![]() Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann LowellA Chapter by Lady_Wicca65![]() Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell arrives on Star Base 12![]() ![]() Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell arrives on Star Base 12 from War Torn Planet Earth that is devastated by nuclear war. Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell is about to start her first year at Star Fleet Academy on Star Base 12. Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell left war torn earth after she lost her beloved fiancee Roy L Mock. She boarded the United Star-ship Republic with 499 other young people. Some of the young people were going to get off at on Star Base 10 and the remaining were going to get off on Star Base 12. Both Star Bases were inhabited by descendants from the European aristocracy. Star Base 10 consisted mainly of Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Irish, Spanish, and mixed aristocracy. Star Base 12 on the other hand consisted of the English, French and Scottish aristocracy and the main families were The Howard's, The Grey's and their numerous descendants. The most prominent aristocrat on Star Base 12 was Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR that was a descendant of King John's oldest son Prince Thomas of Brotheton and he was also a direct descendant of Lord John Howard, 1st Duke of Norfolk under the reign of King Richard III. Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR was the second son of Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR and Lady Sarah Winston. Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR had three sons, Lord Charles Andrew JR, Lord Richard Edward JR and Lord Edwin William Howard and one daughter, Lady Sophia Dorothea Howard. Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR was the second son of Lord Frederick William Howard and Lady Beatrice Wilhelmina Stuart. Lord Frederick William Howard and Lady Beatrice Wilhelmina Stuart had four children, Lord Frederick William JR, Lord Charles Andrew, Lady Anastasia Charlotte, Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Frederica Wilhelmina. Lord Frederick William was the eldest son of Lord Patrick William Howard and Lady Penelope Margaret Devereux that arrives on Star Base 12 in the year of 2024. Lord Patrick William told his beloved Lady Patricia to pack up their belongings as England had been devastated by nuclear war and the water was undrinkable and the earth was unable to unable to sustain vegetation. Lady Penelope started to pack up their belongings that consisted of their silverware, wedding picture, some family pictures and only what they could take aboard the USS Excalibur and with some other prominent families they boarded the USS Excalibur with the Grey's, The Stuart's and some other families. Lord Patrick William and Lady Margaret with the other families arrived on Star Base 12 on January 2025 after a five year journey. When the Excalibur shuttle-craft beamed down and when Lord Patrick William and Lady Patricia were the first ones to get out followed by Lord Henry Grey and Lady Georgina Churchill followed by Lord Matthew Stuart and Lady Margaret Douglas. Lord Patrick William claimed the north territory of Star Base 12 and he named it after his beloved Norfolk in England, Lord Henry Grey claimed the South territory of Star Base 12 and named it after his beloved Suffolk that he had to leave in England and Lord Matthew Stuart claimed the foothills of North-West territory it called Lennox territory as it reminded him of the Scottish highlands of his beloved Scotland. Lord Patrick William Howard was an accomplished architect and he started to draft a blue print of their new home. Lord Patrick William made sure that his beloved Lady Patricia and he had a roof over their heads. It was simple and in the country and he promised a grander manor after he completed their new home but Lady Penelope was happy with their country manor in Norfolk Territory. Lady Penelope was an accomplished seamstress and she started up her own business and she made the other ladies dresses and she preferred the regency style dresses but she did almost any style from Regency to Edwardian style dresses and all the ladies came to her to make their dresses. Lady Patricia gave birth to their first child, Lord Frederick William in 2045 and following him Lord Richard Edward in 2051, followed by Lady Victoria Charlotte in 2057, followed by Lord Patrick William in 2062, and Norfolk Territory was secure. Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell walks out of the shuttle craft and she takes a suite at Madame's Boarding House. She is old fashion in some ways but she is unconventional in other ways when it comes to marriage. Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell is a Pagan and she doesn't believe in a male deity that oppresses women and treats them like second class citizens and when she accepts a suite at Madame's Boarding House she is given the best suite at Madame's with a view of the garden. Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell loves to sing and dance and she doesn't take notice to who is watching her as she sings and dances on top of the hilltop that overlooks Star Fleet Academy. Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell loves to read, she loves art, and literature and she loves nature. The other young women that reside at Madame's Boarding House are aristocrats and she calls them "Stuffy runny nose aristocrats." Most of the young women there are attending Finishing school and she is about to start Star Fleet Academy and she is going to pursue a career in Medical Science and Pediatrics. Well, in July of 2274 she is sitting on the top of the hill that overlooks Star Fleet Academy and she starts dancing and singing under the bright sunlight of Star Base 12 and she doesn't realize that there are three gentlemen watching but she doesn't notice. Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley, Lt.Commander David Beck, and Lord Andrew Charles Howard the youngest and unconventional son of Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and Lady Patricia Eugenie Howard nee Stuart. Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell takes no notice who is watching her and she is Pagan and they love music and nature. Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley is the first to notice Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell and he is a Junior at Star Fleet Academy. Lt Kevin Thomas Riley was born in the year of 2249 on Planet Q and he starts to study at Star Fleet Academy on Star Base 12 in 2267 at the age of 18. The second gentleman to take notice of Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell is Lt. Commander David William Beck who is also a descendant of Lord John Howard the 2nd Duke of Norfolk through is son, Lord Thomas Howard but through the female side. Lt. Commander David William Beck was the grandson of Lord Edwin William Howard was the third son of Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR and Lady Sarah Winston and he married Lady Penelope Rich nee Devereux who was the daughter of Lord Walter Devereux and Lady Lettice Knolly who was a direct descendant of Lady Mary Boleyn the eldest daughter of Lord Thomas Boleyn and Lady Elizabeth Howard the eldest daughter of Lord Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk and his first wife, Lady Elizabeth Tilney that blessed him with