Chapter 9

Chapter 9

A Chapter by Laura

This is chapter 9 of my book Knight. I hope you like it :-)


Chapter Nine


I walked around with a smile plastered on my face. My mind forgot about all the impossibility of us ever having a relationship. I dwelled in the bliss of ignorance thinking about how it had seemed today, so easy. Summer’s reaction to Christan and I made me think about telling Sebastian and Matt. Sebastian would probably react the same way that Summer had and if he didn’t she’d soon make him change his mind, Sebastian wouldn’t last a day without Summer by his side, but telling Matt was the real worry.

He’d never understand! He’d feel hurt and betrayed by me as I had promised him I wouldn’t let Christan have me.

   The next day I didn’t make such an effort for school but still dressed nicely in a pair of high waisted purple jeans, bringing out the colour of my eyes and a tight white vest top. Again everything seemed easy between Christan and I and I was having a great day with him walking with me in-between lessons and at lunch and break he even offered the ditch all of his football mates to come and sit with me, although I told him not to so I could spend some time with Matt, Sebastian and Summer.

   Matt was starting to get a little suspicious at the amount of time I was spending with Christan.

“Why is he walking you to lessons?” He asked while the four of us were sitting in the canteen at lunch.

“Well we do both have practically the same timetables.” I said knowing it was a rubbish argument.

“Well that doesn’t explain why he dropped you off at English or why he was waiting for you at the end.” Snapped Matt knowing I was hiding something. Summer looked at me worried, Matt might know something.

“So there’s nothing going on between you?” Matt asked looking deep into my eyes. I took a second to answer still wondering whether I was ready for him to know.

“No, we’re just friends.” I smiled fakely hoping Matt wasn’t watching me that carefully. Matt stared at me for a while after I answered before excusing himself from the table. Summer gave me a look as if to say you shouldn’t lie to him like that, but I moved my gaze to span the room and saw Christan waiting for me at the door to the canteen. I said goodbye to Summer and Sebastian before meeting him at the door.

“Hey gorgeous.” He said, his faint welsh accent seeming stronger than usual. I smiled back and we started to walk together towards the changing rooms. He didn’t take his eyes off me the whole time we were walking, it looked like he was planning to saying something but was too nervous to spit it out.

“What is it?”I asked curious.

“Nothing, don’t worry, anyway I’d better go and get changed, see you in a minute.” He kissed me lightly on the lips before walking into the boys changing rooms.

   Now everyone knew that I was good at basketball as well as football I seemed to be the most wanted. Connor, after losing most of the games to Christan’s team, wasn’t in a good mood most lessons but today he seemed to have a grin on his face. When Coach Martin got both of the boys to pick their teams Connor went first.

“Viola.” He said staring right at me. Christan looked at Connor shocked and annoyed.

What? Connor had picked me? But he always picked Riley first, who also looked annoyed probably because now his other mate had chosen me over him. Because Connor has taken me Christan picked Riley and then after that the teams ended up being pretty much the same as normal.

   When we were having our huddle, like the time before, I listened in to the other team.

“I can’t believe he took Viola!” snapped Christan.

“I know I mean when you picked her over us we were annoyed but we got why.” Riley moaned looking over at me. The rest of the guys agreed with Riley and were annoyed.

“I guess he just really wants to win for once.” said Bradley looking at Christan. “And come on she’s the best player.”

“Which means we’re gonna have to really work okay?” asked Christan rhetorically trying to motivate his team. “Everyone,” he started making them huddle in closer. “This games tack tic is one on one. Everyone choose a person from the other team. I’m taking Viola and Riley I suggest you take Connor. Now if we can stay one step ahead of our rival we can win this, Break.”

   At that moment the whistle went and everyone got into their places. Christan stood opposite me and I winked at him before running in and getting the ball. He came at me but I was too fast. I danced around him like a ballerina while still managing to dribble the ball. When I was close enough to the basket I jumped and scored the first point. Connor cheered and Christan took a new stance under the hoop.

   Next time when I started to get up there he mirrored my moves and when I went up to jump he jumped too, which through me off guard, then while I wasn’t paying attention punched the ball from my hands to Riley. When I touched the floor I gawped at him impressed. He then ran after Riley who passed him the ball just before he jumped and hit it into the hoop. I smiled; he must have been practicing. Christan turned around and gave me a cheeky grin. I knew what I was up against now. Game on.

   I pulled out all the stops scoring six more goals giving us a total of seven at the end of the game. Christan’s team only scored another five meaning we beat them by one point but they all looked very proud of themselves.

“How long have you been able to do that?” I asked Christan at the end of the game.

“You know, a while, a few weeks, kinda been practicing ever since you showed me up in the gym and I smacked myself in the face.” He smiled and started to look at me the same why he had when we’d been walking.

“Whatever it is just spit it out.” I smiled looking at him politely so he’d hopefully feel like he could tell me whatever it was.

“I was going to ask, well I know I already have but I don’t think you were really listening then...” It sounded like he was talking to himself. “Well I was gonna ask if you would like to come to Connor’s party with me...” he trailed off nervously. I smiled at him and laughed.

“Of course I will. I’d love to.” He beamed at the words like a little child would if they’d just found out they were getting ice cream.

“Okay, I’ll pick you up before hand.” He smiled, I didn’t want him to do that because the guys didn’t know about us or how I felt for him and I didn’t want to fuel what Matt already thought.

“Don’t do that. I live half way up Mount Snowdon. It would be easier, if you’re offering to take me, that I just come to yours before hand and we go from there.” I looked at him hoping I hadn’t upset him by kind of rejecting his offer.

“Okay that’s great and I live at The Manor by the way.” And with that he walked off to get changed.

   When I was changed he was waiting for me again, maybe he was planning on walking me to my car, but an already suspicious Matt was also waiting so I told him I had to go and hugged him tilting my head so he couldn’t kiss me.

“See you tomorrow.” He smiled at me. “Be at mine around half seven.” I nodded at him before turning and walking up to Matt.

“What’s happening tomorrow?” He asked was we got close to Sebastian’s Jeep.

“Nothing, don’t worry about it.” I said before speeding up to get to the car faster giving him less time to quiz me.  

© 2013 Laura

Author's Note

Sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, I'm dyslexic.

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Added on March 31, 2013
Last Updated on March 31, 2013
Tags: Vampires, Knight



United Kingdom

I'm Laura and I joined when I was 13, I haven't really used this a lot over the past couple of years but am starting again. I am 17 now and I enjoy most genres when it comes to books, particularly fan.. more..

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