

A Poem by Lady Miyako-san of the West

A poem I wrote when I saw my dad after eight years of no contact with him.


I didn't think this would be hard
After all these yeard
to see you, to be near you
But it is, and I know we both know why

This pain that I feel
These tears that I shed
The hatred that I harbor
All because of you

And I try to be strong
I try not to give in
But all attempts are in vain
Because in the end, I break down

I swore I would never let anyone
hurt me this way
Yet, here you are
and here's the pain

All I ask is one thing
This simple question
I hope that you can answer


© 2009 Lady Miyako-san of the West

Author's Note

Lady Miyako-san of the West
I want you to put yourself in my shoes and think of how you would feel if your father abandoned you and your mother, then showed up eight years later.

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Added on July 21, 2009


Lady Miyako-san of the West
Lady Miyako-san of the West

Forks, WA

I am a young inspired writer who is striving for success!!! I don't do fancy and I don't do fake. I am me and I always will be, there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it, so deal with it!.. more..
