Chapter 8

Chapter 8

A Chapter by Laura

This is the eighth chapter of Knight, I hope you like it :-)


Chapter Eight


When I woke up I had a splitting headache. I was hoping I was going to wake up and this all would have just been a dream. I rolled out of bed and got into my Donna Bella maxi dress ready for school, then did my hair and makeup, even though I already had inhuman beauty. I put my Ray Bans on as the sun was streaming through the window and then started to walk down the stairs. Matt’s eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw me. Confused I stopped and looked in the mirror at my reflection. I hadn’t realised how much effort I’d put into my appearance today. Matt shook his head as if to clear his mind.

“Sorry...” he muttered trailing off while running his hand through his short dark brown hair. He disappeared into the garden passing Summer on the way.

“Wow foxy lady!” She said seductively.

“So Vi who you trying to impress?”I ignored her question looking away and walking to pick up a peach from the fruit bowl.

“Vi?” she said a little more concerned.

“It’s for no one. Aren’t I aloud to take some proud in my appearance every once in a while?!” With that I left the house and started to walk down the drive.

“It’s true what people were saying yesterday isn’t it.” Summer said in the door way. “You really did kiss that Christan boy.” I span around and looked at her in complete horror but I knew I couldn’t lie to her.

“Yes...I did but it was was nothing...” It sounded like I was telling myself that rather than Summer. She ran up to me and gave me a big hug. “It’s going to be okay, and don’t worry I don’t think either of the guys know. Just tell me when you’ve figured out what’s happening.” She smiled reassuring me before giving me another big hug.

     I got to school a little earlier than everyone else; obviously my walking speed had been a bit fast today even if I did leave two hours early for school. I walked in, went to my locker and got out my books. First period was Music and even though it was one of my best subjects it meant I’d have to confront my fears earlier than I would have hoped. Christan was in this lesson so I wouldn’t have any time to think of what I was going to say to him.

     Slowly I walked down the empty corridor to the west block of the school to my class room and sat in one of the back sets by the window. I got out my note pad and started drawing something while looking out the window; it was ten minutes before someone else walked into the empty classroom. I looked up and there he was. I didn’t seem to be the only person who had made an effort to look good today. His golden hair shone in the sunlight in its very well choreographed mess. His top showed just how impressive his muscular physic was and he was wearing chino trouser that made him look like one of the models out of this season Ralph Lauren catalogue. Taking off this own pair of Ray bans he came and sat next to me.

“Hey.” He smiled at me huskily. His breath smiled amazing; cinnamon and chocolate. I was just gazing into his eyes, so blue, like sapphires. I smiled looking at his face. Suddenly like I’d just been hit I remembered what I’d told myself. I wasn’t going to let it affect me.

“Hi.” I said while repositioning myself in my chair before looking back outside the window.

   He kept staring at me for a few minutes before sighing.

“Great. You’ve gone back to ignoring me.”I turned to see his face looked hurt and annoyed. I wanted to explain to him why I wasn’t talking to him but I reframed myself.

“Sorry it’s for the best.” my face looked as upset as his.

“How is it?”He asked. I could think of at least five reasons but not one of them I could tell him.

“Is this because of this Matt guy you live with? Are you two together or something?”

“No we’re not, we’re just friends.”I replied complete truth in my eyes.

“Then what is it Viola, what?” His face was so close to me now I could feel his breath on my face; I was swimming in the cinnamon-chocolate aroma.

“I mean I’ve never tired this hard to get a girl!” He exclaimed. I couldn’t help looking at his lips, full and rose coloured. I began closing the short distance between us before I realised I was. I put my hands on his face and drew it to mine in a sudden surge of lust.

  Our lips were intertwined, my hands running through his hair, his around my waist drawing me nearer to him. I was practically sitting on his lap; the kiss becoming very heated and passionate when someone coughed. We both stopped immediately and turned to see Mr Turner standing in the door way. Christan’s face went red with embarrassment. While I just moved back to sit on my chair and quickly looked out the window again, and I could swear I saw something or someone moving in the bushes. “What are you kids doing here so early?” Mr Turner asked after he’d put his brief case down on the desk.

“Erm...” Christan said not sure what to say.

“Oh it’s my fault sir.” I replied. “I gave Christan a lift in cause I thought we were going to be late. My phone must have the wrong time.” I quickly changed the time on my phone before sliding it to the teacher.

“Well you can just sit here quietly and wait for the others to get here.” With that he walked out of the room muttering to himself about how he’d never seen two students like that before.

   Christan turned to me as soon as he’d left the room. We both smiled at each other and couldn’t help but laugh.

