Staigar was standing, and without noticing the figure in the shadows, she walked right by. Darkness surrounded her as she turned down a quiet road through a row of closed storefronts. A noise reverberated out and she spun around to see what caused it, but there was nothing there. She went on her way, trying to shrug it off to be nothing more than a small animal. After a short walk down the road, she turned into an alleyway where her pace quickened until she reached the next road, relaxing in the lit street. She stopped a few houses up and after fumbling for her keys, she unlocked the front door and went in. Hours went by before the barmaid nestled in her bed and blew out the candle. Minutes later, a shadowy figure approached her front door. With the house unlocked, Staigar entered carrying a long dagger by his side. Meanwhile... Hacker counted the gold and stashed two-thirds of it away in his belt. He carried the rest out of the room and up a spiral staircase. He passed by several men posted along the way, each acknowledging his passing. He turned down a long hall and stopped at the last closed door. He grabbed a candle from the hallway and entered the room. Standing by the dresser with a cracked mirror, he watched a girl sleep on the bed. Her silver-streaked, dark blue hair draped the ground with wool blankets tucked in tight around her shoulders to keep the chill away. Hacker shook the bed and jumped back, but the girl did not move. He went to shake the bed again, when the girl’s leg swung out of the blankets and mule-kicked Hacker to the floor. He landed with a loud thump as the candle went flying out of his hands and extinguished. Hacker sputtered, “Hey Lyola, It’s me! Help me find the candle or you’ll sleep on the streets for the next month.” The girl answered him as she yawned, “Hacker, is that you?” “Of course it’s me! Who else would risk their own life to wake you up for a job?” Hacker fumbled in the dark and picked up the candle. He then went out to light it again. Lyola stretched and yawned some more, waiting for Hacker to return. She sat up and grabbed a flask of liquor with a strong aroma, admiring her slender but muscular body in the mirror. She sat down taking a drink. When Hacker returned, she asked him, “What kind of job is it that can’t wait until morning, or even tomorrow night?” Hacker grabbed the flask out of her hands and took a swig, “It’s a job only for you, babe. I need you to spice up a threesome in the castle for me. It pays well, but it has to be done tonight, because they’ll be gone by the morning.” She sat on her dresser after snatching back the flask and put her palm out. Hacker got the pouch of remaining gold out and plopped it in her hand. She weighed it up and down and said, “A little light for a last minute job, don’t ya think?” Hacker smiled crookedly, “Now Lyola, you know I’ll make it up to you. You’re the only one qualified to get the job done right.” She wasn’t impressed, so he stacked on the bribe, “I’ll tell you what. If you do this for me tonight, I’ll steal the Blue Moon necklace for you.” She returned his smile, “Well, in that case, who’re the victims?” Hacker sat on her bed and said, “The old man’s name is Jacob, the younger one was hurt and is probably in with the healers, and the girl should be with one of them, I’m sure. Two-Stone is working the stables tonight and should be able to give you their exact locations within the castle. So shall we see if Katskru is ready with the beautifying potions?” “All right, I’ll be down in a moment.” Hacker nodded and left. She opened her dresser and took out some clothes that she would need. It was dark in the room, but her half-elven blood allowed her to see reasonably well. She put on her black silk knickers, and thigh-high, black leather boots with soft padded soles for maximum stealth. She threw her nightshirt to the floor and put on a tight vest she knew Two-Stone couldn’t resist. She crouched down, opened a false panel in the floor and took out a dagger and an amulet. With these two items she could pull off almost any job for they were enchanted to protect their owner from magic. She fastened the dagger to her belt and the amulet around her neck. The amulet was a perfect replica of a miniature gold dragon with the head biting its own tail. She closed the panel and took out her leather gloves from under her bed which she stretched past her elbows and cinched tight with a buckle. She then retrieved a box from a hidden drawer on the side of the dresser and took out a slingshot with six silver pellets. She put them in a pocket on her boots along with three shiny blue stones. The last thing she grabbed was a skeleton key, and then left to go downstairs. She found Hacker waiting with Katskru in the kitchen. Katskru was holding three fancy-cut perfume bottles containing a reddish-brown elixir inside. He had been testing them out on the cats again; two of the strays were walking around in a daze with fur falling off and bumps forming on their skin, and the other two were turning blue, coughing up bloody hairballs. Hacker noticed Lyola entering the room, “Ah-ha, there you are. What took you so long?” Coming to his own conclusion, he said,” You were getting pretty for Two-Stone, weren’t ya,” the men burst out laughing. Katskru handed her the bottles, “These must be for you. They don’t need to swallow it, but you must get most of it in