![]() LearningA Chapter by Closet Writer![]() Chapter two![]() Standing outside the store I notice it getting late and look
at Derek, this soldier and ask, “How long have you been here in Maine”? He
smirks, “Only a couple weeks now, you’re the first person I have talked to who
does not wear a uniform.” I smile and tell him quickly, “It is getting late and
I have to be home. I would like to stay and talk longer but I am starting to
get cold.” Nodding he says, “I understand and I have to be getting back to
barracks anyway! Nice to meet you Valery, is there a chance I can see you again
tomorrow. I hesitantly respond that we should maybe know each other more and
hand him my email address. He smiles and says, “Later Valery.” I wave and turn
to walk home. As I walk away I think to myself. I just met a man, and he is a
soldier, and he is beautiful and he spoke to me! I have a sudden urge to jump
for joy, but don’t for fear of making a fool of myself. Then it hit me! I just
gave this soldier my email! Will he actually email me? What could he possibly
say! Oh my! What Have I done! I slowly trot up the drive way and into the
house. Hanging my backpack on the small hook next to the door, I go to the
sitting room. I catch myself looking at the computer thinking there is no
way he is going to email me, when suddenly I hear a small notification calling
me to look at the computer. An email from an address I have never seen. To Valery Gail From Derek Phelps Subject Hello Again Hello
Valery, I thought I would let you know I am very happy to have talked with you
today! Looking forward to it again very soon. Sincerely PVT D. Phelps United States Army To Derek Phelps From Valery Gail Subject Meeting you Well
Derek what brings you to want to know me so much that you felt the need to wait
outside the store and get to know me? I am truly shocked that you sought me
out! Sincerely Valery Gail To Valery Gail From Derek Phelps Subject I had to know Valery,
I have passed lots of people on the street but when I passed by you I could not
shake it I had to know you. So far I am impressed you have decided to befriend
a perfect stranger. I have to see you again meet me tomorrow at the small park!
Sincerely PVT D Phelps United States Army I slowly read the email, and when I do I decide not to
reply. I Sit quietly and think. What have I done to intrigue him so? “Derek
Phelps”, I say out loud to myself. He wants to know me, what is there to know
about me! I am a small town girl from Maine… I run and sit back on the couch
and turn and look at the picture of my father. He was also a soldier, he was
killed only three years ago and since then it’s just been mom and me! The
thought of talking to a man who puts his life on the line day to day must make
me seem so dull and boring. After dad passed mom was hard to console. What
would she say to me for being friends with this soldier? After a moment mom
walks in and I run and greet her with a hug and a smile. She hugs me back and
asks, “Everything okay dear?” I respond, “Yes momma, and just want you to know
we are okay, you’re doing a great job! She looks at me and a soft smile graces
her lips. She kisses my head and walks into the kitchen. I decide its Friday
and I should probably do something other than fantasies over what happen today.
I pick up the phone to call Emily. Emily Answered, “Hey girl!” I pause and sign “Hey, we need
something to do tonight!” Emily responded with a soft voice almost guilty, “Valery
I have a date I am sorry.” I sat and pondered a moment and thought to myself
maybe I can make plans with Derek suddenly a gin appeared and I told Emily, “It
is okay, have fun on your date! BYE!” TO Derek Phelps From Valery Gail Subject Tonight I have
no plans an need out would you like to hang out? Sincerely Valery Gail. Then as she waited for a response she thought how crazy it
was that she technically asked this man on a date, or was it just friends? Surely
I can’t ask that would not make since. Oh no! To Valery Gail From Derek Phelps Subject Tonight I would
love to meet you at the pier Sincerely Derek Phelps PVT D Phelps United States Army I sign off the computer and go get dressed. I find my boots
and favorite jeans. Going through my closet I find a comfortable but warm and
fashionable sweater it was cold out and I knew it would probably get colder. So
before I left I looked at my hair, it was flat and frizzy so I make a messy bun
and use my hair tie to place it on top my head. Only an hour later and I am at the pier, when I look and see
this beautiful man walk up. “HEY!” I shout! And he responds with a soft “Hello.”
I notice he is wearing much washed jeans and boots with a nice long sleeve
shirt that accents his dark skin and a jacket is wrapped over his arm I assume in
case the sweater is not enough. He walks over and sits next to me on the bench
right in front of the water. He speaks in a cheery voice, “So this is our first
date?” I flush red and think oh my is it, is this what he wants, I sit in
question. I ask him “Is this a date?” He goes it can be and I am suddenly far
from cold in fact I am in such shock and my nerves are crazy and I look at him
in some sort of awe and I am not embarrassed that I was the one to ask. Date it
is I say boldly, and he smirks and takes my hand. “Shall we?” We stand and walk
up and down the pier. I ask “So where are you from?” He says openly I am from
Louisiana, and Texas, and Mississippi, and all over really. I was raised a
military child. I sigh and I can relate, because until my father was killed in
action I to had moved around an awful lot. He then asks,” Valery, what is your story?” and I stop and
pause and completely let go of this man. I turn and look at him. Softly I say, “Well
I am from all over, my father was also in the service he was a marine and he
died three years ago while overseas. This is my first home since, well since I can
remember.” He looked at me with such
empathy and softly gives his condolences for my loss. Tears burn my eyes and it
was the first time I had ever spilled my feeling about my father to anyone. Not
even Emily knew that part of me. It truly amazed me how I was able to open to
this complete stranger. He cups my chin and wipes the single fallen tear from
my face. I soon ask, “Derek what is your story” He laughs a bit and
says well I am the son of a retired service member we moved around until I was
seventeen and my parents live in Iowa and I joined as soon as I graduated high
school. Then I ask, “How old are you?” Derek says, “twenty-three” and I sigh I
am only Seventeen perhaps the age does not matter. SO I say I am seventeen. He
looks at me and says, so young. I say with a lump in my voice, “only a few more
weeks and I will be eighteen. He smiles age means nothing to me, it is my job
that it makes a difference for. I look at him and flush what are you saying
that you are willing to go against your job? He looks at me and with a puzzled
expression, “He says I will not be here for long, I ship out in three weeks but
I want nothing more than to have someone like you back home waiting for me. You
do not have to say an answer yet but after tonight and seeing you open to me I
could not want you more Valery. I gasp! Things are moving so fast! I mean we
only spoke today and we only had our first date today! He looks at me and says with a strong voice,” I know you can
handle anything just by talking to you and I could not and would not ask if I thought
this was something you could not handle. It will be our struggle and perhaps a start
to something great. I had not noticed but by the time he finished talking we
had arrived at my house, where he kissed my hand and said think about it! He
smiled and walked away. © 2014 Closet Writer |
1 Review Added on December 29, 2014 Last Updated on December 29, 2014 AuthorCloset WriterLompoc, CAAboutI am Victoria! I am 22 years young! I have been writing since I could remember! I am married with one son! My other babies consist of two rather rambunctious dogs! I am a college student, and my .. more..Writing