“God! He’s never gonna look at us the same way.” Christan laughed smiling so sweetly. I looked at him and knew that I couldn’t ignore him, it wasn’t right. I also knew what this meant.

“Look Christan, don’t worry I’m not going to ignore you again but can we just, take it slow?” I asked while thinking how stupid this question must be after we just made out for several minutes.

“Okay.” He answered; his face beaming. “Does this mean you’re my girlfriend?” His smile grew. “Let’s just see how we go blondie.” I mocked winking at him making him laugh.


The rest of the day was great! Christen walked me to my English lesson and always looked at me when I was in the canteen, winking at me whenever we made eye contact making me smile or laugh.

“You’re like a love sick teenager Vi! It’s like you’re in love with the guy!” Summer said to me when we were alone at the beginning of lunch.

“You can barely last three minutes without looking at his table!” I looked away from her ashamed. This morning I’d told myself he meant nothing to me, but as soon as I saw him it was like I forgot all the reasons we couldn’t be together and all I knew was that I wanted him. I hadn’t realised how much until today. I guess I must have been suppressing it for so long that now it is just overwhelming me.

“You promised to tell me when you’ve figured out what’s happening and by the way you are acting, I’d say you’ve figured it out.” She raised her eyebrow at me looking serious.

“Okay right well something kinda happened this morning.” I began before telling her everything that had happened in the music classroom; she particularly liked the bit where Mr Turner caught us. When I’d told her about what Christan and I had agreed, to take it slow, she smiled at me.

“I’m so happy for you.” She beamed. This was hardly what I’d expected I was waiting for everyone to kill me over it.

“What?” I asked.

“This is great, you’ve finally found someone! You’ve never had a proper boyfriend Viola, ever! I mean you been around or nearly four hundred- five hundred years and you’ve never found anyone that you have liked or wanted to be with.” When she put it like that I realised that this really had never happened to me and that that might mean something. I had never seen anything in the men I met, thinking the lot of them were shallow and only interested because of my inhuman beauty, but Christen seemed to be the exception, I mean I even tried to make myself look even more beautiful just to impress him. I began to wonder, had it really been love at first sight? I’d only known him for two month, but was that enough time to fall in love? Was this natural?

  Summer heard the thoughts going through my head. She grabbed hold of my hands making me look her in the eye.

“Vi, I don’t know the answer to your questions but I can tell that you like him a lot and so my only advice is just make sure Kate doesn’t find out. I know it will be hard but you know Sebastian and I won’t tell her and I’m sure Matt wont. You don’t even have to tell the guys if you don’t want.” She smiled at me reassuringly. I smiled back just happy to know I had someone on my side who didn’t think I was crazy.

When it came to last period I got changed for P.E. faster than usual just wanting to be there so I could see Christan properly again. We were now on to basketball, that’s why Christan had been practicing. Connor and Christan were captains again like normal. No one in this class knew how good at basketball I was apart from Christen; for all the rest knew, I might only have been good with a football.

   The guys picked their teams Connor first going for Riley and Christen picking me, annoying quite a few of the boys. When our teams were sorted each team had a huddle before we started to play to sort out our tactics. 

“Right Kyle and Bradley you guys are going to be our defence. Jordan I need you to cover Riley and Max you cover Connor. Viola well it’s obvious what you doing, just do what you did a few months ago.” He smiled at me but I was only half listening to him, I was more interested in the other teams huddle.

“As if he chose that Knight Girl over us!” Lee complained looking in our direction.

“I know! Just cause she’s good at football doesn’t mean she is better than us at this.” Another boy said sounding annoyed. But then Connor cut in.

“I’m not that surprised really.” All the guys and Daisy looked at him as if they were missing something.

“Didn’t you guys hear about their kiss yesterday? They are totally on it! And even if they aren’t he’s head over heels for her, I mean god all he does is talk about her, so really it was obvious he was going to pick her over you guys.” Everyone in their team looked over at us. Some of the boys looked shocked others annoyed, but at that moment Coach Martin blow the whistle that told us to get in our positions.

“Why does he always get the hot girls?” Lee whispered to Riley as they walked into the middle of the court.   


  By the end of the game everyone knew why Christan had picked me. We’d won the game 10-1 with me scoring about seven slam dunks leaving everyone speechless apart from Christan.

“You are gonna have to teach me how you do that!” He said to me as we walked out of the gym, before going to get changed. 

© 2013 Laura

Author's Note

Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes! I'm dyslexic

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Added on March 31, 2013
Last Updated on March 31, 2013
Tags: Knight, Vampires, Death, Basketball, Teens



United Kingdom

I'm Laura and I joined when I was 13, I haven't really used this a lot over the past couple of years but am starting again. I am 17 now and I enjoy most genres when it comes to books, particularly fan.. more..

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