

A Poem by Landy

A poem of a reborn hope.

Have you seen the butterfly?
The one that flutters in your garden at noon,
Brushing past the flowers, teasing them with love,
It soars on a mission, with purpose and might,
In search of the brightness it yearns to absorb.

At dawn, it emerges, brimming with hope,
Despite the world’s attempts to bring it down,
It defies the rules, breaking free from the norms,
It soars on a mission, with purpose and might,
In search of the brightness it yearns to absorb.

Have you seen the butterfly?
As vibrant as a rainbow, with wings that shimmer with hope,
It passed me by when I was lost in thought,
I paused a moment to acknowledge its presence,
It saw my worry, my sadness deep within,
And paused to ask me, “What troubles you so?”

I said, “Let me sit and weep, for my days feel borrowed,
I have no wings, no chance to fly like you do,
So leave me here, little butterfly,
To weep in the silence of my despair.”

But as evening falls, we speak of the world and its labyrinth,
A sense of relief fills me, breath returns to my lungs.

Oh, butterfly of mine, you bring life as you drift away,
Flying with purpose, with mission and might,
In search of the brightness you yearn to absorb.

© 2024 Landy

Author's Note

If the poem speaks to you, it was meant for you.

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Excellent writing. A ray of hope gives strengh to live in this world.

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


2 Months Ago

Thank you friend

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Added on August 15, 2024
Last Updated on August 15, 2024
Tags: #poem #Hope #landy



Paris, Chilly-Mazarin, France

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A Poem by Landy