their mouths. And another thing, there’s a full moon tonight, so remember that they can see you almost as good as you can see them.” “For the Blue Moon necklace, I’ll be an extra good girl tonight.” She smiled at the thought of the prize for such an easy job. Hacker cut into her happy thought, “Well, you must be on your way if you plan on getting back before the sun hits the sky.” Hacker and Lyola then went into the pantry where he pulled a stone lever behind a small box on the top shelf. A sidewall clicked ajar and Hacker opened it, gesturing for Lyola to proceed. As she passed Hacker she declared, “I want tomorrow off.” He laughed and handed her a burning torch. Hacker closed the door behind her as she started down the stone tunnel, stretching her muscles as she walked alone. After quite some time, she heard the faint sounds of leaking water filling a puddle. The inner moat caused the stone to crumble under its weight, and the walls to dribble with muddy water. She passed over a few puddles and then back onto solid ground. She knew she was almost there. She could feel the fatigue set in, but her excitement for the job kept her pace strong. Soon the iron door was in view. It was the first of two within Hacker’s passage, built long ago by a grandfather thief. Beyond the second door was a small room with two corridors; one went to the stockrooms of the castle, and the other used to lead to the underground caverns, but that way was incorporated into a thieves’ trap. The passageway turned to the right and then down about fifty feet, where a deep pit of spikes was placed. By the time the trapped victim realized the nature of the situation it was too late to make it back around the corner to safety. The back wall would block the opening as it moved forward, pushing them off the ledge and into the great pit of death. After word got around about people disappearing, people tended to stay away. When she reached the iron door, she pulled out the skeleton key and placed it in the lock. Turning the key without opening the door, she got out her slingshot and one silver ball. With this, she slung the ball through a small crack in the wall near the ceiling. She waited in front of the door while the sound of the ball rolling and clanking about through the clockwork mechanism echoed through the wall. Soon she heard a click and the ball rolled out of a mouse hole near the floor. Lyola picked up the ball, took out the key and went through the doorway. She put the key in the other side of the lock and turned the key, making the machinery click again, and then closed the door safely behind her. She removed the key and put it in the second door. Again, she did not open it, but instead, pulled a lever from under a small square stone, causing the door to swing open with a creak. She gave a quick look around, before closing the door with the imitation wall. The air was damp and musty, making Lyola eager to be on her way, as she unlocked the third door. She walked down the underground tunnel, and spotted the ladder leading to the upper level stockrooms as she approached her destination. Extinguishing her torch, she climbed the ladder, and clambered through the trapdoor; she scrutinized the storeroom with many shelves and barrels, full of the castle’s harvests. The odor of rotting apples made her wrinkle her nose as she cringed from the rank smell. Lyola straightened the rug over the trapdoor and grabbed the three stones from her boot. Squeezing the stones tight and opening her hand, the stones started to glow with a hazy blue light. It wasn’t as bright as a torch, but it was enough for the half-elf to see in total darkness. She headed for the doorway on the far wall and cautiously went through. Looking around to get her bearings, she went down a hallway, passing by a number of rooms and corridors, until she found the large wooden door. She listened at the door before passing through, and then ascended up the staircase like a ghost, silent and unseen. Upon reaching the top, she paused behind a pillar, checking for any signs of danger. She noticed a guard gingerly climbing the stairs as she put her blue stones away. Waiting until he was at the top and out of sight, she commenced to the main entrance and descended to the outside, stealthily taking care to stay in the shadows. She proceeded to the stables, after ducking behind a bush when a guard walked by. Moving around the castle grounds was not an unusual routine to Lyola, as most of her work took place there. The stables were quiet with only a few men tending to the night’s tasks. She approached the back side of the building and slipped through a loose board only a few thieves knew about. Hiding behind various gear for horses, she crouched with her slingshot out as a guard passed the stall, oblivious to her presence. When the second guard went by, she put a pebble in the slingshot, waiting patiently as she prepared to fire. The second guard passed back by and she snapped the pebble, hitting him in the neck. He jumped around while rubbing his neck when he saw her. He smiled and motioned for her to stay where she was and then heard him tell the first guard to take the rest of the night off while he finished. Shortly thereafter he reappeared, with his arms spread to both sides of the stall, blocking her way out, “Well beautiful, what brings you out of hiding?” Lyola got up and walked over to