many children three were Lord Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk, Lady Elizabeth Howard that married Lord Thomas Boleyn and she gave him three children, Lady Mary Boleyn, Lord George Boleyn and Queen Anne Boleyn that married King Henry VIII of England and they were the parent's of the greatest Queen that England ever saw her name was Queen Elizabeth the First of England. Lord Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk had another son Lord Edwin Howard and he married Lady Joyce Culpepper and she blessed him with a daughter, Lady Katheryn Howard that married King Henry VIII of England in 1540. Lord David William Beck mother was Lady Eliza Katherine Howard the only daughter of Lord Edwin William Howard and Lady Penelope Rich nee Devereux and she was born in 2225 and she forced to marry Lord William David Beck in 2243 and she gave birth to Lord David William Beck in 2245. Lord David William Beck turned five years old when Lord Andrew Charles Howard was born in 2250 and they were first cousins's once removed. Lord Edwin William Howard was not given a title as his eldest brother Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR was and his middle brother, Lord Richard Edward Howard married against his father's will and he lost his right to his inheritance. Lord Charles Andrew Howard married Lady Patricia Eugene Stuart in June of 2228 much against will as he was in love with another woman, Lady Charlotte Augusta Beck the sister of Lord William David Beck that married his niece, Lady Eliza Katherine Howard. Lady Patricia Stuart protested to her father Lord Matthew Stuart that she didn't love Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR but it didn't do good and she was dragged to the altar and they were married. Lady Patricia despite of her marriage with Lord Charles Andrew Howard blessed him with five children, Lord Charles Andrew III in 2230, followed by Lady Patricia Charlene in 2235, followed by Lord Patrick William in 2240, followed by Lady Charlotte Augusta in 2245 and finally Lord Andrew Charles in 2250. ![]() Lord Andrew Charles Howard was the youngest son of Lord Charles Andrew Howard and he didn't believe in the aristocracy and he refused to marry a woman that he didn't love. Lord Andrew Charles Howard was tall, good looking, but he was unconventional and he was rebellious and defiant but again then again very few younger sons succeed their father's to their Dukedoms. Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR like every aristocrat made sure that his children married into some of the most prominent families on Star Base 12 and it started with Lord Charles Andrew Howard III with Lady Victoria Charlotte Stanhope in 2251. The next one to marry was his eldest daughter Lady Patricia Charlene to Lord Ralph Neville in 2253, followed by Lord Patrick William to Lady Pauline Charlene Stafford in 2258 and then Lady Charlotte Augusta to Lord Charles Patrick Stafford in 2263 and that only left Lord Andrew Charles to marry in 2269. Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR summoned his youngest son, Lord Andrew Charles into drawing room and he said, " It's time that you marry Lord Andrew Charles." "I will not marry a woman that I don't love father and mother. " Lord Andrew Charles exclaims. "I have seen the disastrous marriages of Lord Charles Andrew III and Lord Patrick William." Lord Andrew states. "Neither of your brother's have produced one child since they were married Lord Andrew Charles." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells him. "Is that my fault father. " Lord Andrew Charles asks. "Personally I wouldn't touch either of them if I didn't love them." Lord Andrew Charles states. "You didn't want to marry mother as you told me so." Lord Andrew Charles protests. "I will not marry a woman that I don't love and furthermore I will not even consummate my marriage with them." Lord Andrew Charles states. "Tell my brother's to start making love to their wives." Lord Andrew Charles protests and with that Lord Andrew Charles bows and exits the drawing room. Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR looks at his wife Lady Patricia and she just looks at him, but what can he do. ____________________________________ Meanwhile, Cadet Karissa Lowell is see on top of the hill that overlooks Star Fleet Academy and she is sitting under the tall oak tree. ![]() Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell was reading her favorite novel "The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley approaches her and he introduces himself to her."Good Morning I am Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley." Lt Riley says. Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell doesn't look up from her novel that she is reading, so he repeats himself "Good Morning." "I heard you the first time Lt.Riley." Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell answers. "You are new here aren't you?" Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley asks. "I have just arrived on Star Base 12." Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell tells him. "I am going to start at Star Fleet Academy in the fall." Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell explains. "What is your major?" Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley asks. "I am going to study Medical Science with a major in pediatrics." Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell explains. "I am a junior at Star Fleet Academy and I have a double major of navigation and engineering." Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley explains. "Next year I hope to receive an internship on board the U.S.S. Enterprise for four years." Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley states. "I will never go on board another Starship again. The voyage from Earth to Star Base 12 was long." Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell explains. "I boarded the U.S.S. Republic in 2270 and we didn't arrive here until 2274." Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell. explains. "Where do you live Cadet Lowell?" Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley asks. "I live out at Madame's Boarding House on the outskirt of Star Base 12 nestled in the foothills where there are meadows, forests, and gardens." Cadet Karissa Lowell explains and "You Lt. Riley?" "I live on campus and I share a dorm with two other officers." Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley states. "How very boring?" I checked out the women's dorms there and when I saw what the women wore I was appalled." Cadet Karissa Lowell exclaims. "I much prefer Madame's Boarding House as at least the young women dress more appropriately." Cadet Karissa Lowell tells Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley. "I must say you are an unusual young woman Cadet Lowell." Lt Kevin Thomas Riley tells her. "I will take that as a compliment from you Lt. Riley." Cadet Karissa Lowell tells him. "You do realize that other's are watching you?" Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley asks. "They may watch all they want too." Cadet Karissa Lowell answers and with that Lt Kevin Thomas Riley bows and he excuses himself and walks back down the hill leaving Cadet Karissa Lowell to read her novel. © 2021 Lady_Wicca65 |
Added on February 18, 2021 Last Updated on February 18, 2021 Tags: Star Trek Spiritual, Fan Fiction, Romance, Historical, Regency, Music, and love Author