![]() Cosmic IllusionA Poem by Laive Waya![]() Penned under autodidact and suggestions from great consciousnesses in the Winter Solstice of 2011.![]()
One may ask
Is this a rectangle, a square or a parallelogram? I think it is a hologram. One may ask Which seal is the greater? Is it the first or second? I would say “Which is the first? Which is second or last? ” You are only as great as you feel. Who are we to be mindful of our insecurities? Why should we shrink because of the insecurities of others? It is all an illusion. "The first will be the last and the last would be the first." "If I told you the truth you would pick up stones and kill me and the very stones would turn into balls of fire and consume you?" Was I there when He first told him? I think my Spirit was. I am a great American Spirit. First or last is IMMATERIAL. My guardian Angels are Demons to my adversaries so UNDERSTAND it. But understand that I get it! I am the greatest of the American Spirits! Comprend? Comprender? I ghotala? E dige ntere? M'okop? Sometimes the entity christopher slips into forgetfulness. Sometimes his works are shoddy. Forgive because to err is human and to forgive is divine. We have all erred at some point after singularity and come short of the glory of God. christopher is a victim of circumstance. Thrust with the task of carrying the Christ. Christ's yoke is easy and His burden is light but in this illusory convolution christopher is cheerful. Amidst the pain and the glory there is love to be shared. There is love in all things even in deceit. You might say 'did we hear him right? Is it out of love that we are deceived? Is it out of Love that our doctors deceive us ?' Our Lawyers also deceive us and our politicians always tell us the (sic) truth! Did I here an objection from one of the backbenchers? Please hold your Peace. Who am I that I should be blameless? Is it because I am from Atlantis or is it because my fore-bearers hail from the plains of Lemuria? Hardly! It is because christopher is human. When I cast my mind over the vast holographic imaginations that the Creator is (sic) cast upon me I am filled with happiness. I am very fallible. I am filled with ecstasy. When I was hexed the first time it was painful but I picked up my pieces. This first time was in the 8th grade After performing so wonderfully at my fourteen courses of study I was not recognized! Not even a mention! Damian Iro, Esq (my spirit dines with his at the Bar) always gave me things to look up to But at that instance there was no reward. It was as though the world should come to a halt. Moreover, I had boasted to everyone who cared to listen that I was leaving the establishment called Federal Government College, Jos. I felt that the fagging was excessive. The food was good but it was at best a maintenance diet for the obese. The food was Spartan! The food was American! Is there any difference? The American Spirit needs the Spartan diet! American Spirit! Spartan Spirit! do I detect a difference? No, there is none at all. The American spirit is innovative and strives not to thrive. I first learned of the Spartan Spirit in Charles Walker International Nursery School. Mrs. Nya Phd, was our history teacher and she would tell us the story of these Spartans Who would leave a child on mount Olympus. She would tell us of this Spartan who hid a hare under his tunic. Of course it was not clear at the moment Why this young thief or hero would do such a thing. But the message remains vividly in my mind. This young Spartan died a glorious death. Am I ready to die with this coveted title? Yes I am. That is the American Spirit. Only the strong survive, We need strong brave entities to bear the American Spirit. Just as three hundred Spartan men took on thousands of Persians so will the American Spirits lead us to a better future. We must strive to excel. We must develop our senses to its optimal potentials. Charles Walker! Charles Walker!! My own school! My own school!! We shall Never! Never!! Never! Never!! Go astray! Spartans to the core we were. We took on other Private Schools with so much ferocity You would think it was a Rottweiler visiting the Cheshire cat on a play date! I remember when I was booted from the end of year pantomime for failing to say 'Seven Swans are Swimming' correctly. It could be very challenging to shout such mind and tongue twisting lies At such a tender age! After all, there are no swans in Nigeria. They only existed in storybooks and bits of cardboard paper. But I also remember That I became such a good actor that I was called "Dr Ibebunam" for my brilliant depiction of this amiable gentleman in a class drama! Another student was hexed in this drama for his depiction of another lecturer but the Spartan Spirit in the entity christopher was just warming up! All I got was winks from the Masters. Speaking of Winks I also got winks from Bavaria. Apparent origin of the Illuminati! Yes I am a German burger as well. Have you heard of the German Machines? I have never seen such pride in a National team like we Deutshmanlichs have for the machines. Special thanks to Lars Eden. Siggi Franke and the Master General Surgeon Dr Thiede. Thank you for instilling this discipline unto me at the Edith-Stein Haus . My Spirit never tires to ruminate over Martin-Luther- Straße 13, 97072 Würzburg and Station 6 of Zentrum Operativ Medizine. You taught me the art of phlebotomy. You taught me the rudiments of Surgery. I will forever remember that I am Bavarian too. Much winks to the Bavarian Illuminati Spirits especially Siggi Franke (much winks to him). I shall not forget Saint Patrick’s. O yes! I am a Patrician. Stainless Whites and green pullovers over polished brown leather sandals without socks! Stockings were for Primary school kids. I rememberIkechi my day school patron and 'Kupelo'. I remember, the Inscription “Grand MasterFlash Ye Lord B” but more importantly Xavier house was the home of the Kungfu Master. I never forgot what he taught me. It’s a pity one of us had to pay at one time or the other for practice. This is not an apology! I was just honing my skills. However thank you Tosin F for teaching me a lesson. The lesson was to fight more often. Five fights in a lifetime is too few for a man. But the greatest lesson is how to win a fight without fighting. O.V. is one of my victims. Thank you for conceding 'bully-ship' to me. For you it must have been wiseness (sic) but it may have been foolishness. The little victories and the defeats: Angels and Demons it is to me, it is all the same. It is all an illusion. Can you imagine my indignation at the time of our having to have a 'picnic ' at the home of our dead colleague? Life is all good and bad. All are good and bad at the same time. I hate that we always squabbled but see what we made out of it? I remember Bourke Okwale! What could this demon be doing in School? What could this demon be talking to Obidike about? And before you knew it I had suffered my first concussion in Medical School. Holy Demons! All of a sudden another Fallen Angel was talking about Indianensis. He even said it was Indianensis Universitatis. O Lord have mercy! Lux et Veritas . This Fallen Angel goes by the name Doctylo. His spirit was in the kind of doldrums which mine was in for a couple of months thanks to another great Bavarian from Orlu. Excuse my perspicacity or lack of it. Angels and Demons they are. Should I give in to my emotions or should I not? Is there any place such as a neutral ground? Perspective is very important. The plane from which one is operating at any point in time after singularity is just as important as the operation and the operant. All the great men have had to pass through this lake of fire. The furnace of purification that separates the straw from the gold on the arduous road that leads to enlightenment. On this road to perdition or salvation one must be thankful to all the guideposts along the way, along the years, and in the future! Winks is all I have for you: For you light the flame to forge the man. © 2014 Laive Waya |
Added on July 24, 2014 Last Updated on July 24, 2014 Tags: kundalini, cosmic consciousness, budha, illumination |