Two Stone, ran her hands through his dark hair, and gave him a passionate kiss. Between locking lips, she said, “I need some information on the location of some guests, of course.” Grabbing her around the waist and kissing her even more passionately, he replied, “Anything for a girl as sweet as you.” He fluttered his eyes and they both laughed softly. She continued on, “I need to know where Jacob and his friends are located.” Two-Stone frowned and stepped back, turning from her. Lyola was surprised at his reaction, “I thought you knew about this. Did they leave?” Two-Stone looked at her with a serious stare, and answered, “No, they’re here. You should really reconsider this job though.” Two-Stone had never told her not to pursue a job before. She asked with puppy-dog eyes, “Why do you say that, are you afraid I can’t take care of myself?” He wasn’t laughing. “This party you seek is one of Rothert’s friends; which might as well be the king’s friends as well.” Sensing that time was ticking away, she boasted in the most confident manner she could muster, “I think old battle-ax Rothert is an idiot from way back. Besides, I’m not killing anyone and it pays really well.” He was being stubborn, “Oh Two-Stone, don’t be a sissy. You know I’ll make it up to you.” He sighed, knowing that she wouldn’t quit until she got what she was after. “All right, you win. But if you get caught, don’t come running to me to save your a*s this time. I’m already risking my position simply talking to you.” She smiled and batted her eyes to ease his pain. He continued on, “The younger man went to the healers, and Jacob went with the girl to the guest rooms on the second floor. They’re the only ones in that wing, so they should be easy to find. The one with the healers will be under watch, and easy for you to get caught. I just don’t want to see you get hurt, so maybe you could accidentally forget to go there.” She kissed him again and said, “Don’t worry about me. If I think it’s too risky, I’ll just knock off the payee.” He forced a smile and proclaimed, “You owe me at least two nights out for this one.” They kissed and Lyola said, “You know I do. Thank you, my love.” She gave him one last smile of assurance, and left through the loose board again. Going back to the stairs, she quickly passed the location from where she had emerged, and advanced to the main floor. Keeping to the shadows, she glided through empty corridors toward the healers, but changed her mind when she heard everyone still bustling about. Two-Stone’s words repeated through her mind as she quickly changed her direction toward the second floor. She had to backtrack through two halls when a few guards appeared, proceeding as soon as it was safe. She climbed the stairs and made her way to the silent guest rooms. Retrieving the blue stones from her boot pocket, she squeezed them to light up their blue hue. She started to check each room systematically until she came upon two doors that were locked. Listening at each door, she determined that the one with snoring behind it was Jacob. She chose to enter the opposite door as she took out her dagger and quickly pried it open. Using the stones, she scanned the room and noticed the girl sleeping. Lyola closed the door and was startled when Sabraya stirred and muttered as if she was having a nightmare. Lyola chose her steps carefully as she approached the bed. Taking out one of the elixirs, she noticed a slight draft of cool air wash over her. She glanced about and then dismissed it, after she spied the candle vent. Relaxing with a deep breath, she opened the lid and a foul odor drifted up, causing her to temporarily gag. Stifling a cough, she held her breath and bent over to grab the girl’s chin. She brought the potion to Sabraya’s lips, when suddenly from under the bed, vines burst out and wrapped around Lyola’s legs, inching their way up as they squeezed tight. She gasped and struggled back, dropping the potion to the ground as she hit the floor. Stunned from the fall, she hesitated before grabbing her dagger to slice the vines away from her legs. She jumped to her feet and stared in utter amazement; the room was full of creeping vines, covering every inch of the walls and furnishings. Panic hit as she scrambled back to the door in a wild frenzy. She started hacking away at the vines, but new ones replaced them as fast as she could cut them, keeping her from breaking through. A crackling sound exploded through the room like thunder. She stepped back with eyes wide in fear as she looked around the room; what she saw caused adrenaline to start rushing through her as she prepared for the worst. The deafening noise sent shock waves through her body as the vines froze everything they touched. Ice formed rapidly throughout the room as she bolted for the door once more, realizing there was no other escape. Slashing away at the vines, they quickly regenerated and started to freeze the door. Lyola continued to chisel away at the frozen vines until the door was nothing more than a sheet of ice. She stopped, knowing it was useless. She was trapped… trapped with the person whose life she was sent to destroy. © 2012 Lane Craver |
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Added on August 21, 2012Last Updated on August 28, 2012 Tags: Lane Craver, Dark Prophecy, fantasy, adventure, horror, action, suspense, long book, deeply plotted Author