The Journey Is Yours

The Journey Is Yours

A Poem by Lalli

To heal from trauma.


The Journey is Yours


If hell exists, then this has to be it. 


Our eyes are tired of trying to adjust to dark moments.


It's not even a question.

It's more like a statement.

like the period at the end of a sentence. 


You know it's time to take a break.


The only way back is through


The only way back to you is through - the trauma


You must walk on those smoldering coals my friend.

Then you must stand on them.

Feel the heat sear your skin. 

Melt your muscles, and begin to char your bones.


I won’t even try to lie because God damn its going to f*****g hurt! 


But it is the only way - and once you relive every grueling aspect of it’s pain,

then you can see with clarity the importance to the metamorphosis of you.


Because once its accepted

It is imprinted into your DNA

No, it’s deeper than that, bonded - it is the link between your double helix with the strength to hold steady both sides

the light and the dark. 


Embrace, the burning intensity as your body fights with resistance.


Accept, it’s presence has a purpose regardless of how great the suffering.


and release it - by letting go of the tension allowing it to move through you because it is only once you reach this level of 



and surrender, that you can live a peace greater than what was robbed from you. 


It will no longer hurt.

It is the fullest extent of a purge. 

You will no longer harbor resentment with the trauma experienced and the excruciating pain of its process. will sit in the peace of gratitude,

for the wisdom it has shared with you and the tranquility of its enlightenment.


They say its not about the destination but its more about the journey.


Or maybe its not about the journey and more about the destination.


Only a divided mind believes it is one or the other fracturing the truth to the equal relevance of both and the vitality to their coexistence.


Healing is not linear. 


Which is why Somewhere, a toddlers crayon scribbles on the canvas of white hallway walls.


The hallway is an illusion of a linear pathway

but the truth is in the journey of the markings on the wall. 

It’s messy - and even then, noone knows what waits in the pitch black around the corner. 


We need the darkness to remind us of the brilliance of light.

The truth in the destination once it’s revealed. 


Don’t dive down the rabbit hole searching for something burdensome like victimhood. 

Its too heavy to continue to carry in your arms. 


Instead, look through the keyhole and you will see -  

illuminating in the darkness on the otherside

is the keyholes shape

because YOU are the light that’s shining through. 


And once you realize you don’t have to carry it. 

Once you understand the choice is and always will be yours on how to interact with this world. 


Whether you choose engage or move on unaffected. 

It is then, and only then that those who try to bring toxicity into your life will fail. 


Because no one can touch you

Not, unless you allow them too.


Not unless you allow them too. 


Sometimes we will fail, and they will.

Often times we will fail, and they will.

As we feel once again the intensity of traumas burn but we will learn, grow, and draw boundaries because we have walked the path of healing. 


And each time life forces us to endure such trauma 

we will convert its pain into wisdom and strength.


It will be our chrysalis, 

the cocoon of our butterfly. 

The protection we need to transform into a brighter light. 


The moths will come.

Fatal attraction with dark intentions but they will starve.

Exhausted from the insanity of bouncing off protected glass 

surrounding a light - YOUR light


They will die 


trying to get to.

© 2023 Lalli

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Added on February 12, 2023
Last Updated on February 12, 2023
Tags: spoken word, trauma, self-help, the journey, lalli, poetry



Phoenix, AZ

It takes one voice, one passion, and one heart to create a positive existence in anothers life Lalli is an awareness/performance poet in Phoenix, AZ with a unique creative use of off-.. more..

Sometimes Sometimes

A Poem by Lalli


A Poem by Lalli